Easy Tycoon

Chapter 319 A Letter That Was Four Years Late

Chapter 319 A Letter That Was Four Years Late

"The original version of "Yongle Dadian", 1403-1408, Xie Jin."

Several times in a row, the holy ring gave such an answer, which made Yang Jing almost die of happiness!
The status of "Yongle Dadian" in the inheritance of Chinese culture is definitely one of the handful of books at the pinnacle, and there are definitely only a handful of books that can compare with it.

Yang Jing had seen the appearance of the Jiajing version of "Yongle Dadian" in the National Library, but the appearance of these "Yongle Dadian" in front of him was slightly different from the copies Yang Jing had seen.

These "Yongle Dadian" are a little bigger than the Jiajing version. Yang Jing measured them with the palm of his hand. They are about 30 centimeters wide and half a meter long.

As for the color and layout of the cover, it is similar to the copy of the Jiajing edition.

Yang Jing lifted the cover of one of the books with a trembling hand, revealing the contents inside. Yang Jing dared to swear with his own head that the contents were definitely not printed, but written in serious strokes. manuscript!

In fact, the 3.7 million characters in "Yongle Dadian" were all copied out stroke by stroke by calligraphers using the Ming Dynasty Guange style. The landscape objects painted in "Da Dian" are also all drawn in line, which is exquisite and delicate.The number of courtiers, scribes, scholars and Confucian scholars who participated in the copying alone reached 2.16.

Ming Chengzu Zhu Di ordered the compilation of "Yongle Dadian" in the year of his accession to the throne, that is, July 1403.He said to Xie Jin, Hu Guang and other ministers: "The ancient and modern things in the world are scattered and recorded in various classics, which are huge and difficult to retrieve. I want to collect a wide range of things contained in various books and use rhymes to unify them for research. In this way, searching for things is as easy as searching for things. In the past, "Yunfu Qunyu" and "Huixi History Rhyme" and other books also used rhyme to control, but the collection of books was not extensive and the records were brief. I hope you According to my opinion, collect all the classics and history books of the past dynasties since the beginning of writing, as well as astronomy, topography, yin and yang, medical calculations, monks and Taoism, and skills, and put them together in one book. .”

As soon as the emperor spoke, the courtiers below would naturally break their legs in a hurry.Xie Jin and others adhered to the above idea, and after six years, they finally compiled this 22 volumes, divided into 937 volumes, a collection of seven to eight thousand kinds of ancient and modern books.

At the beginning of the book's completion, Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty considered printing it, that is, engraving and printing, but he gave up because of the huge labor costs. He only hired a book hand to copy a copy, which is called the "Yongle Original".

And the "Yongle Dadian" in the five boxes in front of me, needless to say, is the original "Yongle Dadian" that was hand-transcribed under the order of Ming Chengzu Zhu Di!

In the 14th year of Zhengtong in the Ming Dynasty, that is, in 1449, a fire broke out at Wenyuan Pavilion in Jinling, and the original manuscripts of "Yongle Dadian" were burned.

In the 36th year of Jiajing, that is, in April 1557, a fire broke out in the palace, Fengtianmen and the three main halls were burned down, and the original "Yongle Dadian" was almost destroyed.False alarmed by this, Emperor Jiajing decided to organize manpower to copy a copy.

At the beginning of the re-recording, the minister Xu Jie thought that it would be a huge project to transcribe tens of thousands of books, and there was no need to stick to the original style and calligraphy.However, after an in-depth review of the "Da Dian", it was found that if the format was changed, the large and small characters and graphics on it would have to change.

So in the 41st year of Jiajing, that is, in 1562, Emperor Jiajing selected 109 writing and painting students to formally copy and paint. It took six years and was completed in April of the first year of Longqing. It was called "Jiajing Copy".

The original was lost later. Some people say that the original "Yongle Dadian" was destroyed by fire during the Wanli period, and some people say that the original "Yongle Dadian" was buried with Emperor Wanli of Ming Shenzong.As a result, after the Dingling Mausoleum was opened in the 60s, no trace of the original "Yongle Dadian" was found inside.

Obviously, the original version of "Yongle Dadian" was not buried with Emperor Wanli.

But the original did disappear without a trace.

Even the Jiajing copy was not valued at the beginning when it was handed down to the Qing Dynasty. It was not until the Yongqian period that the Jiajing copy of "Yongle Dadian" was taken seriously. A lot of content in the copy of "Yongle Dadian".

It's just that by that time, even the copies have lost a lot.

Later, in the late Qing Dynasty, the great powers invaded China, and the Jiajing copy was looted by the great powers. Until modern times, even the Jiajing copy only has more than 800 volumes in the world.

Even the Jiajing copy is already a rare treasure in the world, let alone the original copies that have disappeared for hundreds of years!

If these originals are taken back to the original time and space, it will definitely cause a storm!

It just made Yang Jing feel a little pity that these five big boxes only contained 680 volumes, a total of [-] volumes.It accounts for a little more than half of the original version of "Yongle Dadian".

However, although it is a pity that the "Yongle Dadian" here is not complete, but to be able to get so many "Yongle Dadian", and it is the original version of the eight classics, this is already an eye-opener from God!

It is just unclear why the original "Yongle Dadian", which had disappeared in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, appeared here.Could it be that Yongli Emperor Zhu Youlang brought it here?

