Easy Tycoon

Chapter 315 Treasure Entrance

Chapter 315 Treasure Entrance
The cliff on the east is about forty meters wide, and it is the widest side among the four cliffs.

The area covered by the vines is about seventeen or eight meters wide.Thick vines hang down from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the cliff, like a green waterfall.

The more Yang Jing thought about it, the more he felt that his guess was right.If the treasure entrance is really on the cliff, then there is a [-]% chance that it is hidden under these vines.

However, even if there is a [-]% certainty that the entrance to the treasure is hidden under this vine, it is not an easy task to find all the places covered by this large vine.

It is more than 100 meters high and [-] or [-] meters wide. The most important thing is that this is not on flat ground, it is on a cliff, and there is no foothold!

Yang Jing looked at the thick trees on the top of the mountain, thought for a while, and finally came up with a solution that was not a solution.

He took out a chain saw in the space, walked to the middle of the mountain top, grabbed a slightly thinner tree and started sawing.Although the diameter of this tree is forty to fifty centimeters, it is still as fragile as a piece of paper in front of a powerful chainsaw.

A few minutes later, with a "creaking" sound that made people's teeth sore, Yang Jing successfully brought down the big tree.

Holding a chainsaw, Yang Jing began to cut off the head and tail of the big tree lying on the ground. He selected a section of trunk about five or six meters long in the middle, sawed it directly with the chainsaw, and then began to cut this section lengthwise. The trunk was cut open, and finally, after more than an hour of busy work, the big tree turned into a plank with a length of more than six meters, a width of more than 40 centimeters, and a thickness of five or six centimeters.

Dragging this piece of wood to the edge of the cliff in the east, Yang Jing began to dig things out of the storage space.He took out two bundles of the static rope, one bundle was 150 meters long, one end was tied to the roots of two thick trees, and the other end was thrown directly off the cliff.

Then I took out a few metal rope downhill devices and two shorter lengths of rope.Tie the two shorter ropes directly to the two sections of the plank, and tie the other end of the rope to the metal rope downhill device, and then buckle the downhill device into the static rope. In this way, a simple sling It's done.

Yang Jing chose the inspection location in the middle of the vines. With this simple spreader, he can inspect an area six meters wide at one time.

Slowly put down the simple sling weighing tens of kilograms, and then Yang Jing climbed onto the simple sling along the vines.Not to mention, it is really exciting to stand on this kind of simple spreader that is wobbly and has no guardrails. If it weren't for the cliffs covered with vines, people would really be unable to stand on this kind of spreader. stable.

Yang Jing grabbed the vine with one hand, and took out a hammer from the space with the other. After pulling away a piece of vine, he began to hit the rock wall.From left to right, and from right to left, an area six meters wide and two meters high can be explored in one go.

If the entrance to the treasure is really on the cliff, then hitting it with a hammer will definitely make a different sound.Yang Jing used this method to detect possible treasure entrances.

With no help from others, Yang Jing could only use the most stupid method to explore this cliff bit by bit.

Not to mention, stupid methods have their uses.When Yang Jing hit it about 75 meters above the ground, he really discovered an unusual place.

This is a square protrusion, like a square stone inserted into the cliff.This rock is about ten centimeters long and wide, and about ten centimeters out of the cliff. It is already covered with moss. If it weren't for using this stupid method to explore bit by bit, the protrusion would not be found at all.

Such a regular bulge is obviously not formed naturally, but Yang Jing knocked on the vicinity of this bulge, but he didn't hear any hollow sound. In desperation, he had to temporarily give up this obviously artificially made of the bulge.

Then Yang Jing continued to explore downwards. After knocking on the cliff wall about two meters high and six meters wide, he slowly released the downhill device, let a section of the board sink first, and then fixed the downhill device. Then loosen the downhill device at the other end of the plank, and let this end of the plank slowly descend.

When the board was in a horizontal position, Yang Jing began to knock on the cliff.

This kind of work is very boring and dangerous. If you don't pay attention, you may fall from a cliff tens of meters high.It can be said that this is the most dangerous and hardest job that Yang Jing has done since he was a child.

As the saying goes, if you pay, you will be rewarded.

When Yang Jing lowered the plank to a height of about 60 meters from the ground, when the hammer hit a certain cliff, it finally made an unusual sound.

"Dong dong dong" When Yang Jing's hammer hit this position, he finally no longer made that "popping" sound, but this obviously hollow sound appeared.

The appearance of this voice immediately excited Yang Jing, and he immediately used his hands to pull the vines away, but these vines had grown for many years, and they were so strong that they could only be peeled off. Pull out an area the size of a washbasin.

