Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 30 — Hot spring


[Nivalis Silverfrost]

As Nivalis walked through the forest, her eyes wandered around her surroundings. She carried her son, Aster, wrapped in a soft blanket to shield him from the gentle breeze. Silvia, her daughter, walked beside her, her tiny hand holding onto Nivalis's with a secure grip, swinging it back and forth playfully. It was a bright, sunny day, and the air around them was filled with the sweet chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves as the wind passed through them.

It is spring season, and the forest around them is now alive with color. Despite knowing it wouldn't last long, as the warm weather usually lasted only a few months in this region, she still couldn't help but feel excited by the sight of grass and blooming flowers everywhere.

Nivalis loved this particular time of the year when everything around her seemed to come alive again after a long, cold winter. It reminded her of home... of better times when life wasn't so harsh, cruel, and unforgiving.

"Mommy, where are we going?" Silvia whispered innocently, curious about her mother's plans.

Nivalis stopped and turned towards her daughter with a gentle smile on her beautiful face. She ruffled her silvery hair affectionately and answered softly,"I am taking you two to a secret place."

"Secret place?" Silvia repeated in confusion, tilting her head sideways curiously, wondering what that meant exactly.

Nivalis glanced down at her daughter with a smile as she answered,— "You'll find out soon enough, dear."

"Okay!" Silvia replied happily, swinging her hand back and forth eagerly, "How far?"

— "An hour or so away," Nivalis replied with a gentle smile. "It's a bit far, but I really want you two to visit it with me today. You'll love this place, I promise."

Silvia nodded obediently. "Sure, Mommy!" she said in hushed tones, her expression full of anticipation as they continued their journey through the woods. She jumped from one rock to another for no reason, giggling quietly to herself. Her golden eyes twinkled brightly as she glanced around at the colorful scenery surrounding her.

Five minutes later, Silvia pouted adorably, puffing out her rosy cheeks. She glanced up at her mother with pleading eyes. "Can I get a piggyback ride?" she asked hopefully as her tiny fingers squeezed her mother's hand tighter, "My feet are starting to hurt..."

Nivalis chuckled lightly as she looked at her daughter's adorable face.— "Of course, sweetheart. C'mere." she agreed quietly while adjusting Aster in her arms before leaning down slightly to allow Silvia to climb onto her back. "Yay! Thanks, Mommy!" Silvia giggled as she latched onto Nivalis' back and rested her chin on her shoulder comfortably, wrapping her slender arms around her neck loosely. She looked around curiously as they continued walking.

Nivalis smiled gently while carrying the weight of her children in her arms and on her back. She began to sing a quiet song under her breath, making her children relax as she hummed and walked. Silvia closed her eyes, enjoying her mother's voice as she rocked back and forth gently with the rhythm of her mother's footsteps.



— "We're here," Nivalis announced softly as they reached a seemingly unremarkable part of the forest, just like any other they had passed, and letting her daughter slide off her back gently. The little girl landed with a soft thump on the grassy ground below, making a cute little noise.

Her eyes wandered around the place, unable to understand why they had stopped in front of a group of bushes and trees. "Here?" Silvia asked in confusion, squinting her eyes suspiciously at the area around her. "But there's nothing here..."

Nivalis smiled patiently and encouraged her daughter to look a little more closely.— "Keep looking. You'll find it soon enough," she said gently.

Silvia sighed softly as she scanned the area with her eyes, searching for any sign of something hidden within the trees and bushes. Suddenly, she spotted a dark opening in a stone wall, covered by leaves and branches, barely noticeable among the greenery. "Over there!" she exclaimed excitedly, pointing towards it. "See it? It's hidden!"

Nivalis smiled knowingly.— "Follow me. This way," Nivalis said calmly, smiling mysteriously as they slowly made their way toward the cave, pushing aside the leaves and entering cautiously. Once inside, they were greeted by a fantastic sight. Silvia's eyes widened in awe as she stared at the glittering water surface. It was an underground lake, although quite a small one. Its clear liquid shone brightly in the sunlight from a hole somewhere above, illuminating everything below it with natural light.

