Blooming America

Chapter 1172: Bio-Brain Strengthening Possibility

China, Northeast: the fastest to read novels)

The farmers have finished their day's work, and they are preparing to go home during the busy farming season. Every day is very tired.

But among these people, there was a foreigner who followed

The old peasants he also followed go to the land and farm every day

These farmers also know that there is such a strange foreigner

These days, foreigners themselves are very rare. In their view, foreigners seem to be very mysterious. Who are they and what they are going to do? In the eyes of Chinese people, this is very strange.

In the beginning, when this foreigner came to this place, it was the same

This person is a little strange, he liked to watch the old farmers plow the fields and then drive the cattle

No matter who it is, I think it’s weird. Chapter 1172 The possibility of biological brain enhancement

But this foreigner didn’t do anything, just watched silently

Later, this person joined the team of these people together

He asked these old farmers about plowing techniques, and then he picked up the good manure and irrigated the fields.

Gradually, people also discovered that the mysterious halo draped on the foreigner's head had disappeared.

This person is just like an ordinary person, just an ordinary person

But why is this person here?

What exactly does this person do?

No one knows

However, his studies here have also been nicknamed "foreign farmers in China".

He is Drizzt

Since the situation in China has changed drastically, Drizzt has also come to China.

In the United States, there are few primitive farming methods like this, but this farming method is very...effective

Although in the eyes of other Americans, this is an inefficient way, in the seriousness of Drizzt, it is another kind of existence.

Catherine cares not about output but quality

So in the process of research, Drizzt paid more attention to quality.

Quality is probably the most important existence in Chapter 1172 of biological brain enhancement

The rice in the Northeast is very fragrant and the food is very delicious. It is almost completely different from the meat that Americans use hormones and screens.

In order to meet the needs of most people, pork and chicken in the United States have been bred through various special methods for a long time.

It only takes a month for a chicken to grow up. Pigs are also fed with antibiotics. Cows are corn cattle raised with corn. The stomach of this type of cattle is also perforated and needs to be handed from time to time. Go in and stir-because cows can't digest corn

Of course, in Drizzt’s laboratory, there would be no such situation.

But Drizzt always feels something is missing

In my own laboratory, something seems to be lacking

What exactly is this?

Drizzt doesn't know much

In China, Drizzt thought he might have the answer

The farming methods and animal husbandry methods in many parts of China are very different from those in the United States, and even from the entire Western world.

Moreover, relatively speaking, Chinese food has countless dishes, which are also richer than Western dishes.

Although "being a farmer", in fact, Drizzt thinks this kind of life is also quite good. At least here, he can have a subversive understanding of his past.

Like before, Drizzt felt that those beef cattle should be served well.

But at this time, Drizzt felt that if these beef cows had been training since they were young and had a whole body of muscles, what would happen?

Of course some people don’t like that muscle, but Drizzt knows Catherine’s taste, so in Drizzt’s view, this should be able to meet Catherine’s requirements.

Most of the cattle in China are old scalpers and old water buffaloes in the fields. As for pure beef cattle, there are very few or almost none.

Drizzt is still working diligently...for the future of foodies...sorry, we don't have spare batteries..." Van Hill shook his head

On the other hand, Catherine was in high spirits, but unfortunately, the howling snow wolf still rushed to the street because of lack of energy.

The howling snow wolf without energy can only stand by Katherine's own strength, so at this time, the howling snow wolf almost loses all its "ability".

"If there is no high-energy battery, it can only run like this now..."

Catherine pondered

Maybe...I need some energy?

Okay, energy, energy, energy

It seems that everything of oneself is facing an energy problem, and there is no way to solve this problem...

It’s not that there is no, it’s just that everything is in development, and in some cases, it’s not suitable for Catherine.

So at this time, in some cases, it can only be cheating

As always cheating

"But speaking of it, it feels really strange"

Catherine said again

Although the power supply has been used up, there is a small backup power supply inside. This power supply is used to make sounds and observe the outside world. It can last for more than 12 hours, but it is not enough for other purposes.

Catherine almost can't feel the existence of her body now. Her body seems to be "non-existent", which is very strange.

"I feel... I seem to have become this howling snow wolf..."

Catherine added again

"Yes, it is true... your body should now be part of the howling snow wolf, and the howling snow wolf is indeed your body now" Van Hill said.

Catherine was puzzled

He added: "The function of the neural circuit is to form a combination with the nervous system of the human body. In this way, a nervous system will be formed. For me, changing the body... can be understood as the same concept. "

Well, with such advanced technology, Catherine said that she could only understand vaguely.

"In fact, these neural circuits are also based on the brain structure of the human body, because the structure of the human brain determines that the human brain cannot understand things that they cannot understand."

It’s like what Jenny told Catherine at the beginning, men can’t experience the feeling of women, and women can’t perceive men either.

Put it on the machine, it's the same

"But in this regard, I have a solution-through an external biological brain"

"It's interesting... Tell me about it"

Catherine is interested

"For example, the howling snow wolf. This kind of howling snow wolf itself refers to the wolf as a prototype. Therefore, if you control the howling snow wolf as a ‘wolf’, it’s perfect."

indeed so

"At this time, we can connect the human brain and the wolf brain through neurons through an external adapter, and the human brain can control the wolf brain... Well, it's like adding a 16 to the motherboard. Bit compatible cpu"

The current computer has become a complete 32-bit system, but on the early computers, 32-bit and 16-bit systems run side by side.

In this case, Catherine would understand

"But there are some problems in this way, and we can't solve them for the time being"

"There are still questions?"

Catherine hates the sentence "but...and..."

Whenever I encounter such a sentence, it always means cheating and then continuing to cheat

"Yes, after the combination, the human body can perfectly control the body of the wolf howling snow wolf, and the effect will be very perfect. But because the wolf brain is the leading factor, so at this time, people will not Consciously move closer to the wolf's behavior, for example, howls from time to time, or something..."

Elsa couldn't help but look at Catherine

Just when I was playing gh, Catherine was howling...

"Elsa, being looked at me like this, I'm's funny"

Synthetic sound made Catherine’s voice strange

"But it can be controlled. The biological brain is just an external device. If we can shield these ‘habits’, it should be fine."

"By the way... If I use a man as a biological brain, can I also feel the feeling of a man's body?"

Catherine suddenly thought of a very crucial question

"Uh...this may be possible, but I don’t recommend it for the time being, because the human brain is too complicated and involves a lot of troubles. And when using biological brains for connection, I think it’s best to choose female life. , Which can make the probability of success high"

In other words, is it feasible to control the human body? Is it possible to add a biological brain yourself?

Catherine was keenly aware of this

"Oh, in addition, if there is no external neural circuit connected, it can be used if it is connected to a biological brain, but this situation is very inappropriate, because it is impossible for humans to have a nervous system like a wolf. , The structure of the nervous system of humans and animals is still different, which means that at that time, humans will curl up and crawl like wolves, but because the structure of humans is different from that of wolves, they will move. It may become a very difficult thing..."

So complicated?

Catherine didn't understand the meaning

"It can also be understood simply-you can think that controls the brain of that creature by yourself"

So it can still be like this

Saying that earlier, wouldn't it be better, as for that troublesome?

and many more……

Catherine suddenly realized something

Why is it controlled again?

Does he really want to become Yuri Catherine?

Ha, what an international joke?


Half of this chapter was written on the plane, and the scenery outside is so spectacular...

Well, there are two more chapters to be continued) rq

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