Easy Tycoon

Chapter 323 Show

Chapter 323 Show
Yang Jing didn't go to the medical device store where he bought acupuncture needles in the afternoon to buy acupuncture bronze figurines, because when he drove out of the gate of the community, he realized that there was a larger one across the road from the gate of his own community. Medical equipment store.

Yang Jing dragged Ge Ge into this specialty store, and sure enough, he saw a 1.7-meter-high bronze acupuncture figure poking in the counter.

Seeing that Yang Jing really wanted to buy such a bronze acupuncture statue for [-] yuan, Gege couldn't hold back anymore and asked, "Yang Jing, do you really understand acupuncture?"

Yang Jing shook his head and said, "I don't care if I understand it or not. You will know after reading it. After a while, you will know whether I understand acupuncture or not. Waiter, this is my card. Swipe it to pay the bill."

Naturally, this kind of acupuncture bronze figurines are not the ancient bronze figurines made entirely of copper. They are made of a modern plastic material, but most of them are made after the ancient Chinese acupuncture bronze figurines.

On this "bronze figure", which is more than 1.7 meters long, there are densely marked various acupuncture points and meridians of the human body. Just looking at it just now, Yang Jing knew that this bronze acupuncture figure made with modern technology is very well-made. At least the positions of the acupuncture points and meridians marked on the body are very accurate.

Don't ask Yang Jing how he knows that the acupoints marked on the bronze acupuncture figure are accurate. He just knows that since he got the inheritance of "Taoist medicine", all the knowledge about the human body and diseases has been printed on his body. in mind.He is now equivalent to an old Chinese doctor with thousands of years of medical experience.
Ge Ge obviously didn't like this acupuncture bronze figure covered in red fruit, and said with some reluctance: "Yang Jing, we can't put this kind of thing in our house in the future."

Yang Jing smiled, didn't say anything, and put the bronze figure directly into the back seat.This bronze figure is made of modern plastic, it is not heavy, and it can be easily picked up by Yang Jing.

When he got home and parked the car, Yang Jing carried the bronze figure up to the fifth floor and entered the house. When he first entered the house, the bronze figure surprised Yang's father and mother. I was thinking, my son just went out for a stroll, why did he come back with a fruit corpse?
It wasn't until Yang Jing put the bronze acupuncture figure on the ground that the old couple realized that it was a bronze acupuncture figure.

Yang's mother asked her son in confusion: "Xiao Jing, why did you go out to fight this thing and come back?"

"Hey, mom, don't you and my dad not believe that I know acupuncture? I have to show you both with this."

As he said that, Yang Jing took out the set of acupuncture needles he had just bought in the afternoon again, pulled out a few steel needles not much thicker than a hair, and said, "My dad's disease is a combination of lumbar spine deformation and lumbar muscle strain. Therefore, if acupuncture is needed, it must be targeted, so I am going to perform acupuncture on my dad’s local bladder meridian points, with Weizhong, Huantiao, Shenshu, Chengshan, Yibian and other acupoints as the main points. Lord, cooperate with the Ashi point."

As he said that, Yang Jing shook his hand, Yang's parents, Yang's mother and Gege didn't see Yang Jing's movements clearly at all, they saw a shining needle stuck in the back of the bronze acupuncture figure.

"This is the Shenshu acupoint!" Yang Jing said softly. Father Yang moved up to it with his reading glasses, touched it with his hand, and asked, "Son, why does water come out of this thing after being stuck in it?"

Yang Jing explained with a smile: "Dad, this is the bronze acupuncture figure. It is specially for people to contact the accuracy of the acupuncture points of the silver needle. The acupuncture points of this bronze acupuncture figure are all hollow, with water inside and wax sealing outside. , as long as a needle can be accurately pierced to the acupuncture point, the silver needle will pierce the outer wax seal, and the water inside will flow out naturally. Of course, if the needle is not accurate, naturally no water will flow out. "

Hearing Yang Jing's explanation, Yang's mother and Ge Ge also leaned over curiously. After a closer look, they found that under the shiny silver steel needle, a wisp of water was slowly flowing out.

The two of them looked at the name of the acupuncture point pierced by the silver needle, and it was indeed the Shenshu point.

"Get out of the way a little bit, the location of the next needle is Yibian!" As soon as the voice fell, I didn't see Yang Jing's movements, I just saw his hand raised. There is an extra silver needle.
Shenshu is at the side of the lumbar spine, and Yibian is at the position slightly above the buttocks, the distance between them is about six inches.

Seeing that her son didn't even look at it, and just raised his hand, the silver needle pierced the Yibian acupoint accurately, Yang Ma was also stunned.

"Son, the acupuncture and moxibustion I've seen before is not done like this. The acupuncturists look at it again and again, and then place the needle after confirming the position. And where the needle is thrown away like you are, they still don't know what to do." You have to lift the needle or something, anyway, the depth of the needle must be very accurate, if you throw it so casually, it will be quite accurate, but how can you guarantee the depth?"

