Easy Tycoon

Chapter 500

Chapter 500
Five days after the stock market crash, in the office of the chief financial officer of KY Investment Fund, all the top executives of the Dragon Fund gathered together, looking expectantly at the only person sitting in the room. A woman - Ms. Amanda Pietrus.

As a famous accountant, although Amanda Pietrus is not young, she still maintains a beautiful appearance and a good figure. However, due to her occupation, Amanda is usually unsmiling. A very cold storage feeling.

Even Cesar, who has known Amanda for less than a year, secretly nicknamed Amanda "Freezer".

But today, it's hard to see Amanda's expression other than coldness on her face, but her face changed after a while, especially at the end, her lips, which can still be called sexy, unexpectedly closed again in surprise Not close anymore.

Both Henry Williams and David Anderson looked forward to it, while Cesar looked excited. As for Cole Smith, Yang Jing stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows with his arms folded. Overlooking the bustling Wall Street below.

"BOSS" Amanda stood up with an expression of disbelief, the expression of surprise had already betrayed her current agitated mood.

Henry and David next to them resisted the urge to take a step forward to look at the computer screen, and looked eagerly at the BOSS standing in front of the window.Cesar rubbed his hands, and licked his upper lip involuntarily with his tongue

"Huh? Tell me, how much profit did we make this time?"

"Boss is unbelievable, it's unbelievable!" Ms. Amanda, who is usually stable, was shaking with excitement at this time, "Boss, just now, all the funds in our hundreds of accounts in dozens of countries around the world have been completely exhausted." The pooling is over, now we have a total of funds in our account"

Amanda glanced at the boss standing a few meters away, and swallowed dryly, "2142 billion dollars." Amanda's voice was hoarse with excitement, and it was not as calm as water and as motionless as a mountain before, " Oh Maiga, oh Maiga! It’s unbelievable! Boss, this time we made a total profit of 1842 billion U.S. dollars, not counting those stocks. If you count those stocks, the assets of the Dragon Fund have exceeded 2400 billion U.S. dollars Dollar."

In the end, Amanda's voice trembled uncontrollably. Although she had been somewhat psychologically prepared for three consecutive days of fund withdrawal work, when the final profit really appeared in front of her, this person in the accounting field Famous accountants who have worked hard for decades can't help being completely dumbfounded.

After hearing this number, Henry and David looked at each other calmly, and then laughed out loud almost at the same time. The two old brothers hugged each other excitedly.

As for Cesar, he imitated Ali's boxing moves excitedly, and boxed excitedly in the room
Yang Jing turned around with a smile on his face, "Amanda, how about the safety of our funds?"

Amanda stood up, and said with great excitement on her face: "Don't worry, boss, our funds are absolutely safe in terms of security. No one can find out. I can guarantee this."

Yang Jing nodded with a smile and said: "That's good. Since we have achieved great success in this campaign, guys, you have the right to celebrate. Also, guys, congratulations on your net worth increasing again by 20 Times!"

There was a burst of cheers in the room.

Since accepting the shares donated by the mysterious BOSS in this office building at the beginning of the year, it means that these people have completely boarded Yang Jing's invincible battleship.

David and Henry had no choice but to board the ship. What made them extremely satisfied was that they had done so comfortably during the past half a year. The most important thing was that, apart from some key points, , the boss in front of him really completely delegated power to them.This is what makes them happiest.

Similarly, the reason why Amanda came to Dragon Fund was also because of the shares.The shares that Yang Jing offered were too tempting. In the 80s, almost no one could resist shares worth hundreds of millions, even Amanda.

Originally, in nearly a year, they were senior executives, and they were still very proud to see the dragon fund grow from 130 billion US dollars to a giant fund of more than 330 billion US dollars.

As an investment fund, everything else can be put aside, but profits alone must not be put aside.

Other funds with a yearly rate of return exceeding 50% are regarded as extremely awesome funds, but what about the Dragon Fund?The one-year rate of return exceeds 200%, which is the root cause of their pride.

With the continuous expansion of the Dragon Fund, the value of their shares is getting higher and higher, just like Henry and Amanda, both of them own 1% of the shares of the Dragon Fund. At the beginning of the year, this 1% share was worth 1.3 1 million US dollars, but by the beginning of October, this 3.3% stake had reached [-] million US dollars, an increase of [-] million US dollars within a year.

Is there anything more wonderful than this kind of thing?
Before the stock market crash, Henry even planned to fight for a little more shares for himself at the end of the year, even 0.5%.After all, it is under his leadership that the Dragon Fund has made so much profit within this year, and he has every right to ask the boss for more shares at the end of the year.