This is the only reason to explain why most of the original "Yongle Dadian" appeared here.There is no other reason to explain this point, and there are many gold and silver jewelry, precious calligraphy and paintings to prove this point.In the turbulent era at the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, it must be the royal family's ability to gather so many precious things together.

It's just that although the Holy Ring is miraculous, it can only simply identify the detailed source of a certain item. As for how this item came here, the Holy Ring does not have this function.

Looking at the five big boxes, Yang Jing was stunned for a while, and finally laughed out loud twice, touched the boxes with his left hand, and in an instant, the five big boxes disappeared on the spot, and entered the Upgraded storage space.

As a result, after Yang Jing put all the boxes into the storage space, he found a small purple-black wooden box on the ground.

Intuition made Yang Jing happy when he saw this small wooden box, he hurried forward a few steps, and picked up the small box.

The box was very heavy, and it was actually made of lobular red sandalwood. Although it was not big, it was heavy to hold in the arms.

There is also a small copper lock on the small box, but this small copper lock has long been rusted, and Yang Jing opened the small box effortlessly.

There is also oiled paper wrapped inside. After uncovering the oiled paper, you can see a silver straight seal. Judging from its size, it is obviously the three highest-ranked seals among the hundred official seals of the Ming Dynasty, which can only be used by first-rank officials. The direct New Zealand seal.

Yang Jing picked up the square straight seal, looked at the seal at the bottom, he was startled, but at the same time enlightened.Because the seal printed on this side is impressively the four characters "Qian Guo Gongyin".

Needless to say, this must have been left by Mu Tianbo, the last Duke of Qian in the Ming Dynasty.

Think about Mu Tianbo and Li Dingguo first fighting against Sun Kewang, who beat Sun Kewang into a panic, and finally escorted him into Myanmar, and finally broke his soul in Wacheng, Myanmar, an absolute generation of loyal ministers.Looking at the treasures in these more than 20 large boxes, it is not difficult for Yang Jing to guess who put these treasures here.

Apart from Mu Tianbo, I am afraid that no one else has such ability and courage.

If someone else hid these treasures here, maybe Yang Jing would still doubt that person's purpose.But it is absolutely impossible for Mu Tianbo and Li Dingguo to do such a thing.

In order to protect Zhu Youlang, Mu Tianbo finally broke his soul in Burma, and fought with Burmese soldiers to the death.After Li Dingguo learned that Emperor Yongli was finally killed by Wu Sangui, he became depressed and became ill. He only persisted for a year before following Emperor Yongli. He was only 42 years old when he died.

These two generals can be said to be the last loyal ministers of Nanming, and their loyalty is naturally beyond doubt.And if these treasures were really hidden here by Mu Tianbo, then there must be his purpose.

Sure enough, under the seal, Yang Jing found a letter. After opening it carefully, Yang Jing was moved again by the contents.

My brother Ning Yu:

If you see this letter, you must have received a letter from your brother.Brother, in Awa Zhucheng, I wish you to use this military fund to show your glory again, defeat the Tartars in Yundian, and return my Yundian to a brighter world, and my lord can also return to Yundian.

This military fund was raised for my brother, and the original "Yongle Dadian" belonged to the late Emperor Lizong, and was a gift from His Majesty Shenzong.Later, His Majesty Gong Lizong died in Wuzhou due to illness, and His Majesty Emperor Zhaozong has always treasured these books.

There are also those calligraphy and paintings of celebrities from the current and former dynasties, which were also bestowed by His Majesty Shenzong to His Majesty Lizong, the first emperor, and have been brought here by His Majesty Zhaozong together with the "Yongle Dadian".

Gold, silver and jewels were raised for my brother after His Majesty Zhaozong arrived in Kunming.In the ninth year of Yongli, after my younger brother escorted Dajia to Kunming, I felt deeply that the Tatars were powerful, so I tried my best to raise military funds in three years. All military funds raised.

In the 13th year of the Yongli calendar, after escorting my brother into Myanmar and arriving in Manmo on the 29th of the first lunar month, I deeply felt that the Lord of Myanmar was wary of His Majesty, so I begged His Majesty to divide the troops for safety, and His Majesty also agreed to be my brother. Suggestion, but Empress Dowager Wang disagreed, so this method had to be shelved.

However, I would like to persuade His Majesty to leave the military funds raised over the years to you, so as to make a comeback, His Majesty agreed, and handed over all the "Yongle Dadian" and many calligraphy, painting and jewelry that have been treasured for many years to Brother.

While waiting for the king of Myanmar in Manmo, my brother learned from the local natives that there is a lonely mountain near Manmo with caves in the mountain, which is very suitable for hiding treasures, so my brother accompanied Dajia to Awa, the capital of Myanmar. After the city, the confidants hid all the military resources hidden in the outskirts of Manmo into the cave, sealed the original entrance of the cave completely, and opened a new entrance.Presumably you already knew about it in the letter my brother gave you.

For the past three years, His Majesty has had a hard time in Ava City. I hope you can make good use of this military fund to fight against the Tartars, and strive to welcome the return of His Majesty the Emperor as soon as possible!

I wish my brother to kill all directions on the battlefield and repel the Tartars!

Brother: Mu Tianbo

In the first month of the 15th year of the Yongli calendar in Awazhu City
This letter, more than 400 years late, explains the true origin of these treasures
PS: Bow down and thank "Cold Octave" and "Book Friends 20171020155651565" for their 100 rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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