Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 315 Destroy Demon Queen Sun! Demon Queen Sun collapses

Chapter 315 Destroy Demon Queen Sun! Demon Queen Sun collapses

Following Empress Dowager Sun's instructions, everyone in the palace who had been prepared immediately took action.

All the ceremonial guards belonging to the Queen Mother were displayed, and Queen Mother Sun, who was dressed in a rich dress, was carried all the way towards the outside of the imperial city.

Queen Mother Sun was sitting on the Luan Chao, smiling as if she had eaten bee dung.

She was in such a good mood, better than ever before!

His own son fought such a big victory.

This is the first time I have led troops on an expedition, and yet I am so brave and invincible. How shameless!

As a mother, I have a bright face!

With this experience, his son will definitely be recorded in the annals of history and become a colorful event in the history of the Ming Dynasty!

His achievements will surely be talked about by future generations.

My brave and invincible son will definitely become the Ming God of War!

He deserves this title!

With such a glorious record, let’s see who dares to complain to his son!

I feel that my son cannot lead troops to fight!

The ministers in the court must be more honest.

Don't think that they came from the late emperor's dynasty, or even from the Hongxi and Yongle dynasties.

He is qualified to rely on his old age to support his own son!

They are nothing!

Then he thought of Yu Qian who was captured by the Jin Yiwei and imprisoned.

Another layer of frost appeared on her face.

The sneer is full of meaning.

This piece of shit Yu Qian has bad intentions.

Are you dumbfounded now that you look down on your son so much?

This kind of people are of no use to the Ming Dynasty, so what use are they?

After his son came back, he immediately beheaded Yu Qian!

Use it as a warning and set your sights straight!

Use Qian’s head to greet his son!

Sitting on the Luan Jia, thinking about these things, she felt particularly comfortable.

She has ridden in this Luanjia more than once.

The full guard of honor belonging to the Queen Mother was also displayed more than once.

But I have never been as proud as today.

I have never felt that this is a Luanjia that is so comfortable to sit on as it is today!

The palace attendants who were carrying Queen Mother Sun were all beaming with joy.

Ever since the news came that His Majesty had won a great victory in Tumu Fort, captured Ye first, divided his body into five pieces, and returned in triumph.

Empress Dowager Sun, who was originally very temperamental and difficult to take care of, became extraordinarily amiable.

I wish I could reward these people three times a day!

Even if someone accidentally makes a mistake and breaks a vase or tea cup.

Empress Dowager Sun would not be as preoccupied as before, get angry, or even directly execute people.

At most, he would say a few words in a non-trivial manner, and the matter would be gently revealed.

Today, I went to welcome His Majesty's triumphant return. Just look at the happy look of the Queen Mother at this time, and then think about what she did before.

In all likelihood, after today's incident is over, these people will definitely receive many rewards from the Queen Mother.

The more I think about it, the happier I feel, and the more I feel that Your Majesty won the battle well this time!

With excitement, the extremely solemn and solemn ceremonial guard of the Queen Mother passed through the newly dressed and festive palace.

After leaving the imperial city, they formed a formation outside the imperial city.

Here we await the emperor's triumphant return.

Sitting on the Luan Chao, Queen Mother Sun, dressed in a rich attire, could not help but look forward a few times.

There is a feeling of lust.

Zhu Qizhen Yujia personally testified that he had been away for so long.

It was still her son. He had grown so big since he was born, and it was the first time he left her as his mother.

It's still so long.

How can she not miss her?

In addition, the son returned with the power of victory.

I can't wait even more.

I just want to quickly see the majestic look of my son who has returned with a great victory.

"Here it comes! The Queen Mother! Your Majesty is here!"

"His Majesty has returned triumphantly!!"

After waiting for a while, those with sharp eyes were the first to see the soldiers coming from a distance and walking at the front.

Couldn't help shouting loudly.

With joy and excitement.

"Help me down quickly!"

When Queen Mother Sun heard this, she immediately became excited.

He quickly said to the people around him.

He stood up and, with the help of the palace maid, quickly got off the Luanjia.

Move forward quickly.

Logically speaking, as the emperor's mother and the current Queen Mother, she would not go out of the imperial city to greet her, or even sit on the Luan Chariot.

But the Queen Mother obviously did not want to do this.

Now it was her precious son, returning with a great victory.

It was a very long-faced moment.

As a mother, she naturally wanted to welcome her son.

