Bully Lord




"This will be tough," he muttered, tightening his grip on his sword. He knew the goblins were far from being individually formidable, but in numbers, they presented a real threat. Without wasting any more time, he activated **Crisis Mode**.


The world around James changed, and he felt the familiar rush of energy flood his body as the semi-auto battle mode took over. It was as if his body now moved independently, reacting with perfect precision and efficiency to every threat. The change in him was instantaneous; he was no longer just James, the fighter—he was a force of nature.


The first of the sword-wielding goblins lunged at him, swinging its weapon in a wide arc. But before it could even close the distance, James’s body reacted. He stepped forward, inside the goblin’s range, and delivered a devastating **Kangaroo Cut**, uppercutting the creature with 80% of his total strength. The goblin was launched into the air, crashing against the stone ceiling before dropping to the floor as a pile of smoke.


James didn’t have time to savor the victory as another goblin charged. His body twisted, and his arm lashed out in a rapid **Snake Jab**. The goblin stumbled backward, clutching its throat, but James didn't stop there. With the agility of a seasoned predator, he spun on his heel, closing the gap between himself and the two archers who had begun drawing their bows.


Arrows flew through the air, aimed directly at him, but James activated **Sloth View**, slowing down time just enough to allow him to twist and evade the projectiles with minimal effort. In a fluid motion, he swept forward and delivered a **Thunderclap** to the first archer, sending an electric shock through its body that left it paralyzed. The second archer tried to retreat, but James’s hand caught it in a **Bear Grip**, crushing its wrist with 40% of his strength before shoving it back against the wall with a powerful kick.


In mere seconds, half of his enemies had been defeated. The remaining goblins hesitated, watching him with a mixture of fear and rage. But James was far from finished. He wasn’t merely fighting—he was strategizing, adapting to every movement, every attack pattern. He could feel his consciousness slipping further into Crisis Mode, his mind a silent observer as his body executed techniques with ruthless efficiency.


One of the goblins swung its sword horizontally, aiming for James's midsection. In response, his body pivoted backward, avoiding the blade by a hair's breadth before retaliating with a powerful knee to the goblin’s face—the **Knee Hammer** skill he’d learned from Arad. The goblin’s skull cracked from the impact, and it crumpled into a lifeless heap.


As another goblin charged from behind, James instinctively activated his **Crabs Arm** defensive skill. The goblin’s blade bounced off James's arm, barely leaving a scratch. Before it could react, James brought his sword down with the **Earth Divider** technique, cleaving through the goblin and splitting the stone floor beneath it. The impact was massive, sending tremors through the room.

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