Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 316 Empty half of the court! Zhu Yuanzhang and Han Cheng met Yu Qian

Chapter 316 Empty half of the court! Zhu Yuanzhang and Han Cheng met Yu Qian

"Take me to the prison! I want to see Yu Qian!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's words immediately stunned Zhang Fu, Kuang Ye, Wang Wen and many others.

In other words, they all thought that Emperor Taizu Gao deposed Emperor Zhu Qizhen and Queen Mother Sun one after another.

Everyone has arrived in front of the Forbidden City.

You will enter the palace, enter the Fengtian Palace, sit on the dragon chair and handle some important matters.

But who would have thought that he would suddenly make this decision at this time.

Not even going to the imperial city.

We need to go to the prison to see Yu Qian first.

"Reporting to Emperor Taizu Gao, that...Yu Qian is currently being held in prison.

It is a filthy place.

Ma Shun and others from Jinyiwei are not polite to Qian, and they will definitely use some means.

If I go forward at this time, I'm afraid... I might bump into you easily.

If not... Emperor Taizu Gao, you enter the imperial city first, and the minister will immediately take people to the prison to see Ting Yi.

Let someone wash him quickly, put him into decent clothes, and then come to see you, Emperor Taizu Gao. "

After Wang Wen hesitated for a moment, he looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and said carefully.

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head and said: "No, we don't taboo these things.

We just want to meet Yu Qian at this time!

Look at how people who dare to speak, dare to do things, and take responsibility will be persecuted by these people! "

Upon hearing Zhu Yuanzhang's words, Wang Wen immediately did not dare to say any more.

He immediately led the way to the prison.

At the same time, I have already understood in my heart that Tingyi will definitely prosper and prosper this time!

To make Emperor Taizu Gao take him so seriously, he didn't even go to Fengtian Palace, but went to the prison to see him first.

And do not avoid filth.

What an honor!


To be honest, I must be envious?

Which minister doesn't want to be recognized by the emperor?

Especially when it was recognized by Emperor Taizu Gao, the founder of the Ming Dynasty!

Although I am envious, I am not jealous in my heart.

Because he knew that under the circumstances at that time, Tingyi stepped forward and made such suggestions.

How much courage it takes to argue with so many people directly in front of Queen Mother Sun!

It was also very clear that when doing this, Ting Yi had already put life and death aside!

I have risked everything, given everything, and risked everything to accomplish this!

Give up one's life for righteousness!

For a person like Tingyi to receive such attention from Emperor Taizu Gao, he deserves it!

Everything he has done is something that others can’t even envy!

People who have the courage to take responsibility, dare to risk their lives in critical moments, and stand up to take the lead should be respected by others no matter when and where they are!

You can be envious, but never jealous!

At least Wang Wen knew that he would never be able to do what Ting Yi did under the same circumstances.

Otherwise, at this time, the person being imprisoned in the prison is himself, not Tingyi.

Zhang Fu, Kuang Ye, Wang Zuo and many other officials of the Zhengtong Dynasty also had many feelings in their hearts at this time.

Although everyone's minds are complicated, one thing is the same.

That is, everyone knows Yu Qian, the Minister of War, who has a tough temper but is very capable in doing things.

This time, it’s really time to get up!

No one can stop it!


The dark and damp prison had a rotten smell.

There is a huge mouse, probing its head...

In a cramped single cell, Yu Qian, the Minister of War, was tied to a pillar.

At this time, Yu Qian was much thinner than when he was brought in.

He was already thin, and now he looked even thinner.

It gives the impression that there is not much skin and flesh all over the body, only hard bones are left!

There were many scars on his body and his clothes were filthy.

At first glance, it seems that he suffered a lot in prison.

"Servant Yu, please drink some water."

The jailer brought a bowl of water to Yu Qian's mouth and whispered.

Yu Qian opened his eyes and drank the entire bowl of water.

Without the slightest hesitation.

I am not worried about what someone will do in the water.

Yu Qian knew very well that when His Majesty returned from victory, Wang Zhen would be more powerful.

Ma Shun, the commander of the Jinyi Guards, has completely become Wang Zhen's lackey.

So in this case, Ma Shun will only make himself suffer some, and will never kill himself.

He is still waiting to use his own life to flatter Wang Zhen.

His own life, unless His Majesty and the others return in triumph, Wang Zhen personally orders to take it.

Otherwise, no one can take it away.

The jailer was holding a bowl in both hands and had a whip wrapped around his waist. He looked fierce.