Yang Jing smiled and said: "Mom, I just pierced two needles, and the one on Shenshu is a bit deeper than the one on Yi's side. If you don't believe me, you can pull it out and have a look. Both needles will leave marks after they penetrate the wax seal."

Mama Yang pulled out the two needles in disbelief. Sure enough, the upper needle seemed to be a little more than three millimeters deeper than the lower one.

This time, even Papa Yang, who had been keeping his expression on his face, was shocked.

Yang Jing ignored their shock, and continued: "The next needle is Huan Tiao, and this one is Chengshan. I'm going to pierce the Ashi point for a while. Dad, Mom, Gege, this Ashi point is a point on the human body. Very special acupoints, because this acupoint has no fixed location name, generally depends on the disease, mostly located near the lesion, or at a place far away from it, its acupoint selection method is to use pain as an acupoint, that is, It is often said that 'where there is pain, there is an acupoint'. Because I have not given a specific diagnosis to my father, the Ashi acupoint I have selected is tentatively designated as Fengmen acupoint."

As he spoke, Yang Jing shook his hand again, and a silver needle was accurately pierced into the Fengmen acupoint on the inner side of the shoulder blade.

This miraculous needle technique immediately stunned all three of them.

At this time, Yang Jing didn't need to explain, the three of them could already see that Yang Jing's needling technique was definitely not a little bit better than those so-called acupuncture masters outside.

Especially Dad Yang, because of his back pain, he did acupuncture and moxibustion frequently.When he was doing acupuncture in the past, those acupuncturists were far worse than his son when they gave acupuncture.As the so-called "long illness becomes a doctor", Dad Yang has been suffering from back pain for more than ten years. Of course he knows that acupuncture must be "steady, accurate and fast", but compared with his son, those acupuncturists are simply not the same. horizontal.

Yang Jing said with a smile: "Now that the needles have been placed, the next step is the manipulation of needles. In modern Chinese medicine, it is used. In acupuncture and moxibustion, needles are acupuncture methods, and moxibustion is moxibustion methods. The two are two. But according to the old Taoist priest who taught me this set of acupuncture and moxibustion techniques, acupuncture and moxibustion can actually achieve the effects of acupuncture and moxibustion with one needle, and the effect is even better. good."

"Using the words of the old Taoist priest, if you want to become a real acupuncture master, you must first have a sense of Qi. The silver needles are inserted into the acupoints of the patient, thereby stimulating the sense of qi in the acupoints of the patient, so as to achieve the best therapeutic effect. Therefore, the old Taoist told me that the set of acupuncture and moxibustion techniques he studied, acupuncture It’s acupuncture, and moxibustion is acupuncture! Watch it!”

Yang Jing gave a low cry, and then his hands turned into an afterimage, shaking on the back and legs of the bronze acupuncture man, and after his hands left, several people were surprised to find that the person who had been motionless just now Those needles seem to be "alive" at this moment.
There are a total of twelve silver needles inserted into the body of the bronze acupuncture figure. At this time, all the silver needles are moving, some are vibrating at a rate that can be discerned by the naked eye, and some seem to be motionless on the surface, but when you look closely, you can't see them. It can be found that the vibration frequency of these silver needles is very high and small, but they are still vibrating in the same way.

Mama Yang accompanied Papa Yang to do acupuncture many times. Papa Yang couldn't see the needles inserted into his body when he was doing acupuncture, but Mama Yang could see them clearly.But Yang's mother had never seen such a miraculous phenomenon.

When other acupuncturists move the needles, they constantly move the needles by pushing, lifting, turning, and flicking the fingers. Once the silver needles leave the acupuncturist's fingers, the needles will be like dead objects. Do not move.

And the hand shown by the son really stunned Mama Yang.She really didn't expect that this kind of acupuncture needle, which has no life, can still "live".

Gege on the side also looked at all this in surprise. What happened just now really subverted her cognition.

Yang's mother asked: "Son, how did you do this? I feel like I'm watching a martial arts TV series."

Yang Jing smiled and said: "Mom, this is actually caused by the so-called Qi Sensation. When I was moving the needles just now, I actually added my Qi Sensation, so these needles can be in a state of motion for a long time."

"The old Taoist priest you mentioned just now, and all those auras, are they all true?" Mama Yang had to believe it if she didn't believe it this time.

"Of course it's true. It's not something shameful. Do I have to lie? It's just that the sense of qi is not easy to practice. I have practiced for more than two years before I feel the sense of qi."

Father Yang was stunned for a while before he said: "Son, could it be that you have really achieved greatness? It's not always said in the novels that once you have a sense of qi, it means that your internal strength has reached the point where you can enter the house."

Yang Jing waved his hand with a wry smile and said, "Dad, you read too many martial arts novels, right? This is not some kind of internal force, it's just a sense of Qi developed through breathing. It's still early for the sun to rise!"

PS: Bow down and thank "yanyan79", "a little monkey", and "rogue OK" for their 100 rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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