Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 707 Lan Qi’s Empire Legend Begins

Chapter 707 Lan Qi’s Empire Legend Begins

Late September.

The southern part of the Kraiju Empire, the province of Botswana.

Golden leaves were falling in the breeze, and the sunlight filtered through the thin clouds and fell on the roof of the magic train together with the autumn leaves. The train slowly stopped at the platform, and passengers rushed to the door.

At the end of the passengers, an old gentleman was holding a box with one hand. He was not in a hurry. When the passengers in front gradually got on the bus, he was still waiting on the platform.

He wore gloves and carried a cane. He was tall and looked to be about sixty years old but still stood tall and tall.

His angular face, high cheekbones and deep eye sockets made his eyes look bright. Although wrinkles had appeared at the corners of his eyes, they still could not hide his bright gaze.

The gray hair is slightly curly, trimmed properly, combed meticulously, and tied into a small braid at the back of the head.

The old gentleman took a deep breath of the cool autumn wind and stood still like a chess player.

[Lovia is a sixty-two-year-old publisher from Glenwaverley on the northern border of the Creation Empire. She is a border commoner with a little savings and wants to come to the imperial capital of Brilda to do some business. 】

——This is his new identity after coming to the Creation Empire.

To be honest, Lan Qi had never pretended to be an old man, so he could only try his best to imitate the most familiar posture of Professor Borao.

Lan Qi carefully looked at his outfit in the reflection of the carriage to make sure there were no flaws, and then walked towards the train unhurriedly.

There were already many fewer passengers in the aisle in the carriage than when they first arrived at the station.

Lan Qi walked among them with his luggage and felt that it was very spacious.

"Sir, please show your ticket."

The polite flight attendant appeared in front and blocked Lan Qi's way.

He calmly took out the bill from his pocket and handed it over.

"Welcome to the Brilda Magic Train. From room 404, please walk straight to the fourth carriage and the fourth room. I wish you a pleasant journey!"

The flight attendant took another look at the handsome old man, checked it successfully with the device in his hand, and immediately turned aside to guide Lan Qi in the direction.

"Thank you."

Lan Qi nodded and took the ticket.

The interior decoration of the train is simple and elegant, with patterns carved on the mahogany box, exuding the fragrance of aged wood.

"Four zero three, four zero four..."

Lan Qi walked along the aisle, silently reciting the number plate on the door, and quickly found his cubicle.

He opened the door and walked in.

Since it is only a short-distance train and there are no sleepers, there should be two passengers in each compartment, but it is correspondingly luxurious and comfortable, with wide seats and spacious storage shelves.

Lan Qi put his luggage on the storage rack and sat on the soft chair cushion, relaxing both physically and mentally.

At this moment, he was wearing an elegant Craijian-style black coat, with dark gold patterns embroidered on the collar and cuffs, and a dark green shirt underneath. He looked like a businessman for the time being, although he was a publisher with an unknown meaning.

Mr. Lovia, the Poisson spy who originally maintained this identity, is a publisher who is knowledgeable and has unique insights. He can talk about literature, history or philosophy. Fortunately, Lan Qi also knows a little about it and is competent. Play job.

It would be nice to have a more convenient identity.

Lan Qi couldn't help but hold his chin up and looked at the car window and thought to himself.

Once you enter the capital Brilda, it will be more troublesome to get a new identity and change it. It requires a lot of intelligence and preparation, and it will be discovered if you are not careful.

Suddenly, he missed Frey very much. Investigating evidence and gathering intelligence were still Detective Frey's specialties. When he and Frey were handling cases together in the capital of Icerita, they had never seen any locks that Frey couldn't open and things that Frey couldn't get. of evidence.

It has been almost a year since I said goodbye to Frey before going to the Northern Continent.

Whenever I asked acquaintances at Icerite College about Frey, neither President Monast nor Secretary Luvihir would say anything about it. Only the president gave a hint to Lanci. Frey may have headed south as he said goodbye.

To the south of the Kingdom of Hutton is either the border territory of South Wantina, or the vast territory to the south of the Creation Empire.

Outside the car window, there are endless green mountains. Looking around, the mountains are covered with autumn colors, and the forests are dyed, which is so beautiful.

His new face is reflected on the double-layered composite glass.

