DxD: Matsuda!


Support a hardworking brother and throw me a review if you can, thanks a ton!


      I just left my coffeehouse meeting with teacher Kyouko. We spoke for about an hour while I gave her the lowdown on the crazy world we live in. We exchanged contact information and I gave her my devil flyer with the things I can do, I told her to use it if she found herself in a pinch again. She seemed to be very excited by the information I told her, she was feeling like a pariah not knowing about what her sacred gear was and why she had it. I told her I was impressed she hid it so long. When I gave her the flyer I explained about me being a devil, and surprisingly she seemed OK with it. I did point out that I was human like her a while back but died in that same park some time ago. She seemed sad about that for some reason?.....On her way from parting with me she said,"Once again thank you for saving my life, and thanks for my first date! See you next time!" Then she rushed off home.......What first date?!

     Now I am at Azazel's apartment and he is letting me in for our weekly chat, I came early due to the incident in the park.

     "Hey kid what's going on, normally you would just throw me a circle is something bothering you?" He throws me a can of Diet Soda, due to knowing my preference while he drinks his alcohol.

     I took a sip then told him about what I experienced and saw a woman that looked like Raynare...So using my illusion magic I projected an image of both Raynare and Yuuma, what he told me startled me.......

     "Kid I hate to break this to you but the younger one you call Yuuma is the true Raynare, I have never seen that older version there. My guess is she saw that woman in the park and figured she was close enough in her own looks and used her face and body as a disguise to hide from my group......It is interesting she used her real looks to seduce you, but while dealing with the exorcist she went with the other look.....If I were to ponder, she planned on killing that human woman to leave a convincing corpse when she was done to throw off any exorcist....Thats all I can guess since she is dead. Try asking Kalawarna to verify."

     "This is insane......What I know from my visions is distorted.....I was really losing my mind there for a bit.....also I hope killing that Magician wont mess things up?" I am a bit worried that I alerted someone.

     Azazel just laughs,"Nope, those low ranking members die all the time, just like in the park....They seem to forcefully recruit members and brainwash them."

     "Alright just remember to watch your back around Vali during the event, he has already been approached by the infinity dragon. Also I have to stop him before he uses half dimension......I can't kill him because he is not a real bad guy...he is just being a combat bastard right now.......But the thought of him hurting my unborn baby is killing me inside.....I don't want to kill him out of anger!"

     Azazel just said to me,"Kid, we older guys do not like to interfere with your youngster fights, but I promise you if your loved ones will be harmed by his power, I will step in. So try to keep a cool head and don't do something stupid, like using the [Throne of God] to punish him....Just fight and learn from one another....If all is going to happen as you say, then Vali is just trying to get Issei motivated."

     I unclench my fist that I did not know I had, then I say,"Thanks, I know you helped raise him, so I hate the idea of going overboard.........I also want to remind you when you fight that Leviathan bitch, do not worry if you have to cut off a limb or something, I can heal it back later!"

     "Ha ha, sure kid...I can't believe I will be forced to act, I am looking forward to it! Oh and on a side note, you got a nice harem kid! You did a number on Kalawarna.....four gold wings....damn that is impressive Kid! The one that really surprised me was how the hell you swung the Ultimate Queen?! Plus you incited two future heads into marrying you!? No offense kid but you have the best dog-shit luck! I am impressed even with all the harems I have had in the past!" He just downs another drink.

     "Damn Azazel, I am screwed....No matter how hard I try girls keep coming and I do not know how to stop it....I just had two members get added thanks to Akeno! Oh shit did you pass the message I left to her dad by the way?"

     He smiles,"For three days he was blowing things up in anger that you married her and have consummated your relationship......But when he calmed down and found out what you have been doing for her....you know her Hybrid casting and accepting her...The old guy calmed and I saw him smile secretly...So I don't think he will try to kill you on sight ha-ha!" Azazel is hoping for a good show...bastard!

     At this moment I receive a circle from Rias..................

     [It is after ten, are you coming home? Are you OK, and are you missing me?]

     "Rias, yes to all three of your questions, I am just finishing up with one of my regulars and I will be right home! Just be sexy and I will hug you all night, but we are ONLY sleeping....I need to be rested for Saturday....and I love you....."

     [Hurry! I am already naked! And love you too! *Mwah* ] Then the call ends.

     "Looks like your Big Bang Crimson Cannon is in need of loving ha!" He just makes fun of me. Then he throws me a wrist bangle,"Here use this on the Bishop when you rescue him...he may be stable but he will have some issues being hooked up to their formation...this will just stabilize him....Also I analyzed your blood and it should work about as well as Issei's for him if needed in the future! The life force you have is on par with the dragons, about as strong as a half-god." He then waves me off "Go Vali is coming to chat, see you then partner!"

