Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

42. A Goddess and a Gift

When Bonny closed her eyes, she willed herself into the body of Lust, the tiny demon. She wasn’t sure how long she pushed, but nothing happened for a while. Then, there was a tug on her spirit and she felt a shift in perception, the weight of the twin cats and Eloisss vanishing.

She opened her eyes to find herself in the body of the tiny demon, still sitting on her right breast. The two goddesses were standing next to her, dressed in their togas.

Bonny smiled up at them. “Hi. Did I do that right?”

“Almost. I contacted Lust and pulled you through when I realized what you were trying to do. You will need some practice, but for now, you may want to let us know ahead of time.” Courage said.

“Okay, thanks. Uh, aren’t gods omni-something or other? Why didn’t you know?”

Recovery laughed. “No. Most of the time we focus on our spheres of influence. We both maintain a single spirit here, but only focus on you when needed. Time doesn’t pass the same for us as it does for you.”

“If you call us, we will hear you, but don’t assume we’re always listening.” Courage added.

“Oh, that’s good to know. I, uh, had some questions for you.”

“So you don’t need more sex?” The rainbow maned goddess laughed and turned to look at the mess of cum around Bonny’s waist and spattered across the twin cats.

Bonny blushed. “Well, uh, if you want… But I really just had some questions.” She willed her purification aura to strengthen and clean everything up.

Recovery laughed louder at Bonny’s response.

“So, uh, we were talking about artifacts earlier and Willowbelle said they were just items with spirits in them.”

Both goddesses nodded as Courage replied, “For the most part, yes. But not just any object. There are some additional requirements as well.”

“What makes one then? Can I make one? Or destroy one if I pull out all the spirits?”

“Yes. To both, though only some demonic artifacts. As you gain mastery over different spirits, you will be able to command them. For now, you you may be able to work with Lust spirits. Either adding or withdrawing them from objects. You should have some command of Wrath, as well as other demonic spirits focusing on base desires or selfish emotions.”

“What about elements or gods?”

“You may ask us or them, but spirits will not listen unless they have a relationship with you."

“So I can ask you both to create an item to help my friends be brave and heal, even if I’m not there?”

They both nodded.

“Can you both inhabit the same item?”

A pause, then Courage answered, “Yes. However only because we both have a strong relationship with you. It is unusual and difficult to have multiple influences in the same item.”

“What about both of you and Lust?” Bonny grinned mischievously, “You seem to be getting along pretty well.”

Recovery blushed and laughed. “No. Our natures are too different.”

Courage disagreed. “Maybe. The object’s purpose matters. If something required both desire and courage to use, you may be able to convince both Lust and myself. Recovery may be more difficult.”

“Oh, that makes sense. So, like my armor?” Bonny motioned at her succubus body, which was still wearing the revealing leather outfit.

“Yes. But it makes Recovery’s job more difficult, because you are more likely to be injured.”

“But it does help protect me, especially with the shield.”

“That would appeal to Protection, more than Recovery.”

“Oh, another god? Can I meet him? Or her?”

“No, I don’t think he’s interested right now. We’re often at odds with each other." Courage laughed, then continued, "If you were unaware, we spirits can be either male or female. For example, Lust changed when you asked.”

Recovery looked down at the huge cock hanging between Bonny’s legs. “Not that there’s a lot of difference in that case. Courage and I both chose to present as female due to your preferences.” She smiled.

Bonny returned the smile. “You are definitely more appealing. Does the male version have such pretty hair?” Bonny stepped closer and ran her hands through Recovery’s hair and mane.

“No. He usually appears human, with long robes.”

“Well, that’s boring.” Bonny pulled Recovery into a tight hug, feeling her breasts press against her own, then let her go. “I’m glad you two are you.”

They both smiled back. “We’re happy to be liked. As spirits bound to ideals, we need recognition to thrive. As long as you uphold our tenets, we will grow stronger around you and those who see us in you.”

“Oh, so back to the earlier question, Wrath had those scales, with spirits in them. Can I do the same? Make tiny dicks and put lust spirits in them? Will it make my friends stronger if they had them?”

Courage laughed. “Yes and no. It worked well for Wrath because he is aligned with conflict. Lust is not. It will make your friends more aroused and possibly add to their stamina. Also, the scales were not artifacts. They were absorbed into the goblins, not attached to them.”

