Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 746: Lanqi and Ifatia may have to discuss their own

Chapter 746: Lanqi and Ifatia may have to discuss their own
"Yeah, there's a little kitten."

Ifatia noticed the cat boss's head popping out from Lanqi's shadow.

But for some reason, this black kitten seemed very scared.

"Hello, Duchess."

Boss Cat greeted Ifatia.

As a common citizen of Ikerit, the Duchess should have been a distant figure, but unexpectedly, she was finally bumped into by Lanqi in the Krewe Empire.

Before the cat boss could finish his cat ceremony, he was picked up by Ifatia.

"A fifth-level Elf Cat, it's so powerful, it's so cute."

Ifatia held the little black cat and asked Lanqi and Talia in surprise.

This race is too weak and has basically no survivability. Generally, it is good enough to have a level two or three.


Boss Cat stopped talking.

"It's my landlord in Ikerit, and Hyperion also lives in its shop..."

Talia hesitantly pointed at the cat boss and told Ifatia.

As the first friend she made when she first arrived in the royal capital of Ikerit, Talia had great respect for the cat boss.

"Hey, you're from the same hometown too?"

Ifatia held the little black cat in both hands and asked it.

But the cat boss seemed to be in a daze, he just hung his head and didn't answer.

"Wait, Ifatia, how did you become an Ikerite?"

Talia interrupted.

She always felt that there was something wrong with Ifatia's words "fellow countryman".

Where is your demon clan origin? Where is the honor of being a demon princess?
"No, sisters..."

Lanqi stared at Talia speechlessly, but before he could say anything, Talia covered his mouth.

"I'm married to Migaia, and my household registration is in Ikerite, so of course I'm an Ikerite, and I'm also the Duchess of Ifatia Alansar. This is much better than the life of a demon princess who lived under a quilt under a bridge when I first came to the Kingdom of Hutton."

Ifatia answered as a matter of course.


Talia's past came to mind, and she couldn't help feeling a little sad.

"By the way, sister, how have you spent the past hundred years?"

Ifatia asked with interest.

She couldn't wait to hear her sister's story of this century.

In her imagination, the glamorous and beautiful demon princess must have remained elegant and calm over the years, embarking on her own journey around the world.


Talia's palms began to sweat, but she still had to continue covering Lanqi's mouth and not let him speak.


Lanqi struggled hard, but could not escape Talia's ruthless hands.

Ifatia chuckled beside her.

She had never seen such a lively sister.

"By the way, why is Landry... Professor, from Ikerit?"

Ifatia looked at her sister and asked in confusion.

The person she asked Barton to bring was Landry Wassington, a professor of magic engineering who had recently become famous in the capital of Cretan and was also a genuine member of the Cretan Empire.

But after listening to the conversation between my sister and him, I found that he actually seemed to be an Ikerite, and had a close relationship with my sister.

When Talia saw that Ifatia was about to ask Lanqi about something, she slowly and cautiously opened his mouth.

She took her hand back and signaled with her eyes that Lanqi should not say anything wrong.

"Be brief."

Thalia reminded.

She was afraid that Lanqi would say another word.

"I was riding in the same compartment of the train with Professor Landry, and then he was killed, and I disguised myself as him."

Lanqi looked resentful and spoke briefly as Talia requested.

Ifatia looked a little confused.

It's that simple?
"You should at least explain the premise that we are spies from the Person Kingdom and want to infiltrate the Krei Empire. Otherwise, how can my sister understand? Please start from the beginning."

Talia said unhappily.

She felt that Lanqi was somewhat rebellious. If she asked him to speak less, he would just speak in riddles. He was like this when she made cards with him before, and it took her a lot of effort to train him.


Lanqi stared at Talia in silence for a while.

"The windows were covered with thin, almost transparent leaves, allowing the morning sunlight to penetrate softly and warmly into the room. The whole room was filled with a refreshing wood fragrance. The cool breeze from the courtyard gently caressed my body. I felt a chill and opened my eyes unconsciously..."

Lanqi began to tell the story.

“I didn’t ask you to start from the first episode!”

Talia felt her blood pressure rise.

