Easy Tycoon

Chapter 322 I'll Give You Two Needles?

Chapter 322 Shall I give you two needles?

Cyprus is an island country located at the junction of Europe and Asia, in the eastern Mediterranean, with an area of ​​only 9251 square kilometers. It used to be a British colony, but now it belongs to the Commonwealth of Nations.

This country is located on Cyprus, the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. Because in ancient Greek mythology, this island is the birthplace of Aphrodite, the god of love and beauty, and Venus, so this island is also known as the birthplace of Venus. Proudly known as the "Island of Love".

Hearing Yang Jing say the name "Cyprus", Gege asked a little strangely: "Why did you choose this country? In terms of tax avoidance, Monaco, Andorra, and Liechtenstein in the European continent are all tax havens, but those countries have It’s much better than Cyprus. Don’t forget, although Cyprus is a developed country, there is still a dispute between the North and the South, and those Turkish people have always controlled the northern part of the island.”

As Ge Ge said, Cyprus is not considered a developed country, and its level of development is generally higher than the average level of the European Union, but this country has not achieved real unity until now.

To put it bluntly, behind the split of Cyprus is also a contest between two countries neighboring Cyprus.

Geographically speaking, Cyprus is the closest to Turkey in the north, but in this country, Greeks occupy an absolute number.

According to the solvent in July 2013, the total population of Cyprus is 7 million.Among them, Greeks accounted for 115.54%, Turks accounted for 71.8%, and foreigners accounted for 9.5%.Historically, Cypriots were dominated by Greeks.

But when Cyprus got rid of British colonial rule in 1960 and was preparing to establish the Republic of Cyprus, at this time, the Greeks who had an absolute advantage in numbers offered to form a coalition government with the Turks who had a small number.

This was a good thing, but the Turks, who had always been rebellious, gradually quit.Why can only you Greeks be the president, and I, the Turks, can only be the vice president?
The Turks are full of fighting nature in their bones. This nation once established the most powerful Ottoman Empire in the world and beat the whole world.After entering the new era, although Turkey is gradually lagging behind those developed countries, this country is very awesome.During the civil war in Syria some time ago, the Russian fighter planes that even the United States and NATO dared not fight, were stunned by Turkey.

People in this country can be described as extremely daring, as long as they have interests, they really dare to make a move.

The same is true of the Turks in the case of Cyprus.Although they occupy an absolute disadvantage in terms of population, they just refuse to accept it!Just fight with you!What's wrong with you many Greeks?Even if there are so many people, I dare to confront you head-on!
Therefore, since the armed conflict between Turkey and Greece broke out in Cyprus in 1963, Cyprus has been falling into a state of division.Especially in 1974, when the Greek junta staged a coup in Serbia, Turkey sent troops to Serbia in the name of a "guarantor state", occupied 37% of the northern territory, and moved all the Turkish residents to the north.

In February 1975, the Turks announced the establishment of the "Cyprus Turk State" and elected Denktash as the "President".It was on November 2, 1983 that the "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus" was established. The Cypriot government resolutely opposed the independence of the Turkish people. So far, it has not been recognized by other countries except Turkey.

Since 1974, the Republic of Cyprus has been divided between North and South for a long time.The Tu people, who account for less than 37% of the country's population, control about [-]% of the land area in the northern part of the island.
To some extent, the Cyprus issue is a continuation of the strategic conflict between Greece and Turkey.Greece controls most of the islands in the Aegean Sea. It can be said that Greece has strangled the throats of major seaports in western Turkey such as Izmir.Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, close to Ceyhan, an important Turkish oil port, and Iskanderun, an important town on the Turkish-Syrian border. Turkey cannot tolerate Greece controlling Cyprus, and thus further suppresses itself strategically, forming a siege of Turkey. Therefore, it is necessary to intervene strongly in the Cyprus issue.

Türkiye has maintained a garrison of around 3.5 troops in Cyprus.What the Turks and Turkey are most worried about is that after the unification of Cyprus, the Greeks will promote the Hellenization of the entire island, and eventually promote the merger of Cyprus into Greece.Greece is a small country in the international arena, but the Greeks are a strong side on the island. This balance of power is an important reason why the Cyprus issue is difficult to resolve.

Therefore, no matter from which point of view, the developed Cyprus is not a paradise, but an out-and-out explosive keg. It may one day become the Balkan Peninsula of the year, and it may trigger political turmoil in the Mediterranean region. .

It is obviously not a good choice for Yang Jing to immigrate to Cyprus.

That's why Grid had such a question.

Of course, Yang Jing can't say that he immigrated to Cyprus just to do an experiment. Once the experiment is successful, then Yang Jing can greatly reduce the restrictions imposed on him by the space-time paradox.