“Oh, hmmm.” Bonny’s face fell, her dreams of creating a harem of invincible, dick wielding women crushed. “What’s the difference between being absorbed and being carried?”

“Once absorbed, the spirits strengthened and angered the goblins directly. They worked more as a boon, like we’ve granted you. An artifact would have either angered whoever held it, or created an aura. You cannot give someone else a spirit. Wrath could, since he both is one and was in control of your ex-boyfriend.”

Bonny nodded in understanding.

Courage continued, “If you were to ask me to grant a spirit to your companions, I would refuse all but Eloisss. She comes the closest to embodying my ideal.”

Recovery shook her head, “I would not bless any of them as they are. Lust would probably bless any of them if you asked, but only while they remain with you.”

“Can I talk to Lust, like with you two? Instead of taking her body, is there a way to be here with all of you?”

“She could create a second incarnation. It can be draining, so you would have to convince her.”

Bonny smiled, “That could be fun though. Oh, one last thing, how exactly do I put spirits into things?”

“Just hold it and concentrate, like absorbing Wrath, only push them into the item. The more spirits added, the stronger the affect will be, but it will take those spirits from you. If you only have one water spirit and imbue a boat, you will no longer have water affinity. Most elementalists hoard the few spirits they bond with. To create a true artifact, you will need to add a focus and constrain the spirits. We can discuss that later.”

Courage thought for a moment, then continued. “Also, make sure the spirit is happy to be there. If you force one into an item that doesn’t align with their ideal or element, the item will be cursed. Objects will also be considered cursed if an effect is too pronounced and detrimental to the wielder or their surroundings.”

“Thank you.” Bonny smiled and hopped over to give each goddess a hug and kiss.

She jumped up and down on her real body’s boob, watching it jiggle for a moment, then snuggled down into her cleavage and faded back into her own body. Into sleep.

She woke the next morning and found the mess was cleaned up, as hoped. Magic was awesome.

Bonny gave everyone a hug and kiss, then they ate, dressed, packed, and left.

Bonny willed her cock back into the pack in dildo form to avoid it swinging around while walking. Then wondered why she had to walk in the first place.



“Can I ride you?”


“May I? Please?”

Everyone but Miu looked at Bonny, not having seen this before. People didn’t usually ask for rides from others, especially from lamia, who were considered hot tempered and easy to offend. The flight from the goblin army was an exception, of course.

“Ssure, Bonny. But you sshould know that mosst people would conssider this offenssive.” Eloisss unstrapped her pack and held it while the bunny climbed on.

Bonny had to keep her head low to avoid the falcata and shield on Eloisss’ back, so laid along her coils, head resting near the lamia's hips. Adelina moved to Willowbelle, as they set out again, the fairy exempt from the taboo of using others as mounts.

“Eloisss, would you like some Courage?”


“You know, Courage, the goddess. She said I could give you her boon. I might be able to imbue your swords too.”


“Well, we were talking about artifacts yesterday, so I asked them what it would take. I also asked about the Wrath scales, but they work differently. I’m not entirely sure what it would do, probably boost your strength or will. I could give you some Lust as well, but that would just make you more horny and help with stamina.”


“Are you ok, Eloisss? You sound broken.”


Bonny poked the lamia in the side, then tickled the lamia until she laughed. "If you say 'what' again, I'll tickle you until you can't breathe."

Eloisss looked serious. “Bonny, no one hass heard from the Diviness in hundredss of yearss.”

“Well, she’s been talking to me. You know that.” Bonny sat up straight on Eloisss’ coils, but didn’t stand up.

Eloisss twisted to face her. “I know, but… You can’t just give sspiritss to other people.”

“Why not? Matt handed out anger tokens like candy. Why can’t I do the same?”

“Becausse…” Eloisss looked to the others for help, but they shook their heads, refusing to speak up. “Matt iss an abomination. Thosse sscaless aren’t natural.”

“Well, I asked permission. Courage likes you.”

“Sshe doess? Sshe only knowss me becausse of you.”

“She said you come closest to her ideal out of all all my friends. You can think about it. I won’t force it on you.”

“Bonny! Yess! No one ssane would turn down a divine gift. Of coursse, I will take it.”

Bonny smiled. “Okay, then. Uh, give me a minute.”

She closed her eyes and prayed, holding one hand out in front of her. She imagined Eloisss shining in battle, remembered the lamia sliding in front of her to protect her, felt herself being carried to safety, and saw Eloisss exchanging blows with Matt even though he was stronger, while trusting in Bonny's healing.

