Bloodied Banners

Chapter 4: The Spar. Pt1

Commodus's bold statement left the room silent, the air thick with tension. My mother's gaze grew even colder and more furious. Aurelia seemed to feel just like me, confused. The chancellor has betrayed my family before, yet he's holding his promise with my father? Why? What did he have to gain?

"Ive known that someone had been protecting us..." my mother paused, an expression of caution plastered on her face. "Yet why are you? You have no reason to be doing any of this! Now you ask to take my son under your wing for no gain! why are you doing this?" she asked, tired, angry, and even a little depressed.

"Im not the man I once was. I had my reasons for betraying the loyalists. In fact, I hated them for what they did to me, and I still do. Your husband was the only man who ever actually helped me without trying to manipulate me in some way. He was a genuine friend to me." he said, his lips curling into a smile. "He helped me even if it didn't benefit him. He helped me even when others wouldn't. His last request was for me to protect his family. What type of friend would I be if I let him down?" Commodus asked, chuckling.

"As for making Achilles my student..." he paused, releasing a sigh. "Ares, your first son will become head of the house once your gone. He will have absolute control of anything and everything inside house Virellis's territory. How would he establish his power? Who is his only threat?" Commodus asked, his gaze shifting between the 3 of us.

The answer was obvious. It was me. I am the only other direct descendant, and technically heir. I am the only man who could actually stand against him. I would never do such a thing, but Ares is a paranoid man. He is cold and calculating. Commodus's words make sense, but would he actually try to kill me?

"I believe that Ares will try to kill Achilles." He said, his voice cold and serious. "I cant let Achilles die like that. Not to mention, i'm also getting quite old and i've yet to bear any heirs, nor do I plan to." he said slowly, avoiding eye contact.

"Allow me to take your son under my wing, allow me to help him bloom." He pleaded.

Silence filled the room again as my mother was pressured into making a decision. I wasn't very surprised that she folded. "Its up to Achilles..." she said quietly causing everyones attention to turn toward me.

I felt the pressure, but I wasn't going to fold like my mother. I needed time to debate what I was going to do, and that was exactly what I asked for.

"Could you give me a few days?" I asked, attempting to keep eye contact with Commodus.

"Of course you can, just know that this offer wont be here forever."


A few days had passed since the end of the dinner. Commodus was still here. His massive bannership still hovering in orbit above Tundara, casting its massive shadow across a small portion of the planet's surface. Over the past few days, he has regularly been descending and interacting with us all. Today would be no different.

Knock, knock, knock.

A sound echoes from my door, pulling my conscience back into reality from a hazy dream. I groaned, blinking at the ceiling. I continued staring at the ceiling for a few moments, fighting the exhaustion that attempted to pull me back into sleep.

Knock, knock, knock.

The knocking continued, jittering me out of my daze. The sun hadn't risen yet. It was still dark outside. 

"Go, you know he won't stop knocking unless you talk to him." Aurelia, who lays down next to me, says quietly.

Knock, knock, knock.

He knocks again. I sigh knowing what she says is true.

I somehow managed to drag myself out of my bed and swing open my door. Standing there, as expected, was Commodus.

"Good morning!" he said, his voice smooth and smile mischievous.

I look at him for a moment with a face of disbelief. "It's not even morning yet," I mumble. "What could you possibly want?"

Commodus didn't seem bothered by my tiredness nor rudeness. Instead, he smiled in delight as he saw my disheveled appearance. 

"Come, let us walk for a bit," he said, his voice commanding, and intimidating. "I want to show you something."

He was clad in his usual black nebula armor. Just like Thoris's, the scales shifted at my every movement, fearing me as an enemy and revealing a golden hue beneath.

"I have to go change," I grumbled, looking down at my bare chest and sweatpants.

Commodus sighed, "very well, be quick, we must be back before breakfast. Nutrients are important!" he said energetically.

