Easy Tycoon

Chapter 501 Some are qualified to be local tyrants

Chapter 501 Some are qualified to be local tyrants
In the evening, in a three-star Michelin restaurant named Jane Gibson in New York City, several senior executives of the Dragon Fund gathered together to celebrate the huge victory of this "investment" operation.

Henry Williams used to eat here when he was an executive of Goldman Sachs, so he is very familiar with this place. Although the order was a bit late, he still got a six-seater table thanks to his years of friendship.

Originally, Yang Jing wanted to find a restaurant that was big enough to directly book it, and then let all the staff of the Dragon Fund have a carnival night, including the reception staff at the front desk. Except for a few executives, the staff of the Dragon Fund are all elderly People, the others are all young people in their 20s and at most [-]s.

Hearing that the boss was going to treat guests to celebrate, these young people directly booed and asked the boss to pack a high-end bar.
Compared with the three-star Michelin restaurant, these young people prefer unfettered bars.They would rather hang out in bars than come to fancy restaurants that make people feel stiff.

Although Cole Smith is a middle-aged man in his 40s, Yang Jing is an out-and-out young man. Of course he knows the psychology of young people, so after his subordinates made this request, he did not hesitate to accept it. He hesitated and agreed.

After renting out a very high-end bar on Grand Street and inviting a band to add to the fun, Yang Jing completely handed over the right to use the bar for one night to the young people of the company.

Good wine, cigars, and food are essential, including the cost of the bar, the money is nothing to Yang Jing, but as long as it can make these employees of the company happy, it is better than anything else.

Of course, what makes the company's employees most happy is the big red envelope given by the boss—it is really a super big red envelope, the least one of which has a check of 88 US dollars. As for the eight traders in Cesar's team, their red envelopes Inside was a check for $880 million.
Cesar's eight-man trader team, four of them are newcomers, and these four people did not have any savings before, so in this speculative operation, these four people did not invest together.

But the other four are the old people who followed Yang Jing when he speculated on London Gold. Emily and Cross, the four of them, had prepared themselves early after they knew that the BOSS was about to start a big move again. All the savings are ready to expand his net worth again in this speculative operation.

The first speculative London gold operation, Cesar's team of only five people did not follow Yang Jing's footsteps, and their profits were not very large, but this profit was enough for Cesar and the others to succeed Become a millionaire.

The second time they speculated on the US dollar and yen foreign exchange market, the five of them learned the lesson of the first time and decisively invested all their wealth in it. As a result, Cesar and the others immediately turned around and became billionaires !

Not long after the speculative US dollar and Japanese yen ended, the boss wanted to speculate in the global stock market again. This time, Cesar and the others didn’t even ask, and directly took out all their savings, and followed the boss to start this speculative and investment journey .

During the eight-month bull market in the New York stock market before the stock market crash broke out, Cesar and his five made a lot of money with the funds in their hands, and each of them doubled their net worth. Then, when the stock market crash When they arrived, the net worth of the five of them had already reached the 20 billion dollar mark.

Relatively speaking, the $880 million red envelope is really nothing, but Emily and the others are very comfortable with it.

Emily's profits from the stock market crash, the four new members know best, because they have no money to speculate with them, so they can only sit and watch the other four partners change from more than 1 million US dollars to more than 3 million US dollars U.S. dollars, and then directly exploded from more than 3 million U.S. dollars to become a rich man of more than 20 billion U.S. dollars!
In this era, a net worth of US$20 billion can already be properly squeezed into the top [-] richest people in the United States!
And who would have imagined that just eight years ago, the five of them were just an inconspicuous small trading team in the European financial market?

Only the four newly joined team members know about the changes in the wealth of Emily and the five of them. No one else, including Yang Jing, knows about it.Yang Jing didn't bother to ask, others simply didn't know.

Cesar and the others are also very careful. Only the closest people know about this kind of thing. Outsiders, just stay aside.

Therefore, the four players who just joined are now extremely looking forward to joining the boss's next speculation.Emily and the other four new team members have noticed the changes. Who wouldn't be jealous of this?Thinking that the next speculative move will completely turn salty fish over, the four new players wished that time would pass faster.

The four of them now fully understand the meaning of the sentence that Emily, the only beautiful trader in the team, keeps talking about all day long - follow the boss, eating meat can support you
The employees under him were celebrating enthusiastically, but Yang Jing and the other executives couldn't control it.This time is the time for the subordinates to have a carnival of gold, and it is not good for them executives to go.

