Can Someone Please Explain This Situation

Chapter 18

Ch.18 Various Conversations
After escorting the parents-in-law couple to the guest room, the Duke and I retire to my room. Ah~ while the parents are here I will be staying in the same room as the Duke. I don’t think I will feel at ease at all, but this is also a mission. There is no margin to say anything.
I obediently follow the Duke silently walking in front of me.
*door opening sound*
Opening the door to the room the Duke solidifies.
“……this is?”
Quickly entering inside, with his hand still holding the door knob, he had come to a halt there looking over the inside of the room.
I guess there is some sort of inconvenience? I brought in a cot?
Obliquely looking up from behind, at the Duke’s face that is in a slightly higher place, in order to ask him,
“It has become a very different impression……”
The Duke said standing alone. Aah! About the room’s impression? Come to think it, the Duke has not come here since the day of the wedding ceremony. Since then it has been maintained considerably to my liking! Although the furniture was left as is.
The Duke is looking at the many patchwork pieces dotted around the room. Things like the bed covers, knee blanket and cushions. I do not do unproductive things like embroidery, but I am willing do these kind of practical things. Ah, things like the curtains everyone sewed~. At that time these were made with remaining cloth, but even if I do say so myself it is easily is like a artistic masterpiece!
“Aah, errr, there was a lot of pretty cloth, so when there was time I made it by patching it together!”
I am very proud in my heart of these things but, just as the Duke remembered,
“Come to think of it the handkerchief you gave me was also skilled”
He said isolated.
“Well, for you to say that is a honour!”
Aah, that. He only looked at it once. I also make such things.
“However, it has really entirely transformed the impression……”
The Duke once again calmly muttered. Putting his hand on his mouth, thinking.
“Does it not look good?”
Even if at this late moment it is said he cannot stomach it, it will be troublesome.
“No, that is not so”
The Duke loosens his slightly clever eyes and looks in my direction.
Originally it was a simple room with a white basis, but thanks to the existence of patchwork it has been finished into quite a country mood. Woody texture is more warm and nice than white but, I cannot say it is a luxury! It is decorated with my favourite flowers, and I was allowed to customize it into a pleasant room.
“You are standing around talking at the doorway, so please enter inside”
Dahlia called from inside. Mimosa is preparing tea beside the couch.
There are no things to tell the the Duke while drinking tea. To not let things be prepared for me is surely prepared for me is my strong point!
The Duke sat down in the couch from before, so after considering for a short time, I sat down in a chair diagonally in front. I thought there would be no face-to-face~.
“Today I have only been surprised”
Again the Duke opened up like before. Despite saying he is surprised he is archaic smiling as always. Well, this is probably his basic face.
“Is that so?”
But that reminds me he often solidified and turned into air and processed data.
“Yes. It certainly has been a long time since coming here, but somehow here and there has completely changed and I was surprised”
The Duke’s eyes once again wander here and there.
Because I was allowed to touched here and there without noticed~. Replacing all the furniture or decorating. I wonder did I do it a bit too much?
Mimosa carried over the tea. The Duke reached out his hand towards it, his hand is like a knight’s, a little rough but, his fingers movement is also long, they are delicate and flexible. While looking with slightly upturned eyes at the Duke elegantly putting the cup to his mouth,
“Does it not look good?”,
I ask one more time timidly,
“No, I am the one who said do as you like, so it is not all interfering”
He answered not looking here. It seems his eyes are closed, he is enjoying the trailing note of the tea. His pretty long lashes cast a shadow on his face. Damn, why are his longer and have more volume than mine?!
“If that’s the case then that’s good”
“The servants also somehow look like they are having fun lately……”
The Duke opened his eyes at last and looks over here.
Lately? No, but haven’t they looked like they are having fun all along?
I tilt my head to the side and look,
“The detached building should also be decorated with flowers. I did not think of it before. But the maids plainly did their job, doing such things like this”
The Duke explained.
Come think of it, the Duke’s accompanying maid is holding the left over flowers.
“Calen was surprised”
Ah~ in the end, conversation is carried to her. And that the Duke was not the one to notice the change and she was the one to notice it. Yeah yeah, I am certainly listening!
“Is that so?”
“Besides that also the cooking”
That’s right!, the Duke had noticed.
“Th, that……”
“I did not notice the change, but Calen noticed in the beginning. Because she has gone around various regions. She even knows things about different countries”
