Blooming America

Chapter 1173: Portable control suit Bane

The neural circuit system is also used by Jenny. (Net m full text novel update fastest)

And the portable drive suit is finally done.

—In other words, Catherine no longer needs the same machine as the big room, but only a small piece of clothing to get everything done.

"I added the latest carbon nanotube chip in it. This chip can help us succeed."

"Oh? Just applied it?"

Catherine was surprised.

"Yes, it can already be used-at least Intel said it's okay. So I used it... Catherine's mouth twitched.

She patted her short hair, then Jenny explained.

This is Catherine's hair that grew out only two days ago-but before that, Catherine had cut off her hair several times. As for the Chapter 1173 portable control service Bane reason? Of course it’s the clothes designed for Lisa...

"All in all, we should be able to start the experiment now, Kate, you should prepare first. I have prepared the cyber body. This time only a single network cable is used. The connection has been very streamlined, but the efficiency is very high. "


"In addition, this experiment is a week, and you may temporarily... lose some freedom. I mainly want to see the impact of this suit on the human body in the short term."

"It doesn't matter, the cyber body can be handled, that's it!"

Catherine had no pressure at all.

"Well, you take it all off first, and then we will start the experiment."

When Catherine turned herself into a light pig, Jenny also changed her clothes.

But Catherine was surprised to find that Jenny was wearing a protective suit.

"This is to prevent the bacteria on my body from infecting, because our next experiments are all carried out in a sterile, dust-free laboratory."

Catherine nodded.

Then, Catherine was led by Jenny to a shower room, where she was soaked in hot water. She felt a strange feeling all over her.

But regardless of what Bane said in Chapter 1173, the portable control suit is now complete, which means that you can use the cyber body anytime and anywhere.

Is there anything more wonderful than this?

"Okay. It's not too bad, Kate."

Jenny gave Catherine a bottle of solvent, and then personally helped her apply a layer of viscous liquid. The bottle containing the liquid was marked as B-66 solution. The liquid felt very slippery and sticky, just like hairspray, and quickly Every inch of Catherine's skin was covered.

"What material is this?"

Catherine asked. Some liquid flowed into her mouth, and it tasted a bit bitter, and she vomited it out.

"This is just for disinfecting and suppressing pores, because your hair can grow out in two or three days, so first use this to'switch mode'."

"Suppress pores? Does it prevent me from growing hair?"

"Yes, it will prevent you from growing any hair, but this is only temporary. After you take off the equipment. You can recover, but if you grow hair during the experiment... Maybe our experiment will be temporary. Stopped. Because in this case, the entire brain sensing system will be affected."

Ok. It's just a little bit of endurance, but Catherine still couldn't help but want to complain: "Why do you, Lisa, or Lily want to deal with my hair?!"

My own hair has suffered several times recently, somehow! There is wood there!

S Yuri. Catherine's girl let out a lament again.

But the matter is not over yet.

When the hot water washed away the liquid on the body, it was obvious that all the hair was gone. This liquid not only restrained the hair, but also dissolved them.

Catherine now feels like she's washed and ready to cook pork...

Jenny dried her body with a towel, and then led her into another room.

This room looks more like an office. It's just that the desk is a workbench.

Jenny let Catherine lie down on the workbench, and the sterile cloth on the workbench wrinkled as she moved.

"I'm going to get the equipment now. Wait."

Jenny came to the other side awkwardly, and then took a sealed plastic container.

She put a sedative on Catherine’s arm and fixed the heart monitor to her finger—of course, the material of the needle was specific, otherwise no one could pierce Catherine’s skin.

"Hello. What does this mean?"

Why is there always a feeling of being tested on humans?

After seeing Jenny's enthusiastic gaze, Catherine's heart fluttered.

"It's okay, just professional habits."

Occupational habits?

A sedative and then a heart monitor...what kind of professional habit is this!

Hello! Jenny, what kind of career have you ever done!

"Kate, don't get excited! The sedatives don't have much effect on you! It's not good if you waste it all! This is for the following equipment...Jenny seems to cherish this medicine very much...

There is no way, Catherine can only make herself as stable as possible, and let the potion play some extremely effective effects. Then, Catherine gradually fell asleep...

When Catherine woke up, she found herself lying on a small bed, tied with a restraint belt, and a life tester beeping beside her.

She groaned, wondering what was going on, her body was very stiff and there was some pain. She twisted her body as much as possible, her lower abdomen felt swelling, she felt something in the back, a rubber mat seemed to be stuck between her legs, and two small ones stuck to her chest.

It can be seen that this cushion does not seem to have any practical effect.

Obviously, this is designed to prevent light leakage.

Jenny seemed quite considerate.

But Catherine also found that each foot is also glued with a lightweight rubber pad, the size is very suitable, even between the toes, so that she can only move her toes in a small area, but if you use it directly to walk, So even if I don't wear shoes, there is no problem at all.

