Easy Tycoon

Chapter 314

Chapter 314
Although Kachin State is located in the north of Myanmar, north of the Tropic of Cancer, but because there are tall mountains in the north and east, it is difficult for cold air to enter here. In addition, the warm and humid Indian Ocean in the south can drive here. , so the temperature here is still very high.

This has also caused the plants growing here to grow wildly almost all year round.Just like those roads that were forcibly stepped by elephants, if no one walked for two months, those roads would immediately be completely filled with overgrown plants.

The same is true for this lonely mountain. Except for the steep cliffs that are made of bare rock and no soil, there is no way to grow plants. There is almost no place to stay in other places.

But even on those cliffs that are nearly ninety degrees, you can see some tenacious trees growing from time to time, and some cliffs are completely covered by some vines.

The shortest cliff of these cliffs is also 80 meters high, and the tallest side is definitely more than [-] meters high.Even those rock climbing enthusiasts in the West would have to frown and grit their teeth when they saw it, let alone the locals.

It is estimated that no local people are willing to climb this kind of mountain.If you want to climb a mountain, there are many mountains around, so why climb this low and dangerous lonely mountain?

Even if you give the locals money for such a dangerous mountain, no one is willing to climb it.

But Yang Jing had to climb this mountain today, not for anything else, but because of the soaring aura in this mountain.That represents a huge treasure!
The road from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside is very difficult, and there is no road at all.After Yang Jing put away the motorcycle, he took out two machetes from the space, chopped and dragged all the way, and it took more than an hour to reach the bottom of the cliff.

The place Yang Jing came to was the highest cliff, which was hundreds of meters high from the mountainside to the top.But Yang Jing can only choose to climb up here, because except some parts of this cliff are covered by lush vines, the other cliffs are bare, and occasionally a few tenacious bushes grow out of the gaps in the cliff. But there is no way for a few trees to take advantage of it.

If you want to climb this lonely mountain, the only place you can rely on is these vines.

I don't know how many years these vines have been growing. The thickest vines are as thick as an adult's arm, and I don't know whether these vines grow from the bottom up or hang down from the top. Anyway, Yang Jing pulled it hard. , these vines are motionless and very firm.

Yang Jing knew that under the skill of feeding back, his strength had increased a lot, and he couldn't pull these vines under the pull of this force, so these vines were enough to support him to climb up.

So Yang Jing spit two mouthfuls into the palm of his hand without hesitation, stretched out his hand and grabbed a vine as thick as his wrist, and with a slight effort of his arms, he pulled his body up.

With the support of the back-feeding skills, Yang Jing could only feel the precious energy in the holy ring pouring into his body continuously, turned around in the body, and then returned to the holy ring.It's just that the treasure qi has been turned around in my body, which makes me feel infinitely powerful, and all negative states such as fatigue and pain disappear.

Yang Jing pulled the vine with both hands alternately, and kicked on the rock wall with both feet, climbing up quickly. The speed may not be as fast as a monkey, but it is definitely not something ordinary people can catch up with.If someone saw Yang Jing's climbing speed at this time, he would definitely think he saw Tarzan.
It took more than ten minutes for Yang Jing to climb from the middle of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain is an irregular rectangle with an area of ​​about two mu of land, with a slightly raised middle and covered with trees.

Standing on the top of the mountain and looking down, one can clearly see the Mailikai River and the Taiping River flowing through the foot of the mountain, and at the junction of the two rivers, one can clearly see two rivers of completely different colors, the so-called The difference is clear, and this is the situation I am talking about.

In the distance are continuous green hills, and more than ten kilometers away is Bhamo.Standing on the top of the mountain, Yang Jing could even vaguely hear the sound of explosions coming from the direction of Bhamo
Standing here and looking down, you will know the desolation here.With this lonely mountain as the center, there is no human habitation within a radius of five kilometers, which can definitely be called the wilderness.

Withdrawing his gaze, Yang Jing began to focus on the mountain top which was not that big.

But to Yang Jing's disappointment, he thought of all the ways and tossed and tossed for a long time, but he couldn't find the entrance to the treasure. The see-through skill of the "Sky Eye" is only [-] centimeters, and for such a mountain, it can't even see through the skin.

This is simply nowhere!

"Isn't the entrance to the treasure at the top of the mountain?" The exhausted Yang Jing sat on a rock, looking at the sun that was about to sink in the west, feeling very distressed.

"But if the entrance to the treasure is not at the top of the mountain, it will be troublesome. Although this mountain is not big, it is absolutely impossible to find the entrance by yourself. It is my fault that I stayed here for a few months With enough time, we might be able to find the treasure entrance. But this is obviously not realistic, Ge Ge is still waiting at home!"

