Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 31 — Birthday gift for their mother



The sky outside the cave was bright and sunny, and the sounds of chirping birds filled the forest. The sun's warmth shines through the leaves of the trees as the gentle breeze blows through the woods, making them rustle and dance. Inside the cave, Aster sat quietly, playing with his sister's long silver hair as she lay beside him in their nest.

"Hey, Asty," Silvia said softly, smiling tenderly at her baby brother's curious face. She gently brushed his soft hair with her fingers. "I'm working on something for Mommy's birthday. Would you like to see it?" she asked sweetly, her eyes twinkling brightly.

Aster stared at her with round, golden eyes, cheeks chubby and pink. Confused, he tilted his head to the side, his brow furrowed slightly.

— "Alright, I'll show you!" Silvia exclaimed, laughing gently as she patted Aster's head lovingly. She got up and walked to their corner of the cave, where she had left her unfinished gift. It was hidden beneath several blankets so their mother wouldn't accidentally find it.

She quickly returned and carefully placed it on the floor between them, right in front of Aster. "It's not finished yet..." she whispered, smiling shyly as she pushed it forward slightly so Aster could see it better. "See this?" she asked Aster, her voice hushed as she showed him her work. "It's a bracelet. Sort of," she explained.

— "It's just a knitted string with a bunch of small stones attached..." Silvia continued. "But it is really hard to attach them, you know!" Silvia pouted adorably, "But I think it looks good, even half-finished. What do you think? Do you like it?" she asked her brother as she placed the jewelry around his tiny wrist and fastened it securely, tying a knot. "There you go!" she said cheerfully as she finished attaching the bracelet to her brother.

Aster's eyes widened slightly as he stared at the colorful new accessory on his arm, admiring it closely.

— "Those are Mommy's favorite colors!" Silvia explained excitedly, her cheeks flushed pink as she admired her creation. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" she asked proudly.

— "Well, I hope she likes it." She glanced at Aster and smiled as she watched him examine the bracelet. Aster listened attentively to every word coming out of his sister's mouth. "Do you want to see how I made it, little Asty? Here, let me show you!" Silvia said excitedly as she took out several thin, long strands of thread.

— "I took this here...and I tied a loop at the end of each piece...like this...see?" She showed him the tip of a long, narrow piece of fabric attached to another piece. "Then, I tied a knot using this special technique. It took me all day to learn this... but I managed it! And then..." Silvia paused as she looked at her brother to check if he was looking and smiled sweetly before continuing to explain. "Once I made enough knots... I took a bunch of tiny stones and..."

Aster lifted his gaze to meet her eyes, staring at her curiously, blinking several times slowly, listening patiently.

— "I was thinking about putting something else on it, but I'm not sure what," Silvia said thoughtfully, glancing down at the bracelet. She continued talking, "Something... special," she whispered. She pursed her lips together in concentration, considering what would go best on it.

After a while, Silvia smiled brightly as an idea came to her.— "Ah! I've got it! Thank you, Asty!" she exclaimed cheerfully, kissing her brother on his cheek before jumping up from their little nest. "Mommy is gonna love this!"

Aster stared up at her with those big, round eyes of his, his cheeks puffed out slightly in confusion.

— "I'll put in some of our hair! Just a tiny bit," She smiled broadly at her brother, her cheeks flushed pink as she explained her plan. "That way, whenever Mommy wears it, she'll be reminded of us!" she continued excitedly, her eyes sparkling as she gazed into his curious, golden eyes.

Aster tilted his head curiously, his mouth slightly open.


— "Okay, okay! Sorry about that, buddy!" Silvia chuckled softly as she ruffled her brother's soft hair lovingly. "But look at this!" she said enthusiastically as she showed him a tiny tuft of silvery hair in her hand. "This is perfect!"

Aster gazed at her, an awkward smile forming on his lips as he saw his hair in her hand.

— "First, I'll cut off this tiny piece, and..." Silvia narrated her actions as she began to work on the bracelet, explaining everything as she worked. When there was nothing else to explain, she hummed softly under her breath as she concentrated on the task.

Aster watched her closely. His attention focused entirely on her hands as if he understood everything she was doing.

— "Next, we gotta take some of my hair as well, like this..." She began cutting off bits of her silver locks, "And we place your hair and mine in this knot right here... And then..." she mumbled to herself as she continued. "Here...Almost there... just... one... more... thing..." She tied the last knot, securing everything neatly before raising her arm triumphantly in victory.