Of course, although it is suspected to be a rubber pad. But Catherine knew that this thing must be a more powerful design, and Jenny wouldn't experiment with rubber pads for herself.

"Wake up? Kate? But the first step hasn't been done yet..."

Jenny was arranging the tools on the side, and then. She came over with something.

"Forget it, Kate, you open your mouth now."

Catherine rolled her eyes, then opened her mouth.

Then Jenny stuffed a tube into Catherine's mouth.

After that, Jenny took out a small device.

"These are headphones and earplugs made of carbon nanotubes that can connect you to the hearing of the cyber body. The principle is to stimulate your ear nerves."

Jenny inserted this earplug in Catherine's ear.

"Hello, can you hear me?"

Jenny spoke into a microphone next to her.

Because Catherine's ears have been completely closed at this time.

Catherine nodded.

Then, Jenny took out another liquid latex-like solvent and stuffed it into Catherine's nose.

"The same principle, olfactory stimulation device."

"In the state of gradual solidification, these fibers will reshape and maintain that shape. At the same time. These fibers will be combined with the protective film and need a special solvent to be processed to untie. Okay, now you give your mouth first Breathe. Kate pay attention."

The thin tube was inserted deeply into Catherine's nostril, all the way to the back of the throat. When it was inserted, the tube and the trachea were quickly connected to each other. The material of this fiber seems to be similar to soft carbon nanotube fiber, the tube can naturally stretch, so it does not hinder breathing. So, after everything was settled, Catherine began to breathe through her nose again.

But what makes Catherine feel uncomfortable is that the free part of the nostril is still full of semi-liquid substance. Makes her nasal cavity very full. "

"The throat and mouth need to be processed in the same way. By stimulating the taste nerves and the nerves inside the throat, it can make you feel like swallowing in a cyber body."

"Can the cyber body still eat?"

There is a tube in her mouth, and Catherine speaks very hard.

"Absolutely." Jenny nodded: "But if you eat something, you have to cut your belly open and then process it. If we have the conditions, we can add an incinerator to the body of the cyberspace. In this way, Food can be wiped out completely."

Incinerator or something...

Just forget it.

Catherine was unable to complain.

The hose slipped slowly into Catherine's throat, and then the strange substance was applied to the inner walls of her throat and mouth, covering her tongue, teeth and lips. She swallowed the hose reflexively. Then, the liquid solidified, and her tongue became completely immobile... cheating.

"It will be all right in a few minutes. This situation is only temporary now."

Jenny went over to look through her notebook at this time.

"Um...yes, that's the next shouldn't go wrong."

...Hey! Don't talk to yourself in scary lines!

Just as Catherine tried to adapt to breathing through this latex-like mouth and nose, Jenny also started the next step.

Jenny took out a helmet. At a glance, Catherine knew that it was very strong, with the special luster and round shape of the tempered carbon nanotube fibers, which matched Catherine's head shape.

Although it was a helmet, it was not very big, it was just slightly larger than Catherine's head.

At the position of the eyes, there is a pair of opaque oval black materials gleaming, like glass powder on the ground. The helmet consists of two parts on the left and right, and the middle is fixed with a remote-controlled lock. Each half of the interior is lined with a blue latex-like substance, which fully conforms to the shape of Catherine's head.

—Every data on the surface of Catherine’s body is recorded here by Jenny, so it’s not a problem to make a helmet that fits her face completely.

This helmet has no extra space except the front of the mouth. The position under the nose in front of the mouth is like an air bag. There are two tubes on each side of the breathing space, four in total, passing through the inside of the helmet. The lining, up to the lower jaw, is connected to some tiny mechanical equipment. It is not known whether it is a filter or a machine.

Through these four small openings, Catherine's breathing will not be a problem.

Jenny applied a black latex-like liquid to each part of the inner layer of the helmet, and then. He put it aside.

Then, Jenny tilted Catherine's head back slightly and took out a pair of special contact lenses, which opened up to be white and opaque.

Jenny stretched Catherine's eyelids open. Put one slice into the right eye, and suddenly half of his vision dimmed.

"Don't be afraid. Blindness is only temporary. After turning on the power, you will be able to have vision again... Oh, yes, and this helmet, I call it the Bane generation. In my opinion, the effect is still not good Okay, so there will be second and third generations in the future."

When the other one was installed, Catherine was completely blind.

Afterwards, Jenny applied some slimy, wet liquid to Catherine's face and waited for it to solidify.

The following is the installation of the helmet.

The inside of it was covered with the same sticky, wet liquid that was applied to her face just now, and Catherine could feel that uncomfortable thing sticking to her skin.

The helmet made according to the face shape is pressed on the head from both sides, and both sides can feel the pressure. The pressure gradually increased until a clear click was heard, and the two parts came together in the middle.