Absolutely no one will say that she shouldn't do this, they will only envy her as the Queen Mother for having such a son who is ambitious and capable of fighting!

Under the gaze of Empress Dowager Sun, only two rows of soldiers were seen leading the way.

These soldiers are mighty and majestic. If you look closely, you can see that some of the flags in the team are somewhat incomplete.

Some soldiers' armors have marks of being hacked by swords and axes.

Some still have some black marks on them.

At first glance, it looked like he had experienced a dangerous fight.

This made Queen Mother Sun feel a little frightened and frightened.

Then there was even stronger pride rising from deep within.

My son has experienced a real bloody battle and achieved solid military exploits!

The soldiers who were clearing the way in front stopped one after another not far from Queen Mother Sun and lined up on both sides of the road.

Leave the main road open.

Queen Mother Sun stood there and looked forward along the avenue.

I saw many people coming from this avenue.

The first person was wearing a dragon robe and sitting on a horse, looking very majestic.

Although he was far away, he couldn't see his face clearly.

But just looking at the dragon robe and the treatment like the stars holding the moon, Queen Mother Sun was immediately sure that this was her son!

Besides his own son, who else could be treated like this?

Who dares to do this?

Immediately, he was busy and quickened his pace, moving forward to meet him.

As a result, she quickly walked forward to meet him. After getting closer, she looked at her son who was wearing a dragon robe. Queen Mother Sun was a little dazed.

Why...why does it look like his son's beard has grown a lot longer?

And it seems that even the body is much stronger?

It seems that even the appearance is a little different.

However, such doubts only appeared in my mind for a moment, and then disappeared again.

It’s not surprising that my son has become like this.

After all, going on an expedition here is no better than being in the palace.

You will definitely have to eat and sleep in the open air and suffer a lot.

It is normal for the beard to grow longer.

As for getting stronger physically…

He has gone through such a battle and has become a real man and a real emperor.

It makes sense to become stronger.

Thinking about this, I couldn't help but burst into tears.

My son really suffered a lot this time!

Arriving at a place fifty feet away from Zhu Yuanzhang, Queen Mother Sun had already stopped.

Facing Zhu Yuanzhang who was riding on the horse, he saluted respectfully and said: "Your Majesty is welcome to return to court after victory!"

"Your Majesty is mighty!"

"The Ming Dynasty is mighty!!"

She shouted this with all her strength and emotion.

The palace servants who came behind her also shouted.

For a moment, the scene was quite grand.

But Queen Mother Sun was stunned immediately.

Because after she saluted and said these words, her son riding on the horse didn't react much.

In other words, according to my understanding of my son, he experienced such a battle and achieved such a great victory.

I haven't seen myself for so many days.

Now that I have returned from victory, and see myself here to greet him, wouldn’t I have to dismount my horse and run over as soon as possible?

Even if she didn't dismount and run over, she would definitely be very excited and call her mother.

How come... you are riding on a horse now, and there is no movement at all?

Immediately I felt a little enlightened and understood what was going on.

Now, my son is no longer the son he was before!

Now his son is an emperor who has proven his ability to the world through real achievements and achieved such a dazzling victory.

At this time, it is another important moment for the army to return to the court.

He became calm, which was reasonable.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the Queen Mother Sun who was saluting without saying a word and showing no intention of stopping.

He rode his horse towards the Empress Dowager Sun calmly and at his original speed.

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't have a good impression of the Empress Dowager Sun.

After all, he had heard Han Cheng say it before.

This Queen Mother Sun was called the Demon Queen in later generations.

In the Ming Dynasty, from his sister to the fourth son's family, and the queen Zhang of the fourth son's fat son, Gao Chi.

Those are all famous empresses.

As a result, when we arrived at Sun's place, this good tradition was suddenly wiped out.

Of course, the poisonous woman Lu must be removed from this.

The fact that Zhu Qizhen became like this cannot be entirely attributed to the Sun family.

But there will definitely be some relationship with her as a mother.

Sun was vaguely aware of something different.

How is this... Today, my son's imperial majesty is a bit too strong.

The shelves are too big!

Even though he knew that his son had grown up, he still couldn't sit on the horse until now without dismounting and talking to him.

Even though he was the emperor, he returned victorious.

But when he saw his mother and greeted her from the front, he couldn't really show off the majesty of being an emperor.

If this is true, some people will definitely slander their son on this matter in the future.

