Chapter 145: Bucket Of Needles.

She was able to put two and two together quickly. When a strong super in the professional league has a lot of subordinates and approaches a gang to take over it, their intentions are all but clear to those who have a good head on their shoulders.

He smiled at her. "You are very smart. As anyone ever told you that? If that hasn't, then it is due time that you hear it. I have seen your tactics and heard of your schemes. It is the kind of good work I want with someone who will be my direct subordinate in the future."

She smiled back in return, "I'm guessing you want me to gather the other leaders so that you can convince them of working together."

He nodded. "That is the plan. You will send a message to them informing them of your decision to work for me. You don't need to lie. You can tell them the truth of how exactly I convinced you into making that decision."

"You are also free to scheme and plot against me. It is just right that you try to test what your future boss is capable of. But mark my words, there will be consequences for everything that you do."

To emphasize his warning, he activated the mark in her mind to cause pain. The difference in their mind attributes was enormous, so the pain felt like someone had dug a spike into her mind and swirled it around for maximum damage, only to let it explode and scatter shrapnel throughout her mind.

Her puppet was fine, but her true body was not. She howled with a mighty cry. Even the soundproofing of the underground basement she was in almost became inadequate to contain her screams.

She rolled on the ground for a long while with tears running down her face. By the time the pain was over, she had snot all over her face. She had also peed and lost control of her bowels.

She was a terrible mess. Fortunately, he wasn't around to be assaulted by the stink of urine and faces. Even then, he couldn't allow her to dilly dally.

His voice rang in her fragile mind like a bucket of needles: "Get yourself together. We still have a lot to talk about."

It was as if someone had poured a bucket of needles into a bucket of water. The needles will pierce through the water and reach the very bottom of the bucket. But unlike unfeeling water, she felt every tear caused by the needles in her mind.

This time, when she gained control of the puppet, she was shaking, not twitching. She was also far too damaged to smile and pretend that everything was alright.

She didn't dare to look at him either. Her eyes were downcast, and her head bowed. She didn't say anything. She could have remained standing like that forever because she had lost every thought of resistance.

This is only temporary, of course. At this point, she is willing to do anything not to experience that pain again. But later on, the memory of the pain will fade and will become a distant echo.

It is just like how women crave more children despite the pain of childbirth and all the oaths they swore to never have sex again. She too, in time, will start thinking of defying him again.

But for now, she is the most servil subordinate that he can ask for. Or, in this case, the most capable subordinate anyone can make.

He asked her, "Do you understand your situation now?"

She replied with a nod, "Yes, sir."

Her tone and manner of addressing him had changed. He liked that very much. So he nodded and continued.

"You will do your job, and you will inform me of your progress. If I find your progress or the quality of your work lacking, there will be dire consequences."

"As I said, you can try me if you believe you can bear those consequences. What you just experienced is a taste of what I am capable of."
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"But things won't be all bad with me. With me at the helm, your gang will grow and your business will prosper. Sure, I'll be taking 50% of all that you earn, but that is just a small price to pay for my protection."

She nodded again. "I understand, sir. You are completely right."

He briefly considered making her feel pleasure. The effect of pleasure after pain is what Black Mantis uses to break the minds of people. Once they know terrible pain and extreme pleasure, they will do all they can to only receive extreme pleasure.

But he doesn't want to break her. Like they say among narcos, it is not good business to use the product they are selling. Running a business needs a clear head. The least one has to do to get that is to make sure that they don't get addicted to their product.

It won't be a sound business move to get her addicted, so he spared her mind. He clapped and said, "Is there anything I should know about?"

She thought for a while and said, "There is someone who has been trying to form a cabal with a group of us. He failed because he wasn't strong enough. But he will surely resist your recruitment."

"Who is this person?"

She replied quickly, "Lizard man."

"I know that name. Is he not the boss of Dambala Gang?"

She nodded. "He is."

He simply smiled and said, "Now I am looking forward to his resistance. I want to see what he is relying on to believe that he is worthy of leading a cabal."

He stood up and said, "If there is anything else, you can reach out to me through my network. You have a week to arrange this meeting. I have great expectations of you. I am sure that you won't disappoint me."

She shook her head sincerely and assured him repeatedly. "I won't disappoint you, sir. I promise to do everything I can to make the meeting happen. I will even go beyond what I am capable of."

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