Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 733 Lan Qi’s Shadow World Plan

Chapter 733 Lan Qi’s Shadow World Plan
Four days later, Saturday.

"Today is your eighth day in the capital Brilda, meow."

"After a busy day of work and fulfilling days, you have your first day off."

Lan Qi was sitting in the restaurant on the first floor of the mansion, already reading the newspaper and no longer stopping the Wing Chun Cat boss from broadcasting.

"Starting from Wednesday, your research in the empire has received more and more attention. Many military experts visit you every day, and there are more and more people monitoring you near your residence. Even those who come home from Elliot House There will be imperial military vehicles following you on the road. "

"On Thursday, you contacted the intelligence personnel of the Posen Kingdom through the Creation Central Daily News. After two days, you received a reply from Nigel this morning. He will help Tata prepare a northwest border Nick The identity of Sasende as a woman makes you feel at ease."

"At the same time, because the news was delivered to Nigel in advance, the Poisson intelligence officers also began to release flaws about the identity of the 62-year-old publisher Lovia under his instructions. The Imperial Operations Department soon grasped that Lovia was a spy. evidence of."

"You have made another great contribution, which was praised by Duke Dax, and even appeared in the newspaper. Although Nicholas the Kestrel still doubts you, he has obviously restrained himself a lot, and sent you a banner as promised."

When the cat boss said this, he felt a little embarrassed and looked at the wall——

[Loyalty and courage first, protecting the country with iron and blood]

"Lanchimiao, do you know what the students' expressions were like when they saw Nicholas the Kestrel giving you the banner?"

The cat boss turned to pick up Lan Qi's newspaper and let him look at him.

"I can't come."

Lan Qi put down some newspapers and looked at the little black cat on the table and replied.

These days, he has gotten to know each other well in school, and he often lets Boss Cat out.

Many people are convinced that Professor Landry has such a fifth-level elf cat contract beast.

"Being given this banner by Nikolay Kestrel, the chief of the Secret Service Section, can be said to be an official certification. Nowadays, there is a saying in the school that if you are patriotic, you should emulate Professor Landry, saying that you dare to be the first and bravely set the trend. You are talented and virtuous, and you are a role model for our generation.”

Boss Cat said.

Thalia, who was cooking breakfast in the open kitchen on the other side of the restaurant, glanced at Lanqi and the cat boss speechlessly.

Professor Landry has now become an authoritative expert on magic fission science in the Creation Empire, and has come into contact with more and more important figures in the empire. Next week, he will need to attend many meetings and talks in the academic circles of the empire.

She couldn't help but be glad that Lan Qi was now wearing Landry's skin, otherwise if his original skin was used, Xiubao would probably be unable to withstand the newspaper if it was seen by Xiubao.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

The ordered ingredients should have been delivered.

"Lan Qi, go get it."

Thalia looked at the pot and shouted to Ranchi.

"oh oh."

Lan Qi got up and put down the newspaper, opened the door of the mansion, asked the school janitor to put several large boxes of food in the entrance, thanked him and closed the door.

Now his home has been filled with sound-isolating and detecting barriers personally arranged by Thalia, so there is no problem with safety.

"Why did you buy so many?"

Thalia also came to the entrance after a while. She looked at the boxes of ingredients on the ground with her hands on her hips and asked Lanqi.

"You have been saying that the ingredients at St. Creation's Monastery are very good, so I simply bought more. I feel that we should finish eating."

Lan Qi replied honestly.


Thalia thought about it, wondering.

From now on, when I return to Icerita, I won’t be able to eat the specialty ingredients of St. Creation Monastery.

She took some of the ingredients and brought them to the kitchen counter, put on her apron again, and continued making breakfast.

After a while, delicacies were served to the table.

"Tata, your cooking skills are really getting better and better. Do you have any secrets?"

The cat boss sat at the dining table and sniffed the food in front of him in wonder.

"I do not know."

Thalia shook her head and sat opposite Lan Qi.
"You can eat. We'll read the newspaper later."

She told Lan Qi.

Lan Qi is a typical workaholic. Sometimes he forgets to eat and sleep when he is immersed in work. No one is around to take care of him, and he even has irregular meal times.

For example, every time Mr. Cat makes a meal, he only calls Lan Qi once and waits beside him honestly. He often waits until it is cold before he starts eating. This is actually not good for the stomach.

"Oh, alright."

Lan Qi honestly put the newspaper aside, picked up his fork, and reached for today's equally rich meal.

"There shouldn't be much work today, right?"

"It's a rare free day. They don't seem to be too embarrassed to bother me on Saturday, but that won't necessarily happen next week. If they get busy, they may not even have the weekend."

"Then let's go to the river near the monastery to bask in the sun this afternoon."


"Humans are not machines. Only machines do not need to rest. People need to rest. No matter how busy you are, you still need to pay attention to rest."

The two of them and the cat just enjoyed breakfast in the restaurant on this floor, occasionally chatting about their future life in St. Creation's Monastery. Unknowingly, the dinner plate became empty.

