Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 706 Lan Qi’s Sad Battle

Chapter 706 Lan Qi’s Sad Battle

The second week of September in 1798 on the solar calendar was called the seven darkest days of the Alliance by newspapers that were constantly printed in various countries.

In just one week, under the purposeful encirclement and suppression by the Twelve Army Gods, nine eighth-level members of the Kingdom United Council Alliance were killed.

The Creation Empire did not hesitate to sacrifice its troops to cooperate with the God of War in a suicidal attack, forcing the Allies to dispatch reinforcements to important areas. Then once an eighth-level man was alone on the way to transfer, the God of War would use a three-on-one or seven-on-two model to accurately Lock it down and kill it solidly.

Facing at least one strong control, one strong attack, and one healing God of War at the same time, no eighth level person can be spared.

Even the great priest Loren also received news of his death.

As for the God of War, they are still in full condition so far. No eighth-level strongman from the alliance can inflict effective fatal injuries to them before death.


On the vast land in the west of the Southern Continent, there is a superpower called Canbera.

Not only is it the leader in comprehensive national strength among the many kingdoms in the Southern Continent, it is also famous for being the center of peace and stability for many years.

Both the Southern Continent Movie World Management Association and the Card Creators Association have chosen to set up their headquarters here. Its vast territory is far beyond that of the Hutton Kingdom, the easternmost part of the Southern Continent.

The royal capital of Canbera, Sloveni, is the highest chamber of the United Kingdom Parliament.

The grandeur of its architecture seems to challenge the sky. The pure white walls are decorated with intricate hollow patterns. The sunlight passes through these delicate openings and turns into countless golden lines, intertwining the space with magnificent paintings of the Gods.

Deep in the highest chamber, there is a closed space filled with barriers and metal gates.

At this moment, several figures were sitting around the round table with solemn expressions.

The smooth mirror-like surface in the center of the round table is inlaid with a dotted chess game, reflecting every ray of light in the room.

"The Twelve Army Gods have only one purpose, and that is to hunt the eighth level."

Someone broke the silence.

Every war that the military gods participated in before was just an illusion. Conquering cities and territories was not their responsibility and the biggest threat.

The eighth-level national protector is a top level combat power that cannot be supplemented by any party. Only time can slowly repair it.

In other words, the military gods' blatant and precise attack on the eighth level was a conspiracy.

Who leaked the whereabouts of the eighth level?

Anyone can see that there is something wrong with the top brass of the United Kingdom Council.

The Creation Empire just wants the Kingdom United Council Alliance to know this.

Now that the entire kingdom has united with the Parliamentary Alliance, everyone is in danger.

Confederate residents no longer had faith in the parliamentary center.

The Allied countries will no longer be willing to adopt high-risk strategies, but will inevitably choose the most stable strategy possible to preserve their own country's top combat power. They will no longer obey the dispatch of the United Parliament of the Kingdom and risk falling into a trap to support other countries.

The corresponding result was that after the alliance's conservative strategic policy was confirmed by the Crean Empire, the support between the kingdoms decreased, and the battle front began to formally collapse.

There was a heavy atmosphere in the air of the highest chamber, and the faces of the figures present had serious, focused, and even nervous expressions.

"Is it possible that besides our internal leakage of information, the other party also has a super-standard fortune teller?"

A figure spoke with worry.

The more they searched inside, the more frightened they became. When they found one, it seemed like there was another.

"No matter what, the purpose of the Creation Empire has been achieved. Once the crisis of trust occurs, it can never be repaired."

Another figure added.

The gazes of the congressmen circulated between each other, searching for each other's positions and ideas in the silent communication.

"The Creation Empire only attacks but not defends, and its massacre tactics targeting civilians are actually using civilians as a threat, forcing us to increase the frequency of defensive confrontations and reinforcement dispatches."

Speaker Steven, who was sitting in the chair, pinched his eyebrows and asked other members for their opinions.
“Once reinforcements are dispatched, top experts must be stationed at key fortresses. Otherwise, the front lines will have to be withdrawn and the land will be given away. At the same time, countless civilians will die to ensure the safety of the core combat force. "

As a single entity, the eighth level has high combat power and can move much faster than the legion.

In a full-scale campaign, they are equivalent to large legion units that can be mobilized quickly.

The territory of the Allied Powers of the United Kingdom Council is too large, and the whereabouts of the Twelve Gods of War are unknown on the battlefield. From time to time, people from the Crean Empire will disguise themselves as false Gods of War, allowing the true bodies of the Gods of War to roam around and attack.

They now want to kill the eighth level of the alliance at all costs.

If you want to defeat the eighth-level strongman who has almost entered the realm of gods, you have to fight the eighth-level with the eighth-level.

Either rely on the army and large-scale military city defense facilities, such as Phantom Shock Tower, Magical Air Breaker Cannon, and Sky Shield Array, which can cause enough effective damage to the eighth-level powerhouse.

