Easy Tycoon

Chapter 306 Despair

Chapter 306 Despair
The battle came suddenly.

About half an hour after Yang Jing returned to the warehouse, four flares emitting blue-green light suddenly rose in the sky, illuminating the area with a radius of more than one kilometer around the warehouse.

The next moment, the security guards on the four turrets all let out miserable screams - there are many of them. Damn it, RPG
More than 20 security guards holding Lee-Enfield rifles with scopes on the fence, while the flares were lifted into the air, they also aligned their targets with scopes.

During the British colonization of Burma, a large number of Lee-Enfield rifles were left behind.This kind of rifle can be used as a sniper rifle by adding a scope, so whether it is in northern Myanmar or among the government forces, many snipers are using this kind of gun.

It's a pity that their movements were a little slower. At the same time as the security guards acting as snipers pulled the trigger, the dozen or so government soldiers carrying RPG rocket launchers had already fired the rockets on their shoulders one after another.

I saw more than ten flames spanning a distance of more than 150 meters in less than two seconds, rushing towards the four turrets of the warehouse.Although most of the flames passed by the turret, the turret was too big of a target after all, and some rockets still hit the turret.

The moment the warhead equipped with two kilograms of high-energy explosives touched the wall of the turret, it exploded with unparalleled energy.The huge energy directly lifted the eight turrets to the sky.
You must know that this RPG7 individual rocket launcher can even penetrate the armor of the T72 main battle tank, and it is no more difficult than tearing a piece of paper to deal with the wall of a turret that is only tens of centimeters thick.

Three of the four turrets disappeared directly in this attack, and the only remaining turret was miraculously missed under the concentrated fire attack of five rockets, and the five security guards on the turret also escaped fortunately. After a catastrophe.

Then, the snipers on the fence also started to show their power. After a series of crisp gunshots passed, the dozen or so government soldiers carrying rocket launchers were all knocked down, and the only soldier on the turret who survived was also manipulating The squad on the turret fired their machine guns and let out an angry roar.
A series of bullets combined with tracer bullets drew countless ballistic traces in the night sky. Even though the flares in the sky were still bright, they could not cover up the trajectory of these bullets.

The security guards on the turrets and on the wall fired back. Similarly, in the mine pits about 100 meters away from the wall, countless government soldiers raised their guns and fired.

For a moment, the warehouse area seemed to become a huge magnet, firmly attracting all the bullets.

Before the four flares hit the ground, four more flares were fired in the distance. Obviously, the military chief of the government army wanted to turn night into day and use the advantage of numbers to storm the warehouse area.

Although the warehouse area is located on a small high ground, the mining area is more than 100 meters away from the warehouse area. The large pits dug in the mining area are natural shelters. It is really difficult for government soldiers to hide in these large pits. hit.

But in the same way, these government soldiers did not dare to show their heads. There were five or six snipers holding Lee-Enfield rifles with scopes on each wall in the warehouse area. Who would dare to show their faces at a distance of more than 100 meters? , then they will definitely be killed by these snipers.

Moreover, although there is still a turret left in the warehouse area, this turret is condescending. Once a squad machine gun is fired, this machine gun can suppress the fan-shaped area several hundred meters wide in front.

The only remaining turret is located in the northwest corner of the warehouse. With the advantage of being condescending, the squad on the turret can block the north and west with machine guns.The snipers on the fence also realized the importance of the only remaining turret, and they all looked into the distance. As long as they found someone who dared to appear with an RPG on their shoulders, these snipers would be able to kill the opponent immediately.

As for the gate to the south, there is a 12.7 mm large-caliber heavy machine gun guarding it, and the machine gun is close to the ground, and the machine gunner is standing directly in the pit to operate, only one head is exposed, and there are two people holding heavy shields next to them. The observer guides the shooting direction for this heavy machine gun.

This heavy machine gun is so well hidden, even if government soldiers carry an RPG and aim carefully, they may not be able to hit it, not to mention that there are five or six snipers on the walls on both sides of the gate to protect it. It's a heavy machine gun.

The two sides are at such a stalemate here. Although the government army has a large number, they are not stupid, and they dare not risk the machine gun fire to respond.Most of the soldiers of the government army are still holding old-fashioned semi-automatic rifles. Most of these rifles are left over from World War II. Among them, there are many weapons left by the Japanese, Americans, and British.

Although the number of security guards in the warehouse area is at a disadvantage, except for the snipers, almost everyone else has an automatic rifle, which can have a suppressive advantage in terms of firepower alone, not to mention the warehouse area also occupies a geographical advantage .