At this moment. Catherine's head was fixed inside a helmet.

The inner lining fits the entire head, ears and face. She is completely blind and cannot hear any sound, but she is well protected.

Then Jenny started to apply those glue-like things on Catherine again.

"If it's not because it is too expensive, just throw it directly into the solvent pool, how good the effect is..."

Jenny curled her lips, and finally sighed after applying everything.

After that, as the liquid on her body began to solidify, Catherine felt some changes. Her breathing became easier.

The gel in the nose, mouth, and throat became thinner, and the fluid in other parts of the head also changed accordingly, as if the entire head had been evacuated, and the ubiquitous pressure on the inner lining increased her touch.

The pressure in the nose and mouth is even stranger. The liquid gradually hardened, and after a few minutes, it became a dry and thin layer. Paste it like paper on every part of her head and mouth.

She used her wrapped tongue to touch her teeth and lips, which were also wrapped, but the range of motion was very small, but it was much better than at the beginning. Every part of her mouth was covered with strange things, which felt very strange. Dry and slippery. Catherine seemed to have the illusion that she could not produce saliva, and she could not feel the air passing through her mouth and nose, and lost her sense of smell and taste.

"Connect the sensor line..."

Jenny spoke to the outside through the intercom.

At this time, Catherine jumped up suddenly and almost broke free!

"It's so spicy! It's so spicy!"

A violent spiciness, like eating the terrible pepper that destroyed the dinosaurs in prehistoric times!

But soon, the smell disappeared, and Catherine was also very ill.

—Obviously, Jenny was teased just now.

"Um... at least everything looks perfect."

Catherine whispered with her small open mouth: "You bastard!"

Now Catherine can talk again. Although there is still some solid in her mouth that makes her words a little ambiguous, she can’t hear her voice clearly. It feels like she put a cup on her mouth and nose and talked. .

Catherine's voice didn't come from her, but from the speakers next to her.

"Ah, it's just a little joke, don't mind, Kate~"

Then don't use an expression of "I'm very satisfied", how can it be repaired!

"Turn on the optic nerve."

Jenny is taking the next step.

Suddenly, a burst of colorful smoke appeared in front of Catherine in the darkness. After the chaos, the image of the room gradually appeared.

"Although you can see the image, this image has nothing to do with your eyes. Uh... a sensor is installed on the front of the helmet. After receiving the image, it is transmitted to the carbon nanotube chip, and then it is translated into an electrical signal and sent directly to you. Brain, so the image is black and white-no way, our technology is limited."

This is Jenny's explanation.

Indeed, and in Catherine's vision, this image seems to be a little smaller, as if looking at a telescope in reverse. She can see things around her, but it's smaller than normal, as if it's a little further away.

There is no way, because the components of Catherine are designed for neural circuits and cyber body, and Catherine herself can only "enjoy" the second-class treatment.

No wonder Jenny calls it a "generation".

But something magical is when Catherine moves her invisible eyes. The images in the brain move accordingly, and what you see perfectly matches the movement of the eyeballs, just like ordinary people, and the images are very clear. When Catherine blinked. The image disappeared for a while.

"Can it blink?"

"Why not? Although it's just signal blocking. I have to say that the performance of this new chip is too good. My requirements were met by the laboratory at once."

"Well, now let's try the control of the cyber body!"

The formal work is about to begin.

Before Catherine could react, everything in front of her eyes. But suddenly disappeared.

"What's wrong?!"

Catherine stood up in surprise.


The colorful world?

Wait, what's your own equipment?

In an instant, Catherine realized what was going on.

-My current consciousness is on the cyber body.

In other words, his current Tifa Catherine...

But this thing...

Catherine touched the network cable behind Tifa's head, then stood up and walked out of the hospital bed. She found that she was on the opposite side of the laboratory.

"It feels so strange..."

Catherine couldn't help taking a step forward.


The network cable was torn off.


Jenny's angry voice came over immediately.

"Don't get excited. Jenny, an accident! It's just a small accident..."

If you can see Catherine’s face, it must be embarrassing...

"Um... forget it. There is one last step, let's finish it first...or we can't go out. Fortunately, this is not that expensive..."

Jenny murmured, then made Catherine stand up.

Catherine was unchained, and then she was about to stand up with a leap, but due to the cushions on the soles of her feet, she almost fell at first.

Because it was difficult to stand firmly, Catherine adjusted a little, and then she began to walk to another room.

She raised her hand to touch her face, but she touched a blank face. There is nothing but a smooth, featureless surface. When the finger slides over the sensor, she can see her finger as if she is dangling it in front of her eyes.

Although this is not the point, it can be seen that Jenny is very serious about designing.

There is a metal bucket filled with black liquid in this room. It looks like the liquid of the previous protective film and film.