However, this did not prevent Henry Williams from hosting a small-scale celebration banquet.

The big boss Mr. Cole Smith, the major shareholder Mr. Mike Aller, the chief investment officer of Dragon Fund David Anderson, the chief financial officer of Dragon Fund Amanda Pietrus and the second largest contributor to this speculative operation, Mr. Cesar Cook.

There are exactly six people at a table. Although there are not many people, the atmosphere is extremely harmonious.

Since it is a celebration banquet, Yang Jin is naturally not stingy with consumption, the best French meal in Jane Gibson restaurant, serve as much as you want, Lafite wine from 1982, serve as much as you want
This time is not local tyrants, when is local tyrants?
Now the total assets of Evil Dragon Fund have exceeded 2400 billion US dollars. Yang Jing, who temporarily holds 96% of the shares of Evil Dragon Fund, has a net worth of more than 2300 billion US dollars. Once it is announced, he will be the richest man in the world and will be far away The net worth of the world's richest man who left Japan behind is close to [-] billion U.S. dollars!
Yang Jing now has enough qualifications to be a local tyrant, he can't be an exaggeration!

A few people chatted while eating, drinking, and would smile when they got excited.

In fact, this kind of place is really not suitable for celebrating success.Celebrating success, celebration is the key, but in this kind of high-end restaurant, you can't speak loudly, you can't laugh, and you can't be rude.
Too fucking restrained.

No wonder the group of young people in the company are unwilling to come to this high-end restaurant to celebrate. Even though many people have never been to this Michelin three-star restaurant, they are very sensible and do not come to this kind of place to celebrate.

They did it, and really rightly so.

Obviously, Yang Jing was not the only one in the group of six who felt restrained, Cesar also felt the same.But this is the rule here, so Cesar can only desperately try to find a topic that can be talked with Yang Jing.

"Boss, if it weren't for the quicker return of our funds, we could have made more profits in this operation." Cesar was sitting next to Yang Jing, and he couldn't say this out loud. Come out, so he could only whisper in Yang Jing's ear.

After all, Amanda is responsible for the return of funds.

Yang Jing picked up the napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth, then leaned into Cesar's ear and whispered: "No way, we have achieved the ultimate in getting back most of the funds within three days. Impossible."

Speaking of this is also a sadness. The banking industry in the 80s is far inferior to that of 30 years later. In this era, it takes two days at the fastest to transfer money across borders. How is it like 30 years later, you only need to tap a keyboard with your finger, and a huge amount of funds can be completed in minutes. Go around the earth a few times.
Amanda was able to withdraw funds from hundreds of accounts scattered in dozens of countries around the world on the third day after the end of speculation. This is already extremely fast. Don’t forget, these funds still need to be laundered .
Compared with continuing to make profits on the stock index, Yang Jing hopes to buy more stocks.

It's a pity that the funds at that time were really insufficient, so Yang Jing pooled more than 100 billion to less than 200 billion US dollars to buy stocks.

Originally he announced an $80 billion stock repurchase, but it actually cost far more than that.After all, the stocks that Yang Jing bought, except for emerging companies with low market capitalization such as Microsoft and Oracle, which need less of himself, the other companies are all well-known big companies, and the market value of any one taken out can be tens of billions of dollars or even [-] million dollars. tens of billions of dollars.

For example, the market value of **** was as high as 1200 billion U.S. dollars before the stock market crash. For some of the stocks purchased before the listing, more than 700 billion U.S. dollars must be paid in real money.
"What are you two talking about?" Amanda asked with a smile.

"Well, just chatting about the next plan." Yang Jing slightly lied after pondering for a while.After all, Amanda is responsible for the problem that Cesar just mentioned. Although the slow return of funds is a difficult problem that no one can solve, it is not good to bring it up in person.

Hearing what Yang Jing said, several people looked at him curiously. After all, this speculative plan brought huge benefits to the Dragon Fund. It was all operated by the mysterious boss in front of him. So what about the next plan? ?Will there be more huge profits waiting for the Dragon Fund?
Seeing the expectant expressions on the faces of several people, Yang Jing smiled and waved his hands and said, "I don't have any big plans for now, but since I've talked about this, I can talk about the latest plans first."

PS: The network cable was broken due to construction outside, sorry for the delay.

(End of this chapter)

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