These days, they are also paying attention to the meetings of the mysterious organization through [Ultra-long-distance communication program-7].

I probably learned some secrets about the empire, and could even see information about the vampires.

"How long do you plan to continue diving?"

Talia also watched a lot with Ranchi.

The main source of information purchase is No. 3, and No. 3 either exchanges it for other information, or owes it first. There is also information related to the vampires. It seems that for this organization, the secrets hidden within the Creation Empire are The Vampire Clan is not a secret, some of them are also investigating the Vampire Clan.

She felt more and more that Lan Qi was the right person to join this organization.

"If you really need my help, I'll see if I can help."

Lan Qi replied, concentrating on eating.


After the meal, Thalia simply tidied up the kitchen and returned to the dining room to find Lanci working again.

"The biggest problem at present is to find the coordinates of Blood Moon City. There is a high probability that Duke Milaya will be in Blood Moon City."

There is a huge traffic map of Brilda City on Lanci's dining table, which is full of annotations in red handwriting, indicating the probability of space interfaces at various locations after his investigation over the past few days.

"Meow meow, is Blood Moon City dangerous?"

Boss Cat squatted aside and asked uneasily.

It only plays high-end games, but it also knows its own skill.

"The battle against Blood Moon City may be the most dangerous place so far besides the Demon Realm in the northern part of the Protos Empire."

Lan Qi held the water glass with one hand, put it to his mouth and sipped it, staring at the map intently and muttering to himself.

If according to the grade conversion method.

The northern demonic realm of the Protos Empire is a dual-lord mode. In the first stage, level 88 Askosan will be fought, and in the second stage, level 88 Duke Morodian will appear. There are four lords in the Battle of Bloodmoon City, namely the level 88 seventh ancestor Marquis Herritir, the level 88 eighth ancestor Marquis Somerset, the level 88 ninth ancestor Marquis Bernhard, the level 90 The third ancestor, Duke Rashal, also has several earl-level vampires above level 70.

"Furthermore, our current shortage of manpower is also a problem. If we cannot summon enough reinforcements before the appropriate date, we can only try to sneak in and steal Duke Milaya out, and then slowly fight against the vampires in the empire in a long-term plan."

Lanci added.

"What if we can find enough teammates?"

Thalia asked.

She had never asked Lan Qi about Blood Moon City in detail before.

In Blood Moon City, Lan Qi's [Glory Virtue] is likely to be weakened to a certain extent. It is a natural blood environment barrier. She is not sure what the light and dark judgment will be like, and she cannot fully count on Xiao Xiao. Sun, it is easily destroyed by unknown range damage in team fights.

Blood Moon City is equivalent to a super ancient city defense strategic location dominated by the blood clan, and the blood clan has the home field advantage.

[Shining Virtue] As a summoned object, its biggest weakness is that it can be attacked.

Fortunately, with the blessing of the black divine brilliance of [Original Slate-Seal], its multiplier has been strengthened, which can make people feel more at ease.

"Then it's possible that we can demolish it by force and end the cause and effect of killing the vampires at once."

Since Lanqi came to Posen Kingdom, he would no longer make the best plans, but would consider the worst case scenario.

"How much combat power is needed to have a chance to break through Blood Moon City by force?"

Thalia knew that it was not easy to break through the city's defense facilities. Attacking Blood Moon City might be no less difficult than breaking through the imperial capital Brilda head-on. However, all hopes were based on the premise that Lan Qi had sufficient intelligence about Blood Moon City.

That dream given by the goddess of fate gave Lan Qi a deep understanding of the map and mechanism of Blood Moon City.

Of course, it is also possible that Lancross of the Black Sun had paid a huge price to attack Blood Moon City tens of thousands of years ago. This part of the knowledge was kept by the goddess of fate and given to Lanqi in another form along with the mission. .

"The mechanism of Blood Moon City is that the three marquis will serve as leaders of the protective barrier. They are unkillable, but every time they are defeated, the energy supply of Blood Moon City will be weakened a little within a certain time limit. By then The core protective barrier in the Blood Palace will temporarily lift the immune state."

Lan Qi thought for a while and explained to Talia and Boss Cat,
"The core of Blood Moon City is located in the Blood Palace. It can be charged by the third ancestor Rashal. If the core is damaged, it will slowly recover over time. Under normal circumstances, it will only maintain 100%. In extreme crises, In the case of a surprise attack, Duke Rashal will charge it to 120% at all costs to trigger the annihilation mode. If the core energy is weakened to 0%, then we win and can bring the vampire back to the ground and seal it. If the core reaches 120%. , we are all finished.”

"So at the beginning, someone needs to enter the Blood Palace to hold down Rashal, the third ancestor, and prevent him from charging. If no one holds him back, the team will explode quickly."

"Then the others need to be divided into four teams. Three of the stronger teams will clear the elite blood count on the way, while passing the three lord-level blood marquis. There will also be a team that clears the troops quickly in Blood Moon City. Block the door to prevent the brainwashed Imperial Army from breaking in to support the vampires."