But in the end, after a stock market crash passed, Henry immediately dismissed that idea.

Just kidding, under his leadership, the Dragon Fund has increased its assets by 200 billion US dollars in nine months. This achievement is indeed outstanding, even if you look at the entire Wall Street, this achievement is definitely one of the best.

But what about the boss?They just doubled the assets of the Dragon Fund by seven times within fifty days.
Compared with the manipulation methods shown by the boss in this speculative operation, my little things are like child's play.

No wonder that kid Cesar worships BOSS so much, well, now I have also started to adore BOSS fanatically.
So did David.

As a traditional investment expert, David Anderson doesn't approve of gambling-style speculation very much. In his previous investment career, he hardly did any speculation.

But this time, he witnessed what is called a god-like operation.

After laying the groundwork for nine trading days, it broke out suddenly on Monday. If he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, David would have even wondered if the boss himself initiated the stock market crash.

The sharp drop in the market that day made David shudder even now thinking about it.This stock market crash was also the worst stock market crash he had ever experienced in his life. It is said that on that day alone, as many as a hundred people jumped from the top of a building with more than [-] floors in Manhattan.

Although it is not as tragic as the stock market crash in 1929, when thousands of people jumped off buildings in one day, this number is terrifying enough in this era.The ambulance sirens that sounded almost all day that day have already explained the tragedy of the stock market disaster.

David even asked himself more than once what would happen if he invested in this stock market crash according to his own judgment, and no matter how many times he thought about it, he would shake his head in sweat every time—because every time he thought about it, In the end, it all ends with jumping from the top of the tall building
If the stock market crash was judged by BOSS a long time ago, and then BOSS grasped the opportunity to speculate well, then during the stock market crash, BOSS's god-like operation method directly shows that BOSS is not just a A big boss with a huge amount of money, he is also the top trader in the world!

On the day when the stock market crash happened, everyone thought that the U.S. stock market was hopeless, at least on that day. Seeing the amount of selling that day was displayed in the background, whoever it was, I am afraid that no one would sell the market on that day .

However, the boss unexpectedly did this, and he did it extremely well.Especially backhand long at around [-]:[-] pm that day, and start to lock positions at around [-]:[-] pm.

This positive and negative operation can be called the hand of God.At 2000:1700, the market began to rebound, and once rebounded to more than [-] points. Under the boss's order, Evil Dragon Fund began to build long positions from less than [-] points. This wave of market prices alone made Evil Dragon Fund gain billions of dollars .

Then, just when everyone thought that the market would continue to rebound, the boss ordered to lock up the profit position. As a result, the market ended the rebound soon and began to dive from a high platform, jumping from 2000 points to 1738 points at the final close.
Between the pros and cons, Dragon Fund gained tens of billions of dollars, and as the stock market rebounded to more than 2000 points on the second and third days, the long positions established on the afternoon of the stock market crash were smoothly closed. That's another multi-billion dollar gain!

Although everyone who is involved in financial investment knows that buying low points and selling high points, how many people can really do this?
And BOSS has not only achieved this, the most important thing is that every time he gives an order, he will always be ahead of the changes in the market, as if he has a magic wand in his hand, and even the ups and downs of the market will follow the command of this magic wand.

This is simply too terrifying. Except for God, David really can't imagine who else can be so precise!
No wonder that kid Cesar has always respected the boss like a god. After seeing the god-like operation of the boss this time, David also completely worshiped before the feet of the boss.

As for Amanda, let alone.The main reason why she came to Dragon Fund was that the boss was generous enough to give shares far beyond her imagination.

But what she didn't expect was that these shares worth more than [-] million U.S. dollars had not even been in a year, and with the stock market crash that spread to the whole world, they changed gorgeously, directly increasing by nearly [-] times!
Even though Amanda is a top accountant in the industry, she never dreamed that the original value of 1.3 million U.S. dollars in her hands would become 24 billion U.S. dollars in just ten months.
Most importantly, she witnessed with her own eyes that the funds of the Dragon Fund increased from US$130 billion to US$2400 billion in just ten months!Is there anything more exciting for an accountant than seeing his money soar?

And everything that caused this inconceivable and unbelievable is the credit of the mysterious boss in front of him.He just issued a few orders, and then the funds of the Dragon Fund magically increased by nearly twenty times.

God!God!Could it be that the boss in front of me is the incarnation of God?

Amanda also completely bowed in front of Yang Jing.
(End of this chapter)

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