Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 745 Ifatia asks about Hyperion

Chapter 745 Ifatia asks about Hyperion

Talia was wearing a pure white dress and had a graceful figure, but her angelic face was filled with a daze.

Her gaze slowly moved downward.

All I saw was that familiar silver hair.

At this time, the silver-haired woman's attention was all on herself. She buried her head and hugged herself and cried bitterly. The crying made Talia's eyes begin to ache.


Talia always believed that the luck given by God would run out one day and that good luck could not last forever, but the longing for it kept lingering.

Hundreds of years.

She had been walking and stopping, hiding her identity, and was almost wandering all over the northern and southern continents. She had witnessed hundreds of springs, summers, autumns and winters, and had imagined the reunion with her sister countless times.

Finally, she met Lanqi, and her journey took a turn.

I found clues about my sister, met her daughter, and learned where my sister was. Until this moment, I finally met my sister.

Is Lanqi really her wish-granting machine...

Can you accomplish anything impossible by making a wish to him?
She had waited too long for this moment.

She was desperate to touch that overly intense happiness.

But something went wrong.

At this time, Talia subconsciously looked at Lanqi.

Her usually cold golden eyes were now filled with a complex mixture of gratitude, confusion, and emotion.

She was grateful for the good things that Lanqi had brought her, and she always claimed that she didn't want to have too many grudges and entanglements with a human being, but she couldn't resist the intense emotions in her heart.

"It's actually quite normal. As long as your sister Miss Ifatia has the same goal as us and works hard in the Cremorne Empire, you will meet her sooner or later."

Lanqi now roughly understood the sudden situation and said to Talia.

Previously, from the information they heard from Miss Etiou in the Person Kingdom, they knew that Ifatia was most likely in the Cretan Empire. Considering that the disappearance of Duke Migaia was related to the vampires in the heart of the empire, it was possible that Ifatia was also an enemy of the vampires. So, they were looking for her in this direction, and as they were both investigating the vampires, it was inevitable that they would bump into each other.

He knew what Talia was cringing at at the moment.

What I fear when I see old friends is not the shock of meeting them, but the fear of losing them again from the bottom of my heart.

Lanqi patted Talia's back gently, meaning that Talia should not look at him at this time, but should look closely at her sister.


"Really? You can just touch my back."

Talia complained silently in her heart, but she didn't say anything to Lanqi.

She placed her slender hands gently on Ifatia's back and hugged her tightly, just as she had hugged Hyperion.

Ifatia was slightly stunned, and then she continued to hug her familiar sister without any hesitation.

"To be honest, I'm always the one hugging my sister, but this is the first time you took the initiative to hug me."

Ifatia's memories flooded her mind uncontrollably.

In her impression, the flawless demon princess Talia, although she would fulfill all her duties as a sister and take care of her, she was always gorgeous, rational and moving, with the dignity of an eldest princess, and would not express her emotions as actively as humans.

“We all change…”

Talia stroked Ifatia's head and told her with relief.

Maybe she would be much more embarrassing in Ifatia's eyes now, but this is the real her, at this stage of her life.

"No, in my eyes, you will always be the shining sister."

Ifatia shook her head firmly.

She may have a little filter for her sister, but she is sure that this filter will never be broken because her sister is so perfect.


Lanqi didn't say anything, but just raised his hand to cover his mouth, looking solemn and thinking.

But Talia was already beginning to think he deserved to die.

This action is very cheap!
He must be unable to suppress the smile.

"Sister, are you married?"

Ifatia suddenly asked.

She was sure that her sister had become much gentler.

Although her sister was a gentle demon by nature and had always been very kind to her, at this moment Ifatia only felt that her sister was more like a gentle and virtuous wife and mother, no different from a human being.

"Of course not!"

Talia's reaction was a bit exaggerated, and she quickly rejected it.


Ifatia remained close to Talia, mumbling slyly.

She deliberately dragged out her voice as if to tell Talia: I understand.

"Really do not have."

