Easy Tycoon

Chapter 320 Stunned

Chapter 320 Stunned
After reading this letter, Yang Jing felt a little bitter in his heart, and the joy of getting this batch of treasures was also diluted by the heaviness of this letter.

Speaking of Mu Tianbo and Li Dingguo, they are really a pair of tragic brothers.

Li Dingguo was the adopted son of Zhang Xianzhong, the boss of the rebels in the late Ming Dynasty. He was able to fight well when he was an adult, and he fought the Ming army like ghosts and wolves.However, when Zhang Xianzhong sent troops to resist the Qing army and was killed by an arrow in Xichong Phoenix Mountain, Li Dingguo resolutely defected to Nanming and became the number one general under Yongli Emperor Zhu Youlang.

Not to mention Mu Tianbo, he is the hereditary Duke of Qian, and his ancestor is Mu Ying, the famous founding general of the Ming Dynasty. His identity and status are naturally many times higher than that of Li Dingguo, who was born in a reckless family.

However, after Li Dingguo took refuge in the Nanming court, he defeated the rebellious Sun Kewang and the Qing army, and was highly valued by Emperor Yongli. Tianbo became a good brother.

In order to protect the Yongli Emperor Zhu Youlang and the weak regime of Nanming, this pair of brothers and sisters worked hard and took the lead.

Mu Tianbo accompanied Zhu Youlang into Burma, and eventually died in Hakka, not even a body could be found.After Emperor Yongli entered Burma, Li Dingguo alone led the incomplete troops to resist the powerful Qing soldiers. Speaking of it, Li Dingguo fought very hard, and it was because after Wu Sangui killed Emperor Yongli, the last loyal minister and general of the Southern Ming Dynasty couldn't stand the stimulation, and died of depression a year later.

From this letter, it is not difficult to judge that Mu Tianbo is indeed a loyal minister.Emperor Yongli was imprisoned by Sun Kewang in Qiangui for three years, and was finally rescued by Li Dingguo in the ninth year of Yongli.After Li Dingguo escorted Emperor Yongli to Chuncheng, Mu Tianbo began to raise military funds to prepare for long-term resistance to the Qing soldiers.

From the ninth year of Yongli to the end of the 12th year of Yongli, in more than three years, Mu Tianbo was able to raise 20 taels of gold and 100 million taels of silver, which is already very remarkable, and Emperor Yongli finally put his inner The son also took out, including those precious calligraphy and paintings, the original "Yongle Dadian" and those gold and silver jewels, which also shows that Emperor Yongli actually had ideas at this time.

In fact, if it weren't for the powerful Qing army, and the fact that Emperor Yongli's mother, the Queen Mother, was too timid and had been encouraging Emperor Yongli to seek refuge in Burma, Zhu Youlang had no choice but to enter Burma and was eventually betrayed. King Dongyu was captured, but stayed firmly in Yundian from the very beginning. Wen had Mu Tianbo, Wu had Li Dingguo and Bai Wenxuan, and the Nanming Dynasty might last for a longer period of time.

Otherwise, there are many historical events that are often corrupted by those women (PS: serious statement: Lao Mo is not against female compatriots here!), in fact, even after Emperor Yongli entered Burma, he also They had the opportunity to stay in the China-Myanmar border area or even return to Yunnan and Yunnan again, but because of the reluctance of the Queen Mother, they finally had to continue to go deep into Myanmar.

Yang Jing knew about this period of history.After Zhu Youlang, Mu Tianbo and other court entourages entered Myanmar on the 16th of the first lunar month in the 13th year of Shunzhi, that is, the 26th year of the Yongli calendar, they arrived at Manmo on the 29th, which is near Bhamo, in front of the local Burmese native official thinking line Come to meet him, Emperor Yongli bestowed a gold medal and rich gifts of satin and silk.

At that time, Mu Tianbo, Lord of the State of Qian, Wang Weihua, Marquis of Huating, and Li Chongshi, eunuch of Donggong Dianxi, were still relatively clear-headed. s consequence.

Therefore, after deliberation, they jointly put forward a proposal: "This place belongs to the border of Burma, and it has not yet penetrated deeply. If we drive half of the civil and military soldiers into Burma with the generals, and half of them lead the prince into Chashan to dispatch the battalions, even in Burma, there will be foreign aid to rely on." Otherwise, if you go deep into the Yi acupoint, the sound will be blocked from inside and outside, and you will eventually become sleepy."

Emperor Yongli felt that this suggestion was reasonable and could be considered.But Zhonggong Wang, that is, Zhu Youlang's mother, was reluctant to let her son stay away from her side, and insisted on refusing. In the end, Zhu Youlang had no choice but to move on.

On the day when the dragon raised its head on the second day of February, the king of Burma sent four passenger ships to meet him.Due to the small size of the boats, Emperor Yongli selected 640 six officials to follow the Sangong and went south by the waterway. Some of the officials paid their own money to hire boats to accompany them; .

In fact, the attitude of the Burmese king can be seen from the ships sent by the Burmese king to meet them. Mu Tianbo's worries are also very correct.At that time, if Zhu Youlang had not boarded the ship, but had led his troops to garrison near Manmo, relying on the dangerous terrain, he might not have been able to stop the attack of the Qing soldiers.

It's a pity that because of the old woman, the Queen Mother, Zhu Youlang had to continue to move forward. As a result, when he arrived at the city of Ava, that is, after Mandalay, the king of Burma refused to let Zhu Youlang cross the river, and directly sent Zhu Youlang and his party together. It was arranged on the opposite side of the Irrawaddy River, and a "Bamboo City" was built around bamboo for Zhu Youlang and his party to live in.