Lan Qi slowly retracted the hand that was supporting his chin. The old man shouldn't have made such a move.

Should be more mature and dignified.

And there’s something strange about touching the mask with gloved hands.

But in order to deceive others, all these are necessary. Makeup alone cannot turn into an old man in his sixties.

"Is it hard for you to play an elderly human?"

Thalia sent thoughts in Lanqi's mind.

She found it troublesome to see Lan Qi putting on makeup every day.

Thalia, who became the Demon King of Love, was not as lively as the Love Poet, but after coming to the Crean Empire, she had to maintain the magic card state most of the time, except when she woke up and looked at Ranchi. life, and gradually found that I seemed to be able to just chat with him to pass the time.

"You're really lucky if you're not a woman."

Lan Qi sighed inwardly.

Since Nigel said from the beginning that in order to ensure absolute safety and reliability, it was not necessary to have a suitable identity, and Lanqi also asked Nigel to speed up, so in the end, he could only have this identity that could ensure absolute safety and was barely enough.

This elderly publisher named Lovia was originally a spy arranged by the Poisson Kingdom in the Kraiju Empire. Among the safe identities that Nigel could find for Lan Qi, only this soldier's stature was similar to Lan Qi's. The closest to the one that simplifies the difficulty of the disguise.

On the outskirts of many core city-states of the Creation Empire, there are dispersing magic barrier zones unique to the Empire's magic engineering. In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, in addition to the normal camouflage magic [Transformation: Human] that can be used on weekdays, Lanqi must also prepare A good physical disguise assumes a new identity, and uses double disguise to ensure that when passing through the dispersing enchantment zone, even if the magic is dispelled, the physical disguise is still maintained.

But fortunately, once you pass the dispersing barrier zone and then enter the capital Brilda, you can still continue to use his unique transformation magic [Transformation: Human] most of the time. You don't have to worry about this ultra-ancient magic being easily seen through. .

Now that this identity is handed over to Lan Qi, the original Mr. Lovia can return to Posen Kingdom and retire.

"You're pretty good at playing Lao Deng."

Talia observed Lan Qi again and chatted with him in his mind. She felt that Lan Qi was getting better and better.


Lan Qi was speechless for a moment.

What Lao Deng meant was to praise the old man for his "sage-like demeanor and his immortality." This is what he explained to Talia last time, and he didn't expect Talia to actually remember it.

"If you think about it carefully, if you look older, there is actually no sense of inconsistency at all. Even Hyperion always said that you are like an old principal in school, but you have a young face, which makes you look... It’s a bit demonic.”

Thalia commented unabashedly on Ranchi.


Lan Qi still didn't know what to say.

He just felt like Thalia was a little bit dead.

The magic air compressor roared, and the train gradually left the station, getting faster and faster. The scenery outside the window quickly receded, and the vast mountains and golden leaves complemented each other, forming a gorgeous moving scroll.

It was very quiet inside the carriage, only the regular sound of wheels could be heard.

Unexpectedly, the day would finally come and he would go to the hinterland of the Crean Empire, the most powerful empire on the southern continent. Not only was it dangerous, it was also the birthplace of the Empire's magic engineering, and it was also a gathering place for the most powerful people in the Crean Empire.

It is even possible to encounter the twelve war gods who have returned to rest in Brilda.

According to the Allied intelligence given by Nigel, in addition to the ten military gods who participated in the war and returned home, two military gods will be stationed here permanently.

They are Hyacintos, the first army god who is sealed on the Diamond Seat, and Violet, the sixth army god who is sealed on the Beryl Seat.

Holds [Original Stone Tablet-Slash] and [Original Stone Tablet-Ice].

Lan Qi took out the map book from his pocket and carefully checked the transfer stations and connecting lines.

Botswana, the transportation hub province surrounding Brilda, the capital of the Kraiju Empire, is located in the southeast of the Kraiju Empire.

With an area of ​​129654 square kilometers, it is the fifth largest province in the Kingdom of Creation, with a population of approximately 1240 million and a relatively low population density.

It doesn’t take long to drive from the edge of the province of Botswana to the capital, Brilda.

This is also Lan Qi's last transfer. As long as he passes through the magic dispersing barrier zone and checkpoint in the capital, he will reach his destination.

