Deception, Domination, and Dragons (Skyrim Self-Insert)

Chapter 34: The Ambassador

Irritatingly enough, my line doesn’t have quite the extended impact on Elenwen as I would have preferred. In fact, the First Emissary gets ahold of herself and collects herself far faster than I liked. Calming down in moments, her panic vanquished much too swiftly for my tastes, the Thalmor Ambassador looks between me and Svanna, nostrils flaring.
“So then, that’s how it is.”
She focuses her attention on Svanna, smiling thinly.
“You’ve suborned one of our Agents, Dragonborn, but if you think that you can possibly get away with this direct attack on the Thalmor, you should think again. Kill me if you wish, but once word gets out, there will be consequences. The Aldmeri Dominion will have every right to come down upon Skyrim with an army ten thousand strong. And the Empire, if it knows what’s good for it, will help.”
Svanna glances at me, even as I look back at her, shrugging somewhat helplessly. There’s a ring of truth to Elenwen’s words. Even if we kill her and remove every trace of evidence that we were here from the scene, there’s no way that the Thalmor will take this lying down. They’ll use it as an excuse to do something. What that something turns out to be, I cannot say.
But that, of course, depends on us killing Elenwen, and I’m gratified to see the Dragonborn has realized that herself, given her next words towards the First Emissary.
“You assume we’re here to kill you.”
Elenwen’s eyes narrow, and she frowns.
“I don’t see what other purpose you have here. I’m the last person in all the Province who can get between you and your pet. That is why you came is it not? To remove this final challenge to your authority? I assume Estormo is dead.”
I stay quiet, not because I can’t talk, but because Elenwen is refusing to engage with me at the moment, directing her words towards Svanna. It’s very clear that the First Emissary is underestimating me, and as Svanna answers her, I try to use the lack of attention that I’m being paid to my advantage. I still have Elenwen by her wrists, after all.
“Yes, he’s dead.”
“Mm, and so is everyone else in the Embassy, I imagine. So why, pray tell, would you kill everyone else but leave me alive?”
“… It wasn’t our intention to fight. The Dragon attacked and your guards blamed us for it. They’re trying to kill me. Because they don’t want me to stop Alduin from ending the world.”
Elenwen peers at Svanna for a long moment, the blank-faced Dragonborn giving nothing away.
“You expect me to believe that you, the girl who were saved from certain death by a Dragon in Helgen, are not their Mistress? That you do not have some nominal control over them, or at least the ability to summon them and unleash them, as you seemingly did here today?”
Fuck, Svanna’s flat response almost has me laughing out loud. Barges into the Embassy. Slaughters everyone. Refuses to elaborate further. What a Chad. Or I guess, because Svanna is a woman, she’d be a Stacey. Either way, I can’t help the grin on my face as Elenwen just scoffs.
“So then, what was your plan, hm? If the Dragon attack somehow ruined everything.”
Svanna’s eyes flicker over to me, but this really is HER doing. We’re only here in the first place because she said that was what we were going to do next. The lithe Nord is in charge here, and whatever her plan was, she didn’t spell it out to me… though it was heavily implied.
“Vayral and I came here to turn you into our slave. We can still do that.”
The nonchalant way Svanna spells it out has Elenwen’s eyes bulging out of her skull.
“E-Excuse me?!”
The Ambassador sputters indignantly, but Svanna has already turned to me entirely, her brow furrowed as if to ask the obvious. I smile, but it’s a strained smile, more grimace than anything else as I let out a sigh.
“She has tougher mental defenses then I’m used to.”
It was true. Elenwen was actively shielding her mind, which… I suppose made sense? If the Aldmeri Dominion as a whole was steeped in mind control and brainwashing like I’d been using since I arrived in Skyrim, as well as what had been done to me before I’d arrived in Skyrim, then it made lots of sense that their higher-ups would have defenses against mind control, brainwashing, and other Charm effects.
My words cause the First Emissary’s eyes to dart back to me, and narrow as she glances down at where I’m holding her by the wrists.
“You’re trying to Charm me? You can’t be serious; do you truly think I’m that weak-minded?”
“So, knock her out.”
Svanna ignores Elenwen’s words, responding to me instead and making me blink as I cock my head to the side and realize I’d missed the obvious. I cover up for my slight lapse by giving Svanna a crooked smile.
“Well, the two of you were having such a nice conversation. I didn’t want to interrupt.”
Svanna’s smile back makes it clear she doesn’t believe me, and I just chuckle as I spin Elenwen and myself around, so that her back is suddenly to me, and my arm is wrapped around her neck. Svanna just as quickly moves in front of Elenwen, grabbing her by her wrists so that she can’t cast any spells. The Altmer woman bucks against our grips of course, trying to fight us off, but she’s no warrior.