If the government army has any advantage, it is undoubtedly those RPG individual rocket launchers.The wall on the east side of the warehouse area, because of the lack of heavy firepower to suppress it, only seven or eight snipers against the large number of RPGs is obviously powerless, and the wall on the east has been blasted by the RPG. The opening more than two meters wide was caused by three government rockets hitting that part together.

However, this is the only result obtained by the government army. After the battle started, the government army killed the three turrets. The hole in the east wall was the second harvest of the government army tonight, and it was also the last. a catch.

Originally, Chiron's plan was pretty good. Those 12.7mm heavy machine guns were removed from the gunboat to support this side. Even a 12.7mm heavy machine gun is enough to solve that damn turret.

No matter how powerful the squad machine gun is, it cannot be compared with this kind of large-caliber heavy machine gun.This kind of heavy machine gun that can easily penetrate a concrete wall tens of centimeters thick can even directly level that damned turret!

What made Chiron feel desperate was that the reinforcements called by Yang Jing arrived before those machine guns had time to be transported to the front line.

Nicholas Ballmer is also a very tragic figure to say the least.

This arms dealer, who was born in the 50s, used to have a stable and well-paid job. He was the largest arms company in the world at that time, Lockheed Corporation (after it merged with Martin Marietta Corporation in 1995, it became Lockheed Sid-Martin Company) as the middle-level, responsible for contacting some small and medium-sized arms companies in the United States.

The reason why the United States can become the world's number one arms power is inseparable from several major arms companies in the country. Whether it is Lockheed Martin or Boeing, or Raytheon and General Dynamics, they are all well-known arms companies. The annual turnover is more than tens of billions of dollars.

In addition to these large arms companies, there are many small and medium arms companies in the United States.Most of these small and medium arms companies cooperate with those large arms companies.Large arms companies like Lockheed Martin and Boeing seem to be general contractors, while those small and medium arms companies belong to the second and third packages.

Nicholas Ballmer is the person responsible for contacting, negotiating and signing contracts with those small and medium-sized arms companies.

Originally, Nicholas Ballmer did a good job in this position. As a result, during a cooperation in the late 70s, one of his staff members made a mistake and accidentally leaked some core secrets of that cooperation to that An arms company that was preparing to cooperate, but the cooperation was not completed.

According to the normal confidentiality agreement, Lockheed only needs to deal with the subordinate of Nicholas Ballmer, but that subordinate has a good relationship with Nicholas Ballmer. Nicholas expressed his dissatisfaction with the company after drinking. Dissatisfaction with the means of handling, but I don't know how to deal with it. These complaints reached the ears of Lockheed's senior management.

So Nicholas Ballmer was first fired by the company, and then encountered a car accident on the way home. If he hadn't been agile enough to pick him out of the car at a critical moment, maybe he would have died in that strange accident car accident.

Just before Nicholas realized that something was wrong, within a few days, his wife was in a car accident while picking up the child, and his wife and two children were all killed.
If Nicholas still doesn't understand what it means by this time, then he will have spent all these years in Lockheed for nothing.

Working in such a large arms company, Nicholas already knew a lot of things, and he also witnessed many dark and unbelievable things happened.

Therefore, when this sudden disaster happened to him, he immediately realized that it was the company who had taken action against him.

Fortunately, Nicholas has worked for Lockheed for more than ten years and has established some secret relationships in private.In this situation where man-made destruction could happen anytime, anywhere, Nicholas resolutely activated some hidden channels and fled the United States in embarrassment.

All his relatives died, and he couldn't return home. Nicholas immediately changed from a middle-level man in a large company that everyone envied to a stray dog.

He fled to the Middle East, because this is the most chaotic place in the world; he reopened the stove here, because he only understands arms; he sold arms to the revolutionary army in Iran, because he wanted revenge on Lockheed and even revenge U.S.
Nicholas Ballmer, who has experienced drastic changes in his life, has completely changed from a gentle and gentle character to a wild wolf wandering in the chaos of war.Relying on his ruthless, superior IQ and knowledge reserves, he successfully established his underground arms trading network in the Middle East, and gained a certain reputation among the many arms dealers active in the Middle East
This time, after Nicholas Ballmer came into contact with the mysterious Cole Smith, his intuition told him that this is a thick thigh and he should hug it tightly!

Therefore, when Nicholas received Mr. Smith's request for help that night, he immediately dispatched two Mi-24 Hind gunships that he had just obtained from the Soviets and placed in Imphal without hesitation.
(End of this chapter)

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