With the help of Jenny, she entered the metal bucket, the liquid was very warm, she was like standing knee-deep in glue.

Jenny let her squat down so that she could be completely immersed in the liquid, and then, while her breath was not closed, Jenny pulled Catherine out.

Catherine stood up, dripping with latex liquid, and she was blind again.

After a few minutes, the latex began to harden and became thinner, but tighter. When the outside of the sensor was cleaned up, she regained her vision.

Soon after, her skin was covered with a second layer of shiny black latex skin. From the top of the helmet to the toes, everything is sealed under the latex coat. She touched her arms and abdomen with her hands, and she felt a very comfortable touch.

"This device can shield the external senses, so that you will not be disturbed when you control the cyber body. Of course, there are some side effects. Don't worry, it will only take a week. Specifically, you can try it yourself. ."

"Come with me, here is the last piece of equipment."

"When you were in a coma, I added a layer of maintenance device in your intestines, which can transport nutrient solution and food directly to your intestines and stomach."

No wonder I felt a little pain just now.

"I will teach you how to use the daily maintenance device, please listen carefully."

Jenny took Catherine to the corner of the room, and then Catherine saw a toilet-like compartment with a hole in the floor where she could squat on it. Inside the hole, there is a retracted stainless steel bowl with many mechanical devices. Draw a footprint on the ground on both sides of the hole to indicate where she should put her foot, and there is also a handprint on the front of the bowl. There is a sign on the front wall showing a black pole sticking out of the ground.

Jenny let Catherine squat, her hands and feet pressed to the ground.

"This is the maintenance station. According to this sign. Even without me, you can complete the maintenance."

This is worse than Mr. Jiao!

The corners of Catherine's mouth twitched.

But the machine below does not listen to her.

"Very good. It is your maintenance device that is implanted in your intestines. It will absorb the waste and urine you produce, and then store it. I am studying how to recycle the water and organic matter inside. This will increase the battery life. As for now, you still have to do it once a day...well, during the maintenance process, the stored waste will be pumped out through the device, and the food will be pumped through the hose through the pump and through your intestines. Until your stomach."

The hose of the waste recovery device began to seep out and pushed up the latex clothes outside. Then, the device in the middle of the bowl was activated, and a hose was extended upwards. Then the clothes automatically opened a hole, the inner tube and the outer soft Butt the tubes together.

Catherine really wanted to complain about this situation: it's like a car refueling at a gas station.

She squatted for a few minutes, feeling nothing at first. Obviously, a person will not feel any relaxation when "removing stored waste". She still feels that her belly is swollen. This is because the volume of the waste collection device implanted in her body has not decreased.

Then she felt her stomach was being filled. This morning, she had a little breakfast, but she did not feel hungry. It felt strange that the stomach was filled so quickly, even though she didn't eat anything.

After completing the left and right process, the machine also retracted the bowl, and the hose retracted into Catherine's body, and the small hole in the clothes closed in an instant.

"Okay, let's go out now. After the cyber body is done, we will carry out the next experiment... Damn it. Maybe I should use tempered carbon nanotube fibers to make the network cable..."

"You should consider using wireless..."

Catherine would never admit that it was her fault to disconnect the network cable.

When leaving, Catherine saw a mirror, she took a step back, Catherine looked at the dress.

The tight clothes gleamed with latex-like luster, and Catherine's figure was very good, although it was only a black human figure. But it can be seen that this is a beauty embryo... uh.

Her hands were groping for the smooth surface of the head in the mirror, while the cushions between the chest and the legs were hidden under the latex, which made her body curve unnaturally smooth in these two places. Although it prevented the light from disappearing, it was It's like a plastic mannequin dummy.

"This dress has a function you can't think of, Kate, you will know then, you will definitely thank me~"

Jenny smiled: "Moreover, I think this suit is very suitable for space work. As long as people wear a thin suit, they can move freely. Isn't that great~ When I design, I think about it. It doesn’t matter if you wear it for a long time, even if you don’t take it off for a lifetime!"


The corners of Catherine's mouth twitched.

But thinking about it, Catherine felt pretty good.

Why is a huge ecosystem necessary to establish a colony?

Confining the ecosystem to the individual...isn’t that okay?

A perfect idea!

Catherine was proud of her idea. UU Reading

Well, even though it's kind of plagiarizing Jenny's idea...

"Speaking of which, what is the name of this costume?"

Jenny thought for a while, then she stared at the helmet.

"Forget it, just call Bane?"

Jenny directly applied the name of the helmet.

Then, Jenny went over to fix the network cable of the cyber body, and then, Catherine's vision changed from black and white to color again.


Tifa Catherine woke up from a coma.

Just write the settings and get up...

Well, two-in-one super chapter, 7K words~ (to be continued) RQ! !

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