As soon as Lanqi opened his mouth, she knew that this guy would definitely start with his story in Nanwantina Territory.

If it wasn't in front of her sister, she would have pinned Lanqi to the ground and made him realize what it meant to have the Master be in charge!

"You asked me to start from the beginning."

Lanqi said confidently.

"Lanqi! I told you to show off!"

Talia reached out and pinched Lanqi's cheek, scolding angrily.

"Are they usually like this?"

Ifatia looked at her sister and Lanqi quarreling, and finally asked the little black cat.

Sister Talia had never treated a man like this before, and she always looked aloof. The fact that she could get along with a man like a good friend showed that she had undoubtedly changed because of him.

It seems that as long as my sister is with this man, she is happy every day.


Boss Cat feels that since the Person Kingdom, Lanqi and Tata have never been at peace.

The two of them have become completely familiar with each other, or have opened their hearts to each other.

"That's great."

Ifatia hugged the cat with great excitement.

No matter what, she will definitely support her sister and this man.

"If I can return to Ikerit safely, I will be able to watch sweet love comedies every day..."

she murmured.

Even though the current situation in the Krei Empire is difficult and hopeless, the moment she saw her sister coming, she felt her whole body filled with strength, as if she was ignited, and wanted to continue to fight for the beautiful future that she dared not imagine.

Not only can you return to the beautiful and comfortable life in the royal capital, but you will also have more relatives and friends around you.

"Then you may be in for a good time, meow."

Boss Cat didn't dare to say more.

The painting of twisting dough sticks in the store alone is already a heavyweight.

"Lanqi, tell Ifatia the truth about how we came to the Krema Empire and the Mafia's stronghold." Talia and Lanqi completed a one-on-one communication. She stood by and urged him to repeat it to Ifatia.

Lanqi seemed to have become much more obedient after being scolded by Talia.

Of course, it is also possible that they were threatened by encrypted calls.

For example, if Lanqi doesn't listen to her anymore, she will act like a spoiled brat.

"Sit down, sit down first."

Ifatia pointed off into the distance and asked Ranci and Talia to sit at her workbench.

They stood and chatted for a long time. In fact, this underground palace had tables and chairs, and it was also where Ifatia lived every day.

Ifatia quickly went to adjust the switch assembly on the wall.

As the low roar of the mechanical transmission echoed in the silent space, in an instant, warm light poured down like a waterfall, lighting up the entire palace, as if being in a dreamland beyond reality.

Talia and Lanci's eyes were attracted by the brilliance above the sky. The crystal pendants inlaid with gold and blue patterns above were as bright as stars, spreading warm light to every corner of the hall. The spectacular light illuminated the light-colored stone carvings on the wall and left bright streaks of light on the smooth white stone floor.

After a while, the bone-chilling cold gradually slowed down and turned into a more comfortable temperature.

"I'm sorry, there's not even any tea, so I can't entertain you properly."

Ifatia sat with them at a long table on one side of the underground palace. The immortal crystal lamps shone brightly in the firelight, and the carved oak chairs were neatly arranged on both sides of the long table.

"it does not matter."

Lanci waved his hand and replied.

Ifatia was the mother of his classmate, and he felt embarrassed that she was so polite to him.

"Actually, it all started when Tata and I went to the Person Kingdom. We were there to invigilate the Platinum Card Creator Exam and to buy some high-level spiritual materials. We also happened to be looking for ways to improve our tacit understanding, so we began a journey full of mistakes..."

Lanqi told Ifatia a story.


Ifatia was fascinated by what she heard. She hugged the cat boss and nodded frequently, staring at Lanqi and Talia intently.

"I often go to Person Kingdom, and I know a lot of Person friends. Did you meet Rosalinda?"

she couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, she has a good relationship with Etienne and Tata."

Lanci affirmed.

"I really want to see you again."

Ifatia's thoughts seemed to drift to the north again, to the beautiful city of flowers.

"But I don't think Rosalinda would like to see you..."

Talia whispered.

Etiou is fine, she treats Ifatia as her sister.

As soon as Countess Rosalinda saw Ifatia, she would probably feel heartbroken.

