Deception, Domination, and Dragons (Skyrim Self-Insert)

Chapter 35: The Ambassador Pt. 2

“Mm, this is delicious. Tell me, what is this?”
“Oh! I’m glad you’re enjoying it, sir. That’s the finest drink we currently have in stock, Colovian Brandy. The Ambassador was saving it for her party to try and impress her guests, but, well…”
As Brelas trails off, I can’t help but chuckle. But, indeed. We’d moved down stairs back to the main area of the Embassy a bit ago, and we’d brought Elenwen with us. Ever since, Brelas the Bosmer Servant who was in charge of the Embassy Bar had been serving us quite willingly. Part of that was because of the Charm Magic I’d used to keep her calm and content in the first place so she’d stay put and wait for us.
The other part of that was because of the display we were putting on, even now. Elenwen was unbound and unshackled for all intents and purposes, and yet… she was also completely naked, and walking around on all fours with a belt around her neck acting as a leash, and a gag in her mouth, silencing her entirely.
As I enjoy the Colovian Brandy that Brelas has served me, Svanna takes her palm to Elenwen’s golden ass again, turning it even redder as the lithe Dragonborn spanks Elenwen for all she’s worth. When Svanna catches Brelas looking a moment later, she just smirks. When Brelas looks over at me, I smile a nicer smile. It even reaches my eyes!
“Elenwen has been a bad, bad girl. Unfortunately, she’s earned every last bit of this punishment.”
Blushing, less afraid and more aroused thanks to the Charm Magic, Brelas just nods her head hesitantly.
“Y-Yes sir… o-of course s-sir.”
She was already predisposed to me, but from the lack of protest on Elenwen’s part and the fact that she wasn’t fighting back despite not being restrained, I got the impression that Brelas had convinced herself I was top dog around here, perhaps even superior to Elenwen herself. Which to be fair, I was for all intents and purposes. Thanks to Dream Charm, I had direct access to Elenwen’s mind and soul, past her vaunted mental defenses. I could do whatever the fuck I wanted with her. Did that not make me her superior, at the end of the day?
Still smiling, I reach out and tuck a finger under Brelas’ chin, before sliding my gaze lower, to her immense bust. She really is stacked, incredibly well-endowed in fact, and I can understand why Elenwen hired her on despite her not being Altmer. Probably some sort of power display, being able to hire a voluptuous Bosmer to serve at your party, or something.
“You’re not a bad girl, right Brelas? You’re a good girl, aren’t you?”
“Yes! I-I mean, yes s-sir! I’m a good girl, sir!”
Humming, I bring my fingers down from her chin, along her ample exposed upper chest, to where her low cut top conceals her huge breasts. I hook my fingers into her top for all of a moment, tugging her forward just a bit, though she doesn’t fight it, breathing heavily as I do so.
“… Then come here…”
Without missing a beat, Brelas comes out from behind the bar, standing before me as I sit there, grinning wickedly. Svanna is continuing to play with Elenwen in the background, continuing to abuse the First Emissary to her heart’s content, but as I begin to have my own fun with Brelas, I can feel her attention shifting over to us. My little Dragonborn does so love to watch, after all.
“Kneel. Tits out.”
“Y-Yes sir… t-tits out…”
If she weren’t currently hypnotized, I’m sure that Brelas still would have obeyed, out of sheer terror and fear if nothing else. The burnt corpses of the Thalmor Inquisitor and his little goon squad were still over by the front door just down the hall, after all. But thanks to the Charm Magic, Brelas is giving me a broad, happy-go-lucky smile, even as she slips the straps of her dress off and lets her tits finally bounce free of their confines.
… She might just have the biggest pair of knockers I’ve seen since coming to Skyrim, and considering every woman is incredibly sexy by default and the fact that Lydia was wrapping her tits before I got her out of her armor, that’s certainly saying something. Humming, I pull out my cock and let the golden member flop down across Brelas’ Bosmer features, watching as she gasps from the thick, meaty, heated sensation.
“Wrap your tits around my cock, and show me just how good of a girl you can be, Brelas.”
My order is followed without question of course, with Brelas rising to her full kneeling height in an instant in order to properly push her tits up around the sides of my member. Her massive mammaries are actually up to the task of fully enclosing my shaft, and there’s not even enough room for me to push out of the top of her cleavage far enough for her to suck at my cockhead.
She still leans forward and laps at the tip of my dick though, and I shudder in pleasure as I enjoy the feel of her tongue across my glans. Her eyes remain fixed on my face the entire time, her cheeks rosy as she tries to make sure I’m enjoying myself. I make sure to give her a pleased nod, before glancing up over at Svanna.
