Chinese Little Master: Dimensional Cuisine Club

Chapter 52

Page 52

In Barry, he is known for his first-hand Bilaf Assorted Seafood Fried Rice.

He has made this fried rice thousands of times.

It’s a handy thing to do!

Therefore, this second game will be the topic of fried rice.

And the time limit was already calculated by him.

This hour, for him, was exactly the time he needed to finish the fried rice.

It can be said.

The conditions for the entire duel are the most favorable for him.

In this case, he will definitely not lose.

Boy, look good!

“Okay, we can see!”

“The famous chef of Bajaru is processing his own ingredients quickly.”

“Thick and big fingers show extremely subtle magical skills!”

“He let us witness, what is a well-deserved reputation!”

The host explained quickly.

This Bajaru has long been familiar with these processes.

Those ingredients were quickly processed by him.

The green onions, mushrooms, and tomatoes were all cut into small pieces.

“As expected of the top chef in Barry!”

“Under his gorgeous hands, the material has been processed and has already begun to heat up!”

The host spared no effort in touting Bajaru.

“Cut, this guy is so annoying!”

“Yeah! Just introducing that foreign chef is really partial!”

The onlookers outside couldn’t help booing.

The host also knows this, and the one-sided introduction is indeed unfair.

He turned around quickly.

“Then let’s take a look at Meng Chuan player now!”

“Hey, he seems to be peeling a tomato!”

now! *

【40】Chinese magic!Golden Egg Fried Rice! (1 more, please collect!)

Meng Chuan was unhurriedly doing the peeling work for the tomatoes.

“Dudu, go and deal with the shrimp!”

While dealing with it, he also instructed Dudu next to him.

Appears very relaxed.

At the jury’s seat, Consul Brown looked at Meng Chuan who was slow, wondering what medicine he was selling in the pot.


Since he can make the golden crescent bread, he must have his own ideas.

By this time, Bajru had already started his own cooking.

In one breath, he actually took out five frying pans.

“Oh, now we can see that Chef Bajaru has prepared five pans!”

“What the hell is he doing!”

The host asked questions.

Bajaru smiled sinisterly at the corner of his mouth.

He already knew all about the eating habits of the five judges.

Depending on individual tastes, he will make appropriate adjustments to the dishes.

Eric, for example, travels the world and loves heavy spices like curry.

Then I put a lot of spices in the fried rice to satisfy his heavy taste.

Another example, Consul Brown likes refreshing flavors.

Then he made things a little lighter on Consul Brown’s plate.

There is no such thing as a panacea in this world.

There are five people, and there are five tastes.

And satisfying the needs of these five different tastes is the spirit of cooking.

That’s what a chef really does.

That kid, you can do it!

I am the top celebrity chef.

Bajaru glanced at Meng Chuan sideways while frying his rice.

Only at this time!

Meng Chuan was still processing the ingredients slowly.

Those foreigners just now can’t stand it anymore.

They started one after another, pointing out the country.

“That kid can make fried rice!”

“Yes! I saw that the bread just now was just made by accident!”

“How can this guy be compared to Chef Bajaru!”

“My son can handle the ingredients slowly like this!”

Faced with these ridicules, Meng Chuan smiled.

I just hope that these guys can be so calm when they face slaps in the face.

Dudu watched from the side, also very anxious.

But Meng Chuan remained the same.

At this time, Bajaru was stirring five frying pans.

He is constantly wandering in it.

Fat body, like a balloon.

All kinds of ingredients, in the flames, bloom with tempting aromas.

It’s almost there.

Bajaru raised his wrist.

Whoa whoa whoa!

I saw the fried rice in the pot, and with a single jump, it all went to the plate.


Five plates, lined up one after the other.

Everyone on the jury was stunned for a moment.


The host also noticed the situation here.

“Everyone, Bajru’s Bluff Assorted Fried Rice has been completed in a leisurely manner!”

Bajaru raised his head slightly.

A proud look on his face.

He was all too familiar with this kind of fried rice.

Close your eyes and you can fry it.

So this time, he is not only short.

And every step is impeccable.

These five plates of fried rice have already represented the pinnacle of his cooking skills.

And the other side!

Meng Chuan was still making preparations.

He was carefully simmering the peeled tomatoes in the pot.

It’s a rush to see people!

The people outside the railing couldn’t help but complain.

“Damn it! This boy Meng Chuan is really worrying!”

“The foreign chef has already done it!”

“Yes, his materials are all raw!”

At this time, the slow Meng Chuan finally changed his expression.

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