DxD: Matsuda!

Raynare and Matsuda’s second time!

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     I am currently driving a small passenger bus from school fully loaded with devils from the Underworld! I seem to be one of two people capable of driving this bus, me and Saji.

     I of course don't trust his lying mouth about how great he is at it. He says he drives his grandfather's pick up with his siblings. Yup, so do you know how awkward it is going from driving in the US to driving in Japan? My genius calculations were off again. For I realized I have only been a passenger or played Japanese racing games. Well I won't lie, I kept wanting to drive on the right side out of reflex. The ONLY reason my gaff was not exposed, was my danger sense warning me ha-ha!

     Everyone is looking nervous and the tension is high because just like me with my first kill over half the crew are green to battle, I remember my dumb ass mistake when we fought Viser, about how I thought it was dumb how Rias did not promote Issei left and right to queen. And after the fight I was pissed at myself for missing the same thing I cursed the show for.

     As we approach the hill the church is on I say to the pair of Kings,"Since there is only the pair of Pawns would you lovely ladies declare the church as enemy territory so Issei and I can be promoted to Queens!"

     "Seriously bro, we can do that!" Issei was so excited to hear this he bolted up in anticipation. I look over at the two blushing Kings and shake my head.

     "Sona I expected it from my King, but for you to not even prepare your Pawn for this life saving move. I truly should have just beaten you in 8 moves!" I shake my head in mock disappointment.

     "WHAT do you mean you expected it from me?" Rias's ego must not be scratched. ha-ha!

     I look into those beautiful blue eyes in the rear-view and say one word to shut her up,"Viser!"

     And that my friends is how you overcome your own shame, just blame it on someone else. It is kinda like farting in a full elevator. If you fart just turn and glare at the big guy. Unless he is a biker then glare at the big woman.

     So the two Kings declare their decree and Sona explains the promotion system. After that when we almost got there, I played a song on the radio [Ride of the Valkyrie]. Funnily a lot of those on the bus had not listened to it, but their heroic fighting spirit seemed to ignite unknowingly!

     You're thinking why would you roll up in a bus right? Well some of the peerages members are not strong flyers and Issei cant fucking fly. Ya he really is a bad devil. It's like a ten year old that can't walk, no it's that bad!

     Anyway I did not want us to teleport because the church has detection for transportation circles so I just used invisibility on the bus to bring us to the front doors. It is not true invisibility, it just tricks the senses to seem like you are. As long as you do not attack they just straight up ignore you. Harem-Fan Certified™

     I park the bus at the front gates and open the front and emergency back doors then say,"Group 2 will go out the back, then group 1 will go out the front, followed by group 3! If you meet a noble devil of the younger generation on this mission do not trust him, he is a traitor to us, do not fight him but do not turn your backs to him! May the blessings of battle fall upon you! [Inspiration]!

     I cast a holy spell to give everyone a minor increase to their fighting capability. It really is not much but it does up the morale of everyone, instilling a sense of calm and bravery. It does use up more magic than it is worth, but meh who cares. This spell was used in the past for large armies.

     As group one gets off, Roshi grows to his full size and stares uncomfortably at all the girls breasts. I grab Asia and Rias and leap to the top of his shell. Akeno takes to the air above us and covers the rear, Kiba and Koneko take point and we advance watching the alarmed priest scatter. The other two teams then flee to their targets on the sides during the initial infiltration.

     I calmly say,"Promotion to Queen!" I suddenly feel my power level spike like I am on really good stimulants and can tell I am temporarily as strong as a High-class devil. Ya-baby!

      I magically project my voice to draw everyone's attention to the front, and hopefully allow my flanking groups to strike with a small degree of success.

     "Freed and Cunt-Bitch carry your sorry asses out here! Big daddy is here to wreck your unholy asses! Raynare, just pull his nasty dick out of your mouth so you can talk OK!" My taunt skills are a bit rusty, but I think I did alright?

     My team is really giving me creepy looks, like they have never met me before, so I just scratch my head and say,"Hey guys this is how everyone taunts their opponents in online games, trust me it totally works!" I secretly do a sweat drop, and hope the two are here!

     As soon as I felt the danger, I put up the light barrier on the group to block the light bullets. Freed Sellzan came out gun running the group in hopes of hitting one of us. Too bad for him his killing intent is uncontrollable. Following him a Loli blond fallen angel emerges to do battle, and she looks like we interrupted her 'me' time!

     A voice from inside the chapel rang out and said,"Come to me my boyfriend, let's break up properly!" Raynare said sullenly.

     "Sure thing my slut-muffin! Daddy will give you the spanking you deserve!"

     I look at Rias and Asia and say,"She is the only one in there and I need to end this! I can tell more priests are coming, cover me from Roshi's back and don't let them in to help! Thanks, I will be back."

