Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 15: Unlocking the New Dragon Roar Ability and the Owl

Several days have passed since Dudley and Harry returned to No. 4 Privet Drive on Harry Potter's birthday after shopping for school supplies and wands in Diagon Alley.

As soon as Dudley got home, he was hugged by the Dursleys who had returned early. The Dursleys cried bitterly and claimed that they would call the police if Dudley came back any later.

But Vernon and Petunia both had a tacit understanding that they didn't mention Dudley going to Hogwarts at all, as if they wanted to treat it as if it didn't exist.And Dudley also knew that this old-fashioned and stubborn couple would not be able to accept this fact so early, so he tacitly did not provoke them.

Harry was still ignored by the Dursleys as always, but it seemed that Harry had become accustomed to this matter and didn't take it to heart.After he said hello to Dudley, he went about carrying the parcels and owls up to the second floor. He also moved Dudley's to his room. It seemed that the heart-to-heart conversation on the way back had a profound impact on their relationship. There has been further improvement.

A few days passed like this.

In the largest room on the second floor of No. 4 Privet Drive, Dudley returned to his desk after making sure the door was locked.

What was placed in front of Dudley was the "Dragon Roar Textbook that Muggles who have just traveled through time can easily learn." Dudley took a deep breath and slowly opened the second page.

Just like when he first traveled to the Harry Potter world more than a month ago, the second page of this "Dragon Roar Textbook" densely recorded a page full of dragon roar spells using dragon language symbols.

The top one is the dragon roar "Unremitting Strength" with a white background and a black border, indicating that it has been successfully learned.

Immediately below was a series of spells written in black. When Dudley touched them, a reminder appeared in his mind that they were now in a "learnable" state.

Further down, there were several spells in a gray state on the bottom floor. When he touched them, a reminder that he could not learn them for the time being appeared in his mind.

Ever since he absorbed the dragon soul in his wand, Dudley had been thinking about which new dragon roar he should learn.Although he now has his own wand and can learn various magics at Hogwarts in the future, the dragon's roar has the advantages of fast casting speed, no need for props, and high functionality, so it is still Dudley's most important weapon.

First, we must exclude abilities that can be easily achieved using magic, such as "Fire Breath", "Disarm", and "Frost Breath".Although the effect is direct and crude, these are spells that are commonly mastered in the magical world. It is still too wasteful to waste a precious dragon soul to obtain these abilities.

Secondly, some capabilities that are relatively useless in actual use must be eliminated first.For example, "Aura Whisper", although it is a very high-priority ability in the game, can block walls or detect the breath of creatures in the dark.But in reality, there is no setting where you can crouch down so that the enemy cannot see you, and then hit the head with a bow and arrow to kill instantly. Even if you detect the enemy, it is useless if you can't defeat it.

Another example is that although the ability "Phantom Aether" allows you not to receive any damage for a period of time, in actual use it just delays the time of death. When the time comes, you will still be defeated.

Some dragon roars, such as "Pure Sky" and "Dragon Break", are highly targeted abilities, although Dudley can predict that they will have miraculous effects when facing specific enemies.For example, it dispels the fog of dementors and breaks the roar of the dragon, but its versatility is too poor. Dudley is currently in short supply of dragon souls, so he still needs to give priority to acquiring abilities that can immediately form combat effectiveness.

There are also some abilities, such as "Auda Weiying" and "Summoning of Heroes". Obviously, this world cannot connect to the Hall of Heroes, so they are grayed out and cannot be learned.

In the past few days, Dudley had been picking and choosing, and after weighing the pros and cons of various dragon roars, he finally made a decision.

Determined, Dudley pressed his finger on the target's dragon language incantation, and silently gave the command to "inject dragon soul" in his heart.

It was still a familiar feeling. Dudley felt that something in his body was extracted into this black spell, but this time the black spell was not completely filled in. Only the first letter changed into a white background with black edges.