He immediately raised his head, ready to remind me.

It was also after looking up that a huge surprise came.

Seeing the face of the man sitting on the horse and wearing a dragon robe who came closer, Sun was instantly stunned.

This...is this his son?

When did my son become like this?

Not to mention the drastic change in appearance, how come even the appearance has aged so much all of a sudden?

She looks older than her mother!

what is happening?

Is this still his son?

Didn't we agree that it was his son who won the great victory at Tumubao and led the troops in triumph?

Why did it suddenly...become like this? ?

At this moment, countless question marks rose from her mind.

It made her completely confused.

She always felt that she was extremely smart.

But at this time, he was completely confused by the scene in front of him.

Completely overwhelmed.

"You...who are you?"

Sun looked at Zhu Yuanzhang and asked stammering.

"Where is my son?!

Where is your majesty? Where has His Majesty gone? ! "

When she mentioned Zhu Qizhen, her voice became sharp.

Although a woman is weak, she is strong as a mother.

Regardless of whether Sun is qualified as a queen mother of a country, her concern for her son Zhu Qizhen is indeed genuine.

After realizing the strangeness of the matter, she immediately thought of her son.

Asked in public.

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang had already arrived in front of Empress Dowager Sun on horseback.

Sitting on the horse, looking down at Queen Mother Sun from a high position.

This Sun family member is indeed very good-looking.

No wonder Zhu Zhanji, a descendant who is not doing his job properly, can be charmed like that.

Although he knew that she had a bad character, he was reluctant to take her away when he left.

"The British Duke! The British Duke! Where is your Majesty?

Where is His Majesty? ! ! "

Seeing this man sitting on a war horse and wearing a dragon robe, he looked at himself and said nothing.

After the aura on her body made people feel a little depressed and frightened, Queen Mother Sun's eyes quickly bypassed this person and looked behind him.

After passing those few people, who also made her stunned, she saw the British Duke Zhang Fu further behind.

He immediately raised his voice and asked.

The voice was anxious and a little panicked.

Hearing this, Zhang Fu hurriedly got off his horse.

When he came to the front, he saluted the Empress Dowager Sun: "Report...Report to the Empress Dowager, this is Emperor Taizu Gao!

Emperor Taizu Gao appeared!

This is Zhu Biao, Prince Yiwen.

This is His Highness the King of Qin, this is His Highness the King of Jin, and this is His Highness the King of Yan.

This is the son-in-law of Emperor Taizu Gao, Mr. Han..."

Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Di and others can sit on the horse and look down at the Queen Mother Sun.

But Zhang Fu couldn't do it as a minister.

Regardless of whether Zhu Qizhen was deposed or not, Emperor Taizu Gao did not order the deposed Empress Dowager Sun at this time.

Then Mrs. Sun will still be the Queen Mother.

As a minister, he must have the proper etiquette.

However, he did not answer the Queen Mother Sun's question, but first introduced the identities of Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao and others to the Queen Mother Sun.

Let Queen Mother Sun know something.

After listening to Zhang Fu's introduction, the anxious Queen Mother Sun suddenly became confused.

Taizu... Taizu Emperor Gao?

Isn't Emperor Taizu Gao Zhu Yuanzhang?

Is he the man who single-handedly created the Ming Dynasty, wrote the ancestral precepts of the Ming Dynasty, and created such a huge foundation?

He...how did he appear?

Also, Prince Yiwen, King Qin, King Jin, King Yan...

So... these are all people from the early Ming Dynasty?

After being confused, she instinctively felt that Zhang Fu was talking nonsense here.

How can it be!

Even if these people who have been dead for decades really appear, it is just a dream at most.

Greatness is attached to others.

How could they appear in broad daylight like they are now?

Queen Mother Sun Yingtao opened her mouth wide and fell into a daze.

Han Cheng, who was behind Zhu Yuanzhang, looked at the famous Demon Empress Sun in confusion.

I find it very interesting.

At the same time, I couldn't help but sigh, this Demon Empress Sun is almost forty now, right?

But she still has such beauty and charm. No wonder he could control Zhu Zhanji's heart and confuse him like that.

But unfortunately, as he brings Zhu Yuanzhang to this orthodox time and space, the fate of Demon Empress Sun will also change.

Need to log off in advance.

After standing there stunned for a moment.

Empress Dowager Sun looked directly at Zhu Yuanzhang and others and knelt down.

