Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 732 Lan Qi’s prophecy

Chapter 732 Lan Qi’s prophecy
Creain Empire, in the center of the capital Brilda.

An ultra-ancient underground city-state is hidden deep in the earth, with only a few spatial nodes connected to secret openings.

On an autumn night, a bright red blood moon hung high above the dark dome. The magic device simulated the scene of bright moonlight falling, casting layers of hazy red gauze over the city built of dark stone.

On both sides of the empty streets, tall and heavy building outlines outline the gloom of the ultra-ancient blood moon art, as if the dust of the ancient years has solidified. In the quiet streets and alleys, an occasional breeze blows.

"The colors of the blood moon are so beautiful."

The man's figure walked past, the buttons of his iron-gray uniform shining brightly, reflecting the blood in the sky.

When he was on the ground, he would always walk with his head held high and his eyes arrogantly scanning the surroundings, but after he came here, he couldn't help but lower his posture.

As the captain of the operations team of the Empire's Special Operations Division, no one would follow him easily. In other words, in such an underground city that was only connected by spatial nodes, no one would notice whether he was entering or leaving.

Colonel Maguire gradually walked towards the end of the underground city - the majestic castle made of natural obsidian stood quietly in the dark night.

The outer walls of the castle are inlaid with cold silver edges and decorated with red crystal carvings.

Maguire's figure slowly walked into the castle, passed through several corridors, and opened a huge door carved with curses.

The vision suddenly opened up, and the majestic conference hall-style palace appeared in front of us.

"Sir, I'm here."

Maguire bowed and bowed as if facing the emperor, his strong body but his shadow shrank into a ball.

His voice was low, unable to conceal the worry in his words.


There was no response from the hall, and he did not dare to stand up.

Although he was the only seventh-level combatant in the Empire's Special Operations Department, he felt as weak as a bug in front of the vampires.

On the towering dome, the rose window inlaid with immortal crystal reflects a colorful and psychedelic halo. The chandelier made of black iron is suspended under the cold iron chain, exuding a luxurious color. The deep red carpet is like a winding road. The river of blood stretches to the end of sight——

In the center of the meeting hall, there are thirteen high-back chairs like thrones on both sides of a long table made of jet black fine iron.

However, at this time, the huge conference hall was empty, except for a figure sitting alone on the seventh high-backed chair.

The figure on the high-backed chair in the distance raised his head slightly, his eyes always closed, as if through the layers of domes, he could see the shapes woven by the bright stars in the night sky.

"Maguire, I'm sorry to call you here at this time."

She murmured to herself, her tone was calm and ethereal, as if she was feeling emotional, but also seemed to be complaining about herself.

"It is my honor to serve the Vampire Clan in this life."

The man did not dare to accept these words. He knew very well that the Marquis was just being polite, and he must obey any orders given by the vampires.
"Violet has been lured away, and Hyacinthus will not leave the headquarters. As long as there is no eighth-level battle in the capital, Hyacinthus will not react."

He reported instead.

The last instruction he received was to have Violet, the Divine Water Beryl Seat of the Sixth Army, leave the capital Brilda as long as possible.

Therefore, under the secret manipulation of the vampires, fragments of the super-ancient divine beast Skeleton King are suspected to have appeared in the empire. The discovered ruins are very dangerous, and extremely powerful people are needed to protect the empire's exploration team and the St. Creation Monastery. Professor of Archeology and Principal Violet finally decided to personally go to Lake Starbergen in the neighboring province of Botswana.

She will temporarily freeze the entire lake near the exploration cave, and if fighting underwater or above water, Violet will have an absolute advantage.

The best candidate is Violet, or in other words, apart from her, only the First Army God Hyacintos can ensure that this work is foolproof. However, as the commander-in-chief, Hyacinthus cannot move, so only the Sixth Army Divine Water Beryl Violet set off.

During this time, Violet will not come back to St. Creation's Monastery.