Later, Mangbai, the younger brother of King Mangda of Burma, staged a coup, killed his elder brother Mangda, and became the king of Myanmar.And in the three years before Mang Da was killed by his brother, the Burmese king hadn't even met Zhu Youlang.

Zhu Youlang's three years in Myanmar were extremely difficult, and even the gold-made national seal was smashed by the eunuchs and distributed as money.

If Zhu Youlang had not entered Burma at that time, but had continued to resist the Qing soldiers on the Sino-Myanmar border or Yunnan and Yunnan, perhaps the fate of the Southern Ming court would have been different.

Of course, I am afraid that Li Dingguo did not receive the letter Mu Tianbo wrote to Li Dingguo, otherwise the military funds hidden in this cave would not have been released for more than 400 years.
As the saying goes, "Man is not as good as God", Mu Tianbo's plan was good, but in the end it was crippled by God.

Combined with this letter, Yang Jing has a more thorough understanding of the history of more than 400 years ago.But in any case, this period of history is a very heavy history. It is no exaggeration to say that this letter actually witnessed the collapse of the last ruling dynasty of the Han people.

Yang Jing let out a long sigh, and finally put the small box into the space, and then walked around the cave again, making sure that there was nothing missing, and walked out the same passage.

After going out, Yang Jing climbed to the top of the mountain, pulled up the wooden board, untied it and put away the two static ropes.It's definitely not okay to put this thing here.

After putting away all the things, Yang Jing directly activated the "Restricted Time Travel" skill, and returned to his newly bought house in an instant.

This time I stayed in Myanmar for a total of ten days, and I came back in the middle to open the "Inheritance Skills Combination [-]", took a bath, and stayed for about half an afternoon. After returning to this time and space again, the time It's been a day and a half.

Yang Jing called his mother and told her to go home for dinner in the evening. At the same time, after asking Gege to help in the car dealership, he hung up the phone and Shi Shiran walked out of the house.

After leaving the gate of the community, I came to a specialty store selling medical equipment, where Yang Jing bought a whole set of acupuncture needles, from the thickest 24# needles to the thinnest 40# needles, Yang Jing bought all of them.

Now that we already have the inheritance of "Taoist medicine", we can't waste this inheritance. The problems of the grandparents in the family can just be cured for the two elders.

Now that Western medicine has clearly and unmistakably been unable to treat the illnesses of the two elderly people, Yang Jing intends to treat them with traditional Chinese medicine to see if they can be effective.

The most important thing is that with the inheritance of "feeding back", Yang Jing can mobilize the precious energy in the holy ring anytime and anywhere, and transform the precious energy into a kind of energy similar to the internal force in martial arts novels, which can be injected directly through acupuncture. Go into the patient's body and use this magical energy to heal the disease.

Although Yang Jing had never touched or pricked acupuncture needles before, when he got these newly bought acupuncture needles, a very familiar feeling came from his hand, that feeling was like I have touched acupuncture needles for decades or even hundreds of years, as if those acupuncture needles in my hand have become a part of my body.

Acupuncture needs to be "steady, accurate and fast". Acupuncture and moxibustion can only be considered successful if the acupuncture needles are inserted into the patient's acupoints steadily and accurately. As for the speed, it is to avoid the pain of the patient.Only by inserting the needle into the acupoint quickly, the sooner the better, the less pain the patient will feel.

When some acupuncturists insert needles, patients don't even feel pain. This is because these acupuncturists insert needles too fast.

However, this was Yang Jing’s first time taking acupuncture needles, and he was somewhat worried. He saw a bronze acupuncture figure produced by a certain manufacturer standing next to the counter, so he asked the salesperson if he could try this bronze acupuncture figure. Needle.

Of course, you can try the needle, but you have to pay for it, 50 yuan for one injection.
Yang Jing was also completely speechless, but he still happily handed in 50 yuan, and then opened the set of needles he just bought. Under the contemptuous eyes of the salesperson, three fingers gently twisted a needle. needle.

Maybe the salesperson was thinking: "What a big-tailed wolf! You want to do acupuncture before the hair on your mouth grows?"

As a result, the salesperson was dumbfounded when he saw that the young man seemed to move his hands, and then a gleaming needle accurately pierced into the Tanzhong acupoint on the chest of the bronze acupuncture figure.The acupoints of the Acupuncture Bronze Man are hollow, filled with water inside and sealed with wax outside. As long as the needle accurately hits the acupoint and penetrates in, the wax seal will be pierced, and the water inside will flow out.

This salesperson sells medical equipment here all the year round, and has seen many old acupuncturists practice acupuncture on this bronze acupuncture figure, but their speed of needle injection is really far behind that of this young man.

If it wasn't for the gleaming needle piercing the bronze man's Tanzhong acupoint, and the water in the Tanzhong acupoint flowed out, the salesperson would have thought he was delusional.

And that's not counting, I saw the young man's movements getting faster and faster, grasping the needle and stretching his arms, and the next moment, a needle would definitely be accurately inserted into the bronze man's acupuncture point.

And no matter whether it is a straight needle, an oblique needle or a flat needle, the angle of each needle is so perfect, it is more than a textbook.

In less than ten seconds, more than a dozen gleaming needles pierced into the bronze man's acupuncture points.Moreover, after the young man inserted these needles, his hands seemed to turn into a mess, lifting or pulling or rubbing or scraping or flicking or shaking or shaking. Within a few seconds, all those shining needles moved. Get up. The salesperson was dumbfounded!

(End of this chapter)

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