Many of the whip marks on Yu Qian's body were caused by him.

But at this time, when there was no one around, he treated Yu Qian very respectfully.

"Your Majesty, they won and they still went to court, right?"

Yu Qian drank a bowl of water and looked at the jailer and asked.

The jailer nodded and said: "Reporting to the Minister, I heard that your Majesty will return to court today.

Many people went to welcome His Majesty on his triumphant return.

The city is very lively today, like the Chinese New Year. "

When Yu Qian heard this, a smile appeared on his face.

"It's good to be victorious!

It’s good to be victorious!

Ming Dynasty is still blessed!

The national destiny of the Ming Dynasty has not declined yet.

What a blessing for the Ming Dynasty! "

Hearing Yu Qian's words, the jailer's expression seemed a little complicated.

To be honest, he admired Yu Qian as a minister, and wanted to untie all the ropes tied to Yu Qian's body.

Let Yu Shilang lie down and have a good rest.

But he didn't dare, he was just a little jailer.

He can only carefully give him the care he can when no one is around.

But I dare not do anything else...

"Master Yu, you..."

He looked at Yu Qian and opened his mouth to say something.

But after he opened his mouth, he didn't know what to say.

I just feel like my heart is full of things that are blocked...

Yu Qian looked at him and smiled and said: "Don't call me Yu Shilang, just call me Yu Qian.

I am no longer a waiter. "

The jailer hurriedly shook his head: "No, you are Yu Shilang, forever!

I don’t dare to call you by your name..."

As he was talking, he suddenly heard some faint movement.

The jailer immediately hid the bowl and took a few steps back, away from Yu Qian.

The whip wrapped around his waist was also quickly held in his hand.

Looking at Yu Qian, he looked fierce.

Not long after doing this, a man wearing a flying fish suit came over.

After seeing Yu Qian, he was furious.

Looking at Yu Qian, he cursed loudly: "Damn it, I'm so unlucky!

Just because of this bullshit like you, everyone else happily went to welcome His Majesty in triumph.

I want to guard you here!

You said, why don’t you die? "

After this man came over, he looked at Yu Qian cursing and was filled with anger.

I cursed a few times and felt it was not enough.

He took the whip from the jailer's hand and whipped Yu Qian several times.

Vent your anger.

Yu Qian was whipped several times, but he didn't say a word.

It seemed that the person who was whipped was not him at all, but the wooden stake.

"Your bones, Yu Qian, are very hard!

It's a pity that he is not smart!

I said things I shouldn’t have said, offended people I shouldn’t have offended, and done things I shouldn’t have done!

You said you are obviously a minister, what an official you are.

He is a person with a bright future from now on.

What a stupid thing to do!

There are so many people who don't stand out, so you have to show off and stand out.

Are you okay now?

Are you dumbfounded?

Others welcomed His Majesty's triumphant return with joy.

Just you motherfucker is locked up in this prison waiting to die.

Damn it, it will make me stay here with you! ! "

The more he cursed, the angrier the Jin Yiwei man became.

He couldn't help but whipped Yu Qian twice.

I just feel that this Yu Qian is extremely abominable.

This time His Majesty led the troops in triumph and won such a big battle.

Wang Zhen, the eunuch, was also very famous.

What a great opportunity it is to go and meet someone at such a moment!

This is a huge opportunity that is very likely to be noticed by His Majesty who is in a good mood, or by Wang Zhen and others. With their appreciation, he will be able to rise to great heights!

This kind of opportunity is very likely to come only once in a person's life.

But it turned out that it was because of the existence of such Yu Qian.

But he was left here to watch Yu Qian, and he missed it for nothing...

The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel.

The more I feel aggrieved!

I just wish Yu Qian could be chopped off!

It's all this damn guy's fault!

Of course, there were so many people in Jinyiwei, but he was the only one left here to guard Yu Qian.

It was because he had offended his immediate boss before, but he would not say it out loud.

He will only put all the blame on Yu Qian to vent his anger.

Yu Qian closed his eyes and let him beat him, but said nothing.

It's like there is no pain at all.

When doing this, he had already made up his mind to risk his life, regardless of life and death.

So there is nothing to say about such a result at this time.

He can accept it.

The only thing I'm sorry for is my wife and children.

I just hope that Qianzhi and the others can save their families.

I also hope that people like Wang Zhen can still gain some face.

No harm to the family.

However, according to his understanding, it is unlikely.

The jailer on the side saw this guy constantly insulting and whipping Yu Qian.

