Bully Lord




James took a moment to catch his breath, feeling a rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. He wasn't done yet. There were still two more goblins lurking in the shadows(the first two didn't die), watching him with wary eyes. Their hesitation only fueled his determination, and James decided it was time to use a skill he'd recently acquired.


“Snake Jab,” he whispered, feeling a surge of energy gather in his arm. In a flash, he thrust his sword forward, and to his surprise, the blade flew several meters through the air, piercing one of the goblins in the chest. The creature let out a strangled gasp before collapsing, its body disintegrating into smoke.


“Got you,” James muttered, retrieving his sword and turning to face the last remaining goblin. The creature stared at him with wide eyes, clearly shaken by the display of power. Without wasting any time, James employed his rhythmic slashing technique against the goblin.


Taking a deep breath, James felt an immense amount of strength gather in his arms as he raised his sword high above his head. With every ounce of his strength channeled into a single, devastating slash, he brought the wooden blade down onto the goblin.


The impact was immediate and explosive. The ground beneath the goblin cracked, sending a shockwave rippling outwards and causing the dungeon floor to tremble. The goblin's weapon shattered into pieces, and the sheer force of the attack sent the creature flying backward, slamming into the dungeon wall with a sickening thud.


James stood there, panting heavily, his heart racing as he watched the goblin dissolve into smoke. He glanced down at his hands, still trembling from the exertion, and couldn’t help but grin. This was power—real, tangible power. It wasn’t just about swinging a sword mindlessly; it was about channeling his strength, skill, and experience into a single, decisive blow.


A familiar notification appeared before him:


*Congratulations! You have received a new weapon skill: Earth Divider. Rank: C. Cooldown: 20 seconds. Description: When you slash downward, you can activate the Earth Divider skill by your will. It uses 100% of your total strength to create a huge impact.*


James couldn’t suppress the excitement that welled up inside him. He had earned this skill through hard work and determination, and now it was his to wield. He closed his eyes, taking a moment to savor the victory. For the first time in a long while, he felt like he was making real progress. This wasn’t just about surviving anymore—he was thriving.


Wiping the sweat from his brow, James attached his sword in the back and turned toward the exit of the Level-2 Early Mid Section.


James entered the Level 2 Early Midsection with a sense of anticipation and determination. His eyes scanned the dimly lit, cavernous area, quickly locking onto the eight goblins waiting for him. As usual, the group was divided: four goblins wielded crude, rusted swords while the other four stood back, drawing their bows, ready to rain down arrows on any who dared approach. James could feel the adrenaline already beginning to course through his veins.

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