Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 111: Madame Maxime and Cleaning the Trophies

"Clear springs are like water!"

Taking the water glass handed over by Fleur, Dudley rinsed every corner of his mouth to make sure there was no venom left.

"So you all misunderstood." After spitting out the water, Dudley raised the bottle filled with venom in his hand and explained, "Although it looks a bit bad, I just wanted to collect Nagini's venom... ....”

Fleur's face was red, and she didn't know whether she was angry or shy: "But, since Nagini has been defeated by you, why can't you take her back first? And she's not wearing any clothes... .”

Next to Fleur, stood a middle-aged woman with an olive face, a beak-shaped nose and large black eyes. The most striking thing was her size, which was almost as tall as Hagrid.

Judging from what Fleur just said, she is the principal of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, Madam Maxime.

Maxim looked seriously at the snake skin that Nagini shed on the ground, and said slowly: "A fierce battle did take place here just now, and this huge snake skin also proves the story about the blood-cursed orc's shed skin. statement--"

Dudley secretly felt lucky. Fortunately, Ms. Maxim was an experienced witch and did not make rash judgments just based on the things in front of her. Instead, she made a calm observation and analysis of the scene.

But soon, Ms. Maxim's eyes moved to Nagini, who was lying on the ground, staring at Dudley with resentment and shame.

Dudley followed Ms. Maxim's gaze and shouted in his heart that something was wrong.Because on Nagini's fair body, there were still reddish marks on the sensitive area that Dudley had just treated roughly.

Madame Maxime took off her large cloak and covered Nagini's naked body.Then with a wave of the wand, a glowing magic rope flew out from the top of the wand, tying Nagini tightly.

"Although you should go all out in battle, you should not have weak thoughts of pity." Ms. Maxim's tone was a little cold, and she looked at Dudley sternly: "But I still don't think it is appropriate for the defeated generals who have no ability to resist. Rough and insulting methods should be used - it seems that I will discuss the education policy with Dumbledore afterwards..."

"It's a shame that I was so worried about you... and even took the risk to pass through the siege of corpses. When I saw Ms. Maxim coming, I immediately brought her to rescue you." The look in Fleur's eyes at Dudley made him feel on pins and needles. Feeling uncomfortable, "I didn't expect you to be 'fighting' so hard."

"Ahem." Dudley felt that continuing to explain here might only make things darker, so he decided to change the topic first: "If Ms. Maxim has arrived, then Professor Dumbledore is also here now?"

"Yes, after receiving the urgent letter from Mr. Scamander, Dumbledore immediately found me and apparated over." Ms. Maxim nodded solemnly.

"As soon as we arrived at Delacour's house, Mr. Scamander explained the situation to us. We first stopped the fight between Mr. Lupine and the Auror named Abel, and then rushed to the entrance of the ruins."

"Professor Dumbledore... cast a special magic that allows me to enter the ruins." Ms. Maxim was vague. It seemed that she still wanted to conceal her identity as a giant hybrid. "As soon as I entered the ruins, I saw Fleur fighting the creature you call a ghoul, and she asked me to come over immediately - but it seemed it was still a step too late."

Ms. Maxim looked at Bernard's body lying quietly on the ground not far away and sighed regretfully.

Seeing Bernard, Fleur remembered that there was someone more important that she had not found. She grabbed Dudley's arm nervously: "Where is Gabri? Did you ask about Gabri's whereabouts after defeating Nagini? ?”

"Hmph, you're talking about your poor sister." Nagini, who was tied up and unable to move, suddenly showed a cruel smile, "Maybe she has become a feast for the evil dragon now."

After hearing Nagini's words, Fleur's pretty face turned pale. At this moment, a loud noise sounded from the ceiling again.

"Don't worry, young Duwaqin, the girl you are looking for is now unharmed. When you go out later, bring the venom to me, and you can see her."

Dudley was relieved. In fact, when he discovered that the voice that helped him was the voice of a dragon, he almost guessed the truth.

Fleur and Ms. Maxim both raised their wands and looked above their heads with wary expressions. It was obvious that they could not understand Dragon Language. To them, the mysterious sound was just an unknown rumbling noise.

"Fleur, don't worry, Gabrielle will be fine." Dudley comforted Fleur softly, "Let's escort Nagini out first and join Dumbledore - we can't give her accomplices a chance to save her."

Although Fleur's face was still worried, she nodded out of trust in Dudley.

"Wait a minute Fleur, don't open that magic suitcase, it contains very dangerous things." Dudley warned loudly when he saw Fleur walking towards the suitcase containing Castag.

"And Ms. Maxim, Nagini may also transform into a snake. Can you keep an eye on her?"

After hearing Dudley's words, Ms. Maxim pointed her wand at Nagini and whispered an unintelligible spell.Nagini's expression changed, and then she stared at Dudley bitterly.

"She can't change into other forms for the time being." Ms. Maxim said to Dudley, "And I feel like she has no resistance to magic. I'm afraid my restricting magic can be effective for a long time."

Then, Dudley began to pack up the trophies in the rotunda. First, he picked up the snake skin that Nagini shed. Judging from the scene when Newt treated Mrs. Delacour, Nagini's snake skin It is a very important rare material.

While turning over the snake skin, Dudley found a ring under the snake skin.After realizing that this was the Ring of Namira, Dudley carefully put the ring and another demonic artifact, Dagon's Razor, into his waist pocket.

Finally, Dudley looked around the entire rotunda to check if there were any important items missing, and then his eyes fell on Bernard's body.

"Ms. Maxim, can we take his body away too?" Dudley sighed and said bitterly, "No matter what, he should be buried outside."

Ms. Maxim nodded, and with a wave of the magic wand, Bernard's body and the tied Nagini floated, then leaned side by side, suspended next to Ms. Maxim.

"Keep this filthy thing away from me!" Nagini shouted in a sharp and disgusted voice, "Don't put me with this fat pig's corpse!"

"Then we should put you together, Nagini." Dudley said to Nagini with a gloomy face: "Bernard was killed by you, you should take a good look at Bernard's body. He is the evidence of your heinous sin!"

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