— "Tada!" she exclaimed enthusiastically, holding the bracelet up for her brother to admire. "What do you think, little brother? Mommy will love this!" Silvia grinned widely as she saw him react positively to her handiwork, even though it was simply a smile on his face. "I know, right?!" she agreed, nodding eagerly. "I am really good at making stuff like this, huh?" Silvia giggled while Aster stared at her.

She hummed happily while holding the bracelet close to her chest. "Thank you for helping me out today, little brother!" she thanked him sweetly.




Silvia had been working hard on finishing the bracelet for her mother's birthday, which was soon approaching. Whenever her mother was out, she spent hours sitting cross-legged, carefully twisting and arranging the strings and stones on the bracelet to make it look perfect.

And then, finally, the day of Nivalis's birthday arrived.

In the quiet of the dimly lit cave, Silvia nestled peacefully on her mother's chest, her silvery hair cascading across her mother's torso, forming a shimmering blanket around them. Her delicate, tiny mouth was slightly open, revealing her mother's erect nipple gently enclosed between her soft pink lips.

Silvia unconsciously sucked on the nipple with the slow, rhythmic motion of a pacifier. A faint trace of white fluid appeared at the corner of her lips, and the milk slowly leaked down her throat as she swallowed it in small gulps.

Hushed sounds of her sucking could be heard faintly in the silence of the cave. Each movement of Silvia's lips caused her sweet saliva to drip down the sensitive peak of her mother's breast, leaving a delicate stain upon her mother's pale, smooth skin.

Nivalis, too, slept soundly, her chest rising and falling with each deep breath. Her head tilted gently to the side, her silver hair falling beautifully across her shoulder in a silky cascade, intervening with her daughter's locks. Nivalis's hands rested loosely around Silvia's petite frame on her back. Overnight, though, her right arm unconsciously slid down to Silvia's little bum, where it stayed.

The little girl and her mother were completely naked — skin touching skin, embraced by the warmth and love that only family can provide. For Silvia, it was the most pleasant place to be, safe and warm in her mother's arms. The gentle pressure of her mother's touch on her little bum caused Silvia to shift ever so slightly, but in doing so, the hardened nipple slid even deeper into her tiny mouth. Silvia's sleeping face frowned momentarily, and her hands clung tightly around Nivalis's waist, grasping her in a possessive grip.

Little Aster slept nearby, wrapped in his own blanket, close to Nivalis's face. They slept like this for many hours.

Silvia woke to the strange moisture on her face. She blinked once, twice, and then rubbed her eyes sleepily before looking around, noticing that it was still a deep night. 'Oh, right! This is Mommy's birthday today!' Silvia thought, her golden eyes twinkling with excitement at the realization.

Then she looked down and found her entire mother's breast soaked in her saliva, making a wet mess.— "What is~" Silvia mumbled as she stared at her mom's glistening, wet breast, the nipple poking out of the sticky mixture of spit and milk. She had no idea how long she'd been drooling in her sleep, but by the looks of it, she'd been at it for hours. Silvia looked up, saw her mother, and heard her slow breathing. Her long, silvery hair covered most of her face as she slept peacefully, seemingly undisturbed.

― "What should I do now?" Silvia wondered anxiously. She couldn't help but feel ashamed as she wiped away the moisture from her mouth and chin using her arm. The embarrassment washed over Silvia as she remembered past times when she had awoken to similar circumstances. But today is her mother's birthday, and she wanted it to be perfect.

— "She still asleep... I just need to wipe it off quietly," Silvia whispered to herself. Then, with her tiny hand, she reached up and brushed over her mother's wet breast, trying to wipe the moisture away but only making it worse by spreading it around more. "Ew... gross," Silvia whispered again, grimacing in disgust as her palms and fingers became slick with sticky, slippery drool. She shook her hand, attempting to get rid of it, but only succeeded in flicking off a few droplets of liquid that splattered on her mother's stomach.

Silvia whispered, "Oh no..." as she looked at her hand. Her first thought was to wipe it off with the blanket, but she quickly realized that it would leave a huge stain, so she needed to find something else to clean it. However, if she got up to search for something, it might wake up her mother, and she didn't want that.

