But… It’s me! The real Spider-Man!


We ended up getting so carried away last night that we fell asleep together without getting out of bed. Well, Mary Jane was so exhausted after the night's marathon that she passed out right away, and I just didn't think about the fact that she needed to get back to her room before dawn.

When I woke up it was half past six on the clock, which meant we still had time for school. Anyway, I don't care about that, I'm not going to go. What could be more useless than sitting in a school class for someone with my knowledge?

Mary Jane was still snoozing peacefully with her head on my chest. I stroked her luxuriant hair affectionately, and she only smiled in her sleep, clearly dreaming of something good. Seeing the peaceful expression on Mary Jane's face, I did not immediately wake the girl.

For ten minutes I just lay there, enjoying the feeling of morning tenderness and the warmth of the girl's arms around me. In fact, I would have loved to keep sleeping, but I should definitely be in the lab when Gwen got there.

Just then, a phone trill broke into the morning silence. It was the tune of M.J.'s phone, probably left in her shorts, which were still lying around the living room couch.

Mary Jane hissed sluggishly, awakened by the ringing and opened her sleepy eyes, a couple of hours of sleep clearly not enough for her.

"Good morning," I covered her lips with a light kiss.

It probably brought back memories of last night.

"Mmmm," M.J. deepened the kiss and threw her other arm around my neck, "this is by far the kindest morning of my life and the best way to wake up!"

Then the phone rang again, making Mary Jane's eyes widen in the realization of what a mistake she had made, I suspected, that the morning had abruptly ceased to be a good morning.

"Oh God," she whispered in terror, "I'm finished! Mother is going to kill me!"

The girl jumped up abruptly and began frantically running around the house in search of her clothes. And as funny as it looked, I had no desire to laugh. Not only was I well aware of the trouble this would cause M.J., I was also aware that if nothing was fixed, we wouldn't be able to see each other for a very long time.

"Wait," I got her attention when M.J. was about to take her mother's call, "do you think I should talk to Mrs. Anna first?"

"Are you crazy? Is she..."

"What?" I interrupt M.J., "does she have something against me?"

"Um... no, but..."

I walked right up to the girl and gently took the phone out of her hands.

"Or maybe she doesn't want us to date?"

"No," M.J. started doubtfully, "she... well, on the contrary, always wanted to... you know, push me to start being friends with you..."

The further Mary Jane went, the quieter she spoke, obviously ashamed to talk about it for some reason.

"Well, that's fine, in that case she'll be glad you took her advice."

"Yes, but..."

"Go take a shower," I turn MJ in the right direction, "I'll talk to your mom and try to straighten things out."

"But..." Mary Jane tried to argue something else, but all I did was give her a light slap on the ass.

"Hey," she turned around.

"I already did," I interrupted her, pointing to the phone, "run and wash! Hello, Mrs. Watson, good morning."

I make a scary face to escort MJ out of the room and she finally obeys me and leaves for the shower.

"Who's that?" A worried and somewhat angry voice comes from the receiver. "Where is my daughter?"

- It's me, Peter Parker," I answer calmly, "Mary Jane is at my place."

I confess at once, thereby confusing the woman, who was about to burst into an angry tirade. She quickly comes to her senses, however, and demands an explanation. Realizing that no matter how plausible an excuse I made up, it would not assuage her suspicions, I immediately confessed that her daughter and I were now together and that she had been with me all night, which once again shocked the woman. I was betting that in this world, with such wild gender inequality, it would be foolish to berate my daughter for starting to date a guy.

"Give me Mary Jane, why didn't she pick up the phone herself?" Anna finally asks.

"She's in the shower right now," I answer without a shadow of doubt.

"How serious is it?"

"So serious that when I found myself in another world, I asked Mary Jane out on my first day of school!" Of course, I couldn't say that.

"I'm going to marry her." I reply in a firm voice, "We love each other."

Anna is shockingly silent. I suppose such determination for a man in such a matter is a novelty to her. Sensing the pliable ground, I decide to win a few more positions in the conversation.

"Mrs. Anna, I don't want to interfere with your parenting methods, but could you let Mary Jane come to visit me, and besides, I don't know if she told you this or not, but the group she is in has a very important phase right now, but because of her punishment the girls can't even get together for rehearsal."

After a long pause, Anna answers:

"I thought this band was just a fool's errand...everyone wants to be musicians and artists as a child..."

"I assure you they are serious, they recorded their first song a few days ago, didn't Mary Jane tell you?"

"What? No... I didn't know."

"This is a very important stage in her life, she needs her mother's support now more than ever, maybe she will become a successful musician. Excuse me for being blunt, but if your daughter didn't tell you about the most important event in her life, isn't that a reason to reconsider your attitude?"

Anna was silent, perhaps I pressed her too hard, but did I lie about anything?

"Don't tell her that I told you about the song, make her share it with you herself," M.J. appeared out of the shower, wiping herself with my towel, "Goodbye, Mrs. Watson."

I defiantly turn off the phone and show Mary Jane a winning smile.

"How was it? Did it work?" she asks, in a worried voice.

"Do you doubt me?" I ask smugly, pulling the towel-clad girl to me. I feel a rush of blood to the right places, but, unfortunately, there is no time for that.

"I know my mother well," M.J. replies dolefully.

"Heh, now go home and apologize for sneaking out of the house at night, if Anna asks you anything, just tell it like it is... though it wouldn't be a good idea to go into detail about every night."

"If? If she asks? She'll beat the hell out of me!"

"We'll see, just don't be rude to her, don't provoke a conflict yourself, and everything will be all right," I kissed her lips again without letting Mary Jane out of my embrace.

She responds to the kiss, but when we pull away, she wrinkles her nose and pulls away from me.

"Ugh, you have morning breath," she declares.

"And you don't?"

"Of course not, I, unlike you, have already brushed my teeth!" The girl bursts out, leaving the towel in my hands, and runs to gather her clothes in the living room.

"With my brush?" I ask belatedly.

In response, MJ turns around and shows me her tongue. What a childish way to go about it!

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