Now a trade-off must be made.

The eighth level is a non-replenishable hero unit's combat power, which also determines the flexibility of tactics.

Once all eight levels of the Kingdom United Council Alliance are wiped out, the chances of winning this battle will become extremely slim.

"If we continue to compress it further, it will be safe, but what will happen to the residents who cannot escape? Are we going to give up most of the land to the Creation Empire?"

There was silence in the highest chamber for a long time, and finally someone beat the table angrily and asked.

"What should I do?"

"Let's just give it a try and concentrate all our superior forces to attack the Creation Empire!"

"The Kraiyu Empire's style of play is so pretentious, it seems like they don't care whether we counterattack or not. They seem to be determined to tell us - if you dare to come, they dare to change."

"But you have to be prepared to lose everything. If you fight like this, it will end soon. And if you are double-teamed from both sides, you will be in the worst situation."

The Creation Empire's mad-dog style of play, which only attacks but does not defend, makes it clear that they don't care about civilians. Correspondingly, they believe that the Kingdom United Council Alliance cares about civilians.

"What's more, even if we really intend to take a gamble, can we convince other countries to cooperate in this plan?"

Until this question was raised, the Supreme Council fell into silence again.

Trust is gone, and it is impossible for all countries to agree to such a huge gamble, and if not all kingdoms work together, such a gamble will be meaningless.

After a long discussion.

At last.

The United Kingdom Parliament can only make a bitter decision.

Just to be on the safe side.

Countries will take the initiative to shrink their fronts and can no longer disperse their combat forces.

Only by giving up land can we increase the density of the army and defensive forces, while ensuring the safety of the eighth-level hero units, and allowing multiple eighth-level units to work together as much as possible.

Save the land and lose the people, everyone and the land will be lost. Save the people and lose the land, and everyone and the land will survive.

despite this.

This decision destined the United Kingdom Council to gradually give up its territory in the coming time, and civilians covering tens of millions of square kilometers also began the largest-scale flight and migration recorded in history...


a few days later.

Posen Kingdom.

District 1, South Bank of Huadu Parrieux.

At four o'clock in the afternoon in Lucerne Park on the banks of the Selena River, the afternoon autumn sun shines on the river, creating sparkling waves, as if it is covered with a layer of golden gauze, and the gentle breeze blows away the mist.

Regardless of the external war, the capital located in the hinterland of Posen is still a safe place for the time being.

A thin figure of a young man sat on a bench by the river bank.

He seemed to be in a daze, motionless.

After an unknown amount of time, another person finally came and sat down next to him, minding his own business and opened the newspaper in his hand.

"Meet at the Selena River, it's a good mood."

Nigel looked at the newspaper and muttered to himself.

He found Lan Qi, who had already changed into casual clothes when he arrived, dressed like an ordinary Huadu resident.

From that day on when he decided to help Lan Qi infiltrate the Creation Empire, he would never contact Lan Qi again as Lieutenant General Nigel.

"It's rare to have a sunny day."

Lan Qi moved his gaze from the river to Nigel beside him, smiled helplessly at Nigel and said.

"It's either raining or fogging during this period. I feel like my heart is getting rusty." Nigel also sighed, his eyes unable to hide his fatigue.

The water of the Salina River is rippling.

"It won't always be like this."

Lan Qi looked at Selina River again and murmured.

"I've already done it for you. Tomorrow you will go to the Creation Empire alone."

Nigel said as he flipped through the newspaper.

Lan Qi's shadow trembled, and a kitten popped out of it, and jumped onto Lan Qi's lap curiously.

"So sudden?"

it asked Nigel in surprise.

Logically speaking, Nigel promised to help Lan Qi get it done within a month.

"It's not sudden. I took the initiative to speed up my trip to Creju. I have important things to deal with."

Lan Qi touched the cat's head and replied.

Maybe the identity will be a little more difficult, for example, the age and occupation are too different from what I expected, but I can go to Creation faster.

Even one day earlier could have saved many lives.

"If you want to come back, you can publish a painting of yours in the Creation Central Daily News. Someone will contact you and find a way to arrange for you to return to the Kingdom Alliance."

Nigel handed the newspaper in his hand to Ranchi.

Although it is just an ordinary newspaper, it contains the way Lanqi communicated with the spies of the Posen Kingdom in the Creju Empire.

He believed that Lan Qi could remember it after reading it once.

"I understand."

Lanci took the newspaper.

"I look forward to the day when comradeship is commensurate again."

Nigel stood up, put on his hat again, and said to Ranchi.

"Take care."

Following the instructions, he walked away without looking back.

In this war, every meeting may be the last.

In their line of work, once necessary, even life will not belong to them. Facing the invaders, death is not terrible. What is terrible is that death is meaningless.

"Take care of yourself."

Lan Qi said silently.

He gradually turned his attention to the newspaper in his hand and flipped through it.

