Easy Tycoon

Chapter 452

Chapter 452
He Rui used to be a girl with a fiery personality when she was in the class, and "female man" is the most appropriate description for her.Although this girl looks very juicy and has a good figure, her temper is really hard to compliment.

Not to mention girls, even boys rarely see such a fiery temper.

This kind of temper is called "straightforward" at a good level, and "explosive firecrackers" at a hard level, the kind that explodes at the slightest effort.

One of the most sensational things this girl did in college was to make the branch dean speechless in front of many people.
Gege also mentioned it to Yang Jing many times, saying that in their dormitory, He Rui was the one who took the lead.Whoever was wronged in the dormitory must be the girl who stood up to save face for the sisters in the dormitory.

Yang Jing has a deep understanding of this point.

Back then because of his mother-in-law, Yang Jing gritted his teeth and alienated Ge Ge, but in those days he was almost scolded as a dog by this girl.During those days, Yang Jing avoided this girl when she saw her.There's no way, this matter itself is Yang Jing's own fault, he can't get serious with a girl just because He Rui vented his anger on Ge Ge, can he?
That would really make people laugh.

But one advantage of this girl is that as long as she understands the right and wrong of the matter, she will never care about it again.

It was as if now that she knew that Yang Jing and her best friend were reconciled as before, and even got engaged, she would naturally not target Yang Jing again.

"I said, are you two sleepy? If so, go to my room and take a rest. It's still early for breakfast."

Gege shook his head and said: "We are not sleepy, we have slept on the boat for seven hours." Then, Gege looked up at the sun still swaying in the sky, shaking his head in distress, "This ghost place is really tossing people, as long as you sleep When you wake up, you don’t want to go back to sleep again.”

He Rui curled her lips, "Take your time, don't worry, it will be fine when you get used to it. But after you get used to the sun here, and after you return to China, you have to adapt to the days with the moon and the dark sky. It's hard."

As she spoke, He Rui poked Ge Ge's waist with her hand, and asked in a low voice, "You and Yang Jing slept together?"

Ge Ge blushed, and secretly looked at Yang Jing who was watching around, gave a slight "hmm", and then explained in a low voice: "We are both engaged."

He Rui showed a disgusted expression on her face, "You girl, you are completely depraved."

Ge Ge refused to let go, and after a while, the two best friends tossed together again.

Yang Jing was attracted by the scenery here.

This place is similar to Longyearbyen not far to the south. The ice and snow on the land by the sea have completely melted, and the arctic tundra is struggling to bloom green; arctic terns with black tops, red beaks and white bodies are busy feeding the newly hatched The chicks are feeding; the white-cheeked black geese are swimming in groups in the lake; the golden-eyed plovers lie quietly on the moss carpet and hatch their eggs, and the air is full of noisy calls; in the distance, the polar bears The silhouettes are looming, they are busy replenishing body fat to fight against the coming cruel winter; further away, there are more majestic glaciers that penetrate deep into the Constance Fjord, and the broken glacier can even be faintly heard. Huge sound waves when entering the sea.
Even in the Arctic Circle, in this warm summer, everything is so vibrant.

It is said that one-sixth of the birds in the northern hemisphere breed in the Arctic region, and it is not known how many species of migratory birds there are.

Originally Yang Jing thought that apart from the fact that there is no permanent resident population in Alert, this is the northernmost permanent settlement of human beings, so this place must be very desolate. After all, he has seen the desolation and loneliness of Alert with his own eyes. .

But walking on the pier, Yang Jing realized that his mistake was a little outrageous.

Surrounding the pier, there are actually a large number of yachts and motorboats docked. There are also many private yachts in the fjords, and many people even drive fishing boats here to fish.

The sisters over there had had enough fighting, and He Rui seemed to see Yang Jing's shock, so she explained with a smile: "Don't underestimate this place, although there are very few permanent residents here, every summer, it can attract Tens of thousands of tourists come to visit, and people from Norway come here for vacation, and Ny-Ålesund is still very lively in summer.”

"Why do I feel that this place is more lively than Longyearbyen in the south?" Yang Jing said with emotion.

Not long after walking out of the pier, Yang Jing and Ge Ge saw a sign and looked closely, only then did they realize that it was the introduction sign for Ny-Ålesund.This sign is written in Norwegian, English and German, and introduces the general situation of New Alesund.

Looking from here to the camp area, thirty or forty buildings are scattered scattered in the camp area. Like the buildings seen in Nuuk and Longyearbyen, the buildings here are all painted in colorful colors. .

There are no cement and asphalt roads in the camp area, and all gravel roads here, because the gravel roads are not slippery and safe to walk in winter.From time to time, large machinery such as excavators passed by, and young people in shorts were riding bicycles.Although it is a world of ice and snow, many Westerners don't mind it. They live their lives as they please.

Gege was wrapped in a down jacket and looked in amazement, while He Rui on the side said disdainfully: "These foreigners are also out of their minds. Do you think they are cold or hot? If you want to say cold, they are wearing shorts. But you have to say Let them be hot, they are wearing down jackets on their upper bodies, it is simply unreasonable. If you have the ability, if you run here twice with bare buttocks, I promise to applaud you!"

