Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 14: Dudley and Harry’s reconciliation before it’s too late

"It's so surprising...I think today might be my lucky day. To see two legendary wands pick their rightful owners, owners destined for great things."

When Hagrid walked into Ollivander's wand shop carrying a large cage covered with black cloth, Mr. Ollivander was carefully examining the elderberry wand, or should it be called Dudley's wand now.

"Please take your wand, child." After one last reluctant look, Ollivander put the wand into the box with gentle movements and handed it to Dudley. "Although I don't know how you lifted the curse on the wand, it is obvious that the wand is in good condition now."

"Hagrid, it's a pity that you missed the scene where Dudley and I were picking out wands." Harry said to Hagrid excitedly. At this time, he noticed the cage in Hagrid's hand. "Hagrid, what's in your hand?" What's it holding?"

"It's your birthday present, Harry." Hagrid lifted the cloth covering the cage, revealing a cute snowy owl in the cage. "I guess the Dursleys won't give you a gift. An owl is The best gift for a new student, he can send you letters and mail items, Hogwarts is very popular now."

Harry blushed and stammered his thanks to Hagrid many times, as nervous as Professor Quirrell. Only then did Dudley remember that he hadn't given Harry a birthday gift yet, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"It's okay, Dudley. I didn't prepare a birthday present for you on your birthday this year." Harry keenly sensed Dudley's discomfort, smiled and patted Dudley's shoulder proactively, "In that case, this year, We're even...in every sense of the word."

"Okay, okay, kids, we've almost finished shopping. It's time to go back." Hagrid clapped his hands, took out his pocket watch from a pocket on his coat and looked at it. Dudley seemed to hear something coming from the pocket. The sound of coming little animals.

It was getting dark when Hagrid put Harry and Dudley on the train back to the Dursleys' house.Along the way, Hagrid's huge body and the sleeping owl in Harry's hand attracted a lot of attention from passers-by. On the contrary, Dudley, who was originally fatter than his peers, was now the most inconspicuous among their group.

Hagrid handed an envelope to Harry, with a kind smile under his disheveled hair and beard: "Here are the tickets to Hogwarts. Both of you are here. The departure point and time are written on the ticket. , check it out more often, remember not to miss it.”

Then Hagrid approached Harry again, lowered his voice and said hoarsely: "If the Dursleys...and your cousin still dare to bully you, just write a letter and ask the owl to bring it to me. He knows Where can I be found?”

However, Hagrid didn't seem to realize that even if he deliberately lowered the volume of his loud voice, Dudley, who was not far away, could still clearly hear him.

Dudley looked around in embarrassment as if he hadn't heard. He knew that although he had tried to treat Harry as kindly as possible in the month after time travel, the fact that he had bullied Harry for so many years could not be denied. After all, others did not know who Dudley was now. Dudley was essentially a completely different person than the Dudley he was a month ago.

On the train back to the Dursleys' house, Dudley and Harry sat side by side, with their feet piled with large and small odd-shaped packages. Both of them were silent.Dudley was thinking about things related to the dragon soul he had just absorbed, while Harry was stroking the owl and seemed to be thinking about something.

"Dudley, sometimes I wonder if this is a dream." It was Harry who spoke first. He looked at the gradually falling night outside the train window and said with emotion, "A month ago, you were still the person I hated the most. One, you are so rude, disrespectful, and morally corrupt that living in the Dursleys' house every day is like a nightmare."

"But since the day of your birthday, everything has changed." Harry's tone seemed to be trembling slightly, "First of all, you have become completely different. You have become a Dudley who is completely unfamiliar to me, but you are... It's the Dudley who is closer to me."

"Then there is Hagrid, Professor Dumbledore, Professor Quirrell, Mr. Ollivander, the incredible magical world, and the truth about the death of my parents that I have always wanted to know, Voldemort." Harry touched it when he said this With the lightning-shaped scar on his forehead, Dudley seemed to be able to see the moisture next to his emerald green eyes.

"It all seems like a dream... If so, I hope I never wake up from this dream." Harry closed his eyes, as if talking to Dudley, and as if Muttering to himself.

"After I experienced this kind of dream, when I opened my eyes tomorrow, I woke up in a narrow and dark closet again. Then Dudley cried and broke my glasses again. This kind of thing is so desperate. I won't be able to accept it. I really hope I can learn the spell at Hogwarts to completely erase the memory of a month ago, and forget everything before as a dream."

Hearing Harry's open heart, Dudley realized that although he had always treated himself separately from Dudley before he possessed him, and subconsciously drew a clear line between himself and the Dursleys, the consequences that Harry had suffered in the past 11 years were Trauma is not something that can be brushed aside by his so-called reformation of a month.

In the original work, he could only see the strong and brave side of Harry when he was fighting against the Dursleys.But in this world, Dudley discovered that although Harry was special, he was not special. He was just a child scarred by neglect and abuse.

"I'm sorry, Harry." Dudley put his arm around Harry's thin shoulders and looked into Harry's eyes sincerely, "I apologize for all my stupid behavior in the past. But I don't ask for your forgiveness. I will bear my of all your faults, acknowledge them, remember them, and alert yourself not to do these shameful acts in the future.”

"So the same goes for you, Harry. You don't need to forget your previous life as a nightmare. Pain, discomfort, and hatred are all part of your growth. In this way, you can fully accept your past. Go to Hogwarts without any burden, meet new friends, partners, family, and start a new life."

After listening to Dudley's words, Harry lowered his head, seeming to be thinking about something.After a moment, Harry wiped his tears and held out his hand to Dudley.

"Dudley, as you said, I really can't completely forgive you for your previous behavior." Harry's clear eyes looked at Dudley, and there was no more haze in his eyes. "But, I have been secretly calling you a fool before." Retarded, wigged pig... Like I told you back in Diagon Alley, let's even it out!"

Dudley smiled and held Harry's hand. He felt that at this moment, the two cousins ​​he and Harry had finally reached a reconciliation that was long overdue but was not too late.

(To be continued)

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