"Wow..." Silvia whispered under her breath, unable to find any better word to describe the place. "It's... amazing."

Indeed, the cave's interior was stunning. Its smooth stone walls and ceiling glittered in the sun's rays as they reflected off the water, a natural pool surrounded by beautiful stalactites and stalagmites of varying shapes and sizes. Steam rose from it, filling the area with its warm vapors. And it smelled faintly of sulfur, the characteristic smell of hot springs.

Nivalis watched her daughter's reaction silently, smiling in amusement while holding little Aster, who also looked around with interest. After a few moments, Nivalis finally spoke.— "Beautiful, isn't it?" she asked quietly, breaking the silence between them.

"Yes," Silvia breathed out softly as she nodded in agreement before asking curiously, "But why did you bring us here, Mommy?"

Nivalis, with a warm smile on her face, gently explained,— "To celebrate your birthday, sweetheart." Her eyes glistened brightly with happiness as she spoke.

Silvia's golden eyes widened in surprise. "It's my birthday?!" she gasped, looking up at her mother for confirmation, "Really?" she asked excitedly.

— "Yes, darling. Remember?" Nivalis chuckled slightly. "On the ninth day after the first flowering," she added. "Your sixth one. Happy birthday, my little snowflake." She smiled gently as she kissed Silvia's forehead while whispering, "I thought you might enjoy the chance to have a warm bath and play in the water, maybe even learn how to swim."

"I would love that! Thank you so much, Mommy!" Silvia exclaimed excitedly while throwing herself at Nivalis for a hug. Wrapping her tiny arms around her thighs, she buried her face into her mother's belly and said, "I love you."

Nivalis smiled warmly, returning the hug.— "I love you, too, sweetie. I'm glad you're happy. Now, let's get undressed," she said as they separated. Nivalis placed Aster carefully on the floor next to her, ensuring his comfort and safety. "Come here, Silvia. Let me help you," she added as she moved closer to help her daughter remove her clothes. Nivalis crouched down slightly, removing Silvia's boots and socks and placing them aside. Then she carefully pulled the hem of her daughter's shirt upwards, revealing the small, flat chest underneath.

Once Nivalis was done, Silvia stood in front of her completely naked. Her petite body shivered slightly as the cold air touched her, goosebumps appearing on her porcelain skin. Nivalis tossed clothing away behind her, leaving them in a pile. Then she undressed herself, quickly removing her outfit and placing them alongside Silvia's garments.

Silvia watched curiously as her mother stripped naked, removing the various pieces of clothing. Nivalis' full breasts hung freely from her chest, swaying slightly with her movements, her pink nipples erect and stiff due to the chilly air. Her slim waist led down into her wide hips, giving her a shapely hourglass figure, and her long silver hair fell loosely around her shoulders, cascading down her back. Her toned legs looked slender and elegant, highlighted by the soft curves of her thighs and calves. Her buttocks were rounded and plump and jiggled slightly as she moved. Her delicate toes curled in response to the cold stone ground beneath them.

Patreon preview: Witness the captivating moment of Nivalis slowly undressing herself, as seen through the curious eyes of her daughter.

Once she finished, Nivalis crouched, lowering herself to the ground to pick up her son again. She gently removed his blanket and diaper and carefully folded them before placing them aside.— "Aaand...there we go!" she cooed softly as she cradled him lovingly.

— "Alright, my love," Nivalis spoke, "let's go into the water now, okay? Be careful and follow me closely," she warned her daughter.

Silvia nodded. "Okay, Mommy," she whispered in response, stepping closer towards Nivalis and taking her mother's hand in hers as she followed her lead cautiously towards the water. Nivalis tested the temperature of the water carefully with her bare foot. It was nice and warm, just as expected. Then, she slowly lowered herself into the water, holding Aster tightly against her chest. The hot water caressed her skin pleasantly, making her sigh with pleasure.

Meanwhile, Silvia stayed behind anxiously, watching. She hesitated before joining her mother in the pool.