At this point, Lan Qi has finished talking about what he thinks is the best process for the attack on Blood Moon City.

"...Then if we can gather enough teams in Brilda to attack Blood Moon City, we can go there?"

Thalia stared at the map, rubbing the paper.

She was still eager to fight, especially this group of vampires who almost caused Xiubao's family to be destroyed. She had long wanted the vampires to know what tit for tat meant.

"That's just a premise. Even if we can meet it, we have to rush to the National Day ceremony at the end of next month and do it on the day when all the military gods return to Brilda. Only that day will give us the best chance."

Lan Qi shook his head and replied.

"Why... choose a day when the God of War is here? Won't we face more eighth-level enemies? That should be the most dangerous day."

Thalia looked up at Lanqi and asked him puzzledly.

Some of the war gods have been brainwashed by the third ancestor, Duke Rashal's [Heart of Blood Control]. If they have to face several more war gods, Thalia cannot predict how difficult it will be.

"It is precisely because the God of War cannot move freely during the ceremony. We can ensure that no God of War will join the battle of Blood Moon City. We will have about two hours to raid Blood Moon City."

Lanci replied.

As the saying goes, wealth can be found in danger, and that day is also a time when they will never be disturbed by the God of War.

On other days, he could not guarantee whether any military god would suddenly return, or whether the military god who was already in the capital would join the battle.

"What you are worried about is that the first army god Hyacintos is from Duke Lashar's side. If he comes and kills us, we will be wiped out?"

Thalia asked him.


Lan Qi felt that Loren's strength was abnormal enough, and it was completely the ceiling of his cognition. However, Loren may not be as strong as Ge Yat, who holds the sardonyx seat of the third god of war for the time being.

It was difficult for him to imagine how powerful the Obsidian Seat, the Second God of War, which was known as a break-level existence, was, and what level the Diamond Seat was, which was even stronger than the Obsidian Seat.

"If we want to find a way to find teammates, just the two of us can go to Blood Moon City and send them as gifts."

He and Tartaga were sweating profusely when they played the 84-level Pearlman.

Regardless of their special attacks against demons, it would be even more difficult to defeat strong human beings.

Although the vampires also have special attacks, they are unstable and need to ensure that [Glory Virtue] can continue to stand smoothly.

"It seems that you have to face off against the third ancestor Rashal. Apart from you, even if we can find other eighth-level allies, we can't deal with that guy who can influence the mind."

Thalia crossed her arms and said distressedly.

"So you need enough strong teammates to get through Blood Moon City. If you can't get through Blood Moon City, you can only try your luck and try to rescue Duke Milaya."

Lan Qi looked at the [Super Remote Communication Program-7] he took out.

Now he has tried his best to climb up in the empire, but he still needs time to ferment and wait for an opportunity before he can start to take power.

There may be people in this organization who are willing to solve the scourge of the empire.

Judging from the level of Landry, the former owner of this sacred communication magic, if he is a scientific researcher or a high-ranking figure in the empire, his rank may only be sixth level, but there may also be guys with quite strong combat effectiveness.

No. 1 is even more unfathomable, able to develop the pink sacred series of [ultra-long-distance communication programs], or at least the provider of its principles.

"No matter what, let's go through the Shadow World first."

Thalia patted his shoulder and comforted him.

Lan Qi must reach at least the seventh level, step into the realm of true transcendence, and undergo a qualitative change in physical and mental strength. Only then can he theoretically be able to withstand Rashaer.

Otherwise, even if Lanqi is immune to Rashal's mental magic, Rashal can kill Lanqi with her using ordinary magic attacks.

"Well, about a week later, mid-October, is the agreed time. I have asked Secretary Naila to apply for me to be a challenger in the Shadow World."

As a professor at St. Creation's Monastery, it was normal for Lan Qi to challenge the shadow world, and he would also get a holiday accordingly.

As long as the time in the Shadow World is not too long, we can catch up with the November Empire plan that Duke Dax said.

"Will we be able to see Xiubao in the Shadow World in a week?"

Thalia murmured, her expression softening.

When she thought of Hyperion, her heart was filled with throbbing. She hadn't seen Hyperion for two months, and Talia felt empty. She didn't know whether Hyperion was doing well or whether she was eating or not. Full, lifted quilt, unhappy.

"She must still be in your room now, listening to ditties and feeding the fox, leaning on the armchair and reading the newspaper."

Lan Qi sat on the seat and raised his hand with a confident smile and said.

Staying in Thalia's room, Lan Qi could already imagine what Hyperion would look like.

Just thinking about Hyperion's assimilation, Lan Qi couldn't help but laugh.

Talia felt that Lan Qi deserved a little bit, but she was too lazy to argue with Lan Qi just because of this level.

"It's a pity that we have to separate from Hyperion after spending the same shadow world together. I miss her."

Her golden eyes lowered, regretfully.

Although she knew that it was inconvenient for her to be tied to Lan Qi's soul and live with Xiubao, she still couldn't help but think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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