Easy Tycoon

Chapter 453 The Fierce Bird

Chapter 453 The Fierce Bird

Yang Jing didn't expect that He Rui would react so aggressively to this kind of bird, but before he asked the specific reason, the scene in front of him made Yang Jing and Ge Ge completely shut up.

To be precise, the scene in front of me is two plays.

The first scene is a young man on a bicycle who is stupidly wearing a pair of shorts and a thick hoodie over his upper body in the cold weather.This guy probably didn't see the Arctic tern feeding its young on the roadside tundra, so he just rushed over. Although he didn't hit the Arctic tern, he surprised several Arctic terns.

Then these startled adult birds who didn't know whether it was the father bird or the mother bird immediately soared into the sky, and after circling in the air, they immediately identified the culprit, and then they were caught by Yang Jing and Gege. Look closely, these birds are like the famous JU-87 Stuka dive bomber made by the Germans during World War II, with their heads down, their wings spread out to keep their balance, and they rushed towards the head of the young man on a bicycle. down.

"Damn, will that guy's brains be pecked out by these birds?" Ge Ge stared at the scene in front of him in a daze, and unexpectedly burst into a rare swear word.

These Nordic terns were at least half a meter long, and the young man couldn't resist such a dive, no matter in terms of strength or speed.Just two birds caused the young man to fall violently from the car, but even so, the birds still did not give up attacking the young man.

A few birds dexterously "bombed" around the young man who fell on the ground, pecking at the young man and howling like ghosts and wolves.Fortunately, the guy was wearing a thick hoodie. He put the hood on his head, covered his face with his hands, and rolled on the ground while calling for help loudly.

Gege and the others are the closest to this young man, and He Rui is the first to do it.In the meantime, she picked up a few stones from the ground, quickly ran to the young man, threw the stones out, and then yelled loudly to scare the birds.

Seeing this, Yang Jing and Gege also rushed up. Yang Jing even took off his down jacket and rushed towards the arctic terns waving.

Maybe it was Yang Jing and the others who made the arctic terns feel scared. The birds circled twice in the air and then flew away.

Only then did the young man let out a sigh of relief, and kept cursing "Shet", "After Love" and "Fack" in English, and stood up tremblingly.

After standing up, Yang Jing found out in horror that this young man was already bleeding all over his face.

At this time, the people who came running from a distance also saw the young man's situation, and one of them, who looked like a doctor, immediately ran to the young man and took out alcohol cotton balls and other things from the medical kit he carried with him. , began to stop the bleeding of this young man.

He Rui led Ge Ge and Yang Jing to leave the scene quietly, and said as she walked, "Now do you know how powerful these guys are?"

Gege nodded with lingering fear, Yang Jing pointed in one direction and said: "These birds are really brave, they just attack the pedestrians who are alone, why do they dare to attack polar bears?"

Gege and He Rui looked in the direction Yang Jing pointed, and Gege saw today's second play.

The protagonist of this play is still the arctic tern, but the other protagonist is not a human being, but the polar bear, the ruler of this land.

Although they are a little far away, but the weather is fine today, Yang Jing and Ge Ge are not short-sighted, so they can see the play over there.

I saw seven or eight arctic terns ups and downs, and honking from time to time, launching a desperate attack on a polar bear with its head on the ground leisurely nibbling on something.

Ge Ge was really shocked when he saw this situation, "These guys are really desperate, even dare to peck polar bears?"

He Rui sneered at the side and said: "It's not a good thing. The polar bear must be very hungry, and it just happened to find the nests of the Arctic terns, so this polar bear tore up the old nests of those Arctic terns and ate them." Lost the unhatched eggs in the arctic tern nest. These arctic terns must quit, so they will fight the polar bear."

"Will this polar bear catch the arctic tern?" Grid asked worriedly.

He Rui shook her head, "Don't worry, polar bears won't suffer, but those terns must suffer a lot, but it's still impossible for polar bears to catch those arctic terns. Polar bears have thick skin and rough flesh. , I am not afraid of the attack of the arctic tern at all. When those arctic terns have finished venting, they will naturally leave the polar bear. I have seen this situation many times in the past few months."

Although he knew that He Rui was right, he was still shocked by the Arctic tern's fearless behavior.

These guys look pretty, but as He Rui said, they are not afraid of death, they are really not good birds.

The three continued to walk forward slowly, and He Rui pointed to some water birds floating in the fjord and said, "Did you see those white-cheeked black geese? I like these birds more than Arctic terns."

"This is the white-cheeked black goose?" Although it was a little far away, Gege still looked up.