"My great-grandson's daughter-in-law, pay homage to Emperor Taizu Gao! We sincerely welcome Emperor Taizu Gao to appear!"

“Welcome to your highnesses to appear!

Welcome Emperor Taizong to appear! "

The Queen Mother Sun was very straightforward in this matter.

After being stunned, he immediately knelt down.

Say hello.

Although she also thinks this matter is very ridiculous.

However, since this man in dragon robe has led his troops to Beiping City without any trouble.

And we have already arrived in front of the Forbidden City.

Zhang Fu and other veterans of the four dynasties, as well as so many people in the court, all followed them voluntarily and respectfully.

Zhang Fu also said that this was Taizu Emperor Gao.

Then, she must admit this.

This is Emperor Taizu Gao.

It was much better for Emperor Taizu Gao to appear, than for someone else to quietly launch a coup, seize the kingdom that belonged to her son, and lead troops to the Forbidden City!

After all, this is the ancestor!

Since it is the ancestor who appears, the ancestor will naturally bless the descendants.

Certainly not too harsh on them.

Queen Mother Sun's reaction was beyond the expectations of many people.

"Stand up."

After Zhu Yuanzhang glanced at her, he finally said a word.

Queen Mother Sun stood up as instructed.

"Then...it was you, Emperor Taizu Gao, who won the great victory at Tumubao and cut Walaye into pieces by five horses?"

Queen Mother Sun's mind was spinning, and she looked at Zhu Yuanzhang with caution and asked.

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded.

Seeing this, Empress Dowager Sun fell to the ground in a hurry.

"Unfilial great-grandson daughter-in-law, I would like to thank Emperor Taizu Gao, Emperor Taizong, and your highnesses for showing up and saving this unfilial descendant of Qi Zhen.

Bless our Ming Dynasty soldiers and protect our Ming Dynasty! "

After acknowledging the identities of these people, some things will become logical with just a little thought.

She has realized that this great victory in the Tumu Fort was probably not caused by her son.

It was these Zhu family ancestors who suddenly and inexplicably appeared and led the troops to fight.

Sun felt very disappointed.

After all, she had been very happy about this matter for a long time before this.

Until yesterday, I was too excited to sleep at night.

More than once, he talked a lot with the late emperor Zhu Zhanji, boasting about his son and himself.

He also felt that his son would leave his name in history and become the Ming God of War in the future.

But who could have imagined that the truth would be so cruel.

This matter has nothing to do with my son!

It all depends on the manifestation of the ancestors.

I felt very disappointed.

However, when you are disappointed, there is nothing wrong with kneeling down to express your gratitude.

Of course, even if his son really fought against Shenwei, the victory of Tumubao had little to do with these ancestors who suddenly appeared.

It's also right for her to say some beautiful words at this time.

After all, it’s not strange to have too many people.

Queen Mother Sun is quite good at these little things.

But what Zhu Yuanzhang said next stunned her.

She was polite to the ancestors of the Zhu family, but the ancestors were not polite to her.

"It's not just to save that bastard!!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard the Empress Dowager Sun say this, he snorted angrily.

“We showed up because we didn’t want to see many innocent Ming soldiers die tragically.

I don’t want to see the Ming Dynasty we conquered being ruined by a bastard like him! ! "

After hearing Zhu Yuanzhang's words, everyone felt Zhu Yuanzhang's attitude.

After being stunned, Queen Mother Sun was completely convinced.

His son, whom he thought was wise and powerful, failed to make much contribution in leading the army on this expedition.

Instead, he made things extremely bad.

There is a great possibility that if these ancestors had not appeared, he would have been defeated by Wala Ye first and suffered a big loss.

Otherwise, Emperor Taizu Gao would never have been provoked to say such a thing.

Immediately, she knelt on the ground again and confessed her son's mistake to his ancestors.

And some exculpation along the way.

At the same time, I felt very disappointed in my heart.

I thought this time it was my son fighting Kamui, and they fought such a beautiful battle.

Who would have thought that this is not the case in reality.

But despite being lost, there is also some joy.

No matter what he said, with the blessing of these ancestors, at least his son's life would be safe.

Won't suffer too much damage.

After all, these are the ancestors of the Zhu family. Even if they express disdain, they will actually protect their descendants.

Not to mention that his son is still the emperor!

"Emperor Taizu Gao, I don't know... I don't know where Qizhen is?"