The Dragonborn has one foot on the back of Elenwen’s head, and is currently in the process of working her way up to fisting the First Emissary’s ass. She’s only got three fingers into Elenwen’s back door at the moment, but she’s not about to give up, even as the Thalmor Ambassador squeals through her gag, kicking her feet back and forth.
It’s hard to see the strong, stern, large-and-in-charge woman that Elenwen was before, now that we’ve reduced her to this. As I meet Svanna’s eyes, I give her a grin and beckon her over. She comes, of course… but not without Elenwen. Her fingers remain buried in the First Emissary’s ass, even as her other hand grips tightly at the makeshift leash-belt around the Altmer woman’s neck. With both grips, she drags Elenwen across the floor, over to where I’m sat with Brelas dutifully titfucking her chest around my cock.
Once Svanna is close enough, I pull her into another kiss. The two of us make out passionately for what feels like a while, our tongues exploring one another’s mouths, until finally I pull away, my eyes twinkling as I smile fondly at the red head… before delivering the ‘bad’ news.
“We need to decide what to do with her new, Svanna. We can’t leave her like this, and we only have a handful of options, truth be told.”
Svanna frowns slightly at that, looking between me and Elenwen as she continues to work her way towards fisting the Altmer’s ass. Whether Elenwen is capable of listening in on our conversation or not is irrelevant. Brelas is a bit more capable of actually processing what I’m saying, but she’s a servant. She knows it’s not her place to speak.
“… Why not?”
Assuming Svanna means ‘why can’t we leave her like this’, I incline my head and begin to explain.
“If we leave her as she is now, aware but under my control, she will try to escape her fate, and do everything in her power to expose us to others. She will do the bare minimum that we tell her to, and constantly look for loopholes to try and slip through from this moment on.”
Svanna’s brow is furrowed, but she nods slowly, showing that she understands what I’m saying.
“We COULD kill her, of course. Slaughter her like the rest, and burn this place to the ground. There would be consequences though. Not just in terms of the Thalmor’s involvement in the Province, but consequences of a more personal level as well.”
At that, I glance over to Brelas, giving her a pitying smile.
“Even if we destroyed every ounce of her presence in this place and sent dear Brelas here on her way with a nest egg and orders to start a new life somewhere else, the likelihood that evidence of her employ exists elsewhere in the Thalmor Records is too high, and she’s likely to be hunted down by the Thalmor for answers as to what happened at their Embassy. It might not seem like much, but if we kill Elenwen… we sign poor Brelas’ death warrant as well, almost certainly.”
Svanna blinks at this, and nods to show she understands that as well. All the while, she continues to stretch Elenwen’s asshole. She’s up to four fingers in the squealing, gagged Ambassador’s back door at this point.
“Um… M-Master Vayral?”
Ah, my talk of her death has finally overridden Brelas’ servant instincts. She was willing to be quiet when the things I was talking about were going right over her head, but I HAD just outlined a particularly grisly and gruesome fate for her. And yet, she still has her tits wrapped around my cock, even as she looks up at me, afraid. What a good girl.
Smiling down at her, I reach up and brush a hand down her cheek again.
“Shhh. Don’t fret. Svanna and I will take care of things.”

The worry in her eyes fades, to be replaced by a complete glazed over look as she falls completely under my control, not just partially. With vacant eyes and parted, puffy lips, the big breasted Bosmer goes right back to bouncing her fat titties up and down my cock for my pleasure. Looking back to Svanna, I shrug my shoulders.
“Our best bet is to suborn Elenwen in the same way we’ve suborned Brelas. Make her loyal to us first, even before the Thalmor, even before herself. With her help, we can cover up the attack on the Embassy as just a Dragon Attack. With her authority, we can stop the Aldmeri Dominion from sending anything more than replacements for the Thalmor that were lost in said regrettable attack. And with Elenwen ‘willingly’ serving us to the best of her abilities from now on, our reach in both Skyrim and the world beyond grows considerably.”
As I lay things out for Svanna, she looks conflicted for a moment, gazing down at Elenwen… before pulling her fingers out of the shuddering Altmer’s asshole with a squelching pop, never going all the way up to the fist. With a shrug, Svanna gives me a nod.
“Alright. Let’s do that.”