I didn't argue, yet I gave him the side eye as I closed my door. Over the past few days, I learned that it was much easier to do as he said rather than argue, even if I hated the idea of being dragged out of bed for something as trivial as this. 

I followed him down the halls of the Virellis estate. The servants we passed stood rigidly at attention, their eyes deliberately avoiding us both, a gesture of respect. It seemed that they knew better than to act disrespectfully in front of the chancellor. I ignore them as I always do, Commodus however smiles.

"You must make your subordinates feel grateful that they have the opportunity to serve you, Achilles," he tells me. "That's how you ensure their loyalty. They need to feel important even if they aren't."

It is interesting to me how Commodus manipulates people through even the smallest of details, like making sure that the servants feel "special." It doesn't feel right to manipulate people, yet I find myself doing it instinctively, now that he taught me how. A little flattery here, a bit of conversation there and you can practically get into every servant's good graces. It is kind of pitiful knowing how easy it is to manipulate people's emotions and actions.

Commodus says that humanity's compassion, and emotions are what make us weak, yet I feel that they are also what makes us human. Without compassion, how are we any different from the Hordes at our borders? Without emotion, how are we any different from the Artificial intelligence up north?

He tests my level of manipulation everyday, for instance, the first time he had me use his techniques, I managed to manipulate my mother's aides into giving me extra allowance even though I clearly didn't need it. Each time after that, it got easier and easier. The hardest part is when you need to manipulate strangers since you don't know their personality, nor how they react to certain situations. For now, my manipulation is only at a minor level, but I think both Commodus and I can see my potential. 

I like how I'm able to shape their behavior, it's as if I'm some sort of puppet master pulling invisible strings to get them to do exactly what I want without the use of violence. It feels so good even though I know it's so wrong. I can already feel the effect that being around this man has had on me. I do believe that he can help change me and my so called fate, but I don't know if I would like what he would change me into.

As we reach the doors to exit the main building of our estate, I can hear the raindrops. They are more faint than usual. Summer is coming to an end.

As I follow Commodus into the downpour, I can't help but wonder, where is he taking me? This is my home. I know everything about this place. What could he possibly have to show me?

As we walked, the rain soaked my clothes, and mud quickly caked my shoes, feet and pants. I have always hated summer, and the rain. Instead of taking the train cars that lead down the estate's hill, he decides to take the path. I don't really question it.

As we continue to descend the hill that led toward the lower estate grounds, I couldn't help but gaze at the beautiful armor Commodus was wearing. I always dreamed of obtaining such nebula armor, yet it is only ever given to those who get promoted to crown marks. I find myself staring at it for awhile, a bit jealous as I watch its scales move, shift, and rotate.

Commodus glances back at me, catching my gaze. He smiles for a moment. "I've had this armor for tens of years, ever since I gained my first crown. It is special, I feel a connection with it." he says smiling.

"Connection? Isn't it just armor?" I ask, confused on how someone could feel a connection with a piece of armor.

"Yes, but the armor learns with you." he pauses. "Think of it as an extension of your body. The armor memorizes every situation its been in and gradually becomes stronger over time." he continues.

"It's an incredible invention. You will only understand it's greatness once you eventually obtain your own." he says as we reach a turn in the path at the edge of the estate grounds. To my surprise, Commodus didn't head toward the lower estate grounds. Instead, he started walking the other way.

"The lower estate grounds is over there," I said, pointing toward toward the distant lights below. "That way just leads to a small forest behind the estate."

"I know, I want to show you something," he says. "Follow me." his voice hoarse in the rain.

I hesitated. What did he want to show me? I don't recall there being anything in the forest. What was he trying to do? Was he actually trying to show me something? Nevertheless, I continued to naively follow him down the hill toward the back of the estate.

It was still dark, the only reason light source we had was the golden hue under Commodus's armor which lit up our surroundings. I followed Commodus for a long while, until he eventually stopped.

Confused, I looked past him, only to find out that the trail had ended. "What are we gonna do now?" I asked.

"Well, we need to get down there..." he said, pointing toward a dark barely visible forest below. 