"Very good. Now the Empire and the Allies can just use each other up. There will be no demons to help them this time."

Although the words of the Vampire Marquis were soft, they were as biting as the frost on an autumn night, and they seemed to contain regrets that could not be let go for thousands of years.

Whether it is the eighth-level heroic unit of the empire or the eighth-level heroic unit of the Allies, as the war continues, there will be fewer and fewer.

The wear and tear of legion units and city defense facilities is also difficult to recover.

"How is the front line? Will other military gods come back?"

Marquis Helitier turned his cheek again and asked casually.

Their vampires have top-notch hero units, but lack legion units. They can only use humans or transform them from humans.

To a certain extent, the legion is a military line. Without a military line to resist the enemy's city defense facilities and magical barriers, heroic units cannot break through alone, and may be defeated by carrying towers.

Now that the fierce battles in the early stages of the war have gradually slowed down, as the Allied forces lost strategic locations on the southern periphery, the Allies took the initiative to give up part of the area, resources and horizons, and tightened their grip to the north. The Empire wanted to capture single allies outside the city defenses. The hero unit of the army is not that easy anymore.

Next, we will mainly look at the operations of both sides, the outcome of large-scale battles, and the competition for neutral resources.

Once the war reaches a fever pitch and the empire begins to be distracted by high pressure from the outside, it is the best opportunity for their vampires to take advantage of the situation and control the Creation Empire from its core.

There are still several war gods who are not controlled by the third ancestor, Duke Rashal, which is the biggest variable.

"Except for the exchange of the Third Army God Gayat of the Sargonite and the Fifth Army God Gayad of the Mica Road returning to the capital, only the Tenth Army God Julius of the Ruby Seat may return in the short term. It is during the Creation National Day Ceremony next month that military gods will return in large numbers to maintain the order of the ceremony and receive the blessings of the god of war and swords.”

Maguire still knelt on one knee, put his hand on his knee, and replied respectfully.

Crean's war gods all have the time-effective protection of the God of War and Swords, and can obtain a small degree of basic attribute enhancement. The annual National Day Festival is a time to regain the protection.

God's protection cannot coexist, and you can only hold at most one type at the same time. However, the protection of the God of War and Sword from the Creain Empire is a rare pure attack attribute, and the Creation Empire can bestow the war and sword of the God of War. God's protection is a long-lasting effect, not the short-term effect of most gods' protection.

"What happened to Ruby Julius, the God of the Tenth Army?"

Marquis Helitier nodded slightly. The only surprise was why this weak military god wanted to return.

The 11th Army God of the Creation Empire, Emerald Simon Lo, is a healing support, and the 12th Army God, Cat's Eye Bianca, is a scout. They are both more useful than the pure damage output of Julius, the 10th Army God of Ruby. It can be said that Ruby tourmaline is the bottom of the military god.

"When the empire and the Allied forces in the western hub area competed for energy on a large scale for the first time, Red Tourmaline turned the situation around with one shot, triggering a huge explosion that almost involved the Allied Eighth Order and other military gods headed by the Western Speaker."

Maguire shook his head and said,

"Julius has always been like this, greedy for success and rash, like he has no brains."

Only Colonel Maguire has always been more jealous than respectful towards this young general who was awarded the title of Military God much younger than him.

He didn't dare to evaluate any military god in person, but it was different in Blood Moon City. The military god, like him, was a low-level creature.

Marquis Helitier was obviously stunned. She really didn't expect that the reason for Ruby's return was that she might have to go to a military court.

"There are two things to do. Kill the wolf witch with the sin-judging eye."

Harrithir stopped paying attention to the God of War and started talking about today's business.

"It may be a bit troublesome. Her brother is now at the height of his power in the empire. Even the old guy Dax has taken a fancy to him. If he touches his sister, if he doesn't die and asks Dax to help him investigate, there may be big problems. ”

Maguire hesitated for a moment before answering.

