Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 297: The Deterring Factors

"After stitching the words together, the beast conveys that Amortal's energy is the product of pressurised, condensed, refined and perfected Essence extracted from its impure shell."

Pausing to see the fellow resident's expressions, Hudson continued.

"I can tell you what your thoughts are. But unfortunately, our bad times are lasting long"

Then, he waved his hand and the Workshop interface came appearing. Hudson began to create something as his fingers began to dance in the air.

"If you are thinking that we can produce Amortal's energy, then you are indeed bright.

Because it is possible to create that destructive force after condensing and extracting it from the Essence.

But two factors deter us from achieving that accomplishment.

One, that energy is highly corrosive to me, Hudson and Lee. Ruella's energy would be nullified at a tremendous scale. Even after the subspace is swept clean and is removed from existence, the energy would continue to exist.

The risk factor is too high!

And the second one, well, see for yourselves..."

As the trio directed their eyes on the interface, they could see a majestic object constructed in it. Hudson continued to add more intrinsic decorations to it and it began to take a bizarrely beautiful form.

Ruella and Lee Shen did notice the Essence cost moving upward its scale. The number went from a hundred to thousand and then to a hundred thousand.

When they were wondering about the second factor, they could not help but contemplate on the relevance and purpose this object might hold in the accomplishment of the feat.

But contrary to their expectations, the Workshop interface turned glitchy with red and blue stripes randomly appearing on the screen, the moment the Essence cost touched the million range.

This did not stop Hudson from designing further. His hands moved with vigour and then...

The Workshop interface dissipated into thin air after glitching like it is being skinned alive!


An invisible force pushed all four backwards and Lee Shen and D was thrown away from their chairs. But both of them were uninjured as Ruella used her powers to telekinetically bring them down to the ground.

"What was that, Hudson?!"

It would be a miracle if this did not piss Ruella off. She shouted at Hudson after quickly bringing them to safety.

Her anger was well visible in her eyes and clenched fists. Hudson felt a certain amount of threat emitting from her.

"Relax Ruella, I was demonstrating the second factor."

The anger slightly faded and a frown was associated with it as she glared at Hudson. Taking this moment, Lee came near the table and Dnekewy also neared Hudson.

"Hudson, what exactly happened just now? Why did the system interface behave like that?"

This question was directed to both Hudson and D. As the one who demonstrated, Hudson was to provide an explanation and D should have known about this danger.

Lee Shen was only able to see the incredibly glitching interface and the next second, an invisible explosion threw him away. Thanks to Ruella, or else he would have broken a bone or two.

Gesturing to sit down, Hudson has a simple smirk on his face which irritated Ruella but she concealed her anger.

"The explosion was caused by the sudden creation of a vacuum when the interface forcefully retracted itself into the system upon sensing danger. If the Workshop interface had failed to do so, then we would have already ceased to exist."

The gaseous apparition exhibited discomfort upon this revelation. Though the figure was devoid of any features, Lee and Ruella could detect the emotional and mental fluctuations of D.

"But why didn't I detect it? I swear that there was no warning of any sort of danger."

Hudson, with a smirk, replied casually-

"Because your control and supervision over the system have been severed a while ago."

The apparition was taken aback by the statement and D vanished into the sword. A few seconds later, he came back up screaming-

"What the hell did you do, Hudson?!?!"

The apparition pounced on Hudson but the gaseous body failed to hurt him. The Dimension Sovereign then went back into the sword to cut Hudson in half.

But he failed to notice a pair of predator eyes stalking his movements!

The moment D went back into the sword, Fero sneaked from the behind and bit on the sheath with the sword in it, before disappearing like a wind.

The three of them only saw an afterimage of Fero as he vanished into the forest.

"Unlike D's claims, I did NOT do anything to the system. It was a part of him and I am very much surprised to know that the system is now independent of his control.

It took me a while but I found the culprit."

"Which is?"

Ruella's face expressed unconfirmed assumption as she asked. Hudson nodded at her and completed her sentence.

"The Amortal energy."

The moments of surprise were nonexistent as they had known the sour truth that every change in the system is due to that outrageously powerful energy.

"I don't know what happened. But the current system is free from D's control and is being driven by a set of commands and instructions that I am unable to decode. These codes keep the system from falling off and prevented further destruction of the system."

When Lee Shen heard the explanation, some memories flashed in his mind. He recalled the hidden existence of the instructions embedded by the Will of the Dimension and arrived at a conclusion.

"Anyhow, the Workshop is now unable to create anything that costs beyond 999,999 (nine hundred thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine) Essence. As we move towards the threshold, the screen will begin to glitch like a software with bug and would eventually force itself to close, which results in an explosion."

Ruella stared at Hudson when he took a break of his words.

"So, this is the second factor."

Her chin was supported by her palms as she leaned forward in her chair. The frown embedded with helplessness, confusion and contemplation was plastered on her face when Lee Shen asked-

"Anything about the Prime Glyphs?"

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