I just smile, as I continue to enjoy Brelas’ soft, voluptuous tits for a moment long before cumming all over her face and breasts alike. It really was the best option, in my opinion, but Svanna and I were more a team than ever before now, and that meant communicating with one another. So long as we were together, I knew we could conquer just about anything…
It was a day later, that Svanna and I left. We had to handle the bodies, first. A fire made sure to burn away any questionable wounds from arrows or blades, while the Dragon Skeleton still dominating the courtyard would be left behind as direct evidence of the Embassy’s attack. Elenwen and Brelas were both properly prepared, with Brelas sent down to Solitude to report the attack and request help from the Imperial Garrison there.
I didn’t quite know how the Thalmor would react in the long run to finding out that a Dragon had taken their entire garrison in Skyrim to defeat. Maybe it would help them take the threat of dragons more seriously. With Elenwen as the ‘sole survivor’ of sorts, and a harrowing tale of ‘bravery’ as she managed to land the killing blow at the expense of her Inquisitor’s life, maybe they’d even give her a promotion.
If they did, she was under strict orders to get in contact with Svanna and I immediately. She was ours now, and no one elses… and thanks to those mental defenses of hers that worked against everyone else but not against me, no one would be able to tell. My Dream Charm shit… it might have had its roots in Charm Magic, but it was divorced from the reality of the world. It was game system shit, and an out of context problem that the Thalmor didn’t even know existed, let alone how to solve.
Not that I was going to forget any time soon that they had their own form of mind control, and had sunk their hooks into my psyche quite deep. I was free now, and never intended to be their slave ever again… but still…
Well, at least with Elenwen covering for me, I should no longer have issues with Thalmor Agents trying to stop me and Svanna from doing whatever the fuck we wanted. Which meant it was finally time to head to Riften. The only question was, did we go the long way, or the short way around?
“So, we’re heading back now. Figured I should bring it up if nothing else… do we wish to pick up Serana before we continue on our way?”
Svanna frowns, thinking about it for a second, before asking a simple question.
Someone else might have taken it as an accusation, but I see it for what it is, a blunt request for a reason why picking up Serana is worth our time. And the answer is… she’s hot? But pretty much everyone in Skyrim is universally hot. Certainly, there will be plenty of hot women where we’re going, to Riften. The point of Serana is to have a third companion again, someone to replace Lydia and before Lydia, Aela. But we had our fun with the both of them, and truth be told… Svanna and I don’t necessarily need the crutch that a third constant companion provides. Not anymore.
Huh, it’s a weird realization. I’d literally made sure I got Dream Geas back from Mirabelle just so I would be able to try and use it on Serana. And now we were just… going to skip her? She wasn’t even worth getting for the extra fire power. We were already powerful enough without her. Honestly… she’d just sort of get in the way and take up more time, whatever it was we ended up doing with her.
She DID have an Elder Scroll on her back, and maybe I’d want that at one point… but that could wait. SHE could wait. If we just left her where she was, we could always rely on her being there whenever we finally wanted to go and get her, thanks to Svanna’s importance to the narrative. She was basically a story thread that would always keep, a potential path to follow at any time.
Svanna is still looking at me, waiting for an answer, so I give her a broad smile and shake my head.
“No good reason I can think of, actually. Shall we head for Riften?”
Blinking, the Dragonborn nevertheless smiles back and nods her head in agreement. Of course, we don’t head immediately there. First, we Recall back to Winterhold, which requires us to at least say high and spend a bit of time with the women we’ve left there to guard our base of operations. After which, it’s back on the road as we make our way Southeast.
We don’t stop in at Windhelm, though I definitely intend to blackmail Ulfrida Stormcloak at some point for some REAL fun, but we do make sure to leave a Mark outside of the city. Then, it’s down, down, down all the way to Riften. The home of the Thieves’ Guild, and the most wretched hive of scum and villainy in all of Skyrim besides.
Although, if I had to say, I would argue that Markarth gave Riften a run for it’s money in terms of the sheer crime one could encounter within both cities’ walls. The difference was, Markarth’s crime was all about standing for something, and based on a rebellion led by a bunch of fucking zealots. Riften’s crime was all about a number of individuals all working to enrich themselves in their own way, while the Jarl, a woman hilariously named Laila Law-Giver of all things, couldn’t do jack shit to stop them, no matter how hard she tried.
Riften… Riften was Svanna’s home. It was the place she’d grown up. It was the place she’d been kicked out of and exiled from. I didn’t expect any of the Thieves’ Guild would recognize her after all these years, and even if they did… well, we could kill them all easily enough. But I did hope it didn’t come to that. I thought Svanna would make an excellent Guildmaster, if we could pull it off. Shouldn’t even be that hard.
We’d have to see what she wanted to do though, of course. As we come into sight of Riften after a few days on the road, I can’t help but be a little antsy with anticipation. This right here… was the start of the next phase of our time together.


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