After admitting her mistake to these ancestors on behalf of Zhu Qizhen, Empress Dowager Sun looked at Zhu Yuanzhang carefully and asked.

Zhu Yuanzhang waved his hand behind him.

Soon, someone came up carrying Zhu Qizhen.

As soon as I saw the man who was swollen like a pig's head and whose limbs were covered with bandages.

Sun was stunned for a moment.

This is...his son?

Has his son become so miserable?

After careful identification, he could vaguely see the shadow of his son in the swollen, bruised and swollen face.

Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao, Zhu Di and others really wanted to beat Zhu Qizhen, and their own mother didn't even recognize them.

"My son! My son!

My little boy! ! "

She couldn't hold it in any longer.

With a squeal, he rushed over.

"My son, you... how did you become like this?

Which bastard beat you like this?

Are they those Walas?

These thieves deserve to die! "

As soon as she saw Zhu Qizhen's miserable state of being beaten, Queen Mother Sun couldn't bear it anymore.

Just start crying here.

Zhu Qizhen's face turned green when he heard her words.

"Mother! Mother! Don't scold!"

He quickly shouted in a low voice.

If it weren't for the severe pain in his arm, he would have covered her mother's mouth in desperation at this moment.

Next, whether he can continue to sit on the throne depends on Zhu Yuanzhang's thoughts.

How can I scold you again at this time?

"This...these were beaten by Emperor Taizu Gao, Emperor Taizong, and Prince Yiwen."

Zhu Qizhen quickly explained to his mother.

Upon hearing this, Queen Mother Sun was stunned.

It was actually a few of them who beat him? ?

This... this is too bullying! !

Okay, why are you beating your own son?

Although my son is a bit mischievous sometimes, overall he is still very good.

These are their descendants!

Even if they want to fight or teach them a lesson, that's fine.

But you can’t beat him to death!

Seeing her good son being beaten like this made her feel really uncomfortable!

So resentful!

Even if the person who did it was Taizu Emperor Gao, she was still dissatisfied and angry.

I want to seek some justice for my son.

But the next moment, what Zhu Qizhen said made Sun no longer in the mood to think about her son being beaten.

"Mother, mother, please quickly beg Taizu Emperor Gao to let him return my throne to me.

He can't cripple me..."

Zhu Qizhen said with a tearful voice, looking at his mother pleadingly.

This is his last hope.


As soon as Zhu Qizhen said these words, Empress Dowager Sun was shocked!

This news comes so violently!

His son's throne was actually deposed? !

how so!

How could this be?

This is her son!

Why can she become the Queen Mother?

It was because his son became the emperor.

Now that her son has been deposed, can she still become the Queen Mother?

This surprise was really a big deal for her! !

“Son, tell your mother, what on earth is going on?!

Emperor Taizu Gao, why did you depose your throne? "

Sun's words were stuttering at this time.

Zhu Qizhen immediately told him what Zhu Yuanzhang had told him before and what he did later.

Informed his mother.

Of course, when saying these words, it is somewhat evasive.

There were some things that he thought were very shameful, but he didn't tell his mother.

Upon hearing Zhu Qizhen's words, Sun also seemed a little confused.

It turned out that according to the original history, his son would be defeated so completely in the Battle of Tumu Fort!

Only then did she suddenly realize that the strategy proposed by Yu Qian was the most correct!

If Taizu Emperor Gao hadn't appeared and turned the tide.

At this time, Daming's situation will become extremely critical!

What Yu Qian mentioned is to have soldiers and horses from all over the country enter the capital quickly, which is the most foresighted!

After staying here for a while, she hurriedly came to Zhu Yuanzhang, knelt on the ground and began to cry and beg.

Just let Zhu Yuanzhang, the great emperor, show mercy and teach him a lesson, but he doesn't dare to really dethrone Zhu Qizhen from the throne.

He also said that Zhu Qizhen was also a very good boy.

It's just that some late emperors left early and some needed discipline.

Now Emperor Taizu Gao is here, and Emperor Taizu Gao will discipline him. He will definitely change his past mistakes and so on.

What he said was much more beautiful than what Zhu Qizhen said.

Zhu Qizhen was not too far away. Listening to what his mother said, hope rose in his heart.

I felt that since my mother was so eloquent, Emperor Taizu Gao would probably take back her life.