— "Maybe..." Silvia's voice trailed off. She took a deep breath and brought her hand to her mouth. She stuck out her tiny, glistening tongue and hesitantly began to lick her fingers, tasting her own spit mixed with her mother's milk. She could feel it running down her throat as she gulped it down, trying to swallow as quickly as possible. The taste was disgusting and slimy, but it needed to be done. She had to get rid of it somehow.

She ran her tongue over her fingers, sucking on each one individually, getting rid of any remnants of the drool. She then licked the palm of her hand, slurping up the leftover spit off her skin, swallowing it down her throat, and filling her belly with its gross, slimy texture. She shuddered in disgust, but she couldn't stop, pull away, or even bring herself to look at her fingers or her palm anymore. All she could do was close her eyes tightly and continue to swallow.

Once her hand was clean, she exhaled loudly and opened her eyes again. She stared at her mother's breasts and saw that there was still more left there. Silvia frowned, biting her lip. It didn't seem like that was going anywhere.

She tucked her hair behind her ears and lowered her head, bringing her face closer to her mother's chest, inhaling the smell of the drool as she stuck out her tongue again. She licked across her mother's flesh, running her tongue along the smooth, creamy surface, lapping up the wetness, drinking it in. She slurped and sucked as she cleaned her mother's breasts with her mouth and tongue. It was slimy and unpleasant, but she swallowed it all down her throat anyway.

Nivalis suddenly shifted her body, causing Silvia to panic slightly as she froze midway through her cleaning process. Silvia held her breath while watching her mother's face intently. She waited patiently and watched as her mother relaxed once again.

— 'I'm almost done... just a little bit more...' Silvia told herself as she continued to clean her mother's body with her mouth, licking off every drop of drool from her silky skin. When she finished, she wiped off her lips with her hand, exhaled a sigh of relief, and smiled. She did it!

Her mother was sleeping peacefully, unaware of everything that happened. And now Silvia was free to go back to sleep, free from any guilt or embarrassment.



[Nivalis Silverfrost]

Nivalis woke up to the gentle light peeking through the cave entrance, casting a warm glow over the makeshift nest of blankets they called their bed. Silvia's hair's soft, sweet aroma filled Nivalis' nostrils as the girl snuggled up to her. She could hear the sounds of the birds outside and the slight breeze blowing through the cave's opening.— "Good morning, darling," Nivalis said sweetly as she held Silvia close to her chest, brushing her thumb gently over her daughter's rosy cheek.

"...Mmmm... Good... Morn~," Silvia mumbled softly in reply, not even opening her eyes. She hugged her mother tighter and buried her face into Nivalis's chest, rubbing her nose against the softness.

— "It's time to wake up now, little one," Nivalis said tenderly, running her fingers through her daughter's hair.

Silvia yawned loudly, rubbing her eyes tiredly. "Just a little bit longer, pleaseeee~" she pleaded lazily as she stretched out her arms and turned over to lie on her back, exposing her stomach and chest as she did so.

Nivalis smiled amusedly before relenting,— "Alright, alright, a little bit longer. Then we should start to get ready for the day, okay?"

The little girl nodded slowly, letting out a small moan in agreement before closing her eyes again, resting in complete comfort. Her smooth skin shone in the sun's rays as she breathed calmly and deeply, her chest rising and falling in rhythm with her steady breathing. "Love youuuuu..." she mumbled softly under her breath.

Nivalis chuckled and gently massaged the little girl's stomach with her fingertips.— "Love you too, baby girl," she murmured. She lay in bed, holding Silvia in a loose embrace while humming quietly.

"Oh! Oh! How could I forget?!" Silvia suddenly exclaimed as she bolted upright with wide eyes. She turned around, threw her arms around her mother, and hugged her as tightly as possible. "Happy birthday, Mommy!" she squeaked excitedly. Her legs kicked up, bouncing against the blankets for a brief moment before settling back down.

Nivalis smiled brightly at her daughter's energetic reaction, stroking her hair lovingly. "Thank you, darling. That's very sweet of you," she replied warmly, her voice full of emotion. She pulled the girl closer to her face and planted kisses all over Silvia's face. Silvia beamed at the praise from her mother, giggling as Nivalis peppered her face with kisses, her cheeks warming at the affection.

"I have a gift for you, Mommy!" Silvia announced proudly, reaching her hands up to grasp Nivalis's shoulders, using them to hoist herself up in order to stand. "Close your eyes!"

