But… It’s me! The real Spider-Man!

A little sad, a little sorry

Also, an unremarkable dark-colored van, parked in a poorly lit section of the street, appeared there shortly before Parker returned from the store.

Hundreds of cars like these run through the city, delivering ice cream and store orders, and no one pays any attention to them. Sure, they're not as inconspicuous as cabs, but it doesn't even occur to most people that such a car is perfect for hiding something from prying eyes. This van, too, was full of all sorts of surveillance equipment on the inside, representing nothing less than a mobile observation post.

"Can I politely ask what the hell we're doing here?" Stirring coffee in a plastic cup, the woman on this mission asks her colleague as driver and, if necessary, operative. There was a note of irritation in her voice. Daisy, that was her name, was somewhat disliked by all smart asses and Yun Li, her partner today in particular.

The person to whom the question was addressed, a short woman whose facial features did not speak, but rather hinted at her Chinese roots, looked at Daisy with a slight contemptuous look and did not answer.

"Hey! Do I even have the right to know who we're spying on? Why was I sent here without being briefed?" She was getting more and more frustrated.

"There was no time for a briefing, you will learn everything you need from me," the second spy answered at last, pulling down her earphones.

"So tell me why I was torn away from the last mission..."

"Quiet! Look!"

Through a one-way transparent window, the women saw some red-haired girl sneak out of her house, and then enter the next through the front door.

"Is she the one we're following?"

"No. Our target is whoever she's going to. Peter Parker, sixteen years old, a student at MidTown High School."

"What's so important about it?" sipping from a plastic cup of hot coffee, asks the operative.

"His IQ is above two hundred and fifty."

"What?! No way! So this is it?" Daisy asks with a sudden bang of surprise.

"Yes," Yun replies coldly, defiantly wiping away the splatter on the switched off monitor.

"I can't believe it! He's just a kid, and a boy too. I've heard so many rumors about the future of the Core, I thought we needed someone like Tony Stark or Benner."

Her companion nodded.

"Yeah, they were good candidates too, but we missed the opportunity. Now they're too much of a figure, too dangerous in their own right, but that's been the perfect excuse for us not to act. Everyone thinks there's a major operation underway..."

"In fact, we were waiting for the boy to reach the right age! But he's only sixteen, it's too early."

"But we can't wait any longer. We did everything we could to keep him under the radar for as long as possible, but lately something went wrong... somehow he overcame the blocker and we almost missed the moment again... he was already on police radar, he was on TV, it was only a matter of time before "they" noticed him, you know, we had to get there before they did."

"Are we going to take him right now?" The female operative perks up.

"It's too important a decision, we just keep an eye on him and don't interfere until the network is ready," replied Yun Li.

"Are preparations already underway?" For the umpteenth time tonight, Daisy wonders. "How long is this going to take? Damn it, I didn't even know."

"You chose your own way... of all the operatives, you're the third to know the truth, the basis of the network will be ready within a month."

"What about you? You, too..."

"I'll be in the last wave, so I still have time to carry out this operation," Yun answers with a bit of concealed pride, "What are they doing there? Oh... wow."

"What's in there?" Daisy pulls her partner's headphones out of the jack, redirecting the sound to the external speakers, and wet sounds and muffled moans spread through the car interior, "Holy shit kids are having fun!"

"Stupid!" Yun hurriedly turned off the speakers, and then pulled out another pair of headphones, "Better put these on."

"Oh, I wish there was a picture," said Daisy, listening to what was going on in the house.

"Actually..." Yun, with a few quick taps, turned on the monitor, which transmitted images from the three cameras inside the house.

"Couldn't you have done that before?" Daisy hissed, glaring at the video, "Shit! I never saw a real dick before I graduated from S.H.I.T. Academy, and this bitch ain't even out of high school yet! Some people are lucky! Why are you blushing? Let me guess, you've never been with a man before?"

"Shut up," Yun snapped, "it doesn't matter and it's only a distraction when I become..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've heard that shit a million times..." interrupted Daisy.

"... fucking fanatics," she added a little quieter, so her partner wouldn't hear, "do you think they'll go any further than a blowjob?"

"What do I care?!"

"Eh, I even feel a little sorry for him... maybe we should take him ourselves, I can't bear to watch this!"

"What..." Yun can hardly take her eyes off the screen, "No! No, we can't, it's too risky."

"What's too risky? I'll have him locked up in a second before he even makes a sound."

"A few days ago he was taken hostage during a restaurant robbery. They put the guy in a van just like ours, with three women, all three armed, but only Parker got out, not a scratch, but covered in blood."

"What about the women?"

"Seriously wounded, at the inquest they claimed he did them, and they also said the guy's wounds were healing. We had to shut them up so they wouldn't draw attention to the target, even though it was too late. And that's just one case out of several. We know he has something to do with Spider-Woman and Deadpool. We have to prepare everything carefully."

"So our mission is to watch them fuck?"

"Sort of..."

Ten minutes of silent observation later.

"It's not fair," Daisy exhales, nervously twirling a lock of her blond hair tied with a blue ribbon around her finger, "it's just not fair, even in porn you rarely see that. I heard that: Sarah, you know, the daughter of that senator lady who was one of the Apostles? Well, she paid an escort triple the rate for a kid to do the same tongue job. Can you believe that? That's a fortune for five minutes of pleasure!"

Yun Li ostentatiously cringed at the talk of escort services, but did not interrupt her fellow commodore. At that moment, a stray thought crossed her mind: "Since money will soon cease to have any meaning for me, why not spend it one last time?"

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