But since Gege asked this question, Yang Jing had no choice but to answer.

"Gege, among the developed or underdeveloped countries in the world, there are temporarily 50 countries that can obtain the nationality of that country through investment immigration. Like the United States, you can get a green card by investing 49.5 US dollars, and I already have a green card in the United States. Yes. But there are other things to do to get US citizenship. Although I can easily apply for US citizenship, I don't want to immigrate to the US. US taxes are too much of a headache. Andorra, Monaco and Liechtenstein Although it is very good, like Andorra, you only need to invest 120 US dollars to obtain the right of residence, and Monaco needs to invest [-] million US dollars to obtain the right of residence, but to obtain the citizenship of these two countries, you need to live in those two countries for more than ten years .I don't have that much time to live there."

After a pause, Yang Jing continued: "Although I have immigrated, I don't want to live in those countries. It's okay to go on vacation occasionally, and live for a long time. I really don't have that interest, at least not now. As for Cyprus, as long as you live in this country If the state invests in real estate worth 240 million dollars, then you can directly obtain the citizenship of this country, which is the fastest. At the same time, Cyprus is also a world-renowned tax haven and tourist paradise. After we get married, we have to go on vacation every year, right? Why not invest in a villa in Cyprus, which will allow us to have a place to go on vacation while obtaining citizenship! I don’t usually live there, so what does he have to do with me if he messes up?"

Hearing what Yang Jing said, Gege also nodded slightly, "Since you are already prepared, then I won't say more."

The two wandered around the garden for more than half an hour before returning home together.

After arriving at home, Yang Jing took out the acupuncture set he just bought and said to Dad Yang, "Dad, does your waist still hurt now?"

Dad Yang, who was standing watching TV, glanced at his son and said, "What's wrong? I've got an old problem. Didn't you see your dad? I can only watch TV standing up now? It doesn't hurt to stand like this. But if you sit down, it starts to hurt after a while."

Dad Yang is a professional driver. He has been driving since he was 16 years old. He is 53 years old this year. He has been driving for 37 years, but he suffered from such an occupational disease - back pain.

In the words of doctors, it is part of the deformation of the lumbar spine and strain of the lumbar muscles caused by sitting in one position for a long time.
Papa Yang was fine when he was young, but as he got older, this problem became more and more serious. At the worst time, Papa Yang couldn't sleep because of the pain at night. He couldn't sit or stand. He could only lie down. lying or lying down.

I have tried traction, physiotherapy, massage, massage, acupuncture, and oral medicine, and the only thing I have to do is surgery.Sometimes the pain is so bad that Dad Yang really wants to have an operation, but when he arrives at the hospital, the doctor checks him up and says, your problem is not enough to be operated on, just take it easy and pay more attention.
Dad Yang's problem is really not a serious lumbar disc herniation, but the pain caused by several problems combined. Of course, other hospitals will not treat you with surgery, so Dad Yang can only stay like this.

"Dad, would you like me to give you two needles?"

"You? Since when did you learn this?" Father Yang asked with a smile.

"Actually, I really have a secret. I met an old Taoist priest when I was in London. The old Taoist priest always said that I was suitable to inherit his mantle, so he passed on a set of breathing formulas and a book of medical skills to me. I didn’t believe in this thing at first, but it’s quite reasonable to take it out to see it when I’m free, and I breathe according to that breathing method. In the past two years, my body has become better and better, and my strength has also increased. A lot, and my body is much better. When I went out for a walk with Gege just now, I suddenly remembered that you have back pain. I remembered that there was a set of acupuncture in that medical book, and I also practiced that set of acupuncture, so I just want to give you two injections." At this point, Yang Jing could only make up excuses.

Yang's mother laughed and scolded from the side: "Is your boy suffering from hysteria or something? Why are you talking nonsense? You are an old Taoist priest, I think you are going to fool me and your father again, right? Acupuncture Can someone pierce it? If this acupuncture point is not pricked well, it will be a big deal."

It was only at this time that Yang Jing realized that he had taken it for granted. He regretted that he didn't buy the bronze acupuncture figure at the medical equipment store this afternoon.Now many specialty stores that sell medical equipment have this kind of acupuncture bronze figurines for sale. Of course, this kind of acupuncture bronze figurines are not antiques, but made of materials such as ceramics, alloys, and even hard plastics using modern technology. Yes, the price is not very expensive.

If you buy a bronze acupuncture figure and perform acupuncture in front of your parents, your parents will probably believe it.

Raising his hand and looking at his watch, he found that it was not yet eight o'clock. Yang Jing frowned, and said as he walked out: "Don't sleep, you two, Gege and I will go out for a while and come back later. You two show it, and you two believe it!"

(End of this chapter)

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