(Forced Will has been learned [1/3])

"Forcing will" is the ability to force thoughts and make the other party obey your orders.In the game, the compulsive will of the perfect body can even drive a dragon as a mount.

Although there is a spell in the magic world that has a similar effect to this ability - the "Soul-stealing Curse".However, as an unforgivable curse, the Imperius Curse is not only difficult to learn, but also attracts hatred. Basically, using this spell is tantamount to becoming the opposite of all decent characters.

And if you force the will to roar, you don't need a wand, and you can even avoid the detection mechanism of the Unforgivable Curse.Of course, this ability to control other people's thoughts is a very evil ability in itself, and it requires very high moral character of the user Dudley.

"It's okay. A person like me who is both good in character and academic, has high moral standards, and is upright will definitely only use this ability to fight against evil. Absolutely, well, I shouldn't use this ability on Hermione, Ginny, Zhang Qiu, Perti, Fleur, Luna... these witches!"

It's a pity that Dudley didn't look in the mirror now, otherwise he would have seen the image of Brother Pig that made Voldemort feel ashamed and Grindelwald felt ashamed when he knew all the beautiful witches in the book.

"Crack!" A sudden strange sound startled Dudley. Unlike the unshakable power that could be used openly, he planned to use the skill of Forced Will to hide it from everyone, including Harry, as his secret weapon. .

That's why he locked the door nervously today. After all, if a decent person knew that he had this ability to control people's hearts, he would probably be thrown to Azkaban by members of the Order of the Phoenix and chatted with dementors the next day.

Dudley took a closer look and saw that it was Hedwig, Harry's owl, who flew in through the window at some point and threw a dead mouse on the floor of his room.

In the past few days, ever since Harry gave it this name, Hedwig seemed to enjoy killing rats in Dudley's room all day long.Harry and Dudley, who were not familiar with the habits of owls, couldn't figure out whether this was Hedwig's way of expressing a good relationship or an annoying one.

Seeing Hedwig, Dudley had an idea in his mind. Maybe he had found the first experimental subject for him to test the forced will dragon roar.

Hedwig looked at Dudley with a malicious look on her face warily, as if she had sensed something, and was about to flap her wings and fly away, but unfortunately she was a step too late.

"GolHalDov!" (Forced Will)

Unlike the unyielding force that requires shouting loudly, the dragon language that forces the will seems to only need to be chanted in a low voice to take effect.As he used Dragon Roar, Dudley vaguely felt that there seemed to be an invisible bond connecting him and Hedwig, and his head felt slightly swollen.

(Take the dead mouse back to Harry's room.)

Dudley tried to give an order in his mind, and sure enough, Hedwig's eyes were empty, and she obeyed Dudley's order, picked up the dead mouse on the ground, and flew out the window.

Did you make it?Dudley felt a little excited in his heart. This ability was too buggy. If it was useful, wouldn't he be able to run rampant in Hogwarts?

While he was thinking this, Dudley suddenly felt as if there was a snap in his mind, and the invisible bond and the feeling of swelling in his head disappeared without a trace.

"Huh?" Dudley realized that the effect of the dragon's roar had disappeared. He looked at the clock on the wall and saw that the duration seemed to be less than half a minute.


Dudley took a closer look and saw that Hedwig, who had just been commanded to fly out, had thrown the dead mouse in again.I don't know why, although Dudley had no research on owl ecology, Dudley seemed to feel confusion and anger from its big round eyes.

"Da", "Da", "Da", "Da"......

"Wait, don't throw it away, Hedwig, stop throwing rats into my room?! Where did you find so many dead rats? Where do you usually hide them! Hey, that's the bed, don't throw it up. ..."

Afterwards, when Dudley summarized the results of this first experiment using forced will dragon roar, he came to two important conclusions:

First: The forced will dragon roar that only charges one dragon soul has a very short effect. Even on animals, it only lasts for tens of seconds. It may also be discounted on humans or wizards with stronger resistance.

Second: Throwing dead mice into human rooms seems to be an owl's way of expressing dissatisfaction and dislike.

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