Bonny’s hand glowed red, growing brighter and brighter, until it shown like a star, tinting the trees around them, and blinding anyone looking directly at it. A ruby materialized on her palm and she felt a spirit circling it. Bonny thought at the spirit, offering it the images of Eloisss and the ruby. She felt the spirit agree and slip into the gem. The light faded.

“Thank you, Courage.” Bonny ducked her head briefly, then held the ruby out to Eloisss.

Eloisss took it and stared in wonder. It was the red of blood with the same runic symbols Bonny had seen carved on the goddess’ spear and helmet. A lion was engraved on the side opposite the writing.

“What do I do?” Eloisss looked back at Bonny.

She shrugged. “Courage didn’t say. You could try absorbing it, like I did the scales. Putting it in your mouth is probably easiest, then just kinda pull on it and offer yourself. Or we could try putting it on a necklace, maybe.”

Eloisss put it into her mouth. There was a brief moment where nothing happened, then she flashed red, the color dissipating shortly after. Eloisss stared down at her hands, opening and closing them.

They could all feel an aura emanating from her, strengthening their will, bravery radiating like heat from a fire. They felt they could face a lion with the spiritual warmth, a whole pride of lions.

“Well, how is it?” Bonny grinned.

“Bonny. Thiss iss amazing.” Eloisss looked back at the bunny in wonder, glancing back and forth between her face and left shoulder. “I feel great. Thank you. Thank you too, Courage.”

“You’re welcome. Now giddy up, mighty steed!” Bonny grinned and grabbed on again, kicking at Eloisss’ coils with her heels.

They arrived at the waterfall camp that afternoon, Bonny having ridden most of the way. When she hopped down, Eloisss spun and grabbed her in a bear hug, lifting the bunny off the ground and squeezing her until she started hitting the lamia on the head.

Once down, she sat and gasped for breath. “I’m glad you’re happy, but you don’t have to kill me over it.”

“Ssorry, it’ss jusst…” Eloisss bent down and kissed Bonny, a hungry full mouth kiss.

Bonny pushed the lamia away grinning. “You’re welcome, but you can make it up to me later.” She winked.

Miu ran over to hug and kiss Bonny too.

They looked around the small clearing next to the pool, seeing the marks they left. The bed of ferns and grass was wilted and dead, a ring of stones with charred wood marked their fire, and there were still paw prints in pockets of sand around the rocky area.

“It feels almost like home. But we were only here for two days, right?” Bonny whispered, her chest tight.

Miu nodded. “We have blankets now, nya. We can clean out the dead grass. It will be more comfortable.”

Bonny looked around, “Oh, that reminds me. Last night was complicated and confusing. All of you seem to want to be with me more than each other. Right?”

Miu, Eloisss, and Willowbelle nodded and Kanae yipped. Adelina flew over and landed on her head, then whispered into one ear, “Yes.”

“I’m sorry, but that’s too much for me every night. I propose that you take turns. One per night, in the order you joined the group.” She smiled around at the sad expressions. “It shouldn’t be that big of a deal. We can still all sleep together afterward, but I need to limit my attention. Ok?”

They agreed, somewhat reluctantly.

“That means tonight is Miu’s turn, then tomorrow will be Eloisss. If you want to share your night with someone else, that’s fine, you can do exchanges so you can participate more than once per rotation, but no more than three at once. At least for now. Tonight is just Miu though, since this place is special.”

They ate and laid out the bedding. Bonny and Miu undressed and washed each other under the waterfall, like they had the first time they stayed here. Then, they snuggled into the blanket together, while the rest of the party talked around the fire.

Bonny curled around Miu, the big spoon to the purring kitten. She held on tightly and nibbled on Miu's neck and shoulders, while blocking out the rest of the world.

Please give a cheer for chapter 42. This chapter should contain the answer to life, the universe, and everything, but alas, it falls short, like a sperm whale several miles above an alien planet.

Also, the events of this evening will be told from Miu's POV in chapter 42.5 (as a callback to chapter 5, their first night together).  Since I made Miu's original bonus chapter public (10.5), this will be a replacement, only available on patreon.  Unfortunately, I'm still working on it, but hope to have it done by the end of the week. 

Patreon has a little over 2 weeks of advanced chapters available, including chapter 48, which will introduce Freja, the centaur voted for in the last companion poll.

Thanks for reading,

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