DxD: Matsuda!

Raynare and Matsuda’s third time!


     After Koneko saved me from her perverted rival, she walked me to my class. Koneko sniffed me and said,"Good that the homewrecker did not put her filthy paws on you!" Damn she is territorial....I think she sees her as a yip-yip dog too. She then said."Matsuda, Rias has got the human paperwork ready for your parents to sign, then we can live together! Make sure to sneak in my room a lot OK!" I just give her a fast kiss while no one can see and tell her,"How can I be a proud Loli-con if I do not break a few laws!" After she smiles I split with her and head into my class.

     After sitting down lots of classmates were giving me interesting looks....That's right, yesterday I sexually assaulted the class-rep! Aika being the class-rep is good for me because I can now get cleaning duty's and the like moved around. While I was in my delusions of power, another stupid rumor found me thanks to my wonderfully clueless woman!

     Xenovia walked to my desk and said loud enough for most everyone to hear...."Sorry Matsuda, I did not get pregnant after we made love in the shower.....Even with my belly-full, I thought it would have happened on the first try......Don't worry, we can try again tonight!" Not only what she said killed me and every onlooker, but she had to rub her belly while saying that!!!!!! *BANG* I just let my head hit my desk face first.....Look, this is me being an ostrich! I just hear my girls giggling....Time for, plan sleep!

     The rest of the school day was kinda uneventful, well shit happens to me but now this mess I am in feels normal, like girls fighting to feed me at lunch is just common in my school now...If I were to eat alone, the school would freak out. I think I have become the dreaded [Harem Protagonist]!

     I told all my girls that after school was boys time and I would train with Gasper, Kiba, Saji, and Issei! Well that was the plan but following Saji and Issei, there were three girls....Reya Kusaka, Tomoe Meguri, and Ruruko Nimura. No, for the love of God, why is she here!

     Kiba, Gasper and I just watched the group of five approach in their gym uniforms. Saji calls out.."Hey Matsuda, we are here to help train your new bishop!" he says this but his and Issei's eyes both lock onto Gasper like a hungry man at a hot schoolgirl! The girls seem interested in our new member as well.....However, I see Ruruko giving Issei's back a cold pouting look, but when she looked at me she had a sinister happy smile on her face! Damn my gear is warning of a side quest....hell to the no!

     Gasper sensing the lewd looks of the two boys, hides behind Kiba and Kiba just smiles seeing what will happen...He is turning into an ass, like how I tormented him in freshman year...Am I rubbing off on Kiba?

     "Hi everyone, thanks for coming to help out." We do the boring greeting and start the real show. Both Saji and Issei start to buzz around Gasper and the drool is about to fall from their panting mouth-holes, when the ball drops!

      "Gasper here is our third male member of the Gremory peerage......He has been sealed for a while now so I guess I am the last one now?!" The two statues crash onto their hands and knees...Both Raya and Ruruko just looked at the two boys in sadist appreciation that their perv nuts were bashed in. Tomoe, Sona's Knight just comes up to Gasper almost like Saji and Issei did...she kneels down to look closely at Gasper and says.."Gasper, can you please call me Big Sis?!" Gasper looks at me in confusion and needs help with her.

     "Gasper, a real man would never turn down this simple request of a beauty....In my humble opinion, she is worthy of this close-name for you!" I give him a thumbs up, but secretly I am shocked this chick is a fucking Shota-con!

     "Hello Big Sis, please take care of me.......Matsuda did I say that right?" Gasper is blushing, killing Issei and Saji even more!

     "Gasper, you have taken your biggest first step into manhood my little bro!" I am so happy with this, not only did the trap work well, it came with the added feature of catching prime meat!

       "NO, you bastard Matsuda....you did this on purpose!" This is when Saji started to cry and yell, while Issei started shaking me back and forth by my collar. I then say to Issei..."I still have Mil-tans number!" Issei lets me go with a smile, but Kiba's face twitches at me how I just stabbed my buddy hard there....Yup Kiba knows my regular client Mil-tan. Actually, I am going to make Mil-tan one of my Pawns when I get my set! He is super strong for a human, and he has unknown powers lurking within him...No seriously, he will be a strong Pawn! Plus he is a guy I can trust around my girls...and all the men he fights will run in fear! He will definitely need more than one evil piece to reincarnate!