“D-Don’t you d…are…”
It’s not long before I’ve choked her out, and once the struggling stops and Svanna nods decisively, having made sure Elenwen is fully unconscious, I pull her over to a nearby table and lay her out on it. Then, I move my hands to her brow and begin to concentrate on the finer aspects of Charm Magic, such as memory alteration and personality shifting.
However… the defenses are still there, irritatingly enough. I growl, as I find myself stymied most effectively for the first time since I’ve come to Skyrim. But I’m not thinking, and after a moment I realize I’m being silly.
Sure, Elenwen might have defenses against Charm Magic… but will she have defenses against an out of context problem like the Perk Powers I get from the Ordinator Mod? Instead of trying to use Charm Magic to fuck with Elenwen’s mind, I activate her and use Dream Charm instead. She doesn’t immediately wake up and try to attack me, so I do it again and again, until I’ve hopefully maxed out her disposition with me.
Of course, Dream Charm isn’t the cure all, end all… and I’ve never tried using it on an outright enemy before. So, once I’ve used Dream Charm, I try to go back in again with Charm Magic… and find to my relief that I’ve hit pay dirt. With Dream Charm having done its work, Elenwen’s unconscious mind no longer sees me as an invader, at the very least. Meaning I can slip in and have my way with her, with the First Emissary none the wiser.
“I’m in.”
Svanna perks up at that, coming to stand beside me. She looks down at Elenwen with undisguised greed, and even licks her lips as she runs a hand down the unconscious Thalmor’s body.
“… I don’t want her happy.”
I look at Svanna as I work, quirking my eyebrow to show I’m listening.
“Like the Captain. Like Bitch. I want her to submit, but not enjoy it. She should still be mostly herself.”
Ah, that makes sense. So, the Imperial Captain back in Solitude WAS a test run. Yeah… yeah, I could work with that. With Elenwen’s unconscious mind seeing me as a ‘friend’ at the moment and effectively giving me admin access, it’s laughably easy to circumvent her defenses, turning her own mind against her. She’ll still be herself, she’ll still be a haughty bitch, but she won’t be able to stop us from doing what we want with her after this.
I explain all of this to Svanna as I work, making sure what I’ve done is to her specifications, with the lithe Dragonborn nodding and beginning to strip naked as I go. I glance at her in amusement as she looks down at Elenwen with a gaze of pure, possessive lust. When I’m finally done, I pull back and clear my throat.
“… Yes.”
Before I can wake Elenwen up in any particular way, Svanna climbs up onto the table and promptly sits on the Altmer woman’s face, covering the First Emissary’s pouty lips and chin with her cunt. The sudden scent of a woman’s pussy filling her nose, and the press on her face, is enough to make Elenwen’s eyes flutter open as she regains consciousness.
Her eyes widen, and her hands come up, but Svanna doesn’t give her a chance to do anything.
“Stop. Lick.”
Her orders are followed immediately, and I grin as Svanna begins to pant, gyrating her hips, riding Elenwen’s face. The First Emissary is once again panicking, as she finds herself unable to do anything but obey. Meanwhile, I begin to walk around the room, while keeping one eye on Svanna’s conquest. I’m curious to see what sort of things there are to find in here. There’s not much in the way of loot, though I do find correspondence about the two of us, along with notes in Elenwen’s hands about what I’m up to.
She certainly seemed confused that I would go AWOL… that I even COULD go AWOL. Elenwen had always been aware that I was a conditioned Undercover Agent who should have stayed in my lane and done my duty, no matter what. When she’d seen me about to die in Helgen, she’d been disappointed… but even more disappointed that Ulfrida was about to die.
Turned out, they’d had an intimate relationship, once upon a time. Ulfrida had even begrudgingly called Elenwen ‘Mistress’, back in the day. That, of course, had not entirely been consensual, and whatever had been between them was certainly dead now, what with Ulfrida in open rebellion against the Empire for the express purpose of spreading Talos Worship.
However, Elenwen’s writings made it clear that she and the Thalmor were altogether quite happy about that, quite happy to have the Empire tearing itself in two as its most independent Province rose up against it. The longer the Civil War in Skyrim lasted, the weaker the Empire would be when the Thalmor finally got around to starting Round Two.
Nowhere in Elenwen’s notes is Round Two explicitly spelt out to be clear, but I know enough to know that that’s the Aldmeri Dominion’s next step if all goes their way. Ulfrida dying at Helgen would NOT have been in their best interests, even more so than my death at Helgen.
But in the end, neither of us had died at Helgen, and Elenwen had found herself wondering what the fuck was going on, in the days that followed. When I hadn’t made any attempt at contact with her, the Ambassador had even begun to grow a little worried. When my presence at the College of Winterhold had been followed up with Ancano’s disappearance, she’d become downright suspicious.