This made Yang Jing very angry, and in a fit of anger, he directly pulled out the chain saw from the space again.

Accompanied by a piercing sound, after a while, Yang Jing cleared out an area about one and a half meters high and two meters wide on this cliff.

Not to mention, this cliff is indeed different from other places, even though it is covered with moss, but this kind of flat cliff that matches the mirror surface obviously has too many traces of artificial carving, especially here. There's a crack that's clearly in the shape of a round arch.
Yang Jing was overjoyed, and immediately activated the see-through skill of Tianyan, and the result surprised and delighted him.

Behind this cliff, there is indeed a dark passage, but this cliff alone is half a meter thick!

Obviously, this cliff is the stone gate of the treasure entrance.It's just that this stone gate is a bit heavy. This gate is one meter wide, one and a half meters high, and half a meter thick. Calculated according to the specific gravity of granite, this gate alone weighs almost two tons!
The most important thing is that Yang Jing has no way to break open such a thick granite gate!

Just kidding, even if you give Yang Jing a sledgehammer for the half-meter-thick granite gate, he won't be able to break it open.Such a thick door needs to be stabbed bit by bit with an electric hammer, or directly blasted with explosives.But whether it was electric hammer or explosives, Yang Jing was not prepared.The most important thing is that even if there is an electric hammer, there is no way to use it on this kind of cliff.Put the electric hammer on the stone door, and with a little force, this simple spreader has to be supported, and it doesn't take much effort at all.

"Damn it! What should I do?" Yang Jing grabbed the vine with one hand and sat down on the wooden plank, staring helplessly at the stone door that was so close, and smashed it down with a hammer unwillingly. Twice, but it had no effect except that two sparks burst out and two white spots were left on the stone gate.

This is definitely a very tormenting thing. Knowing that behind the door is a treasure with shocking wealth, but just can't open the door.This is worse than begging for food with a golden bowl.
I have been tossing and tossing since early in the morning, and I have been tossing and tossing until it is almost noon. In addition, I obviously found the door, but I couldn’t enter it, and my sister was hanging in mid-air, the sun above my head made my neck hurt. This made Yang Jing, who has always been calm, really panicked.

Sitting on the wooden board, he took a deep breath, took out a big apple from the space, ate it in three or two bites, took out a few pieces of chocolate and swallowed it in his stomach, then took out a bottle of mineral water "Gudong Gudong "Drink it clean.

Feeling the hot wind blowing from the mountains, Yang Jing tried his best to calm himself down.

"Well, it seems really unreasonable here. If this door is the door to the treasure, then the person who put the treasure from here should not use this kind of 'dragon breaking stone' like the one described in the novel. The door of the door is the door!"

"If I were the one who buried the treasure, what would I do?" Yang Jing muttered to himself, "Judging from the red light emitted, the treasure inside is absolutely priceless! So, if I were the one who buried the treasure in the first place , I will definitely not just put the treasures here, I will definitely come back to take this batch of treasures."

"Well, since the treasure is buried in this kind of place, there must be a last resort, otherwise no one would put such a batch of precious treasures in this kind of place. If this is the case, then the person who buried the treasure in the first place must have With such an idea, that is to come back and take this batch of treasures after the calm."

"Well, since the person who buried the treasure had such an idea, he would definitely not make this door an extinct door! Otherwise, how could he come back and take away the treasures? In other words, there should be a mechanism to open this door That's right!"

While talking to himself, Yang Jing gradually showed a smile on his face.Just kidding, the IQ of 147 is not a joke. Some things I couldn't think of because of anxiety just now, but now I have calmed down, and I can figure out the reason after careful consideration.

"Then where is that mechanism? Hmm! Is the square stone above that can't be figured out just now related to this gate?"

Yang Jing looked up at the bulge 15 meters above his head, stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, and with all his strength, he climbed up the vine.

Climbing to the square bulge that he discovered just now, Yang Jing discovered that the square bulge was directly above the gate. Now, he felt that this bulge was extremely "suspicious".

Stepping on the vine with both feet, and grasping the vine with his left hand, Yang Jing freed his right hand, grabbed the square bump and shook it vigorously. Not to mention, under Yang Jing's huge strength, the bump was faintly formed. A little shaking.

Yang Jing was overjoyed, grabbed the protrusion and was about to pull it out, but it didn't move at all.Since pulling it out is useless, then push it in!

Sure enough, when Yang Jing pushed in hard, the square protrusion shook slightly at first, and then was pushed in by Yang Jing very smoothly. The next moment, Yang Jing faintly heard a burst of "" rumbling" sound
PS: Bow and thank you for the 100 tip of "Frozen Octave".

(End of this chapter)

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