     "Thanks bro!" Issei is back in his forgiving mode.....the girls all roll their eyes at his lecherous look!

     Ruruko just stands in front of Issei and says,"I am going to tell Momo and Yura, your two timing them!" And Issei throws back miffed at her..."Go on then, they are OK with my harem king dream! Plus we are not dating anymore so don't be bothered ....." He just turns his head and thinks of Mil-tan's possible beauty...Damn my buddy can be insensitive at times....But that is Issei...just no EQ when it matters....He does not even try to make up with her.....It is obvious to everyone she likes him a lot......Well maybe her buds were not big enough for him...sigh.

     So in her anger she walks to me, grabs my arm then says to Issei,"Then I will give my first time to Matsuda!" FUCK DID SHE POUR GAS ON ME!

     I peel her off my arm and step back and announce to everyone,"Nope not gonna happen!!! My, Sona said I can't date her Peerage.....And you don't like me anyways! Issei she is just making shit up bro!" I of course am lying about what Sona said but they do not need to know what she and I discuss right?!

     Reya enjoys kicking me while I am down, covers her mouth with a soft laugh and shoots,"Actually Matsuda, Sona encouraged us all to seduce you if we were interested!....So I think maybe you heard Sona wrongly. Why are we not pretty girls?" Holy cow this girl has those sad sexy eyes but she has a Black-belly!

     Ruruko turns her chin up and declares,"See! Plus you said I was super sexy........Oh I remember there is a bed upstairs in the clubhouse...Why not make it a quickie!" She is like an old man in a Loli body! Can I bounce!

     Issei says the wrong thing as usual,"Well if my ex wants to move on then at least, you found a good Bro...He is a Pro!" Stop rhyming you fucker!

     "Shut it Issei, she still likes you! Fuck stop getting me in trouble....I am over my head man...I got two kids coming and I don't need your taunting....You're my best friend but just look at how you hurt Ruruko, even if you two do not make up...At least remember your teammates that have to cover each other's backs OK....Damn I am supposed to be training my buddy here and all we have is drama!"

     Gasper just kills me,"It is OK Matsuda, I love drama...just continue!" He says this with his bear head on! I just sit on the grass and talk to the ants.......

     A nice smelling girl sits next to me and pets my head,"And that is why so many girls love you, and that's why my King also fell for you. You say all the right things and we girls just like to hear you stand up for us....You definitely have it tough going forward, but I will root for you OK!" Reya is just giving that sad older sister smile.

     Tomoe says to the bear,"Act just like Matsuda, and this Big Sister will take good care of you, OK!" Dang, stranger danger Gasper, run for the hills bro!

     Finally everyone calmed down and the training happened,Saji learned how to drain the power from sacred gears. Reya helps with some magic that Gasper was unaware of. Issei and Ruruko made peace...don't think they will date again, but they will do their best as teammates...Finally!

     On a side note, I am glad Reya did not keep being clingy with me, because she has this aura that wants me to push her down and make her mine....It has something to do with her eyes....Looks like I have a fetish I am unaware of? The leaders' summit will happen the day after tomorrow. Fortunately, Gasper will be able to get his power under control when the time is right..He has already had two doses of Issei's blood, and that is why we are doing so well now. I gave Gasper his own permanent marker as a finishing move on frozen opponents! Issei and the girls all left laughing at poor Saji...He has no idea he was given a mustache and a black eye with said marker thanks to the Great Me!

      After all of the goodbyes, it was time for me to go home......................

     It has been a long time for me to be alone, this reminds me of my nights when I would meet my beautiful Karen and her dog! The weather is beautiful and calm, the stars are out and I am walking in my favorite park. As I near the great Issei fountain, I hear a scuffle happening.....So I put on my battle-coat and sacred gear. Then I run over to see what is going on!