Although the eagle dogs under Duke Dax of the Empire's Special Operations Department are not that strong in combat effectiveness, their detection capabilities are quite strong, especially the kestrel Nicholas, who may come after smelling it.

The risk of infiltrating the Imperial Special Operations Department is extremely high. Dax will surely discover a large-scale infiltration. Currently, the Blood Tribe only has Maguire, a relative who is really instigating rebellion in the Imperial Special Operations Department, to ensure that other relatives will not implicate the horse. Quill.

"The Brilda Mafia is currently having difficulty with capital turnover. As long as the price is set high enough, there is a high probability that the killers below will take over without telling the superiors."

Harrithir calmly told this piece of information.

"I understand."

Maguire nodded suddenly. He understood what Marquis Helitier meant, and first subcontracted it to the Resurrection Church, and then asked the Decay Branch to subcontract it to the Brilda Mafia.

There would be no need for Harrithir to teach him later.

As long as the tool person responsible for liaising with the mafia from the rotten branch is eliminated, then the connection between the rotten branch and the mafia will be unconfirmed, and even the Imperial Special Operations Division will not investigate in the direction of the Church of the Resurrection.

And kill two birds with one stone, bringing the Imperial Special Operations Service into conflict with the Mafia.

The Imperial Special Operations Office, which the Vampires are currently unable to penetrate further, is undoubtedly the spy agency that imposes the greatest restrictions on the Vampires' free activities.

"This wolf witch may have seen Count Saberna at the Roland family's banquet that day, so she cannot be allowed to live anymore."

Marquis Helitier looked at Maguire who was kneeling on the ground.

Although Countess Saberna can take on the appearance of any human being, it is easy for Saberna to change into a new identity in the empire, but the wolf witch has become a time bomb, and she must be eradicated if there is a chance.

In today's era of decline of the wolf clan, their vampire clan even knows the wolf clan better than the scattered wolf clan.

Warriors of this race will greatly strengthen their regeneration ability and improve certain basic attributes at night, while priests will strengthen their regeneration and healing power and obtain special spells at night.

The difference between the two attributes of regeneration and healing is that regeneration is self-healing, while healing can be applied to oneself or others, but the effect is far less exaggerated than regeneration, and the mana consumption will be higher than regeneration.

The vast majority of wolves are physical wolves, and a small number of legal wolves can basically be called mutants of the wolf clan. Because the wolves themselves are very tough, wolf sages are also stronger than ordinary legal professions. Those who are more resistant to beating.

[The Eye of Sin] is a unique talent for identifying attributes. It is not a particularly powerful ability in itself, and can even be said to be a bit useless, but the holder will become a natural detective and can see the number of kills of each unit after nightfall. .

For humans, this talent can at best assist the police in solving cases and increase the clues available for reasoning, but it can be very fatal for vampires, especially vampires lurking in human society.

Since the vampires all killed tens of thousands, normal serial killers would not kill so many.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements."

Maguire lowered his head and answered.

"The second thing is that the Silver Moon Reform Society's assassination of nobles has become more and more rampant now. Although sometimes they help us get rid of political opponents, sometimes they also kill the family members we control."

Marquis Harrithir continued.

There are certain contradictions within the Creation Empire, which is certainly a good thing for the Vampires.

But if we allow the Silver Moon Restoration, this terrorist organization, to go on killing sprees and incite the nobles and the people to an uncontrollable level, then even if the vampires take control of the Kreming Empire, it will be a huge trouble and they will have to clean up the mess for the Silver Moon Restoration.

"Have you figured out their whereabouts?"

Maguire looked up in surprise.

"No, the nine sages of this organization have no contact with each other at all. There is very little cause and effect among the core members, and there is no way to predict it."

Marquis Heritier denied.

She also didn't know when such an organization became active in the Creation Empire.

It may have existed a long time ago, but it was really active about half a year ago.

Even if you find one Venerable, it will be difficult to use this Venerable to uproot other Venerables.