Thalia promised.


Ifatia sneered.

To her, her sister was like a mother. Ever since she was a demon child, she was taken to the Demon King's Palace and lived with the adult Talia.

At first she was very afraid of the Demon King and her seemingly cold sister, but in order to survive and deceive the Demon King, she had to pretend to stick to her sister and at the same time turn herself into a waste so that the Demon King would not see any ambitions in her.

As a result, over time, she discovered that it was really fun to be bad.

Instead, the Demon King couldn't stand her useless appearance anymore and started urging her to act like a princess.

The reason why the Demon King kept her, the orphan of the new King of Nine Seals who failed in challenging the current Demon King, was because he saw her talent, not because he wanted her to be a stay-at-home mom.

The devil was still very confused, wondering what had gone wrong to ruin such a genius, as if he had been infected by a virus.

As for Talia, who knew nothing about this, she had always treated her like her own sister for the past ten years.

Even if Ifatia had a heart of steel, she could still develop feelings for him.

Let all the revenge disappear into thin air. Just consider her revenge as relying on me for the rest of her life.

That’s what Ifatia thought.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. When the century-long holy war came, the demon clan fell apart. She began to flee, hiding her identity, trying to avoid the spotlight, hoping that one day she could meet her old friends who survived the demon clan again.

Her life is always full of ups and downs. After she has experienced gains and losses, and seen hope and despair, she is no longer the second princess who is only interested in being bad and not competing with the world. She has to awaken her long-sealed talent and become a strong person who can change the status quo.

However, when she felt most desperate, her sister actually took the initiative to find her.

Sure enough, the elder sister is still the elder sister, just like the elder sister she was when she was a child.

It was not until a long time later that Talia finally pressed Ifatia's shoulders reluctantly and pushed her away half an inch.

"Ifatia, why did you become like this?"

She asked, her eyes fixed on the scar on Ifatia's neck.

The sisters had a lot to talk about, but what Talia was most concerned about was undoubtedly her sister's physical condition.

"This is too long to explain in one sentence. Let's talk about it slowly later."

Ifatia's true face was now revealed, and she looked away and said, "Her facial features were very similar to Hyperion's, but she was cuter and more charming than Hyperion, and compared to the tall Hyperion, Ifatia was a little shorter."

She subconsciously wanted to raise her collar to hide the scars because she could already feel her sister's worry and anger, like a parent who saw her child being bullied.


Even without asking, Talia could probably guess that it was related to the vampires.

Guilt filled her heart.

While she was living a peaceful life in Ikerit, Ifathia was probably in dire straits and gambling with the vampires every day.

The more she thought about it, the more Talia felt sorry for her sister.

When Ifatia saw Talia's lonely eyes, she roughly guessed what her sister was thinking, but she was at a loss as to what to say to make her sister not feel guilty.

"Don't think like that. You protected Hyperion in Ikerit, which is an indispensable condition for our victory."

Lan Qi said from the side.


Talia immediately looked up at Ranci.

Even if Lanqi said something rude next, she didn't want to blame Lanqi this time.

This guy always makes her angry when she is in a good mood, but when she is really sad, he treats her better than anyone else.

"It's like this. I only have to think about how to fight the vampires on the front line, but you, sister, have a lot to think about in Ikerit, taking care of Hyperion."

Ifatia added hastily, glancing at Lanqi gratefully.

Fortunately, there is someone here who can comfort her sister and let her know how to speak.


Talia's voice was filled with soft tears as she looked at Ifatia again.

In the past, she always thought that her sister was a child who would never grow up. It turned out that her sister had grown up and was no longer the child who needed protection. She even became strong enough to stand on her own without her knowing it.

"Master, why are you acting like a woman? I am embarrassed to say anything that might make you angry."

This was the first time Lanqi saw Talia so vulnerable, he thought secretly in his heart.

Correspondingly, he could not imagine what Talia, with her cruel fate, would become in the other future predicted by the goddess of fate.

"I am a woman, okay?"