The sky gradually darkened, and soon a crescent moon appeared in the eastern sky.

Yang Jing took out a field tent from the space and set it up, then took out a bag of vacuum grilled chicken, a bag of spiced peanuts and a bottle of Erguotou from the space, and had a meal on the top of this lonely mountain by himself picnic.

Not to mention, it is indeed a lot more convenient to have this storage space. If it is the current situation if it is changed by someone else, I will have to climb down the mountain to camp.But with the storage space, some usable and unusable things can be stuffed into it, who knows when those things will be used!
After eating and drinking enough, he took out his mobile phone and played the downloaded stand-alone game for a while, and watched the starry sky without any pollution for a while, then Yang Jing got into the tent and fell asleep.

There is no need to worry about any large beasts on this kind of mountain top. The cliffs on all sides are natural defense measures. Unless they have wings, absolutely no beast can climb such a steep cliff.

When he woke up, it was already past six o'clock in the morning, but after Yang Jing sat up, he didn't rush to wash his face and brush his teeth, but was reminiscing about the dream from last night.

Yang Jing usually sleeps and rarely dreams, and the quality of sleep is extremely high.But last night, I didn't know how to do it. I dreamed one dream after another. I couldn't remember the messy dreams I had in the first half of the night. Only this last dream made Yang Jing remember many details.

It was like a dream in which I was digging for treasure.
Recalling that dream, Yang Jing himself couldn't help laughing.I really think about it day by day and dream about it at night. I worked hard all day yesterday but couldn't find the entrance to the treasure, and then I started to dream of digging for the treasure at night.

However, it seems, it seems that this dream really has some effect.

Yang Jing didn't remember that dream very clearly, but only vaguely remembered that it was digging for treasure.But because it was a dream when I woke up close to the morning, I can remember some details of this dream.

For example, the treasure I dug in my dream seems to be on a mountain, but the entrance to the treasure is not at the top or bottom of the mountain, but behind a big rock halfway up the mountain.
"That's right, such treasures buried in the mountains are actually similar to some tombs. For waterproofing, they are usually not built on the foot and top of the mountain, but on the mountainside. Next to the foot of the mountain are the Taiping River and the Mailikai River. If the entrance to the treasure is at the foot of the mountain, once the two rivers flood, they will definitely pour in. It is estimated that the people who hid the treasure at that time would not have taken this into consideration.”

"Well, similarly, the possibility that the entrance is at the top of the mountain should also be ruled out! This is Myanmar, and the annual precipitation is as high as several thousand millimeters. If there is a heavy rain, the rainwater will definitely flow in through the entrance on the top of the mountain."

"Then, the only possibility is that the entrance to this treasure is set up halfway up the mountain, or even on the cliffs on all sides! Because only if the entrance is set here, can it be waterproofed the best!"

The more Yang Jing thought about it, the more sensitive his thinking became.

"Well, considering the situation of this mountain, it is obviously inappropriate to place the treasure entrance on a gentle slope below the mountainside. After all, the slope there is too gentle, and it is easy for people to climb up. If you are Master of the treasure, where should the entrance be placed?"

"Cliff!" After pondering for a long time, Yang Jing raised his head and said two words very firmly.

"Only by placing the entrance of the treasure on the cliff can prevent people from climbing up to the greatest extent! Moreover, the entrance should be at a sufficient height from the bottom of the cliff! Also, the entrance should be well camouflaged. At least it’s invisible at first glance, and even if you climb up to the entrance, if you don’t search carefully, you won’t be able to find it!”

"It should be like this. Only when these conditions are met, will this buried treasure remain until today without being discovered by anyone!"

The more Yang Jing thought about it, the more he felt that his guess was very reliable.

"This lonely mountain has four cliffs in total. Except for a few trees, the other three cliffs are bare. The entrance should not be placed on those three cliffs. On the east cliff, those vines are all It hangs down from the top of the mountain. And these vines are not found anywhere else on the top of the mountain, only on the cliff to the east. Is it possible to guess that these vines were planted on purpose by those who buried the treasure back then? These vines let the vines hang down, and with the natural conditions here, these vines can hang down to the bottom of the cliff in a few months, thus completely blocking the entrance!"

"If I were the one who buried the treasure, I guess I would do the same!"

Yang Jing stood up, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, the tent disappeared directly.Then he clenched his fists, looked at the big trees that could not be hugged by anyone, and then looked at the cliff below, and nodded slowly but firmly!
(End of this chapter)

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