Easy Tycoon

Chapter 307

Chapter 307
Modern warfare is actually that simple sometimes.

Just like the Gulf War in 1991, the multinational forces led by the United States fought a beautiful modern war. In contrast, the Iran-Iraq War a few years ago seemed like a child playing house.

Similarly, if the battle that took place in Damukan tonight was the Iran-Iraq War, then when Nicholas Ballmer's two Hind gunships appeared, the war immediately became the first Gulf War .

The Gulf War once again proved with iron-like facts how terrifying it is to have overwhelming air supremacy and electromagnetic suppression in modern warfare.

Boss Sa deployed 77 divisions, 120 million people, 4280 tanks, 2800 artillery pieces, and 2800 armored personnel carriers in his own country.

And what about the multinational coalition forces?It’s very simple, just to bully you, Boss Sa, the air force is not good, and electromagnetic suppression is not good, so I have been using fighter planes to bomb and bomb since the beginning of the war, using long-range precision strike firepower to bomb and bomb, and then using overwhelming electromagnetic suppression to paralyze your Command system, when you are almost blown up, Boss Sa, my ground troops will be dispatched in one go, and you will be straightened up, Boss Sa.
Boss Sa has assembled so many ground troops for nothing. Under the bombardment of our large air force and precision-guided missiles, your ground troops are all scum
In the end, the first Gulf War ended with 43 coalition troops killed, 223 wounded, 697 captured, 13 killed and 25 wounded in Iraq within 000 days. Boss Sa held high the white flag and ended completely.

Don't look at anything else, just look at the battle loss ratio of the two sides to know what the war has been like.

This is not a war, this is purely Lao Tzu beating his son!
Before the start of the war, it is estimated that no one would have dared to imagine that the war would be fought like this. After all, Iraq at that time was also known as the fourth military power in the world, and its military strength was twice as large as that of the multinational coalition forces, and it was fighting on its own soil. , Occupying the advantage of the right time, place and people, why would your multinational coalition forces dare to fight me?

But the result is so unbelievable, the multinational coalition forces relied on their powerful air supremacy and electromagnetic suppression, just like a father beating his son, they crackled a meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots, and directly made Boss Sa docile.

Then, no matter if it was the bear or the rabbit, they were all dumbfounded watching.

Damn, it turns out that war can still be played like this!No, we have to keep pace with the times, otherwise the pizza boss will not be much better.
The battle that took place in the winter of 1986 in the Damukan Emerald Mining Area in Kachin State, northern Myanmar, was actually fought in the same way as the Iran-Iraq War or World War II at the beginning. , one defends with excellent weapons and occupies a good location.If the fight continues like this, as long as the ammunition is sufficient, the battle will probably not end after three days and three nights.

Neither side has air supremacy, so this battle is destined to be a close battle.

Of course, if Chiron moved the 12.7mm heavy machine guns on the dozen gunboats to the front line, then with the power of these ten heavy machine guns, Chiron's troops would definitely break through the warehouse area.If it weren't for the two 37mm dual-purpose guns on the first two gunboats that were too heavy for Chiron's soldiers to move down, otherwise the two 37mm guns alone would have razed the warehouse area to the ground.

But whether it is a 12.7mm heavy machine gun or a 37mm high-level dual-purpose gun, after the appearance of the Hind gunship, they all immediately became scum.

Although the 12.7mm heavy machine gun can also pose a major threat to the Hind gunship, and the 37mm gun is the existence that the Hind gunship has to go around, but this is in the dark night, and the driver of the Hind gunship only needs to Be a little smarter, after turning off all the lighting equipment on the plane, even if the two hinds are hovering in mid-air, those heavy machine guns and 37mm guns will not be able to hit them.

You can't even see them, so how do you aim and hit them?

Besides, do you really think the old man's doe is so easy to deal with?Do you really think the rockets and air-to-surface missiles on the six weapon pylons on both sides of the Hind are for display?

The Hind's rockets and air-to-surface missiles are something that even the T72 main battle tank can't compete with. How can you resist some [-]-ton inland gunboats?
一架雌鹿可以悬挂四枚9M17-Phalanga空地导弹以及十六枚S-24 2400毫米火箭,光是这些空地武器就能把所有的炮艇一扫而空。更别说在雌鹿的机鼻前端还有一挺Yak-B12.7毫米的四管加特林重机枪.
In order to reduce weight and ensure the Hind's long range, neither of the two Hinds was equipped with the more advanced GUV-8700 cannon pod. If it was installed, it would be a nightmare for the ground troops.

This GUV-8700 cannon pod is composed of three four-barreled Gatling machine guns, that is to say, when this thing is firing, three four-barreled Gatling machine guns are firing at the same time.
One Vulcan cannon is enough to bear, and three all at once, just thinking about it makes me feel horrible.