— "It's safe, dear." Nivalis assured her lovingly. "I checked everything before bringing you here. There is nothing dangerous," she added, trying to ease Silvia's fears, "the floor is slippery, though, so be careful," she continued in a gentle tone, looking into her daughter's worried eyes, "Here, just hold my hand, dear."

Silvia nodded slowly, gathering her courage. Her tiny, delicate feet touched the warm liquid hesitantly, and she took a deep breath before turning her body around, crouching, and carefully lowering herself into the water, all while holding her mother's hand tightly for support. "Ooohhh," she gasped softly at how good it felt. Her golden eyes widened slightly in surprise, blinking rapidly a few times before looking up to meet her mother's calm gaze again.

"See?" Nivalis whispered encouragingly as she stroked her daughter's back gently, "Not so bad, right?"

Silvia nodded in agreement, smiling slightly. "It's so warm..." she mumbled softly as she stood beside her mother, the water level reaching just above her navel. Then she slowly crouched, lowering her body further down until she was up to her neck in the water, sighing deeply in relaxation. "And feels sooo good..." she whispered dreamily.

Nivalis crouched, too, and slowly lowered her son into the water, holding him against her chest. Her hands cupped Aster's bottom firmly to support his weight, ensuring his safety. Aster giggled quietly, enjoying the pleasant sensation of the hot water around his tiny body. He began to splash the water excitedly with his hands and feet. "He seems to like it here," she chuckled as she watched him, amused by his reaction.

"Alright, darling, now comes the fun part," Nivalis began to speak gently as she turned her attention towards her daughter again, "Today, I'll teach you how to swim."

Silvia nodded enthusiastically, "Yay!" she squeaked happily. "I can't wait!" she exclaimed excitedly as she jumped up and down on the spot, sending small waves across the water's surface. "Teach me, please!" her face glowing brightly with excitement.

Nivalis smiled warmly. "Okay, my love, but don't expect too much just yet," she cautioned her lovingly. "Now, before I teach you anything else, let's start by learning how to float on your back in the water." She explained calmly.

"Okay!" Silvia replied eagerly.

"Good," Nivalis continued, "First, you'll need to learn to relax completely and trust that you won't sink. Got it?"

Silvia nodded, listening carefully. "Yes, Mommy. I'll try to do that."

"Now lie down on your back and spread your arms and legs out as if you are lying on the water," Nivalis instructed her patiently, "And don't be afraid to breathe."

Silvia nodded slowly, taking a deep breath to brace herself as she tilted backward into the water. She closed her eyes, exhaling slowly, feeling her body sink deeper into the warm liquid.— "Just relax, dear. I got you," Nivalis whispered reassuringly, supporting her daughter's back with a hand. "Very good, Silvia, you're doing great," she praised her daughter.

— "Alright, now open your eyes and look at me. Try to keep your breathing steady," Nivalis instructed. Silvia followed her mother's instructions carefully and opened her eyes, looking directly into her mother's beautiful blue ones. "That's it," Nivalis encouraged softly. "Relax. Take a few deep breaths... and listen to my voice, dear."

— "Now, I will release my hand from your back. Don't panic, darling. Relax your body completely and keep looking at me." Nivalis slowly let go of her daughter, allowing the young girl to float on her own now. Silvia gasped softly at the sudden lack of support beneath her; her body began to move slightly, causing tiny ripples across the surface, but she quickly recovered from the shock. She glanced nervously at her mother, biting her lip as she tried desperately not to freak out.

"Deep breaths, remember? Just keep staring at me, and everything will be fine," Nivalis continued to whisper. Silvia listened intently and did as she was told, looking deeply into her mother's eyes and concentrating on her soothing voice.

After a few seconds, she relaxed completely, sighing with relief. She no longer felt like she was about to drown, and she felt surprisingly comfortable in her current position. It was kind of weird, actually, being able to float so effortlessly in the water without moving or treading on it like one normally does. Instead, she found out that she could remain perfectly still while floating in complete peace. Her heart rate slowed significantly, and she felt no fear whatsoever as she drifted aimlessly atop the warm surface.