While his thoughts were wandering, the train suddenly shook violently, bringing Lan Qi back to reality.

With a long whistle, the train began to enter the tunnel surrounded by mountains.

Lan Qi found that he was the only one in the compartment. It seemed that he was lucky. The ticket for the other seat might not have been sold.

However, the good times did not last long, and the box door creaked open.

A well-dressed young man stepped in.

He looked to be in his early twenties, tall and tall, and wore a well-tailored navy blue coat and formal suit.

It seemed that I caught this train at the last minute before departure, and spent a while looking for compartments and seats in the carriage.

"It seems that there is no chance to eat the special box lunch provided by the Blilda..."

Thalia whispered in Lan Qi's heart, slightly aggrieved.

I thought that Lan Qi could have the box to herself and that she might be able to come out and eat the lunch, but now it seemed like a delusion.

"...I'll give you my body later and you can come and eat it."

Lan Qi seemed a little unable to bear it, and said to Talia in his heart.

Anyway, this lunch is just to fill his stomach, it doesn't matter who eats it.


Thalia asked.


Lan Qi confirmed it to her, and he felt that Talia became happy.

After a simple exchange of ideas with Talia, Lan Qi put away his thoughts, sat upright, and showed courtesy to his fellow passengers.

The young man with black hair and blue eyes cast a friendly smile towards Lan Qi after sitting down.

Their eyes are all blue, but there are slight differences in shades.

In other words, this is the most common eye color in the Creation Empire.


The young man spoke first.

His cheerful and steady temperament made him look a little more mature than his appearance, perhaps between twenty-five and thirty years old.

"good morning."

Lan Qi didn't want to say anything, but since the other party took the initiative to talk, he could only respond with a slight nod.

Different from his own character of Ranch Wilford, the old man Lovia he plays has been alone for a long time, has no wife and children, and is usually more taciturn except for business work.

The young man with black hair and blue eyes sitting opposite didn't seem to mind Lan Qi's indifference. He just smiled again, packed his luggage and settled down in the seat opposite.

At the same time, the train blew its long whistle again and officially left the marginal city in Botswana.

The train passes through the tunnel, and through the window, the green trees outside can be vaguely seen passing by.

In the distance, the snow-capped peaks stand in the sky, as holy as water lilies.

There are many famous mountains in the Botswana province of the Kraiju Empire, just like the Horning Empire in the Shadow World. The temple castle is built on a thousand-meter mountain, and the climate on the top of the mountain will be very cold all year round.

Lan Qi was a little lost in thought, and it took him a while to remember that he still had a half-read copy of the Creation Central Daily News in his hand. [The battle situation in the western part of the Expeditionary Army is overwhelming. The Fourth Army God on the Jasper Seat and the Eighth Army God on the Golden Stone Seat are unstoppable! 】

Such a headline was printed on the front page.

Compared with the eastern region of the Kingdom United Alliance, the battle situation in the western hub area is still the most intense, and the scene was once indistinguishable.

The newspaper also distributed a black-and-white photo, which was another announcement of the death of an eighth-level allied powerhouse.

The officers and soldiers of the Creation Empire all looked happy and raised their arms high, as if to tell the world that this victory belonged to them.

Lan Qi's breathing slowed down half a minute.

Even though he was in the enemy camp, he had to perfectly act as a member of the Creation Empire without any personal emotions, but whenever he saw these things, he would think of Dean Loren, which would make him feel blocked.

He is not qualified to say that the three-on-one tactic of the Creation Empire's Army God is despicable, because he has used it before, but the problem is that Sigrid's three-on-one strategy was agreed by Askosan, and the War God's three-on-one tactics Loren would definitely disagree with the encirclement and suppression.

In the end, Lan Qi could only regain the calmness he had when he was in the Northern Continent and let himself forget the fact that he was actually a member of the Kingdom.

"This war is a cruel thing."

A pleasant voice came from the other side, interrupting Lan Qi's thoughts.

Lan Qi slowly put down the newspaper and saw the young man with black hair and blue eyes opposite him looking at him intently. It seemed that this young man had already read the contents of the newspaper today.

Faced with the other party's initiative to chat, Lan Qi felt that he still had to say a few words.

"Having said that, ordinary people like us can't care about this kind of thing."

Lan Qi shook his head slightly and sighed.