However, it doesn’t matter if there is no GUV-8700 cannon pod. The Yak-B 12.7mm four-barreled Gatling heavy machine gun at the front of the nose alone is enough for the Burmese government army to drink a pot.

This 12.7mm four-barreled Gatling heavy machine gun is not fixed on the ship or on the ground. They can "fly", and condescending blows, who the hell can bear it?
It is no exaggeration to say that even if the Hind does not use air-to-surface missiles or rockets, just pointing at the Yak-B 12.7mm four-barreled Gatling heavy machine gun is enough to sink all those small gunboats.

The fact is also the same. When the roar of the helicopter engine sounded in the distance, there was a strange silence on the originally extremely lively battlefield. No matter whether it was the government army or the warehouse security, they stopped interacting with each other at this moment. Shooting, quietly turning his head to look for the helicopter in the sky.

However, how can the Hind gunship with all lighting equipment turned off be easily spotted?Even though two black shadows could be vaguely seen under the illumination of the flares, they would fly away without a trace in an instant.

The maximum flying speed of the female deer is 90 meters per second
The drivers of the two Hinds both turned on the active infrared detection equipment at this time, and they both wore night vision goggles, which was enough to ensure that they could clearly see the situation on the ground.

After circling in the air, the two female deer suddenly separated, and flew towards the Wulu River one by one.Obviously, the drivers of the two hinds realized that the dozen or so gunboats docked on the river bank were the greatest threat to them.

It was still far away, and two dazzling flames lit up in the sky. After the two 9M17-Phalanga air-to-ground missiles detached from the weapon racks of the two Hinds, they immediately flew at a speed of 400 meters per second. In just five seconds, it spanned a space of two kilometers and accurately hit the two largest gunboats—the two 37mm high-level dual-purpose guns installed on these two gunboats were too powerful. It's eye-catching, and I'm really sorry for the expensive air-to-surface missiles if I don't hit these two gunboats.

Although the 9M17-Phalanga air-to-ground missile is not as powerful as the famous "Hellfire" missile in later generations, it is also at the level of "anti-aircraft guns to kill mosquitoes" when used to deal with this small inland gunboat.

When the two air-to-ground missiles accurately hit the gunboat with a howling sound, two balls of gorgeous fireworks immediately bloomed on the Wulu River. The high-energy explosives in the 9M17-Phalanga air-to-surface missile warhead not only defeated the gunboat in an instant, but also caused the explosion of the ammunition stored in the gunboat.

On the battlefield, martyrdom is always the most spectacular scene, and the effect of a gunboat being martyred on the river is naturally not bad.

Even in the warehouse area a few kilometers away, you can see the two gorgeous fireworks and the subsequent explosion like thunder.

The two missiles completely announced which side the two sudden armed helicopters were on. This made the mine owners headed by Yang Jing cheer loudly, and it also made Chiron's face turn dead.

It is estimated that no one on this battlefield understands the importance of air supremacy better than Chiron. He has been in the army for 17 years and has experienced hundreds of battles. Naturally, he understands the importance of air supremacy to a battle.

That is a decisive advantage!
If these two armed helicopters do not appear, Chiron is confident that he will take down the entire Damukan mining area before the dawn, but after the two helicopters expressed hostility to their own side, Chiron realized that this time the western front The offensive plan was a complete failure.

On such a low-intensity battlefield, the sudden appearance of such a big killer as an armed helicopter is simply cheating!
Damn it, which bastard summoned this killer weapon!Isn't this his sister a bully?
The ensuing battle process verified Chiron's conjecture. When the two armed helicopters hovered in mid-air in a leisurely manner, they kept using the S-24 rockets in the rocket pods to target the gunboats that were struggling to turn around on the river and tried to escape. After launching the targeted attack, Chiron was completely desperate.

The fast and nimble gunboat that usually runs on the inland river is as clumsy as an elephant with a stroke in front of the armed helicopter, and it is so clumsy that you can't bear to look directly at it.In a maximum of 1 minute, the fourteen gunboats that followed Chiron's main camp all the way upstream turned into fourteen huge fireworks. Almost none of the soldiers on the gunboats could escape, even Even a clever soldier who jumps out of the ship and escapes will be shocked to death on the spot by the shock wave generated by the ensuing violent explosion.

After the two helicopters completely solved the gunboat that threatened the most, they began to maneuver in a snake shape in the air, and then used the remaining rockets in the rocket pod and the Yak-B 12.7mm four-barreled gunboat at the front of the nose to attack The Tling heavy machine guns began to wreak havoc on the government forces on the ground.

In terms of the flying height and speed of the two helicopters, it is absolutely impossible for an RPG that can only shoot in a straight line to hit the two helicopters under such dark conditions.On the contrary, because there are no flares fired by gunboats, armed helicopters with infrared devices can easily distinguish between the enemy and us below.

All of a sudden, there was chaos on the battlefield, and the situation immediately became one-sided.
(End of this chapter)

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