Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 110: Nagini’s Venom

"Wait, what do you want to do?!" Even Nagini, who was full of evil, couldn't help but pale when she saw Dudley planning to ride on her.

Although Nagini has been transformed into a snake for many years due to the influence of the blood curse, she has deviated from humanity in terms of values ​​and behavior.

But now that she had regained her human body, she was still embarrassed and annoyed to be straddled by another man when she was naked.

Facing such a beautiful scenery, Dudley didn't have any dirty thoughts in his heart.

Now Dudley was just thinking about how to remove the venom from Nagini in girl form.

"Nagini, you should know that you have lost." Although he had no hope, Dudley decided to try to convince Nagini first, "If you still have any reflection, hand over your venom." come out!"

Just as Dudley expected, after hearing Dudley's words, Nagini grinned and said sarcastically: "I think if I said that I would be released in exchange for venom, would you agree?"

Dudley frowned and did not respond to Nagini's words. It was definitely impossible to release Nagini. As long as he brought Nagini back, there was always a way to get her venom. Now he was anxious to get the venom mainly because of the mysterious voice. Just a request.

"Then there's no need to talk about it - or if the hero wants my venom so much, just find a way on his own. I just want to see how you can get my venom without my consent."

Nagini seemed to have guessed Dudley's reaction, her eyes were full of teasing and provocation.

Dudley was also a little angry. He searched the part about Nagini in the original work in his mind, trying to find any clues.

For some reason, he suddenly thought of a joke in the Harry Potter fandom, about Nagini being Voldemort's wet nurse and feeding him milk to keep him alive before Voldemort was resurrected.

The source of this joke is Chapter 1 of the fourth novel, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". Voldemort asked Wormtail to get Nagini's milk - of course, at this time in the novel, Nagini has been completely cursed. He had a seizure and turned into a complete snake.

In the original English text, JK Rowling used the word milk, which is worth pondering.After all, when this word is used as a verb, it can mean milking, but in a few cases it also means taking venom.

As we all know, snakes are oviparous animals and do not have some important organs of mammals. Naturally, snake milk does not exist.

But the problem is that this is common knowledge in the Muggle world. Nagini, as a magical snake, is transformed from a human into a snake, which is easy for people to imagine.

Whether Voldemort drank Nagini's venom or **, this question can only be answered by JK Rowling.

At this time, Dudley looked at Nagini in the girl form and couldn't help but have a strange suspicion in his heart.

His focus gradually moved down from Nagini's face. Nagini realized where he was staring, and a blush of shame and anger appeared on her pale face.

"Wait, where are you looking-"

But Dudley had already taken action and began to test his suspicions.

"Ah - let go - you pervert!"

Nagini's shrill, angry shout echoed throughout the rotunda.

"Let go, you pervert - it hurts so much, don't - are you crazy - scum - scum -"

The slender hands in the girl form were obviously unable to stop Dudley's actions. Nagini could only weakly try to push Dudley away, but perhaps because she had just shed her skin, she seemed very weak and unable to resist.

But after a while, Dudley had to give up in embarrassment. As expected, the idea was still too outrageous.And no matter how much he regarded Nagini as his enemy, the touch and visual effects just now still made him feel a bit uncomfortable morally.

Next to him, Norberta was sitting on the ground, her big dark head buried in her fleshy wings, as if she was saying that this scene was too ridiculous and she really had no eyes to see it.

Dudley had no choice but to shout loudly to the ceiling with regret: "I'm really sorry. Although I want to repay your kindness, I'm afraid I can't take Nagini's venom here. If possible, wait until I can... ..."

"Uh...were you planning to help me get the venom just now? This is really...I thought you couldn't help but want to do other things for the moment, so I didn't bother you." There seemed to be some embarrassment in the loud sound.

"Ahem, I forgot to remind you. This snake girl just shed her skin to survive, so all her resistance is temporarily extremely low, so if you want her venom, you only need to-"

Hearing the mysterious voice, Dudley wanted to give himself a big mouth, why didn't he think of it?

"Have you...have you finally had enough, you pervert..." Nagini gasped, staring at Dudley angrily, "And what on earth is that loud noise?" , who are you talking to-"

"GolHalDov!" (Forced Will)

As the mysterious voice said, Nagini was now almost completely defenseless. The forced will dragon's roar easily controlled her consciousness, and Nagini's eyes became blank.

"I order you to hand over your venom right now!"

Upon hearing Dudley's order, Nagini opened her mouth blankly and raised her pink tongue.

Dudley immediately thought that the venom glands of poisonous snakes are usually in their mouths, and it seemed that the same was true for Nagini in human form. No wonder Nagini said that she could not obtain the venom if she did not agree.

But now Dudley faced another problem. Nagini was currently lying on her back. In this case, it was really difficult for Nagini to spit the venom into the small bottle in her hand.

Dudley immediately thought of a solution. Anyway, he had already done the outrageous thing just now, so Dudley simply broke the jar and threw it away, regardless of whether it affected the good customs or not.

(People in the movie suck out the venom with their mouths, so as long as there are no injuries in the mouth, it should be fine if you hold the venom in your mouth.)

Dudley lowered his head, and the moment he made contact with Nagini's lips, he immediately felt a cool, smelly liquid being injected into his mouth.

(You have to be careful, don’t swallow the venom...)

Just when Dudley was concentrating and being extremely vigilant, a loud noise suddenly sounded in the rotunda, which almost scared Dudley and accidentally swallowed the venom.

"Ms. Maxim, right here!" An anxious and familiar voice sounded, "Dudley and Norbert are facing a very powerful enemy..."

Although he couldn't raise his head, Dudley immediately recognized that it was Fleur's voice. It seemed that she had successfully escaped from the corpses in Charus' cave and tombs, and she seemed to have brought reinforcements.

But Dudley's joy was extinguished by himself in less than a second, because he realized that the situation in the rotunda should look very bad now. In every sense, it might be worse than facing Castag. Be serious.

In the next moment, a scream mixed with confusion and anger echoed throughout the rotunda:

"Wait, Dudley, what are you doing!"

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