Estormo was dispatched to bring me in, though how he managed to track me and the others to Labyrinthian, I don’t get an answer from Elenwen’s notes. Maybe he was just scarily competent, or maybe narrative itself decreed he was there. Best not to think about it too hard, I figured. Either way, it’s all laid out before me.
With these writings, I know what Elenwen knew now. Her imperfect knowledge, that had put her in direct opposition with the Last Dragonborn. She’d been fucked the moment she put herself on Svanna’s radar in such a negative fashion, but then, that was probably always destined to happen.
A moan from Svanna causes me to look up from the papers. I watch as Elenwen’s legs kick and scramble, her hands balled into fists at her sides. Svanna is grinding down, and from the look of things, cumming all over the haughty Thalmor Ambassador’s face. I grin, my cock rock hard in its confines and throbbing almost painfully at this point. Reaching down, I finally free my dick from my pants, expecting that Svanna will be utilizing me for the next step of all of this.
I’m not left disappointed either, as Svanna hops off of Elenwen’s face, only to grab the First Emissary by her hair and drag her down to the floor where she lands hard on her hands and knees.
Elenwen is forced to crawl, as Svanna drags her across the floor by her hair, over to me. Then, she pushes Elenwen’s face into the ground at my feet.
“Lick Vayral’s boots and apologize. Beg him for mercy. Tell him how sorry you are for trying to control him.”
Her every movement is jerky and forced, as Elenwen reluctantly leans forward and licks at the top of my boot. Her face covered in Svanna’s pussy juices, the First Emissary looks up at me, hate in her eyes as she nevertheless does as she’s told.
“I’m… sorry. Please. Show mercy. I a-apologize for trying to control you.”
It’s obvious she doesn’t mean it, but that’s half the fun. Just as it’s incredibly hypocritical for Svanna to demand Elenwen beg forgiveness for something that we had in turn done right back to her… more than that, that we had ALWAYS intended to turn around and do to her. One might argue that we were justified in taking this revenge, but let’s be absolutely honest… this was always going to be how things went. Elenwen just gave us all the justifications in the world to do what we were already going to do to her.
Originally, I suspected Svanna was going to wait until we got in a private meeting with the First Emissary, and then have me try and control her. We would have had our fun with Elenwen, before turning her into our puppet. Everyone else in the Embassy needn’t have died for this goal, and probably wouldn’t have if it weren’t for the inopportune Dragon Attack.
Though, I wasn’t sure how well that would have worked if that was the path we would have gone down. Elenwen would have still tried to take control of me, and more than that, would have been able to call in back up with painful ease. It shouldn’t have mattered, but who’s to say? The Dragon Attack truly might have been a blessing in disguise.
“Beg him to fuck you. Beg him to knock you up.”
That first one, Elenwen almost seems to be expecting. But because I’m watching her, I get to see her eyes widen at the second command. Oh, she definitely doesn’t like that idea. And yet, though she grits her teeth, the words are forced out one after the other all the same.
“Please. Fuck me. Please. Knock me up.”
“Well, if you insist.”
Svanna snickers at my cavalier attitude, even as she uses her grip on Elenwen’s hair to spin the First Emissary around so she’s facing away from me. Kneeling down behind her, I use a little trick I’ve never used before. I activate her, and Pickpocket everything she has, including her clothes. An almost cute squeak leaves the startled Ambassador as she suddenly finds her naked, and even Svanna blinks, before grinning a savage grin at the display of power.
Grabbing Elenwen by her hips, I sink into the Thalmor female from behind, punching into her cunt with ease. She’s not wet, but I really don’t care. I fuck her hard and fast, and soon enough the friction makes her moist enough that it’s pleasurable for me, even if it’s not enjoyable for her. Her pride on the line, the First Emissary tries not to make a sound, but it’s impossible. The more I fuck her, the more that little grunts and gasps escape her lips. She can’t help herself.
Reaching up, I grab Svanna by her hair and pull her in for a kiss as I fuck the First Emissary in front of her. Without the Dragonborn, I don’t know what would have happened in this inevitable confrontation with Elenwen. Well, maybe it wouldn’t have been inevitable, but someday I might have met a Thalmor who had my code phrase.
At which point, I’m not sure how long I would have been under their control before I was able to reassert myself thanks to my unique situation. Without Svanna’s help in finding common ground between my two sets of memories, and subsequent speeding up of my melding into one cohesive person, I don’t know what would have happened at all.
As our tongues swap spit, I slam home into Elenwen again and again, until finally, the combination of physical, emotional, and mental pleasure sees me tipping over the edge inside of her. I cum and cum, filling Elenwen with my seed, pumping her full to the brim and then some.
She lets out a strangled growl as I do it, the First Emissary clearly not very happy to be speared and creampied by a ‘weapon’ like me. But what she wants doesn’t matter anymore. What she wants NEVER mattered.
It’s about time that Elenwen learned that in full…


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