Although I couldn't stand it, I didn't dare to say anything.

He is just a small jailer and cannot stop these people at all.

If he forced himself to come forward, this guy would definitely deal with him as well.

There is also a high possibility that he will also be whipped on the minister.

"Do you regret it now?

You piece of shit, if you don’t serve as a good official, you will seek death!

Are you okay now? He came directly to this prison without saying a word, and he couldn't even save his life.

Even a little royal guard like me was whipped and humiliated.

But no one can come to save you.

Let me tell you, it’s too late for you to regret!

I just want you to regret it! ! "

The man cursed and whipped him several more times.

It's really hard to start.

There were several blood stains on Yu Qian's body, and holes were pulled out of his clothes.

After a while, I suddenly heard some sounds outside.

It seemed that many people came here all of a sudden.

Jin Yiwei, who was whipping and insulting Yu Qian here, was stunned for a moment.

what's the situation?

How come so many people are here at this time?

Aren't they all busy welcoming the emperor and Wang Zhen and others?

After being stunned, I immediately realized what was going on!

It must be Wang Zhen and others who have returned to Beijing in triumph.

After Wang Zhen learned about Yu Qian, he couldn't bear it anymore.

Bring people here as soon as possible.

We must take action to rectify Yu Qian.


After all, this Wang Zhen is not a kind person!

And before that, he had heard that Wang Zhen and Yu Qian had some differences.

Now he has returned with the power of great victory and made great achievements.

And Yu Qian was imprisoned because he committed a crime and caused anger and resentment.

Wang Zhen couldn't bear it anymore. As soon as he came back, he wanted to come over and punish Yu Qian, which was understandable.

When this idea appeared in his mind, he was immediately sure that this was the case!

Otherwise, at such a critical moment, there would never have been so many people coming to the prison!

Then, he got excited!

I originally thought that I was left here because someone tripped me.

Now it seems that with Wang Zhen's sudden move, things seem to have suddenly changed a little differently!

Staying here and watching Yu Qian is no longer a chore, on the contrary, it is a perfect opportunity!

This is your chance to rise to prominence!

An idea quickly came to mind.

He did not go outside to greet him, but pretended not to hear anything going on outside.

Holding the whip, he turned his back to the cell door, looked at Yu Qian and cursed loudly.

The momentum was even more fierce than before.

"Yu Qian, Yu Qian! Tell me what you did wrong, but you have to go against Mr. Wang!

Go against Daming!

You have such ulterior motives, yet you have no shame in pretending to be righteous.

He also said that he should mobilize all kinds of troops and come to the capital quickly.

What's your intention?

You are clearly cursing His Majesty, cursing Mr. Wang for losing the battle!

What's the result now?

Now, your wise and mighty Majesty, with the assistance of Mr. Wang, who is unparalleled in resourcefulness, has achieved a great victory.

Defeat the Wala people in one battle and exalt the prestige of our Ming Dynasty! "

He yelled loudly and righteously.

He also whipped Yu Qian, taking the opportunity to show his loyalty to Wang Zhen.

He wanted to seize this hard-won opportunity to rise to prominence.

With his back to the outside, he didn't realize that the person who came was not Wang Zhen at all.

The leader was a man wearing a dragon robe.

Followed by several people wearing Gonglong robes.

After this Jin Yiwei whipped Yu Qian, in order to better impress Wang Zhen, he whipped Yu Qian again.


But at this moment, a roar suddenly sounded, containing endless majesty and murderous intent.

It’s chilling! The man from Jinyiwei was stunned.

what's the situation?

How could Mr. Wang, a eunuch, be so imposing and shout so powerfully?

After being stunned for a moment, he quickly looked back.

There was already a flattering smile on his face.

Then, he was stunned.

Because the person who came was not Mr. Wang at all, but a man wearing a dragon robe!


The emperor actually came in person? ?

After being stunned, he quickly knelt down.

"Bitch thief! Do you dare to humiliate me?

Go to hell! ! "

Zhu Yuanzhang cursed angrily, and people already rushed over.

Before the people in Jinyiwei could figure out what was going on.

Zhu Yuanzhang had already kicked the Jin Yiwei who was kneeling on the ground with a fierce kick, knocking him to the ground.

He pulled out the Emperor's Sword from his waist and chopped off his head with one strike!

Jin Yiwei's head rolled down, blood spurted out and splashed all over the floor.

When a person's head is cut off suddenly, the brain will not die immediately.