     I then beat-feet to go home for a nice cuddle from my sexy pillow......Damn I am turning into a Rias simp hard core....It is like her standing in my heart goes up with every lap pillow....And when we are alone she gets rid of that high and mighty princes status and just wants me to be dominant with her....She really makes me feel like the King around here! Thanks Big G, you were right about her!

     While Rias and I had pillow talk, I told her about in the visions in her alternate time after the talks....About how she would upgrade the home and what her father wanted to do and what was made instead.....So I told her ahead of time to not change my parents home but build the mansion next to it! And instead of not having the maids be denied to allow at least ten of the best so our kids will have loyal and trustworthy babysitters. I also promised to never ever lay my hands on them! So Rias agreed to my thoughts. It will be nice for my mom and dad to have the home to themselves, but be able to drop by at their ease. Plus my mom is not dumb enough to ignore them building while you sleep...Who the fuck could believe that bullshit?!

     I was so tired that night, I found myself in that strange dream-space again.................................

     I was standing in a devastated landscape spanning about a hundred meters, this must be where the Heavens Wrath fell? It is getting bad that I can now recognize this dream or is it a trial? I look around and the sky is black and starless, but the moon is as bright as any on Earth....I find it strange that I always love looking to the moon? Is there something special about it......

     There is no more castle, no Issei, and no harem members, just fog and darkness in all directions.......Then I hear the sounds of a dying animal........I walk in the direction the sound is coming from and a pile of golden yellow fur about ten feet high and thirty feet wide comes into view.......

     I see a large doglike creature on its side...and it looks like it will die soon. To get a clearer look I move to the dog's head, then I notice it is not a dog but a fox, its eyes are half closed and looks sleepy....I feel pain looking at those gold eyes. I feel something familiar about this fox but I can't put my finger on it...I think maybe I met it in the familiar forest? I am not sure. I hate that rhyming Pokemon trainer!

     So I step in-front of the giant fox next to its eyes by its snout, I pet its muzzle,and the fur is soft.....the fox feels like its body heat is lowering. It is whimpering as it looks in my eyes. "Don't worry boy, I won't let you die here.....This is a crappy place to die......Just don't eat me when I heal you OK! hah-aha" I pet the fox to convey my feelings because for some reason I cant use my animal telepathy to talk to him. It is probably the trial. Or the fox is not real.

     I begin casting my [Restoration] spell on the big fox and as it gets healed, it begins to fade into particles of light...I feel sadness even stronger than before...I do not think this fox wants to leave me..."Sorry buddy, this place is not a good place to be....Go where you belong.....And try not to have any regrets.....I have learned to just live happily....Now go and find your happiness!" As the fox fully vanished I heard the sound of a spectral fox cry, like it was reluctant to leave this space. I do not understand why anyone or anything would want to be here? Is there anything good here? I hope I wake up soon......I hope I am in the Rias pillows right now!

     After an unknown amount of time my wish was granted, I woke up at the Big Reds pillow party!....She was startled, and I started sniffing, sucking , and Motor-boating those fun-bags! She was laughing hard at the ticklish sensation and my acting like a child at Christmas!

     "What in the World has gotten into you dear?!" Rias happily asks.....

     I smile and tell her...."I had a dream of waking up in your chest, and my wish came true!...So I was so happy and had to show them I loved them and you!"

     She playfully slapped my forehead and said,"Time for school, Oh and I totally forgot! after school, go to Akeno's temple, you need to receive a gift from Heaven, I believe it is a sword!"

     I bolt upright catching Rias off guard and say,"Holy flying fuck! Why is Michael giving me Ascalon?!" I have destroyed the timeline...nothing is going right...Issei should have gotten it? Why give it to me?

     Seeing my look Rias says,"I take it it was not supposed to be your sword?" I just plop my face into my woman's breast once more and mumble...."Rias I am hiding here and never coming out OK, do not let anyone know I am in Heaven and I wont leave here!"

     She rolls her eyes at my childish antics and says,"You're my man, so be a man and get the damn sword my hero!"

     I quickly stand naked in the bed over Rias and salute,"I will obey my King by day, and then revolt at night...I shall retrieve the Sword of Rias!"

     She then grabs the little brother that is also standing at attention and slyly says,"I have my sword right here, now let me sheath it!"

     One hour later, I embarked on my final quest before the Leaders Meeting!

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