In fact, he now wanted to endure the pain, go to Emperor Taizu Gao, and pray to Emperor Taizu Gao together with his mother.

But he didn't dare to do this.

It's not that he's afraid of pain, but he knows that this piece of shit like Emperor Taizu and Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, as well as guys like Emperor Taizong Zhu Di, get very angry when they see him and want to beat him up.

Kneeling there and praying by yourself will only have the opposite effect.

"shut up!!"

Just when Zhu Qizhen was once again igniting hope, he suddenly heard a loud shout.

He immediately interrupted his mother's runny nose and tears.

It was Zhu Yuanzhang who spoke.

"Zhu Qizhen has humiliated his ancestors, ruined our Ming Dynasty, and damaged our national destiny for at least thirty years!

Such a fool and such a waste, why should I let him be the emperor?

He's a fucking emperor!

Waste is waste, mud can never support the wall!

And you, Mrs. Sun, as the Queen Mother, you don’t have the majesty that a Queen Mother should have.

She cannot fulfill the duties that a queen mother should have!

Do you know what you will be called in future generations?

You are called the Demon Queen!

Zhu Qizhen will become like this, and you also need to bear a share of responsibility!

According to our decree, as the Queen Mother, Mrs. Sun does not have the demeanor of a Queen Mother, has no talent or virtue, and can only play some clever tricks.

This kind of people are not worthy of being the Queen Mother!

Take away her position as Queen Mother and depose her as a commoner!

Together with his son Zhu Qizhen, he was sent to Fengyang to guard the ancestral graves, and he could not leave even half a step for the rest of his life! ! "

When Zhu Yuanzhang said these cold words, both Zhu Qizhen and Empress Dowager Sun were completely stunned.

Who would have thought that it would be such a result!

His mother begged for mercy on her behalf, but not only did she not beg for mercy, but she herself was also involved?

This result was unacceptable to Zhu Qizhen.

Immediately he cried out again.

At this time, Sun's defense was also broken, and she knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.

Pray that Zhu Yuanzhang will take back his life.

That way, he looked really pitiful and helpless.

But Zhu Yuanzhang knew how incompetent and infuriating what they did was.

How can they pay attention to their cries and begging?

Besides, Zhu Yuanzhang is the kind of person who once he is cruel, his heart can be as hard as a stone.

If they cry and beg again, it will only be counterproductive to Zhu Yuanzhang!

Zhu Yuanzhang became impatient when he heard them crying, and directly ordered them to be sent to their hometown in Fengyang to guard their ancestral graves immediately.

Don't stop for a moment.

As soon as his order was issued, someone immediately took action and took them away.

My ears suddenly became quiet.

Wang Wen, Kuang Ye, Zhang Fu and many others felt happy in their hearts.

I feel that Emperor Taizu Gao is worthy of being Emperor Taizu Gao.

He was so resolute in doing things, and his treatment of Zhu Qizhen and Queen Mother Sun was really satisfying!

This Queen Mother Sun is the worst Queen Mother in the history of Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Qizhen was the worst emperor since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, except Zhu Yunwen.

They feel aggrieved by the presence of such people.

But before that, as ministers, even if they felt that the mother and son were incompetent, they had absolutely no way to deal with them.

Now Emperor Taizu Gao came and demoted both mother and son to common people and sent them to Fengyang to guard the ancestral tombs.

It’s really satisfying!

But there is one thing that hangs in the hearts of many people.

That is who will be the emperor next in the Ming Dynasty.

Is it Zhu Qizhen's son Zhu Jianshen, Zhu Qizhen's brother Zhu Qiyu, or is it Emperor Taizu Gao who appeared as a spirit and then stopped leaving?

Become the emperor directly?

To be honest, many of them hope that Emperor Taizu Gao will not stay here.

Although Emperor Taizu Gao's series of vigorous and resolute methods are indeed very enjoyable to watch.

But they were also worried that one day Taizu Emperor Gao's knife would strike on their heads.

After all, Emperor Taizu Gao's record was really too amazing.

At this time, they still didn’t know that Zhu Yuanzhang and Han Cheng could only stay here for a while...

After dealing with Zhu Qizhen and Sun, Zhu Yuanzhang felt much relieved.

Just when everyone thought that Emperor Taizu Gao was about to enter the imperial city and go to Fengtian Palace.

Zhu Yuanzhang made an unexpected decision.

"Take me to the prison, I want to see Yu Qian!"

(End of this chapter)

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