He wanted to avoid the subject.

Judging from the other party's attitude, he did not seem to be a young man from the empire who supported the war. Therefore, Lan Qi was willing to chat with him, but Lan Qi did not want to talk about politics. This topic was not discussed in the current capital of Blier Da is very sensitive. If he has clear anti-war intentions, he may be arrested on charges of shaking military morale and treason.

"May the goddess protect the suffering people."

The young man with black hair and blue eyes seemed to understand what the old gentleman meant and prayed,
"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Landry Wassington."

The young man stretched out his hand.

Lan Qi noticed that the other party's behavior was quite elegant, and he was obviously well-bred.

"I'm Lovia, a publisher."

Lan Qi answered truthfully and showed respect to the other party.

In the Creation Empire, not having a surname means that you are from a civilian background, which is simple and easy to understand.

"Mr. Lovia, you don't have to feel restrained. Although my family was prominent in the past, it has long since declined."

The young man with black hair and blue eyes seemed to notice Lan Qi's concerns and took the initiative to explain.

Lan Qi looked at the other party.

It turns out that he was born into a noble family, so it’s no wonder that his conversational skills are extraordinary, but he doesn’t have the arrogance of the nobles.

"Is this your first time in the capital Brilda?"

the young man asked.

"Yes, the border is indeed not very safe now. I am an old man and hope to come to the capital to see the scenery and retire."

The old man Lan Qi nodded and said,
"What about you? As a noble, have you never been to Brilda?"

He asked the other person again. It seemed that the young man was as unfamiliar with the capital as he was.

"This is also my first time coming to the Royal Capital. Essentially, I grew up as a commoner..."

The young man with black hair and blue eyes was very talkative, and then he chatted with Lan Qi about his aristocratic past.

Lan Qi wanted to kill time for the time being. He didn't want to read the newspaper anymore, so he folded the newspaper and listened patiently to the young man's story about him.

His family, a declining noble family on the border, was considered a prestigious family in the ancient Creation Empire. However, in previous generations, prodigal family heads began to appear. By his generation, apart from having a hereditary title, they were no different from ordinary people. , the only thing I'm thankful for is that I don't have any debt for the time being.

"My hometown, the remote western border of the empire, is not a good place. It is in poor mountains and rivers, far away from the capital. Fortunately, I have some talent. I graduated from the best magic research school on the border on my own. I originally planned to settle down on the border. I have spent my whole life without thinking about reviving my family, but now that the war has broken out, in order to avoid being called to the front line, I can only try to apply for a job in the capital, and I didn’t expect that I passed it easily. "

Landry Wassington said frankly.

"A talented person like you, regardless of your status, will definitely get a good job there, right?"

Lan Qi, who looked like an old gentleman, guessed.

Even without Talia's help, Lan Qi could probably sense that the young man opposite had very strong magic power, and he was also a researcher.

If you stay at the border, you are likely to be forcibly drafted by the military.

"You flatter me."

The young man with black hair and blue eyes smiled back and shook his head.

"It must be a great job."

Lan Qi asked.

If you ask directly at this time, the other person may feel that he is probing the other person, and instead continue to praise him, which will allow the other person to speak out naturally.

If both of their destinations are the capital Brilda, and the other party is full of young talents, then Lan Qi wouldn't mind making as many connections as possible.

"It's not a big deal."

The young man with black hair and blue eyes scratched his temples in embarrassment.
"Actually, I went there to teach as a professor at St. Creation's Monastery, or perhaps it would be more correct to say Creation's Royal Academy of Magic."

"It's really amazing."

Lan Qi was slightly surprised, then sincerely admired.

The school the other party was talking about was formerly known as St. Creation's Monastery. It is now a magic school supported by the Creation royal family, also known as the Creation Royal Academy of Magic.

Despite this, many people in the Creju Empire are still willing to call it a monastery because it has completely preserved the original appearance of the ancient St. Creation Monastery and expanded it into a small town with its center.

It surpasses many schools in the Southern Continent Kingdom and the Allied Countries and is known as the top cradle of talents in the entire Southern Continent, gathering countless talented students.

To become a teacher at St. Creation's Monastery, one must go through layers of screening.

