Bonny, the Bunny: A lewd LitRPG, with a monster-girl harem.

41. ♥♥ Friends and More (R-18+)

“They can join in after you ssatissfy me.” Eloisss grinned. “Can you handle all of uss?”

Bonny looked around to see the rest of them watching, expectantly. Adelina had moved to sit on one of Willowbelle’s arms, the setting sun still casting a glare across her body.

She smiled, “I’ll try my best. Before we begin though, just to be sure, you’re all ok with this? You all still want to be part of my harem?” She motioned around the circle.

They all nodded and Kanae yipped, the happy sound Bonny was started to associate with approval.

“None of you mind me sleeping with everyone else? In my world that would cause a lot of jealousy and trouble.”

They all nodded again.

“And you all want to watch Eloisss and me?”

They nodded a third time, most of them laughing, one yipping.

Bonny sighed. “Fine."

She started unfastening Eloisss’ breastplate, her own armor mostly off already due to Eloisss continuing to work at it while she talked.

Once naked, she jumped up and hugged Eloisss, wrapping her arms and legs around the lamia, confident of being caught and held. They kissed, tongues intertwining, eyes closed, concentrating on each other and blocking out the rest of the party.

Eloisss’ tongue was flexible, prehensile, and she wrapped it around the tip of the bunny’s tongue, pulling and holding it in place. The forked tines stroked along Bonny’s tongue, sending shivers down her body.

Their bodies were held tight against each other, breasts pressing together. Bonny’s legs were spread, wrapping around the lamia’s waist.

Eloisss brought her rattle around and slid it into Bonny’s already soaking wet pussy. It slipped in easily, pushing in deep in one stroke. Eloisss pulled just slightly to loosen the segments and twitched her tail, vibrating and rattling: ch-ch-ch-chhh.

A spike of primeval terror shot up Bonny’s spine and she shivered uncontrollably, her whole body trembling. She tried to pull back, to protest, but Eloisss held her tight, both with her arms and mouth, the bunny unable to speak.

Eloisss shook the tail again, faster, the rattle becoming a buzzing vibration that went from terror to pleasure.

The vibration touched all of Bonny’s sensitive areas, internal and external. Her legs still wrapped around Eloisss’ waist and her button pushed tight against the lamia’s scales. She flexed and rocked her hips, pushing against the hard scales, the intensity rising and falling with her movements.

Bonny panted into Eloisss’ mouth, already out of breath, feeling the now familiar swell of pleasure rise. She thrust harder and pulled tighter, trying to merge into Eloisss, to become one.

Eloisss breathed for them, timing her breaths with Bonny’s pants. She released Bonny’s tongue, but still stroked it with her own. She twitched her tail, timing the rattles with Bonny’s motion. She slid her hands down the bunny’s back, holding her by her tight, round ass cheeks and pushed back into the bunny as well, grinding the scales around her waist into Bonny’s button.

Bonny came. Her body locked up, muscles tight and back arched. Time paused for a long moment as her pleasure peaked and held, nerves all alight. The bunny’s pussy convulsed around the rattles, spasming rapidly, uncontrollably, then her eyes rolled back and she shuddered, trembling as her muscles released.

Eloisss waited six heartbeats, long enough for Bonny to take a deep breath, pulling air through the lamia's mouth, then she twitched her tail and pulled Bonny tight against her scales again, and the bunny locked up and trembled again as the surge of pleasure peaked once more.

Eloisss eased back a second time, still holding onto the bunny by her ass cheeks and mouth, then twitched and thrust into her again, stirring her into a gentle, rolling rhythm of orgasms, allowing a few seconds of downtime between each, then pushing her back into another climax.

Several minutes later, Eloisss released the kiss and withdrew her tail, allowing Bonny to lean back and take a deep breath. “How are you ssupossed to ssatissfy me if you come sso eassily? Are you worn out already?”

Bonny wrinkled her nose and mock glared at the lamia, then leaned in and kissed her again. “That was amazing. I don’t know if I can match that, but I have an idea. You’ll have to let me down though.”

She grinned and summoned her dildo from the backpack, imagining it attached to her. It materialized and forced its way between them, pushing into Eloisss’ stomach.