"Then we were involved in an incident related to [The Grudge of Parroni]. Fortunately, it was resolved in the end, and the masterminds behind it, Perlman and Beelzebub, were defeated..."

Lanqi continued to tell Ifatia about the incident in Huadu.

"Isn't Perlman a pretty good demon? And who is Beelzebub?"

After listening to Lanqi's story about the end of the Flower City Pariel, Ifatia still didn't understand something.

She had also met Perlman, the lord of Area 10 of the Bosen Demon Realm, and had a very good impression of him.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is a major contributor to the current prosperity of the Person Kingdom, and he has also created a possibility for humans and demons to coexist.

"All I can say is that demons can change. For example, look at your... Hehehe! According to our inference, Beelzebub is an eighth-level demon from the Lost Continent on the other side of the Northern Continent's Disaster Land. But that's not the point. He is obviously not from our system. The stage over there is probably another story."

Lanqi explained to Ifatia.

"Then a full-scale war broke out in the southern continent? Your good friend Nigel, who you met in Person, gave you identities and allowed you to infiltrate the Kreiwen Empire?"

Ifatia roughly guessed what happened next.

"That's right. At the beginning, we were a 62-year-old publisher named Lovia. We were attacked by Allied spies on the train about to arrive in Brillda. Professor Landry, who was in the same compartment, unfortunately died. I could only take over Professor Landry's identity and help him fulfill his last wish, shoulder his responsibilities, and make the Kremer Empire great again."

Lanqi nodded solemnly, even sat up straighter, and spoke while tapping the table with his fingertips.

"...Why do you start from here with the Empire's perspective?"

Ifatia noticed something was wrong.

At first she really thought that Professor Landry was from the Iron Empire, but she didn't expect that it was actually played by a fellow villager from the Hutton Kingdom, who completely fooled her.

Now I think it may not be a problem with Landry's character, but a problem with the person under the suit.

"Just tell me whether I have deceived everyone."

Ranch asked.

"...Brother, please continue."

Ifatia had no way of refutation and could only let Lanqi continue with the story.

"As a result, I successfully replaced Landry and taught at Saint Cremorne Abbey. I also joined the Empire Special Operations Division and may be involved in an Empire plan in the future. As Elsa is Landry's sister, I have the obligation to protect her. After she was attacked today, I chased her and finally captured a vampire. The mafia leader, Lord Barton, brought me here to cooperate with the Brildah Mafia."

A brief overview of Ranchi.

Being called brother by Ifatia made him very uncomfortable, but he didn't know what to say for a moment, so he had to talk about business first.

"You know what happened in the end. We started fighting as soon as we met. If I were the real Landry, I would probably have died on the spot."

He spread his hands.

In fact, he has always strongly condemned the refusal to communicate.

"Oh, sorry, this is the diplomatic etiquette of our demon clan."

Ifatia knocked her head and stuck out her tongue to apologize.


Lanqi understood this etiquette, but could not agree with it.

Compared to you, Antanas is really handsome. He is probably the only great demon who can talk well when they meet.

As for the others, whether it was Shinora or Pranai, if they were a little weaker, they would die talking to them.

Ifatia on the opposite side probably understood the situation.

She stood up and bent over to reach over.

"I'll leave my sister to you, Lanqi."

Ifatia patted Lanqi's shoulder with satisfaction.

Although Lanci omitted many details in his narration, such as his interactions with Talia, Ifatia could probably feel that Lanci helped her sister a lot.

"I hope to call you brother-in-law soon."

She whispered with her hand to her mouth and winked at Lanqi.

"and many more."

Lanqi responded quickly.

I treat you as my aunt, but you treat me as your brother?
We can't just talk about our own things from now on.

Naturally, Talia read his thoughts.

Talia raised her hand in shame and anger and knocked Lanqi on the head, leaving him stunned and holding his head looking at Talia.

"Just treat her as your younger sister."

Ifatia is an aunt, then isn't Talia, as Ifatia's sister, also an aunt?
"How does this work?"

Lanqi felt that the order of seniority must not be mistaken.

"You and I are of the same generation, that's it!"

Thalia emphasized.

(End of this chapter)

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