Can Someone Please Explain This Situation

Chapter 19

Ch.19 Suddenly Returning Home.

The Duke and I have fabricated a web of lies, but my parents-in-law couple consented to this act with great delight and went back home the next day. They left with these words ‘Next, you should come to the territory. Ah, if he is busy just Viola will be fine’. Uh huh, it I will selfishly go if it is just me!

So that means as the parents-in-law couple returned home the Duke also returned to the detached building and I returned to my comfortable servant life at last! Pretty dresses are lovely but, as I thought, I like the servant uniform! A dress is very much a thing for a curvy woman. Moreover on the other hand the servant uniform magically replaces ‘flat and slippery’ with ‘neat and clean’……! I have tears of gratitude.


Seeing off my parents-in-law, who will be eating lunch someplace else, with a face full of smiles, I swiftly dash to return to my room. And then quickly change into the servant uniform and life recharge!

“Ah~! What a feeling of liberalisation !”

It is slightly bad manners, but I dive on the bed with a fwump! This spacious gorgeous bed is also mine!

“Mistress. Since no one is looking it is fine but……”

With a bitter smile Dahlia breathe a sigh.

“Yes, I know. Just for 10 minutes, okay?

I beg Dahlia while rubbing my cheeks on the supreme texture of the sheets. To be able to do this on the sheets with my face without no makeup, whoopee! When in front of my parents-in-law I had to wear special makeup……well, rather, I had a ‘good wife’ natural makeup ver. [look]. I was fearful my skin might stop breathing.

“Understood. I think it would be good to have a short afternoon nap”

“Yes, just for 10 minutes……”

If I close my eyes for a bit and recharge, I can once again enjoy the servant life……sigh


It seems I was more tired than I thought. When I eventually came to, it was long past daytime, and close to the evening. I was surprised by the room that had completely become dim and rose up in a start. I guess this was a afternoon nap or rather a serious sleep?, I ended up deeply entering alone. And yet if Dahlia and Mimosa could have woken me up it would have been good! Aah! I ended up missing out on the servant lunch I was looking forward to……I’m heartbroken.

I am hanging my head on my bed alone, when Mimosa enters with a knock on the door.

“Mistress, are you awake?

“Yes. I ended up sleeping with all my might”

“You were sleeping well, so you woke up without us waking you. You were undoubtedly tired”

Mimosa said with a sympathising like kind smiling look. Yeah, I have been healed. Just a little revived.

“That’s right. It looks like moving around like usual with everyone is more suited to me”

“Uu, mm. In it’s own way that is a little bit……”

Mimosa changed to a bitter smile. Well, this certainly not a Mistress-like remark!

A week after that.

I have been so far enjoying ‘a fun servant life’ with the servants, but the unexpected suddenly came along.


“Mistress, Master has returned,”

Mimosa informed me of the Duke’s return home.

“Thank you. I’ll hurry,”

I say and half run towards the entrance. Ah, lately I have the stunt of changing to match the Duke’s estimated returning home time imprinted in my body. Because if everytime I change from the servant uniform with a kerfuffle it will someday come out with tattered clothing! The makeup, taking into consideration my skin breathing, is very light makeup, so it takes the blink of time. The reluctant-looking Mimosa ignores the dash.


I arrive at the entrance way and as usual the Duke and Lotus are conversing.  The Duke notices me as I cheerfully turn up.

“I have presently returned,”

he said and sweetly smiled. Uh huh, that is probably a very sparkly insincere smile. Even knowing it is a insincere smile it is a sight for sore eyes. I unintentionally ended up becoming fascinated by it like a idiot, but I did my best and held my ground,

“Welcome home, Duke”

I give a zero money smile and say my usual words. And usually after giving those lip services, okay we breakup~and yet only today the next words to come out of the Duke’s mouth no one could have predicted.


“Was not today also particularly different and peaceful above all. Aah, shall I listen to your story of today while eating dinner?”


Oh? That’s strange? I have a feeling I am hearing a auditory hallucination-.

“O, kay?”

“So, it will be during the meal”

The Duke again presses me who awkwardly replied, for an answer. Uh huh, this was clearly heard. But it seems like my brain refuses to accurately deal with it, I still cannot comprehend.

However, it seems like I am not the only one with this collapse of affairs, the usually calm, cool and collected Lotus has also been disturbed. Suddenly he understood where it is difficult to understand, of course, a superior butler.

Such a vibe is also being transmitted from Dahlia and Mimosa in waiting behind me.

Only the Duke does not notice this delicate atmosphere. Incredible.

The Duke said today, at the main house, will eat dinner, with me.

My brain refused to think, but it unwillingly started activity.

Seriously? ……no, the disturbance is still not settled.

“Will dinner be eaten here?

Lotus quickly finished the disturbance and confirmed with the Duke.

“That is what I am saying,”

Said the Duke with his eyebrow raised in a slightly displeased, and is frustrated no one could understand it at once, but it was because of you(the Duke) that we were thrust down into the depths of disturbance!

“Certainly. Until the preparations can be made please wait in the reception room,”

Lotus politely accepts.

“Got it,”

The Duke says with a nod, stepping forward towards the reception room.

……where should I go? No, before that, an emergency meeting!

“I fell into complete failure to understand for a moment~! As expected Lotus, your recovery was fast!”

As soon as the Duke had disappeared towards the reception room immediately Lotus, Dahlia Mimosa and me assemble a natural circle, from here we work on our counter-plan. The entrance way reverberates voices well, so everyone brings their foreheads together and talk in whispering tones.

“To be entrusted with praise is an honour, but all the same, I also blanked out for a moment,”

Lotus with a bitter smile.

“I thought it was as if they were a foreign country’s words coming out. I was completely unable to understand,”

Next it is Dahlia who is saying this, Mimosa is also eagerly nodding her head. It seems like it wasn’t just me who had their brain refuse to understand.

No, this is not the place to have this kind of coming out convention now.

“For now we cannot do this here. Lotus talk to Carthame and ask him to make the preparations for dinner,”

My brain at last comes alive, I  think we should execute this fully.


Lotus nods in assent. After confirming that, I next turn towards Dahlia.

“Dahlia get the maids who are not onbreak to instruct the errand boys,”


Dahlia suddenly nods in assent.

“Mimosa together with me shall entertain the Duke”


“I……mmm~, today it cannot be helped I will have dinner together with the Duke. Ah, but please relay to Carthame and the maids to give me a half portion. No more, break!”


Giving that reply, Lotus and Dahlia disappear towards the kitchen at a quick pace. Mimosa and I go towards the reception room.

Ah~, just as I thought the long-awaited peaceful everyday had returned~ I wonder what kind turn of events will also turn up. Only this am I unable to understand as it is.

UPDATE: Hope you enjoyed the chapter! sorry for today’s later release, I was on a airplane,? I also wasn’t able to do a very close edit so sorry for any mistakes. I am only holiday starting now for around 6 days. This doesn’t mean I’ll completely stop releasing during this time but they will not be as regular. Thanks for the support! I’ll see you in the next one ?

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