— "Mmm, okay," Nivalis nodded with a soft laugh and did as she was instructed.

Her bare, little feet shuffled softly against the ground as Silvia moved about their room, searching for something. And just a moment later, she finally found it. Silvia grasped the small bracelet tightly in her tiny hand. She turned around and looked at her mother. Nivalis had her eyes shut firmly as requested. With a smile, Silvia hurried over to her. "You can open your eyes now, Mommy."

Nivalis blinked and focused her eyes on Silvia's face. Her daughter stood before her, smiling widely and holding a small, crudely assembled bracelet of stone beads and threads tied together, dangling from her delicate hand.

"Here, Mommy! Happy birthday!" Silvia exclaimed brightly. "This is for you!" she added, her cheeks turning rosy pink. She reached out and placed the gift around her mother's wrist, securing it in place by tying the ends together with a knot. "Taa-daa!" she exclaimed joyously, a wide smile on her face as she proudly showed off her creation.

Nivalis looked at the present with amazement. After a moment of silence, she finally said, "Thank you, Silvia, sweetheart. Thank you very much." Her voice was genuine and sincere, as she appeared to be genuinely moved by her daughter's gift.

"Oh, the best part is here!" Silvia announced enthusiastically while pointing to a small area near the middle of the bracelet, where she had carefully placed a few strands of her silver hair and her brother's, entangling them between the rest of the materials. "It's my hair!" she stated excitedly. "And Asty's, too!" She smiled brightly.

Nivalis inspected the gift thoroughly, a look of surprise still evident on her face. Finally, she smiled warmly and hugged her daughter gently.— "I love it very much. It's absolutely wonderful," Nivalis whispered.

"Really?" Silvia gasped excitedly, her eyes shining happily, "Yay!!" she squealed with delight. "I'm glad you like it, Mommy! I spent a long time working on it, you know!"

— "Yes, dear, thank you," Nivalis replied, tenderly kissing the top of her head. "You did great."

"Hehe." Silvia giggled happily at the praise.

— "Thank you, sweetheart," Nivalis said gratefully before embracing Silvia, kissing the top of her head, and rubbing her back affectionately. She ran her fingers through Silvia's silky silver hair and tickled the tips of her ears. "This means the world to me."

Silvia laughed aloud as she enjoyed the comforting sensation of her mother's touches, basking in the warm affection. "You're welcome!"

Then, out of nowhere, Nivalis noticed Aster crawling towards her with his chubby little hands and feet dragging against the blankets. He attempted to climb onto her lap, his golden eyes blinking slowly, his rosy lips parted slightly as if he were trying to say something.

"Mmm!" he squeaked out softly, his tiny fists clenched tightly by his side in determination. Nivalis's eyes widened as she realized he was attempting to form his first words. Silvia quickly turned her head toward her brother's direction.

Both girls were perfectly still, waiting patiently and carefully as Aster opened and closed his mouth several times without uttering a sound. Then, after a few failed attempts, little Aster succeeded. It was a small, barely audible sound. "Ma!" he squeaked out, his voice high-pitched and sweet. "Ma! Ma! Ma!" Aster repeated the word over and over, his voice growing louder and stronger with each iteration. Nivalis gasped with joy, her eyes glistening with tears, as she gathered him into her arms and pulled him close to her chest.

"That's right, little one! Yes, I'm your Mama. Oh my god!" Nivalis cried happily while holding the little boy tightly in her embrace. She rocked him gently, brushing his soft hair with her finger as she whispered, "You spoke, my love! You actually spoke!" Her eyes watered with emotion as she kissed him repeatedly, pressing her lips to his forehead.

Silvia's eyes widened, her mouth opening wide in surprise as she stared at her baby brother in awe. "Did you hear that?!" she asked excitedly. "He said his first word. I can't believe it!" Silvia exclaimed, clapping her hands together excitedly while bouncing up and down on her knees. "That was so cool! My baby brother said his first word!" she exclaimed happily.

"Yes, yes! He did," Nivalis confirmed with a grin, looking into Silvia's bright eyes.

Tears of happiness poured from Nivalis's eyes, streaming down her cheeks as she hugged her daughter and son in one loving embrace. This is the perfect birthday any mother could possibly ask for, "I love you all," she whispered, her voice quivering heavily from the emotions within her. "I love you all so, so much..."

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