"Well, this is the most common Anatidae black goose in Svalbard in summer. This kind of bird is a cold-water marine bird. It is much gentler than the arctic tern. It is also quite beautiful. Most of them move in groups. They are not afraid of humans, and they are not picky eaters. They mainly eat grass or aquatic plant shoots, leaves, stems, etc., and also eat roots and plant seeds. In winter, they sometimes eat seedlings of crops such as wheat seedlings. They often gather in large groups when migrating. It flies during the day and lands in lakes and other waters in the evening to rest and look for food. The only disadvantage is that it often makes high-pitched calls, which are quite noisy."

"There are quite a lot of birds here."

"Yes, in summer, many migratory birds will come here to breed offspring, anyway, I have seen enough."

"Hey, why is there a statue here?" Yang Jing didn't participate in the chat between the two ladies, but his attention was quickly attracted by a statue in the center of the town square.

Below the statue is a stone platform more than one meter high and made of five pieces of marble more than ten centimeters thick. There is a black bust on the stone platform.

This statue is a bit similar to "Venus with Broken Arms", without both arms, only the part from the chest upwards.But compared to Venus with a broken arm, this statue is a bit scary.

The statue is a man with a plush hood, pursed lips, frowning, staring in the direction of the North Pole, with an extremely serious face.In particular, the towering aquiline nose is extremely eye-catching, coupled with the overall black color, it makes people, especially Chinese people, feel like they have seen a ghost.

Gege was also taken aback. Obviously, this foreigner's sculpture style is not suitable for the taste of Chinese people.

However, He Rui took off her hood respectfully, and bowed slightly to the statue.

Seeing that He Rui was so respectful to the statue, Yang Jing and Gege subconsciously followed suit.

He Rui shrugged her shoulders and said: "This guy is the most famous person here, even if he looks at the whole of Norway and the whole world, he is very famous. This statue is carved with Ronald Amundsen. Anyone who is familiar with Antarctica and People in the North Pole will take off their hats or bow to salute when they come here, and Mr. Amundsen is indeed worthy of the respect of so many people."

Then, He Rui pointed to the other two people who came to salute, and continued to explain in a low voice: "Mr. Amundsen is a legend in the history of human exploration, and he is a person who is willing to accept challenges all his life. December 1911, 12 , he reached the pole of the South Pole and stayed at the pole for 14 days. On May 3, 1926, two days after the American Richard Byrd flew over the North Pole, Amundsen and his companion Ellsworth took The airship took off from here, flew across the North Pole, and arrived at Cape Barrow in Alaska. It took only 5 hours and the journey reached 11 kilometers. Since then, Mr. Amundsen has become the first true bipolar hero in human history.”

As he spoke, He Rui sighed again, "Unfortunately, on June 1928, 6, Amundsen flew a plane from here to save his friend, and then disappeared in the Arctic sky. Where. This is a tragic legend of man's conquest of nature."

He Rui pointed to the tall tower on the edge of the fjord and said, "Did you see that iron tower? It's not a communication tower, but an iron tower used to tie airships. Mr. Amundsen and his partner were From that tower to board a hot air balloon and cross the North Pole."

Yang Jing and Ge Ge set up a pergola with both hands and looked in the direction He Rui pointed, and could vaguely see a tall iron tower.The Tower is a bit far from here.

After saying this, He Rui quickened her pace. Obviously, this scary-looking statue was very suitable for He Rui's taste. She obviously didn't want to talk too much about this legendary figure.

He Rui pointed to some buildings while walking and said: "This building with red walls and red roof is Norway's Arctic scientific research station, and the building with yellow walls is India's Arctic scientific research station. Seeing the one with Is there a large number of glass buildings? That is our 'big greenhouse' here, where a lot of green vegetables are cultivated with soilless technology. There is also the New Alesund Post Office, which is the northernmost post office in the world. Next to it It’s the canteen, and the bar. If you two are free, you can mail some postcards to your friends at the post office, or you can go to the bar to relax.”

He Rui introduced all the way, almost introducing all the buildings in Ny-Ålesund.When they reached the southeast corner of Ny-Alesund, He Rui said: "Our Yellow River Station also has red walls and red roofs, but our scientific research station has two floors, and the area is the same as all the polar scientific research stations in Ny-Alesund. The largest among them. Here, that is our Yellow River Station, next to the Korean Station and the French Station.”

In front, there are two almost identical two-story buildings, the walls and roofs are painted in crimson red, but in front of the gate of the small red building in the south, there are two white marble lions squatting. Know that this is a stone lion from China.

Sure enough, after walking to the door, Yang Jing and Gege saw a sign on the wall behind the stone lion on the left. The sign was not big, with a pattern of the blue Arctic Ocean drawn on it. A red Chinese character - Huaxia North Pole Yellow River Station.

PS: Bow down and thank you for the 100 tip of "Love Buried in the Dead Sea".

(End of this chapter)

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