"I guess we'll just have to off the trail..."

Suddenly a smile curled upon the old man's lips. "I'll race you to the bottom" He yelled as he broke into a full on sprint down the hill toward the forest. I stood there stunned for a few moments, why would a fifty year old man want to race like children? Nevertheless, I chased after him. Commodus moved swiftly, and despite my best efforts, I could barely keep up. The cold rain blurred my vision making it hard to see. Midway down the hill, I abandoned my shoes, the mud caked on them was slowing me down too much. Barefoot, I started to gain on him, but Commodus was already pretty far ahead.

By the time we were reaching the base of the hill, I could only barely spot him due to the light on his armor.. I surged forward, refusing to be beaten by someone who could be classified as a senior citizen. I launched myself at his back in an attempt to knock him off balance. We both tumbled into the mud, rolling uncontrollably, laughter filling the air.

It was a moment of absurdity, 2 men racing down a hill, both wet and covered in mud rolling down a hill.

When we finally stopped rolling, I stood and looked around. We were no longer standing on grass or mud. We were standing on concrete. The forest surrounded us, dense and thick, acting sort of as walls. We were standing in a small circular clearing, surrounded by trees from all sides. It seemed like an arena. 

Looking around, the arena seemed quite old and clearly unmaintained. Moss and foliage from the forests had started creeping into the cracked concrete below while the trees surrounding it seemed to be overgrown. 

On both sides of the arena stood 2 extremely large trees, both with markings on them. The one on the left had a dove's wing carved into it, just like the one on my family's banner. The one on the right had a large wreathe carved into it, the symbol of house Tiberius.

Beneath both symbols on either sides stood both an armor stand, and a smaller weapon stand. Worn, and dirty pieces of armor lay draped over both armor stands. The armor draped beneath the dove's wing being white, while the one draped under the wreathe being black. They were old, very old, seemingly made from a combination of steel, leather, and cotton. Their designs were interesting. Metal covered the shoulders, chest and part of the legs while leather and cloth covered the joints, allowing easy, quick and precise movements. The helmets both had very similar designs with a face mask, and 2 horns protruding off the top making them a little menacing. 

On both weapon stands, laid the same weapon. It's blade was long, and single edged. Its curves, gently swayed from from hilt to tip shining elegantly under the starry night. 

"What is this place?" I asked, looking at Commodus for answers.

"Your father and I used this place to spar many years ago. Your mother has clearly not maintained it." He said, his voice containing a little bit of sadness.

Considering that they've sparred before, I wonder which one of them was more skilled.

"Were you better than my father?" I asked, trying to get a hint of this man's power.

Commodus turned to look at me, a smile plastered on his face. "I was not." He said blatantly. "Your father was very skilled. The only times that I ever really beat your father was when I used some dirty trick. Your father was an honorable, merciful being, one that luckily was not that revengeful." he chuckled. 

"Anyway, go grab your armor and weapon." He said, pointing toward the tree with the symbol of a dove's wing. "Your father wore it before so it may be a little damaged, but it should be fine." He said, walking toward the tree marked with his own family's symbol.

I sighed.

It seemed that he wanted to spar. why would he? Couldn't he tell that I would destroy him? He is clearly far too old for things like this.

Sighing, I slipped off my clothes, changing into my armor. It was a bit big, yet still manageable. It had a few tears and marks from years of usage and negligence, yet it was good enough. It was pretty light compared to the Tungsten armor I normally wore. The blade might have been a lot faster and more precise than the weapons of this era, but it was not nearly as deadly. 

Seeing the old man now, I couldn't help but chuckle a bit. We both looked little ridiculous. We were dressed like those ancient warriors from earth. what were they called? Ah yes... Samurai.

I took a deep breath, the cool air filling my lungs as the rain continued to wash away all the muck from my clothes and armor. The relentless downpour seemed to slow down, just for a moment. As the sun's yellow hue began to rise above the horizon, and through the tree line, the spar began.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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