"You are exaggerating. During the assessment, I was lucky enough to pass. It may be because many teachers in the school have joined the military due to the war. At the same time, funding has been cut, and the school is unwilling to expand teaching resources. Especially during this period. I couldn’t find many suitable people, so I was picked up by a border person.”

The young man with black hair and blue eyes said modestly,

"Of course, on the other hand, it may also be the confrontation between the aristocracy and the people in the college, which led to the principal choosing me, who is still a noble, out of consideration of the pros and cons..."

He whispered to himself again.

"Being able to pass has proven your strength. Even though there are many current circumstances, I heard that the judges are very strict and will not tolerate even the slightest flaw."

Lan Qi comforted like an elder.

If he were the principal, he would probably feel quite good about the young man in front of him. His subtle sense of mystery is the embodiment of his talent and unfathomable ability.

"thanks for your encouragement."

The black-haired young man smiled relievedly.

The two of them chatted and became familiar with each other.

The ride time also felt much faster.

Lan Qi thought it felt good.

In the past, when I took the magic rail train from my hometown in Nanwantina to the royal capital for the first time, traveling with Talia was like going to jail, and the two of them didn't exchange a few words along the way.


Thalia seemed to hear, but also seemed not to hear, and said nothing to him.

At that time, she really didn't have much affection for Lan Qi. He was just a little better than ordinary people and could be considered a financial backer.

Now I don’t say that I have any affection for Lan Qi. At most, I am just willing to help him cook and take care of him.

In the carriage compartment.

"By the way, speaking of the war in the Southern Continent, have you heard of a rumor?"

The black-haired, blue-eyed young man lowered his voice and asked Lanqi.

"What rumors?"

Lan Qi asked curiously.

"It is said that the Kingdom United Council Alliance used the super-ancient artifact [astrological compass] to perform a divination. They sought a very general question, which is probably a special node that may affect this war."

The young man with black hair and blue eyes explained.

"How can this be divined? Is it possible that the result is really divined?"

Lan Qi smiled disapprovingly and pretended not to understand much about divination and divination props.

In the past few days since he came to the Creation Empire, as a civilian, he actually had no channel to hear much internal information about both sides of the war, nor did he need to contact the spies from the Poisson Kingdom. Landry Wassington, the Saint, The quasi-professor of Creation Abbey obviously knows a lot of information.

Lanci has gained a lot from a simple conversation with Landry, and he even had the idea of ​​doubting Landry.

But thinking about it carefully, it should be difficult for his traces to be divined. After the intervention of the goddess of fate, the divination magic will be seriously misled. This is what he and Pranai deduced through comparing many experiences.

In addition, he has Pranay's [Mark of Truth], which can also increase his resistance to divination magic.

According to Pranay, it would take at least ninth-level divination magic to obtain more accurate information about him.

According to Ranchi's feelings and inferences, Landry had no ill intentions towards him and his identity was not a problem.

"The sand painting that was finally divined was blurry, but it can be inferred from the landmark buildings that it is in Brilda, the capital of the Kraiju Empire, and the demon-like figure in the painting is endangering this city..."

The expression of the young man with black hair and blue eyes gradually became puzzled, and he murmured.

"who is it?"

Lan Qi responded calmly.

"Even the Creation Empire can't tell who the characters in the painting are. After many comparisons, there are several possibilities for their similar features. It is very likely that they are terrorist organizations within the Creation Empire. The Venerable of the [Silver Moon Reform Society] may be a strong man from the Empire who rebelled or a strong man from the Allied Forces infiltrated. It may also be a collaborator - the Cardinal is not trustworthy. Of course, the most terrifying one is , that is the return of the soul of the dead."

The young man said solemnly.


Lan Qi said nothing.

"You don't seem surprised at all?"

The young man with black hair and blue eyes asked.

"I just think this is probably another media inference compiled to attract attention."

Lan Qi shrugged maturely,

"After all, you have to know that as long as a rumor has passed through a few mouths, it will become completely different from what it was at the beginning, with all kinds of outrageous content."

Although Lan Qi said so, the cat boss in the shadow was already scared.

That's not unfounded.

Because Lan Qi can indeed resurrect people, and does not require the other party's consent.

 Book Recommendation~ "The Evil Road Speed ​​Pass, Are You Telling Me It's Not a Game?" 》

(End of this chapter)

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