Ah~ yeah yeah again her is it? Until a little while ago his expression was indifferent and yet in the act of talking about Calendula he cannot stop giving an enchanted face. Is this fondly speaking of a loved one? It seems so?
Ah, there is a chill floating from Dahlia and others awaiting at the wall, but the Duke, talking about Calendula, does not notice at all. I also pretend I do not notice.
“Ah, is that so?”
“Well, from now on also it is good to do as you want. That is what I thought”
Hooray, I received authorisation!
“Thank you!”
“Well then, tomorrow I have to go out to my job, so I will leave my parents to you. I heard they will return home after staying for tomorrow”
Tomorrow, ifI endure for one day, I can once again return to my comfortable servant life! I will do my best!
“Well then, shall we turn in?”
The Duke said and went to the bathroom in his own study adjacent to this room. I had agreed beforehand to as always do all my preparations in this room, so the line has thoroughly been clearly, distinctly, indicated! There is no gray zone!
However, this kind of conversation-like conversation, business discussion……rather has it not happened since we came to enter this marriage~? Look,today isthe day of those brutish conditions!
The next day.
In the main dining room again I had breakfast together with parents-in-law couple and the Duke, after seeing the Duke off towards work, we went towards the garden. Because mother-in-law said she would like to see the completely changed garden. Well, if I was to use one word for the garden it would be that it feels young again. Because there was a selection of a number of calm flowers, but through the request of the maids and I, showy varieties have increased.
The garden, with good weather brimming with light, is deep green and with multicoloured flowers is a dazzling beauty to the eyes.
I was a little worried about removing mother-in-law’s choices but,
“Well, the garden has also become gorgeous and lovely!!”
Mother-in-law praised with shining eyes. Ah~thank goodness.
“It is because Bellis(Demon King) has worked earnestly everyday and have me his assistance”
“Puh! Bellis has opened up this extent? Vi-chan you are amazing. Bellis, although he has a beautiful face is unsociable so it was probably hard to approach him?”
“Right, yes, well. At first. But by looking at his attitude towards things like his work and Mimosa, I realized his disposition is that of a good person!”
“Aah, already, something, thank you! Vi-chan!”
Why is mother-in-law deeply emotional. It seems that something has again been acknowledged. And suddenly~ hugged me closely. Choke. She looks slender but is a unexpected strong woman!
“Ye, yesssss~”
Ow ow.
“Look, if you closely hug her so strongly, it will be painful for Viola”
He said while giggling, but please stop lookingand stop your wife’s use of force!
“Ah, I beg your pardon!”
Ohohohoho~ and slightly loosened her strength.
My soul has run out as a result.
Lazily strolling the garden, before we knew it we had come to the vicinity of the detached building.
Wa, isn’t this risky?
……incidentally in a hurry I became distracted.
‘What~shall we~do, we came to the detached building~’ when I appealed to Dahlia with my eyes.
“I thought ‘what to do?’ when I heard about the friendship with the wandering dancer”
Father-in-law said while looking at the detached building. Saying that, does father-in-law know about her?
I don’t know what would be a good answer so I mumble. Because I cannot say unpleasant things. For the time being, I will wait for father-in-law’s words.
“Even with how much we opposed, they stubbornly did not separate, so I had almost given up. When suddenly and precipitately a letter was sent saying ‘I have separated from her. I have decided to marry a young woman from the Euphorbia house’ I rubbed my eyes many times over. I turned the letter over time and time again”
Ah, the Duke wrote a downright lie letter. I see I see.
I agree for the time being.
“Lotus also confirmed it so it seems like it is the truth”
Ah, Lotus, you too? I give a sidelong glance to Lotus and he forcefully averts his eyes. It is a crime of conscience!
Father-in-law slowly looks from the detached building towards me,
“However, he found such a great daughter-in-law and isn’t he is also doing pretty good?”
……well, even if that is said right to one’s face.
“That’s right~ I doubted my eyes once I saw a real woman~”
Mother-in-law, unexpectedly you are severe on your son. Excessively smiling and saying brutish things, I am convinced they are parent and child!
Tsu, the Duke and her are high praise in a relationship but surely the Duke and Lotus skillfully deceived those nearby. I should not say ridiculous things.
But, me who was selected from amongst people by the Duke who was no eye for women, was suspected to maybe not be a worthy woman? Wow! I will yield to being plain……
“From now on also I ask you to treat him well.”
Ah, that kind of thing is all right! Because that exactly intersects with the contract!

T/N: No author’s comment today.

I was so excited that they were finally having a conversation and then I found out his parents think Calendula left, I was back to fuming at him. His character better be redeemed a lot and hopefully soon? but anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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