Nivalis watched proudly at her daughter, a broad smile spreading across her lovely features. "Well done, sweetie. You're doing amazing!" she praised with a cheerful tone. "Now, try moving your hands slowly, just like this... That's it... good job! Just stay calm and keep looking at me, dear." Nivalis praised gently. "Now move your feet, too... Slower, honey... That's right!" she exclaimed happily as she observed Silvia successfully move her arms and legs. "Excellent, dear! Just like that! You are moving!"

Silvia smiled, blushing slightly as she kept staring at her mother while attempting to swim, following her instructions. "You're doing great, Silvia! I'm so proud of you!" Nivalis encouraged lovingly, smiling.

"I did it!" Silvia exclaimed in a triumphant voice. She got up and grabbed hold of her mother's hands tightly, smiling up at her proudly. "I did it, Mommy!" she repeated happily as Nivalis wrapped her arm around her, lifting her, "I really did it!" Silvia wrapped her legs around her mother's waist tightly, clinging onto her lovingly in return.

— "Yes, you did, my darling!" Nivalis replied excitedly as she held Silvia's tiny butt cheeks in her palm, squeezing them slightly as she supported her weight while keeping her in place, "You did great!" she congratulated her lovingly.

"Thank you, Mommy," Silvia replied shyly, snuggling her head into the crook of her mother's neck while closing her eyes and enjoying the feeling of her mother's embrace, "I love you."

Nivalis closed her eyes momentarily and breathed in her daughter's scent, enjoying their closeness.— "I love you, too, my sunshine."

— "Now, let's sit down, alright? We have a whole day ahead. Let's relax a bit," Nivalis suggested sweetly, gently patting her daughter's bottom with her fingers and motioning for her to put her legs down. Silvia obediently released her hold around Nivalis' waist, slowly returning to stand on the rocky surface of the underwater ground.

Nivalis lowered herself even more, this time closer to the edge of the pool, ensuring Aster always stayed above the water level.— "You can sit on my lap, love," Nivalis offered, beckoning her daughter closer with her free hand. Silvia obliged quickly, sitting on top of her mother's thighs. "There you go," Nivalis said, hugging her daughter tightly.

Water was now at the level of Silvia's shoulders, and her face flushed pink from the warmth of the hot spring.— "Good girl," Nivalis praised her daughter, giving her a quick kiss on the top of her head. "This is nice, isn't it?" She spoke gently while leaning back, her muscles relaxing from the pleasant heat.

Silvia nodded in agreement as she closed her eyes and leaned back against her mother's body, enjoying the warmth that enveloped her from all sides. "It's very nice..." she admitted quietly, a hint of shyness in her voice as she tilted her head back to look at Nivalis. Her legs kicked up lightly, splashing the water. "Thank you, Mommy, for bringing us here," she said sincerely, smiling at her mother's face as she gazed up at her.

Nivalis smiled sweetly, caressing Silvia's head with one hand as she held Aster against her chest with her other. She remained silent briefly, enjoying the warm bath with her beloved children before she finally answered.— "You are very welcome, my darling. Anything to make you happy," Nivalis said while kissing Silvia's soft cheek. "Happy Birthday, Silvia, my beautiful daughter."

"Thank you," Silvia answered softly as she closed her eyes again, resting in between her mother's breasts. Nivalis adjusted her breasts, placing them on top of Silvia's delicate shoulders, and started to caress her daughter's stomach gently. She brushed her fingertips over Silvia's pale skin, tracing delicate circles on her tummy while humming a tune.

Aster was lying in Nivalis' arm, giggling happily as he wiggled his little legs underwater. He looked adorable with his chubby cheeks and rosy lips. Nivalis couldn't resist leaning closer to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek. Then she leaned back and simply enjoyed herself, looking quietly at her son. Little Aster played with her breast curiously, squeezing it and touching it, just like a toy, but she did not mind it, finding it rather cute instead.

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