"The only information we have received from Count Saberna is that the third venerable may have something to do with the mafia."

she added.

Maguire instantly understood why Marquis Herrtier wanted to lead the Imperial Special Operations Office to investigate the Mafia.

"Then what should we do?"

He asked Harrithir for advice.

As long as the Silver Moon Reform Society does not get rid of the venerables who are the brains, it is equivalent to cutting the grass without eradicating the roots. A steady stream of imperial civilians will be incited by them to join them and become believers of the Silver Moon Reform Society.

"The Silver Moon Reform Society wants to kill them, so help them."

Harrithir leaned back in the chair and said calmly.


Maguire was shocked,
"You mean, let's kill too! Take the opportunity to kill a few more political opponents, create a shocking case, and then frame the blame on the Silver Moon Reform Society to stir up the emotions of the imperial nobles. At that time, the Imperial Special Operations Department will have to go to the Investigate the Silver Moon Reform Association and attract the attention of the Imperial Eagle Dogs. Maybe it can also speed up the progress of our country?"

As he asked, he secretly sighed that this Vampire Marquis was really a femme fatale and had nothing good in his heart.

Now the Vampires not only control the political power of the Creain Empire, but also control the economy and media of the empire. At this time, they can take advantage of the situation to kill a few important figures in the empire who are difficult to deal with. With the Silver Moon Reform taking the blame for them, they can do whatever they want. It's one o'clock.

At the same time, some of the empire tycoons already controlled by the Vampires must be killed to confuse the ears and eyes, so as not to arouse suspicion.

But because they acted premeditatedly, they could prepare in advance to distribute the deceased's inheritance and power from the left hand to the right hand. In essence, the loss was not big, just changing a puppet.

In addition to the fact that some humans on the territory of the Creation Empire can practice alchemy, the Kingdom people on the Allied territory currently occupied by the Creation Empire are also living sources of energy. Rapid conversion into energy will undoubtedly speed up the progress of the war.

"That's right, there are too many humans in the Southern Continent. It's time to refine some of them."

Marquis Helitier finally slowly opened his eyes as deep as a pool of blood. The eyes on the tear stain seemed to have traveled through vast time and space and spanned countless epochs. Under the dark shadow, no one could see clearly what was accumulated in them. How many great changes have occurred.

The energy transformed by hundreds of millions of living human beings will provide endless energy for Blood Moon City and become the same existence as the ancestral land of the demon clan.

"Hahaha, I have long felt that it would be a waste to drag those kingdom civilians into the dirt pit. It would be great to turn them into pure energy."

Maguire laughed.

"Where are the Imperials?"

Harrithir asked him.

She doesn't like rape, and she hates humans who still have any memory of humans.

"Similarly, humans who do not take refuge in the vampire clan are inferior creatures without the right to life."

Maguire showed a slightly malicious expression.

"Although you are clumsy, it is because there are so many people like you that the country will be easily taken over by others. There are people like you in every era."

Harrithir seemed to be mocking Maguire and praising him.

In this generation, the demon clan that poses the greatest threat to the Vampire Clan has been wiped out by humans.

They found the right opportunity after the ninth-level shadow world of this century took away all the current ninth-level shadows, and then unsealed the third ancestor, Duke Lasal.

Driven by endlessly expanding desires, cults are rampant and the northern and southern continents are torn apart. Human beings are still fighting among themselves for power.

These foolish actions reveal an indisputable fact -

"The disaster is over, and the words of national destruction have been engraved on the walls of the Creation Empire."

The Marquis' cold and charming face remained calm, but exuded a majestic bearing that could not be blasphemed.

Every word she spoke was like the crisp crackling sound of ice crystals condensing at the end of autumn, echoing in the empty palace for a long time.

"Tyrant of the Black Sun, even if you come back this time, you will not stop us anymore in this era. I feel that it is not worth it for you to die for these humans and to bear eternal infamy."

(End of this chapter)

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