You will still have the ability to think for tens of seconds, and then you will die due to insufficient blood supply and lack of oxygen.

The eyes of the men in Jinyiwei were wide open, full of fear, as their heads rolled down.

Still full of doubts.

what happened?

What exactly is going on? !

Why is it not Wang Zhen who comes but the emperor?

Why did the emperor directly cut himself off after coming here?

Isn't Yu Qian a sinner?

Neither the emperor nor Wang Zhen should hate Qian to death?

I obviously followed their thoughts, and I was obviously going to be successful, so why did it suddenly become like this?

No one told him the answer.

With extreme fear and confusion, the man from Jinyiwei soon stopped making any movement.

Before dying, I became a confused fool...

This movement also made Yu Qian, who had kept his eyes closed, open his eyes.

After Zhu Yuanzhang killed the Jin Yiwei with one sword, he glanced at the trembling jailer who was kneeling on the ground.

He held his sword and struck at the jailer.

"Stop! Don't kill him! He is a good man!!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's sword was less than five inches away from the jailer. After hearing what Yu Qian shouted, he stopped abruptly.

The warm blood beads on the sword shook the jailer's neck.

The jailer was so frightened that he fainted as soon as he rolled his eyes.

After this swing, there was no blood left on the Emperor's Sword in Zhu Yuanzhang's hand.

The entire sword body still looks like a stream of autumn water.

Zhu Yuanzhang did not sheath his sword, but came to Yu Qian's side in two steps.

The long sword in his hand struck at Yu Qian!

Yu Qian's eyes were just staring at Zhu Yuanzhang's face and the dragon robe on his body.

There was no other reaction.

It seemed as if he didn't even see the sword coming towards him.

The next moment, his body loosened and the ropes binding his hands and feet broke.

After losing the restraint of the rope, the weak Yu Qian swayed and almost fell to the ground.

He was forced to hold on, gritting his teeth and pressing against the pillar behind him little by little, to prevent himself from falling.

"Who are you?!"

Yu Qian didn't feel any joy at being saved. Instead, he stared at Zhu Yuanzhang and asked.

"Me? I'm Zhu Yuanzhang!"

Even a person with Yu Qian's temperament almost couldn't hold his breath when he suddenly heard such an answer from Zhu Yuanzhang.

This answer was really beyond his expectation, and he was almost knocked out of his way.

"Who are you? How dare you impersonate and insult Taizu Gao Emperor!!"

After being stunned, Yu Qian looked angry and scolded Zhu Yuanzhang angrily.

"Tingyi, don't be rude, this is really Taizu Emperor Gao!"

Wang Wen from behind quickly shouted to remind Yu Qian.

Don't let Yu Qian do anything excessive.

And quickly came to the cell.

I saw the blood in the prison and the falling head.

His eyelids twitched involuntarily.

This Emperor Taizu Gao is indeed worthy of being Emperor Taizu Gao!

Killing someone is like chopping melons and vegetables!

Is he really Emperor Taizu Gao?

Yu Qian was stunned after hearing Wang Wen's words.

At that moment, Wang Wen hurriedly spoke out and told what he knew about Zhu Yuanzhang bringing King Qin, King Jin, King Yan, Prince Yiwen, and the mysterious son-in-law Mr. Han.

Yu Tumubao's efforts to turn the tide were briefly told to Yu Qian.

Yu Qian was shocked when he heard this.

I kept repeating in my heart over and over again that my son was silent and had strange power and chaos.

But everything in front of him showed him that this was true.

After standing here in silence for a moment, Yu Qian could no longer hold on.

As soon as his legs softened, he knelt on the ground and paid homage to Zhu Yuanzhang.

"I, Yu Qian, pay my respects to Emperor Taizu Gao!

I have met Prince Yiwen, His Highness King Qin, His Highness King Jin, King Yan... Emperor Taizong!

I’ve met Mr. Han! "

At this time, Yu Qian's doubts were all cleared up.

It's not that he wanted to curse Ming Dynasty or Emperor Zhu Qizhen.

But based on the analysis of all aspects, it is basically impossible for Zhu Qizhen, Wang Zhen and others to make a comeback under that situation.

The biggest possibility is that he will be severely injured by Ye Xian and others.

But the result that came back was that the situation of the battle had a shocking reversal.

Although he was happy about it, he also had some doubts in his heart.

I always feel like something is not quite right.

Now I understand it all at once.

