Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 296: The Relation Between Energies

Two pairs of eyes and a ragdoll head turned to Ruella who had no idea what this development is. She stared at the trio with confusion and frown.

"Ruella, did you feel any kind of hostility when you suppressed the Amortal's energy inside Lee?"

Ruella shook her head and said that she did not feel any disturbance when healing Lee Shen's soul. She also added that her energy reserve was continuously depleted by nullifying the invading force.


Hudson continued-

"When all of the subspace and its residents were disturbed by the mere presence of the injured Lee Shen and the Amortal's energy residing in him, you, who carried him all along was safe and uninjured. The only thing you faced was the depletion of your energy reserve and tiredness.

Your body and mind were unscathed and your soul was immune to the invasion.

From that, I assumed that there is something between these two exclusive and less-known powers.

Lee Shen, when I inspected your body, I found that the Amortal's energy is destructive. Both of the Tubians you encountered had explosive strength. Tanya failed to channel this explosivity into her agility which caused her death. The Lightning Tubian also were not versed in efficiently utilizing this power.

A True Druid's power is creative. She nurtured the forest and protected it to an extent. After awakening, she became more powerful and her energy capacity grew exponentially.

Like everybody noticed, her physique had developed tremendously. But it would take us a few moments to conclude that her strength had gone beyond what she should possess.

To summarise, she is now an undertrained killing machine!"

A wide grin appeared on Ruella's face as she agreed to every word Hudson said.

"But her power nullified the Amortal's power. Even if it was at a very small pace, she finally managed to dissolve the invading energy.

All these factors and events made me guess that the Amortal's power is an exaggerated and overwhelming version of what that opposes the True Druid energy.

But how this happens or what happens when they interact are a mystery to us, for now."

Hudson continued to speak about the ferocity and durability these powers displayed. He continued to talk about them and attempted to interpret their function and purpose in this world, but failed at the end.

"Why don't we talk about the location of the damn Tubians?"

Dnekewy voiced his opinion and Hudson quickly rerouted his words.

"Umm...since we don't have the Map feature anymore, I will just describe it.

The memories are vague and colourless, but I have managed to comprehend it.

Intellus is considered as the cradle of civilisation. Among the continents, it is the most vibrant and diverse.

Since this continent is one of the oldest two, there are many mysteries to it.

Around at the central portion of the continent lies a humongous mountain range. It is covered in dense forests for about a hundred kilometres in all directions.

These mountains are arranged in a circular shape and form an enclosure inside it. This trough, separated from the outside world by cloud-stalling peaks, is the hideout of the Tubians.

The smallest of the peaks surrounding the trough is above 24 kilometres. Clouds are restricted from entry by these towering natural formations and the trough has its climate cycle!"

"Give me a name, Hudson. I might be able to locate it."

Hearing Dnekewy's words, Hudson's enthusiasm faded away.

"You see, that is the problem. That Tubian's memory did not contain a name about the place. All we know about it is the approximate shape."

Hearing this, D couldn't help but complain-

"But Intellus is so vast. Mountain ranges are so common throughout the continent."

Then, Lee Shen's voice shook them from their thoughts.

"What about An, Tera, Mia and Gauthama?"

The contemplating frown of Hudson was loosened upon Lee Shen's query.

"The Tubians have created a settlement inside the mountain range. They rival a small country in size and a continent in their attack force. From the memory, I was able to count up to 316 Tubians.

There are different buildings and spacious settlements, and the Tubians live a normal life there. After being imposed by several rules by the Will of the Dimension, they lead an isolated life.

But they do regularly send Tubians out of their nest for collecting information about the world.

The people they have captured are imprisoned in an underground chamber. They can be counted more than 700 and some kind of spatial engineering is done to their prison. I don't know anything more but every Tubian gets a chance to enter there and consume a limited amount of Essence daily."

Lee Shen noticed something from Hudson's description and his voice interrupted the narration.

"Why would they need to consume Essence when they have been granted the Amortal's energy?"

Hudson's face lit up with a smile as if he was anticipating this question. He voiced that the properties of both energies come into play here.

"There are three variables that support the complete answer to your question.

One, Amortal's energy is destructive. It can only be used as an enhancement that can produce an exponential increase in physical attributes.

Two, the dimension Zaxaluke does not support the Amortal's energy. Due to its extra-dimensional origin, the dimension will exhibit repulsion to large quantities of this foreign power.

Three, though the Amortal's energy could not be supported by the Zaxaluke, it could be refilled by consuming large quantities of Essence."

Lee could swear that he saw Ruella's brows twitching as Hudson spoke. But that was only natural as that energy opposes her's and she does not have any accessory to speed up her regeneration.


With confusion and curiosity, she asked.

"From the fragmented images of the memory, it is possible to assume that the Amortal's energy can be supported by intake of large quantities of Essence, which would still be insufficient for properly recharging the depleted power.

Among the reels of images were a scene where a mighty dragon speaks to all Tubians. After stitching the words together, the beast conveys that Amortal's energy is the product of pressurised, condensed, refined and perfected Essence extracted from its impure shell."

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