Looking at the photo of Loren's remains in the newspaper, Lan Qi suddenly became excited.

Lan Qi finally stood up and stood beside the river bank, beside the stone pillars connected by iron chains.

He recited the code silently, tore the key pages of the newspaper into pieces and threw them into the river.

When I closed my eyes, I heard the sound of the whistle blowing.

The announcement on the ship gradually became clearer——

"On September 1798, 9, at 17: pm Poisson time, South Asia's Quidanland Free Broadcasting Emergency Interruption."

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have just received a battle report from the front line. The 11nd Chris Magic Armored Division encountered an attack by the enemy's 60th Heavy Cavalry Regiment in southeast Harrisonburg. After a day and night of fierce fighting, our troops suffered casualties. Heavy losses, about 30% of the soldiers and magic weapons were lost. At present, the battle line has been forced to retreat 55 kilometers west of the Yser River. At the same time, our 7th Infantry Division is also encountering the enemy on the Blount Heights. The 1th Mountain Division and the st Air Assault Special Forces are encircled and are in danger of being wiped out at any time."

"According to the battle report from the Supreme Headquarters, in the past 24 hours, a total of more than 2.5 members of the Kingdom Alliance Allied Forces were killed or missing. The enemy's advance was unstoppable. Starting from Holson in the south, they advanced all the way. Our army was retreating steadily along the way. . To the north, the enemy's 4th Army also broke through the blockade near the Province of Elis and headed straight for Port Austin."

"General Albion, the supreme commander of the South, delivered a speech this morning, calling on all Poisson soldiers and civilians to be united and vow to fight the invaders to the end. He emphasized that although we are in a difficult situation at the moment, as long as we persist in resisting, the dawn of victory will eventually come. Let us Let’s join hands to welcome the last dawn!”

The announcer's voice was choked with sobs, unable to suppress the sadness and anger in his heart.

The radio then played the passionate "Ode to Glory"——

"Forward, forward, brave warrior!"

"Hold high the banner of justice and truth."

"Use our blood and lives to compose an immortal hymn to heroes."

“It takes courage to die.”

Lan Qi stood with his head lowered for a while and then returned to the dock.

He never said a word, sitting alone on the bench silently, facing the rising sun and sea breeze.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the slowly flowing river, dyeing the water surface golden yellow, and the clouds on the horizon are dyed crimson by the sunset, like the color of dawn.

Lan Qi was sitting alone on a bench, wearing a simple white shirt. His face was full of sadness and grievance, with tears in his eyes, and he looked into the distance unwillingly, as if reminiscing about his time in Ikerita. those times.

The music in the church behind me is gentle and distant, like I am groping for my way alone in the dark, but I don’t speak, I just move forward, not knowing how far away the light is.

The surrounding environment seemed particularly quiet because of his silence, with only the occasional chirping of birds and the voices of children in the distance.

There was a bench by the river in the sunset, and the breeze was blowing his hair and clothes, but he remained motionless.

"Lanqi Meow..."

The cat boss raised his paw and patted Lan Qi worriedly.

This was the first time it saw Lan Qi like this.

However, Lan Qi shook his head and signaled to Boss Cat that he was fine.

He picked up the kitten and looked into the distance.

"Looking at the best, Lanchimeow, Loren might not be dead yet. After all, he is so strong, he might have a way to escape. Moreover, the Creation Empire might just disclose the news of Loren's death to attack the Allies. And ,besides……"

Boss Cat didn't know how to comfort Lan Qi.

I can only take out the [Fake Slate-Wind] and push it into Lan Qi's hand, hoping that he can have some sustenance.

Although the strong men killed by the Twelve Gods of War would not leave any corpses behind, it does not mean that Loren still has hope of living just because he cannot see his corpse.

If you have this kind of hope, maybe you will suffer another more desperate blow when you see the war god of the Creation Empire camp using [Primal Slate-Wind] one day.

Lan Qi looked at [Fake Slate - Wind], gradually tightened his grip, and then raised his head.

"I'm going to Creation, don't worry."

Lan Qi's emerald green eyes reflected the setting sun, river waves, and the river bank on the other side.

"I'll keep at it."

"As long as we are on the same road, we will eventually meet."

"I will come to see you on the day of victory."

he said firmly to himself.

"I will inherit Loren's name and carry out his will in the Creja Empire to the end."

I don’t know who he said this last sentence to, maybe to himself, maybe to the Kingdom of Hutton, maybe to the goddess of fate.


Boss Cat looked at Lan Qi.

As we all know, there are two Lorens in this world.

When Cousin Loren disappears, Li Loren will take action with all his strength.

"Wait for Lanqi, what if he is not dead..."

Boss Cat suddenly felt a little worried.

It was afraid that even if Loren was still alive, Lanqi would be too cruel to him in the Creation Empire in his name, and he would not dare to take the lead at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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