     As I leap into the chapel, I can see both Kiba and Koneko handling Freed and his shit talk. I also see Mittelt and Akeno nuking it out in the air with a hot dogfight. Akeno has got this in the bag, I am sure!

     Roshi under the light barrier is shooting water at the incoming priest and shouting,"Protect the holy booby's!"

     I landed inside with a tuck and roll because I was higher up and landing. I then stand and see the young Yuuma standing at the end trying to be cute.

     "Sweetie, why are you coming to fight me? I thought you did not remember me anymore? Can we just leave all this together and be a happy couple?" Damn she should have given up being evil for the chance to be an actress. I would have been her number one fan just for her acting.

     My visor covers my eyes and I reply,"That was a really fun week we had there! I was able to be a dick for a week without guilt. But my wife Kalawarna told me I could not have cheap one-night stands, so we were doomed to fail from the start, how could I put life in that tainted belly you call your womb? It's disgusting just thinking of it!"

     My taunting skill is over 9000 I think because she transformed into her normal look with rage on her hot face. She then yells,"WHAT YOU MARRIED THAT UPTIGHT BITCH!" She is super mad ha-ha,"So you did not kill her? Why would she marry a devil trash?!"

     "Did I not say it before? I said I liked women with class and beauty? She had it so I married her after we fought, it's that simple, oh and she gave me a message to pass to you!" I smile and do my best Kala imitation,"Loose bitch, try touching my man once more and not even your soul could be used to lubricate that overused thing you call a vagina!"

     "That's what she said! Do not blame the messenger OK!" I look behind her and I notice what the fallen did to mock God in the temple.

     Behind the altar there is a big cross with a man pinned to it, but his head is missing, all fallen do this to spite God and do unspeakable rituals under the chapel. This is what they were ready to do to Asia. The more vile the act the more they thrived. Anything to shame God.

      I point to the headless effigy of Christ and ask,"Was that your handy work or one of your dogs?" I activate [Earth Manipulation] and begin to reform the statue to its former glory, while she gasps witnessing its changes.

     I say as it finishes melding,"I guess his eyes look like mine, I just let my gut feeling reform it. I do not remember what I looked like in those days or even what I was like?!" I just smile at the fully realized effigy.

     "The past me definitely would forgive you and turn a blind eye in hopes you were redeemable. But my lifes after that was not as nice. So I am just going to say sorry. I truly hate killing a beautiful woman, but sacrifices must be made for the greater good! Also I want to avenge anime Issei for the shit you did to him in another world! Goodbye my ex-girlfriend, the fallen angel I could not love, Raynare! " Sigh.

     I activated my [Strobe Eyes] blinding her to my movements and did my fast flight combo, and impaled a holy lance into her belly and held her shoulder so she could not pull back, then I just leaned in and whispered,"Will you die for me Raynare?"

     Her eyes that had been messed with, looked at me in utter disbelieving horror at my actions and how she could not even defend herself, blood just spewed out of her mouth as she tried to beg for her life. She just could not beat a High-class level of strength and she underestimated me.

     "Maybe that rapist will save you, I said........" Her eyes opened wide as the revelation that I knew everything passed by her last thoughts before fading into feathers.

     As I stood there over the now very gone Raynare, a group of devils being my peerage, came in to back me up.

     There I stood with my back to them under the large statue, and I heard Asia crying for some reason? So I turn and see they look fine, will Koneko have some clothes ripped in some places she should not! For my health I have to not look at her, if I give in and ruin such a kind girl I will go to hell!.

     I think only Asia knows what the statue looked like before, so she is probably thinking God did that. Meh I am not explaining it was a whim on my part, I picked up her feathers and walked to my king and said with a fake smile,"Mission accomplished President!"

     Rias then hugs me and says,"Don't be tough for me, I want you to just be my Matsuda." That actually makes me feel better, then another pair of arms grab me from behind and crying is soaking my back. Ya its Asia, shit she is really good for the soul!

     "Good job Matsuda!" Kiba says with his trademark handsome guy smile. Damn good looking guy!

     A tug at my sleeve has me look down at Koneko and she says,"Are you alright big brother?" CRITICAL HIT!!!!!!!!

     "I would definitely be better with a kiss from my super cute white kitty! Oh shit! I am talking out-loud! Damn Rias's curse!" Everyone was laughing at me while poor Koneko was red as fuck.

     A moment later the other two groups came in and we left together....

     Asia healed all injuries and we lost no one. Freed, the cockroach had escaped and it did not surprise me at all, he has some plot armor after all! About one third of the priests bailed and fled into the mountain. I did not notice Akeno crying while looking at the man on the cross.

     When we got to the bus I threw the keys to Saji.

     He caught it then said,"Thought you did not trust my driving?"

     "Anyone that fights with me is someone I can trust right? Just drive and shut up dumb-ass!" And laughter followed.

     I did not know that this night still held more surprises!


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