Eloisss let go and Bonny slid down and stepped back.

There was a wet spot, where she had leaked all over the lamia’s waist and scales. She stepped forward and rubbed the fluid around, sliding her fingers down to Eloisss’ vent and using the lubrication to push her thumb into the sensitive cloaca. She smiled as the lamia shivered and used both hands to massage the muscles around the opening for a minute, then stopped and stretched up for a kiss.

“Alright, Eloisss, let’s see your tail.”

The lamia lifted the tip of her tail and shook it in Bonny’s face, laughing when the bunny flinched.

“Lust, can I get some help?” She thought about the day prior when the demon shoved her dick in Bonny’s mouth and willed the second dick to appear in her hand. It did.

Bonny examined it. The shape was the same, but the one attached, her primary dick, was about seven inches fully erect and the second one was closer to nine, the size of the original toy. She thought back and realized it was about half the size of the monster cock she had after absorbing the angry spirits. Of course, adding volumes didn’t quite work like that, but she accepted it as magic shenanigans.

She ran her hands along it, feeling the same light sensation that she had when the original was detached, then stuck it in her mouth and sucked on it.

She using her hands to grab the lamia’s tail and stroked her fingers along the tip, just under the rattle, where she knew Eloisss was sensitive. She ran her fingernails along the small scales, then slid one down along the tail, feeling for the lower cloaca. Once found, she pulled the toy out of her mouth and slid the wet toy halfway into Eloisss. Apparently, the lower Cloaca wasn’t as deep as the upper.

Holding onto the sensitive part of Eloisss’ tail with one hand, she pushed the lamia into a reclining position and climbed on top of her. She positioned her primary dick, then slid into the lamia’s upper cloaca. She stretched up for another kiss and started rocking her hips, using her fingers to squeeze and stroke the tail in a matching rhythm.

She slid one hand down the tail to grab at the second cock and slide it in and out in an alternate pattern, pistoning them separately, one in and the other out, then vice versa. The twin tight rings of muscles squeezed both cocks. 

Eloisss tensed and moaned at the triple pleasure and leaned forward to kiss Bonny again. Just after they locked lips, she tensed and started shuddering, fluid leaking out around the two cocks buried in her.

Bonny didn’t stop, but kept going, speeding up with the added lubrication, glad her stamina had increased with all the running and walking. She wondered briefly if this would count toward improving her physical stats as well.

Eloisss started convulsing, the tight rings of muscle spasming around the two hard rods penetrating her. They tensed in waves and the lamia contracted her tail, pulling her serpentine body into tight coils.

Bonny hung on, feeling her heavy balls start pulsing from both scrotums at the same time. She let go of the tail, grabbing onto Eloisss and pushing her tongue deeper into their kiss.

They held on to each other as Bonny’s pleasure peaked and she thrust in hard and exploded inside the lamia, both cocks spraying cum, filling both cloaca, and leaking out.

The two hung onto one another, Bonny wrapping her legs around Eloisss’ coils, as they slid from a reclined position to lying together on the ground. They both shuddered and trembled in pleasure, satisfaction, and contentment, still kissing and holding tight.

Clapping finally interrupted their kiss a minute later. The rest of the party tired of waiting.

Bonny opened her eyes and turned her head, to see them advancing on the two. She gave Eloisss a peck on the nose and grinned, “Was that worth waiting for?”

“Yess.” Eloisss smiled back. “Though don’t make me wait sso long next time.”

Bonny laughed and let go, rolling onto her back, slipping out of Eloisss, just as a small naked fairy landed on her nose.
Adelina was about six inches tall, with iridescent, dragonfly-like wings. She landed and straddled Bonny’s nose, squatting down to sit on it.

“Hey! Lis…”

Bonny blew air at the fairy, sending her tumbling off. She watched as the fairy’s wings blurred back into motion and Adolina circled to land on her nose again.

“No shouting.” Bonny had to cross her eyes to focus on the fairy.

“Okay. It’s my turn.” She started grinding her pussy on Bonny’s nose, fluid already building up and running down.