With tears in her eyes and a hint of dissatisfaction, Talia grabbed Lanqi's tie, making him stagger half a step closer to her.

Looking at him like this was as if she wanted him to see clearly whether she was a woman or not.


Lanqi looked away uncomfortably. Being stared at by Talia in such a weak yet strong way, for the first time he didn't know how to talk to her.

He had never felt that Talia's demon eyes were so human-like, like the warm sunshine in spring, and the tears washed her eyes until only the fresh and unworldly beauty remained.

"By the way, sister, are you from Ikerit? And have you seen Hyperion?"

Ifatia discovered the key to the matter.

Originally, she thought her sister just came to find her, but she didn't expect that her sister had already met Hyperion when passing through the Kingdom of Hutton, and it sounded like her sister cared about Hyperion very much.

Ifatia had only seen Hyperion when she was a baby.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed.

I guess Hyperion has become a beautiful woman.

After starting the fight against the vampires, Ifatia was most worried that a group of unscrupulous guys would bring disaster to Hyperion in an attempt to defeat her and Migaia.

Fortunately, she asked Barton to pay attention to the situation in the Kingdom of Hutton. Not only was there no news of the Duke's death, but her name and that of her classmates were also seen under the news about the High Priest Loren.

Now that I think about it, with her sister protecting Hyperion, it’s no wonder that the minions of the vampires couldn’t harm her daughter.

"Yes, I live with her..."

Talia loosened Ranch's tie and nodded.

"She, what does she look like now? What's her personality like?"

Ifatia asked with concern, grabbing Talia's arms.

"She is very beautiful, as beautiful as you. I can ask him to draw her for you. Her personality, her personality..."

Talia felt that her vocabulary was insufficient, and for a moment she could not find the accurate words to describe her Hugh Bao. Because to her Hugh Bao was perfect, she had never considered how to evaluate Hugh Bao specifically.

In the end, Talia could only look to Lanqi for help.

Lanqi is not omnipotent, but to her, he is omnipotent. Even Ifatia can find him, and she has begun to become superstitious.

"Don't worry Miss Ifatia, Hyperion, her elegance, her sensitivity, that mixture of melancholy and firmness, prudence and courage and temperament, that innocence, but it does not prevent her from having a lot of healthy and correct knowledge."

Lanqi stood aside and smiled, describing slowly,

"Besides, she loves you very much and thinks about you every day."

Unfortunately, he had no brush or paper at hand, so he couldn't draw Hyperion immediately for Ifatia to see.

"Wow... Thank you... I've been so sorry to Hyperion, but she's still thinking about me..."

Upon hearing this, Ifatia burst into tears again.

She knew that what she did was wrong, and every time she began to regret it, she became afraid to see Hyperion, and felt that it was irreversible.

Unexpectedly, this kind child still misses her incompetent mother.

In addition to the joy in her heart, she felt more pain. In fact, she had fantasized many times that she would rather Hyperion hate her than have Hyperion still miss her, which would make her feel extremely guilty.

"So, does Hyperion have a boyfriend? Will she meet a rival in love?"

She wiped her tears and asked with concern.

Hyperion is both excellent and honest, and Ifatia is worried that her daughter will be deceived by bad men and cheated on by bad women.


The air became quite quiet for a while.

The cat owner, who had just poked his head out from the shadows, looked around.

But it felt that Lanqi and Talia were both frozen at this time.

"Why don't you talk anymore?"

Ifatia wiped away her tears, her eyes became much clearer as she looked at the two people in front of her who were speechless.

"She doesn't have a boyfriend yet, I'll help her check it out."

Talia answered firmly, without any fluctuation in her tone.

"Then I feel relieved. With you personally checking, Hyperion will definitely find a good man."

Ifatia smiled and nodded.


The cat boss' mouth turned into an "x" and he held back from saying anything.

It used to enjoy the fun and thought that Xiubao and Tata had no right to do anything, but now it is starting to get scared.

(End of this chapter)

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