It turned out that Emperor Taizu Gao brought Prince Yiwen, including the three great Sai kings of the early Ming Dynasty, to Tumubao to show off his power!

No wonder it achieved such brilliant results!

Zhu Yuanzhang hurriedly helped Yu Qian up personally.

He said aloud: "Shilang Yu, you don't have to be polite.

You don't have to be so polite when you see us.

Your name is well known to us.

We admire you deeply in our hearts.

I am also happy that our Ming Dynasty can have someone like you who can turn the tide and dare to take responsibility! "

After hearing Zhu Yuanzhang's words, Yu Qian's eyes were a little moist.

The things he did were recognized by Taizu Emperor Gao, and he could hear too many Emperor Gao say such things to him in person.

That's really exciting!

I just feel that everything is worth it!

Yu Qian suppressed the excitement in his heart and shook his head: "Emperor Taizu Gao, you are ridiculously complimenting me.

Wei Chen didn't do anything. Fortunately, they put me in jail and didn't listen to my previous suggestions.

If you listen, then this time it is really a waste of people and money.

Pingbai caused turmoil in the Ming Dynasty. "

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head and said: "You are too humble, you have no idea how good you are.

What have they done in history?

According to the original historical process, we did not come here.

The battle of Tumubao caused heavy casualties to our Ming soldiers.

More than fifty generals and ministers accompanying the army died!

Only a few people managed to escape.

Zhu Qizhen, this bastard, was captured by Mr. Ye. Why don't you take Ye first and call me the Ming Dynasty's border guards!

Please lead the way first!

And after this news came back, many people were frightened!

Xu Youzhen proposed moving south...

At that moment, it was you, Yu Qian, who stood up and overcame everyone else's opinions, saying that anyone who suggested moving south could be killed..."

As Zhu Yuanzhang spoke, he told Yu Qian face to face what Yu Qian had done.

After hearing what Zhu Yuanzhang said, Yu Qian was not happy about his feat.

Instead, my heart felt heavy.

It turns out...according to the original history, the Ming Dynasty was actually so miserable!

He actually suffered such a heavy blow!

So many soldiers, so many courtiers, died unexpectedly!

Even the emperor was captured alive!

The most shameful thing is that he even called the enemy! !

Originally, he knew that Zhu Qizhen was not up to expectations.

In the end, I didn't expect that he could live up to his expectations to such an extent!

What a coward!

As an emperor, you can't do this even if you die!

At this time, many of the ministers behind could not help but feel shocked.

The look in Yu Qian's eyes also changed.

No wonder!

No wonder Emperor Gao, Taizu, was so resentful towards Xu Youzhen and others.

No wonder Emperor Gao, Taizu, was so interested in Qian, the Minister of War who stayed in Beijing!

When Xu Youzhen and others were welcoming them thirty miles outside the capital, Emperor Taizu Gao asked about Yu Qian.

He also asked who had persecuted Yu Qian.

After returning to the capital, he did not even enter the Forbidden City, but took people to the prison to see Yu Qian in person!

It turns out that according to the original history, Yu Qian actually did that kind of thing!

Thinking about the scenes after the tragic defeat of Tumubao described by Emperor Taizu Gao, many people feel their scalps go numb.

The pressure is like a mountain!

If you are not careful, the country will collapse and the mountains and rivers will fall!

In that situation, Yu Qian was able to stand up and lead people to guard the Ming Dynasty!

Don’t let the land of China sink!

Really admirable!

It is also worthy of Taizu Emperor Gao to care so much about him.

Han Cheng stepped forward and couldn't help but salute Yu Qian.

"People in future generations will see Yu Shaobao!"

Han Cheng performed this ceremony very respectfully, and his mood was very exciting.

Who would have thought that one day he would actually be able to see Yu Qian.

And talk to him in person.

When Zhu Yuanzhang saw Han Cheng saluting Qian, he couldn't help but be stunned.

In other words, this bastard boy didn't pay me such a courtesy when he and I officially met for the first time.

Just reach out and shake your own hand.

He also said that when future generations meet, they will all shake hands.

Why did this change when Yu Qian came here?

Yu Qian also quickly saluted Han Cheng.

"Emperor Taizu Gao, as well as His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and all other Highnesses can come to Tumu Fort to turn the tide and save the Ming Dynasty from the fire.

Is it your handiwork? "

Han Cheng waved his hands quickly: "I cannot bear the word 'you' from you, Yu Shaobao.

I am just a descendant, and when I heard about Tumubao, I was filled with regret and gnashed my teeth.