The tough female man doesn't need to explain. Yang Jing and Gege can only smile back at the female man's complaints.

Not far from this sign, an abandoned locomotive pulling five crooked carriages caught the attention of Yang Jing and Ge Ge.

"This is the remaining souvenir from Wangwan Company." Ge Ge led the two of them closer to the half-abandoned train. Yang Jing found that it was a very old steam locomotive, and it was small in size. The crooked and inconsistent carriages are also very comical. Yang Jing has never seen such a shabby train since he was a child.

"Do you know Wangwan Company? It is a mining group in Norway with a long history. As early as 1917, Wangwan Company established a coal mine here, and the number of residents here once reached more than 200. At that time There is also a school here. However, due to the poor conditions in the mining area, serious accidents, and the severe losses in the global coal mining industry in 1957, the huge investment of Wangwan Company failed to obtain corresponding returns. The major mine disaster finally led to the fate of the final closure of the mine, and even the Norwegian Prime Minister Einar Kihudsen stepped down for this. Later, the Norwegians noticed the unpolluted environment here, so they established the investigation The scientific expedition team became the masters here. This half of the train is the train used by Wangwan Company to transport coal from the mining area to the wharf.”

After a pause, He Rui continued: "It's ridiculous to say that, back then, the Wangwan Company was mining coal mines here and made a mess here. But now, the Wangwan Company has transformed into a logistics support company in New Alesund. .You may not know that here we do not allow each station to cook privately, but the Wangwan company is responsible for providing logistical support such as board and lodging to the research stations in various countries. The reason is ridiculous. In their words, doing so One is to make it easier for team members from various countries to concentrate on scientific research, and the other is to effectively manage and avoid environmental pollution. Hey, see that building with a glass front porch? This is our big cafeteria here. Every day we have to Dine there!"

Yang Jing and Gege looked in the direction He Rui pointed, and saw a gray building.

"What a fucking bastard! There are only a few flavors of food every day, and my mother is about to throw up. Fourth girl, do you have any delicious food on board? Don't say you didn't bring delicious food, or the old lady will not spare you."

Well, it is estimated that Wangwan Company has offended this female man again.
Huaxia's Yellow River Station is located in the southeast corner of Ny-Alesund, walking from the pier to cross the entire town of Ny-Alesund.

On the tundra by the roadside, Yang Jing and Gege saw many golden-eyed plovers hatching eggs, groups of arctic terns flying in the sky, and many arctic terns on the ground to feed the newly-gone. The hatched chicks are fed.

"You must pay attention to two things here. First, you are not allowed to touch any scientific research equipment placed in the wild. Second, you must not disturb the feeding birds. Especially these arctic terns, if you disturb them, You'll know right away how good these birds are."

This kind of bird is actually quite good-looking, with a body length of about forty centimeters. Its black head looks like a woolen hat, its long beak and feet are bright red, and the feathers on its body are off-white.

This kind of bird actually has two names. When it is in the North Pole, it is called the Arctic tern. When they migrate to the Antarctic, the name of this bird will become the Antarctic tern.

The helicopter on board the Blue Whale is named after this bird.

"That's the Arctic tern, right?" Ge Ge asked, pointing to an Arctic tern that was regurgitating the food in its stomach to feed its young, and He Rui nodded.

"I know this kind of bird. I read some introductions about this kind of bird when I was free on the boat. This kind of bird is very powerful! This kind of bird has a very miraculous ability to migrate. It breeds in the Arctic and goes to the Antarctic to survive the winter. It travels back and forth between the two poles every year, with a journey of about 1970 kilometers. It is the bird with the longest migratory distance in the world. , and the sun does not set at the two poles in summer, so they are the only creatures on earth that live in light forever. Not only that, but they also have very tenacious vitality. In 1936, someone picked up a leg The ringed tern turned out to be put on in 34, that is to say, this arctic tern has lived for at least 150 years. From this calculation, it has to fly at least more than [-] million kilometers in its lifetime. Huge energy in such a small body, another masterpiece of nature."

This kind of beautiful bird is indeed very pleasing, no wonder Gege remembers the information about this bird so clearly.

However, He Rui said dismissively: "I said Si girl, you haven't got rid of this kind of Wenqing problem. Let me tell you, don't be fooled by the appearance of this stinky bird. Birds are definitely not good birds. Look at them. Their bodies are like gulls, but they don’t stretch like gulls. Their tail feathers look like swallows, but they don’t have the peace of swallows. Do you know how people here comment on these birds? People here say These birds always fly in groups at low altitude, making sharp and anxious calls, like a group of bats breaking into the day. They like to attack humans, chasing people passing by, pecking the top of his head with their beaks, Shit on his clothes. Although I have no problem with their aggressiveness, what makes me look down on them is not their bravery, but their cowardice, because they often rely on their numbers to bully the lone passer-by .So, this is not a good bird!"

He Rui's complaint made Yang Jing and Gege completely speechless again.

(End of this chapter)

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