Diary of an Adventuring Vampire

Side Story — Starstruck Sorceress

Only a side story today because I mathed wrong. Sorry :( Also, glossary entry for magic exists now (or in like 2 minutes if this just released)

Side Story — Starstruck Sorceress



[3rd Person POV] (A/N: wow impossible)


Who was she? Nobody knows today. All that remains is but a myth; a legend. A legend of how Magic and the Goddess Mysticus came to be, also known as the Entity ARCANE.


It is said that in the Mythic Era, 60,000 years ago, there once was a Sorceress. As she sat atop the young trees of Polymatheia, she looked to the skies for inspiration.


“Stars in the sky, why must you taunt me so?” (Sorceress)


She looked up and saw countless patterns, interwoven between each other in an intricate web. They danced upon the dark river of the night, seemingly flaunting their beauty.


She watched as they danced, forever round and round, until they began to fade into reddened skies.


“I won’t be beaten by some stupid flickering lights!” (Sorceress)


Declared the Sorceress. She went into beneath the canopy, yet, she stopped halfway down. Among the darkened sky of leaves danced fireflies and currents of mana, interwoven in a different kind of web.


Determined to end the stars’ taunting once and for all, she returned to her home. Concentrating her will, she created hundreds, thousands of points of light and sealed them in an orb.


“Watch as I make you dance, stars of mine!” (Sorceress)


She spent day in and day out, night after night, as she wove and connected the glowing points of light.


Finished, she went above the sea of trees once more.


“Behold stars, for I have mastered your ways!” (Sorceress)


The Sorceress held the orb up to the sky and focused her will into it. She poured all of her feelings into it, for one reason, to become one with the stars.


As if hearing the request, the orb shattered, the stars within dissolving into a mist that wrapped around the Sorceress. 


Knowledge surged into her mind, turning her eyes into a misty pink. Knowledge of how the constellations above could be created for astounding effects. Enlightened, she returned to her house once more.


She began to practice what she had learned, and the elements headed her call. 


She had found a new purpose to her life: Weaving constellations into meaning, creating fields of ice, castles of fire, floors of wind, and curtains of earth.


Overjoyed with her creations, she ventured out of Polymatheia, finding Humans. She told them of her discoveries, yet none of them seemed to be able to handle it.


Determined to spread her knowledge, she devised another tactic: Yet another orb to contain the complex threads of mana. However, these orbs were still far too complex for the average mind to comprehend, let alone Humans.


Thus, she simplified her orb once more, turning it into a circle. Perhaps by chance or through practice, the first Humans learned to use magic. Satisfied with her work, she returned to her home once more.


She decided to test the powers of her constellations, weaving them into the humanoid figures, modelled after herself: The first Elves. 


Wishing to give them a place to stay, she wove more mana into complex constellations, drawing in mana from all throughout the world. A Singularity to bring light to the dark Polymatheia and to enlighten the world of the mana that resided everywhere.


The mana having a mind of its own formed around the singularity, taking the form of a tree: Medulla Spinalis, the World Tree as it came to be known.


Nobody knows where the Sorceress went after that. Some say she became the Singularity. Some say she ascended to the stars.


Hehehe I had fun with this one. So anyways, magic circle = constellation of mana + binding to control it. That’s what normal magic is. Entity Magic, aka the stuff that Kurui does runs off of Primordial Energy (or a LOT of mana) and is just a constellation. That makes it a lot more powerful.

Also, the constellations can have nodes on them to increase power which is kinda funny considering you could do the same thing by removing some runes on the circle part. Though, that isn’t exactly possible…

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