“Uh. Okay. Is everyone else fine w…” Bonny stopped talking as two warm tongues started licking around her dick, cleaning up the mixed lamia fluid and bunny cum. She couldn’t see who it was, but dual rough tongues indicated Miu and Miu-two.

She reached down and found two cat heads, which she stroked and petted, feeling the vibration already transmitting through them and into her groin and dick. Both cats laid down along her legs, rubbing their pussies on her lower legs and feet.

Adelina kept going, rotating her hips in quick circles, almost faster than Bonny could see. The fairy leaned forward and kissed Bonny on the forehead. She whispered, “Thank you for listening.”

“Of course. Do you want me to do anything? You seem to be doing all the work here.”

Her question was too late, as tiny streams of fluid ran down the sides of her nose as the fairy shuddered into an orgasm, moaning. One of the trickles running toward and eye and another toward her mouth. She licked up at it, surprised at the overly sweet taste of the fairy’s nectar.

“That was fast. Faster than me.” Bonny giggled, barely holding back a laugh. “Why don’t you move down a little?”

Bonny stuck her tongue out and Adelina moved down to sit on it, she leaned forward and braced herself on Bonny’s nose. Bonny licked at the tiny fairy, stoking her groin and more and more nectar flooded down.

The two cats were still in sync, rocking against Bonny’s legs. She felt fluid building up there as well, the fur on her legs slick. They started taking turns fellating her, one taking her head into their mouth and the other licking the shaft and her balls.

Bonny moaned, feeling the sensation start growing again, building up from her balls, the tickle of precum running up through her cock. She tangled her fingers in the two cats’ hair and pulled their heads together around her cock, stroking up and down with their heads together, tongues overlapping around her cock.

Her second dick had been left in Eloisss’ lower cloaca, but it flared to life as it was pulled out. Someone stroked it a couple times, then slid it up inside a tight pussy.

The doubled sensation pushed her over immediately. Bonny arched her back and moaned aloud, her tongue vibrating with the sound, setting off the fairy again. Nectar flowed down her tongue as she bucked her hips and erupted into a second ejaculation, spraying both cats, as she pushed them to her cock head.

The two cats both licked in turn over the glans, lapping up the cum spurting around them, grinding down on her legs and shuddering into twin climaxes of their own.

The second dick erupted at the same time, spraying into Willowbelle, who soaked up the fluid like it was the first spring rain. Her pussy clenched around the cock, tightening like a vice, pulling more fluid from it.

Bonny could hear a chorus of moans as everyone but Eloisss climaxed together. She looked over to see Eloisss watching with a smile.

Adelina kissed Bonny on the nose and flew up. She was still naked, the light glare missing, giving Bonny an amazing view of her tiny body. Her hips and breasts were proportional to Bonny’s, scaled down to fairy size.

“Hey!” The fairy smiled down at Bonny’s expression. “Just kidding. I’m tired now.”

“Me too.” Bonny agreed. She turned, looking for the dryad. “Willowbelle, how are you doing? You weren’t left out, were you?”

“I am fine. Thank you, Bonny. I can stand watch while the rest of you sleep, if you need.”

“Okay. Thank you.”

Miu and Miu-two were already asleep, still lying along her legs, heads pillowed on her hips, still purring. Bonny reached down and scratched around their ears. Willowbelle moved near Bonny and spread her roots into the ground. Adelina landed on the dryad’s head, while Eloisss slithered over and curled her coils around them all.

They slept together, content. All but Willowbelle, who didn’t have the same sleep requirements as the rest.

Do I need more like this or something less complicated and with more emotions?

I've noticed that I've been shortening some explicit scenes and relying more on choreography rather than emotional build up, but maybe that's always a problem I've had. The mechanics and positioning seem easier than emotions and the climax (especially when trying to keep things new/unique), so I sometimes worry that I'm getting repetitive, then remove parts and worry that I'm not giving enough weight and screentime to sex.

There is a slight change coming up, there will be more sex, but most of it will be 'fade to black' instead of written out. Hopefully it'll make sense when we get there. I'll still aim for at least one explicit scene every 4-5 chapters (so far it's been every 4th, I think).

Thanks for reading,

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