I also admire you very much for Shaobao.

Now that I have the ability, I naturally want to come here to make up for my regrets..."

After talking to Yu Qian, Zhu Yuanzhang stopped talking.

He and Zhu Biao, one on the left and the other on the right, helped Yu Qian out of the prison.

Yu Qian refused several times, but Zhu Yuanzhang refused.

In the end, he could only let Zhu Yuanzhang, Emperor Gao, and Prince Yiwen help him out.

Yu Qian only felt that his whole body was light and airy, as if he was in a dream.

My heart was up and down, and my eyes were filled with tears.

I just feel that this is the most glorious moment in my life!

"Wei Chen...Wei Chen just did some things that a person of the Ming Dynasty and a minister of the Ming Dynasty should do.

If you don’t deserve to be Emperor Taizu Gao, you treat Prince Yiwen like this..."

Yu Qian said with a choked voice.

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head: "You don't know how precious what you do is!

Without you, Ming Dynasty would have lost fifty years of national destiny!

If everyone could be like you, Yu Qian, why would our Ming Dynasty perish after more than two hundred years? "

Many other courtiers followed, such as Wang Wenwang, Wang Zuo, Kuang Ye, Zhang Fu and many others.

After seeing Yu Qian's treatment, everyone was really envious.

I just regret that this person is not me.

The most dazzling person today turned out to be Yu Qian!

Being treated like this is really worth dying for!

Seeing the treatment Yu Qian received at this time, many people's moods changed.

For example, Zhang Fu, whose edges have been smoothed by time, has many different feelings in his heart.

If he could turn back time, let him return to Tumu Fort now.

Facing Kuang Ye's pleading look, he would never remain silent again! !

And this is also one of the reasons why Zhu Yuanzhang treats Yu Qian so seriously...


Zhu Yuanzhang personally sent Yu Qian back home.

He immediately called in famous doctors to treat Yu Qian's injuries.

At the same time, people were also sent delicious meals to Yu Qian, and reliable personnel were arranged to guard Yu Qian.

After doing this, Zhu Yuanzhang entered the Forbidden City.

Arrive at Fengtian Hall.

There are already a large number of courtiers in the orthodox time and space.

Zhu Yuanzhang sat on the dragon chair and did not say any heroic words.

Instead, he immediately issued an order and asked several reliable personnel to immediately check whether the Wang Zhen comrades who had been captured before were all real.

At the same time, people were also sent to Wang Zhen's hometown and captured all nine of his clansmen.

Ma Shun, Xu Youzhen, Wang Changsui, the dead Mao Gui and others also received the same treatment.

Listening to Zhu Yuanzhang's instructions, some people were excited and some were shocked.

I knew that Emperor Taizu Gao was going to prepare for a killing spree next.

This time, half of the court was emptied!

But thinking about the actions of Wang Zhen and others, Emperor Taizu Gao's move was really very satisfying!

As Zhu Yuanzhang issued orders one after another, many people immediately took action.

The city of Beiping, which was filled with cheers not long ago, soon fell into a state of mourning.

Everyone in the home of Wang Zhen's nephew Wang Shan was arrested.

The homes of Ma Shun, Xu Youzhen and others in Beiping City were also confiscated.

Many people have been arrested and brought to justice...

By the third day, the general investigation in all aspects had been completed.

Among the more than 200 people who were identified by Wang Wen and rounded up when welcoming Zhu Yuanzhang, not one of them was wrongfully accused. They were all members of Wang Zhen's party.

Not only that, during this investigation, many people were unearthed through searching the homes of Wang Zhen, Xu Youzhen, Ma Shun and others...

By noon that day, there was a long queue here at Caishikou.

Zhu Yuanzhang personally supervised the execution.

Take the remaining officials from the DPRK and the Central Government to watch the execution here.

This time, there were more than 260 named and numbered people who were killed!

Among them, more than ten people, including Xu Youzhen, Ma Shun, and Wang Changsui, were even skinned and stripped of their grass!

This time, only heads were killed and rivers of blood flowed!

It made many people tremble when they saw it.

Many people clapped and applauded...

And these are just the principal offenders.

Those accomplices and their families will be punished later...

For a time, the entire city of Beiping was in mourning!


"Han Cheng, tell me who should we arrange to be the emperor of this orthodox time and space next?"

In Wuying Hall, Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Han Cheng and asked.

Zhu Yuanzhang was a bit confused about who should succeed Zhu Qizhen as emperor next...

(End of this chapter)

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