     My world flipped on its head, in front of me is a Khaos brigade Magician, attacking a woman lying on her side. The woman has a large hole in her belly and she is trying to hold the blood in.......She seems to be holding her hand to the Magician with a glowing ring and the caster is under the effects of gravity multiplying effect!

     The Magician threatens the woman,"Now you bitch surrender before you die!...My master will take you in and teach you how to use that power, and your body if you're lucky! hah-aha"

     The reason I have not already saved this woman with long black hair and violet eyes, is she is......Raynare! I personally killed her, so how did she survive?...I still have her feathers! Was the Raynare I killed an illusion?

     Raynare saw me standing a bit away and had a small amount of blood leak from her lips...she is crying...her eyes are asking me to save her...she is in pain! All I have to do is walk away and she will die...once and for all.....but my gear is telling me to save her....why? I am in turmoil but one thing I know for sure is.....The Khaos Magician can't live! Letting her go will put my loved ones in danger! I will act...What Mid-class trash? This human is filth!

     All the Magician noticed was a spear of holy lightning coming out of her heart from behind, she turned to see my sad face........

     "The good news is the lightning is numbing your pain receptors so at least you will go peacefully...Next time you reincarnate, don't try and destroy the world OK!" My lance fades and I drop a blast of power of creation to remove the body and gear the caster had.

     I then kneel next to Raynare who is about to take her last breath, and she was so full of regret knowing everything is over for her....

     The young woman's final thoughts..........................

     She just looks at the young man kneeling over her. I am happy that I won't die alone, there will be him to remember me.....All the things I put off for my job, and I would die at the age of 23, and a virgin too...How pathetic. Even the power I hid from the world was not enough to save me......If only I could have one more chance...Oh the boy's eyes are glowing gold, so pretty...And he is crying....well a dead person can do that right....I can't hear what he is saying anymore.....Looks like I am hallucinating now...Oh he turned into the Gold Ranger from that show I used to watch....I guess I just want him to be my hero...so silly of me......Oh the pretty lights around him...he is using his Ranger powers to send me off. I will say something if I can..."T- you...." He is putting his hand on my breast, oh well I can die on second base then.......

     "What the fuck....she is human, she is not Raynare!" I look at the woman loosing her light in her eyes and was so shocked to my core.....My tears won't stop coming out for some reason...I feel her pain in her eyes! No, I can save her! I won't let her die!.....I activate Satan Gold and immediately use [Second Stage] to be able to cast [Restoration], as long as there is breath in the person or any sign of life this Miracle will restore them to peak condition......Lady you won't die today! I cast the spell and touched her heart. She is trying to mutter something but it is broken up.........

     My Satan Gold is released and I am holding the woman in my arms and I say,"Welcome back, I almost did not make it in time...sorry the hero is late!" I try to put her at ease, and she just sits up touching her stomach and the rest of her...She feels better than anytime in her life...Even her shoulder pains from her breast are a thing of the past! As she is having her 'Come to Jesus Moment' I stand up and put on my school uniform I was wearing before the encounter. I then extend my hand to her to help her up.

     "Hi, my name is Matsuda Tanaka. I'm in my second year at Kuoh! What's your name?" I am laughing in my mind because this chick almost died in the exact spot Issei in the show and I died...I think there is a [Death Note] book under the ground here!

     "Um, my name is Kyouko Sonan! I am a teacher in the middle school division of Kuoh Academy.....Thank you for saving my life...I do not know anything that is going on though....." She puts her hand out for a shake, so I take it and return it. Fuck she looks exactly like her though...I will ask Azazel about this later...this is very unusual...she even sounds like her! I use magic to clean and restore her clothing and hair. I then ask,"Well then Ms Sonan, let's go to a quiet coffeehouse so I can fill you in on what you need to know in this new supernatural-world....I can't erase your memory of this night, so I need to educate you on how to hide your sacred gear from being noticed and who is out to kill you!"

     "Kyouko!" she says............I just say,"What?"

     "Just call me Kyouko! You did save me from death and........y-you touched me t-there...on my b-breast......" OH FUCK ME!!!!!!!!!!

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