Chapter 3: Dinner.
Ah, the little dinner party. I almost forgot the reason I was heading toward the dinning hall in the first place. It seems that she has invited the Chancellor, but why?
As we reach the towering doors, Thoris pushes them open with a casual strength that belies their weight. The sound of the doors groaning on their hinges echoed throughout the whole room. Seeing his immense strength, I couldn't help but feel thankful that Thoris was a friend. I would hate to one day fight him as an enemy.
Inside the hall, rows of long, polished tables ran parallel on both sides of a red-carpeted path which led to a raised platform at the far end of the room. The hall is elegant, and vast, yet also empty. As I walk down the red carpet, I cant help but admire the beauty of it.
At the top of the stairs sits my mother at the head of the table. Her presence, domineering as always. She wears an elegant white gown, highlighting her long, braided silver hair and gray eyes. She wears many jewels just like my wife, but instead of ruby's, they were diamonds. The dresses short sleeves revealed her arm which bore five marks, each looking like a crown. These 5 marks are what made her one of the highest people in society, a vicar, second to only the Chancellor and the Imperion himself. Despite her age, she still seemed like the very definition of grace and nobility.
Across from her sits Commodus Caius Tiberius, the Chancellor. Although he looks far past his prime, there is still something formidable about him. Although he's well over fifty, he's still remarkably handsome with his neatly combed gray hair and olive skin tone. His light blue eyes give him a look of innocence, yet I will not be fooled. He is the chancellor, second to only the Imperion. He commands both the 1st Tiberius legion and the 7th Praetorian legion making him one of the most powerful men in all the cosmos. He wears a custom tuxedo covering his marks, yet I don't need to see them, I already know that he has five golden crowns marked on his arm, just like my mother.
"My second son, Achilles, and his wife Aurelia" my mother introduces us, her voice smooth and composed as she introduces us.
Commodus gives us a small nod. "I remember them quite well." He says, his lips curling into a small smile.
"I remember witnessing one of Aurelia's tournaments. She is quite speedy and aggressive, her swordsmanship reminds me of you." he said releasing a small chuckle.
"Of course she does, I am her teacher after all," My mother responds, glancing at Aurelia and giving her a warm smile. The chancellor's eyes shift from Aurelia towards me. "Achilles however seems to take after his father." He says with a slight chuckle. I watch as my mothers soft smile turns into a deep frown at the mention of my father. He had gone missing during a battle a few months before I was born. Mother never talked about him nor what he was like.
"From what I remember, his fighting style is much more dirty and gritty just like Thaddeus's." He said, giving me a smile. "That is not a bad thing, in fact, it's a skill. Not many people think about using anything other than their blade in battle."
Normally, I probably would've gave him a smile, but now I was focused on much more important things. "Did you know my father?" I ask the man.
"Did your mother not tell you?" He asks me, tilting his head.
I watched as my mother's frown deepened and as her eyes avoided my own.
"Your father was a friend of mine." Commodus says casually.
"Before my father died and I ran for chancellor, our families were actually pretty close. Considering that both your father and I came from powerful loyalist family's, I guess it was expected for us to get close."
Listening to the man, I couldn't help but feel excited and curious. My mother never really spoke about my father. I always assumed that she was still heartbroken so I never pressed her for answers,
"So what happened between you two?" I asked curiously.
"Well, after I took over as head of house Tiberius, I had to establish my power. It was an excruciating time. I had to do many horrible things that I am definitely not proud of. I killed people who I thought were my brothers, my actual brothers, and many more." he said blatantly. "During that time, your father had already become head of house Virellis. He was my biggest supporter. He sent me many legions and credits allowing me to crush the rest of my family's resistance, and the people's uprising." he continued.
"Honestly, he is the reason that I am here right now, without him, I would probably have long been overthrown, with one of my brothers leading the house."
"Yet you still betrayed us..." my mother muttered.
Both me and Aurelia glanced at my mother. What did she mean? How did this man betray my parents?
"You are clueless Aurora..." Commodus sighs. He takes a moment to reflect, then looks back at both Aurelia and I. "After getting elected as chancellor by the council of Vicars, I abandoned the loyalist party and joined the councilist's." he said, staring at my mother. "I believed that it was in my best interests and I do not and will not regret my decision."
The atmosphere quickly became filled with tension as my mother kept glaring at the old man. I glanced back and forth between the chancellor and my mother. They both seemed to really hate each other and I understood why. Our family had helped Commodus establish his power. He then used the loyalist party to become the chancellor, then betrayed them. He basically fed us to the hounds.
We sat in silence for a while, all of us in our thoughts. It was only broken by the shuffle of servants. It seems that food has finally been served.
Maids entered carrying large plates of various dishes. Placed on the table were stacks of steaks, ribs, chicken thighs, along with bowls of rice, noodles and many other dishes.
Honestly, it was the most awkward dinner i've ever had. The sound of chewing and occasional cling of silverware filled the room. No one spoke for a long time. I was honestly getting quite nervous and quite board. As my mind started to wonder, I finally started to ask myself, why was Commodus here? What did he want?
Surprisingly, the first person to speak was not Commodus, not me, not my mother, but Aurelia.
"What was my father-in-law's reaction?" she asked curiously. I raised my head, put down my fork and wiped my hands with a cloth. I wondered that as well, how did my father react?
"Your father was well aware of my plans..." he said, "He actually spoke to me about it. He neither supported nor was against it. I knew it would cause him much harm, yet I went through with it anyway. he said, his voice quieter then before. "Neither of us spoke to each other again for many years..."
The silence once again filled the room, followed a quick sense of discomfort. Although I was quiet, my mind was racing. I was learning many new things about my father and abut Commodus. Why was he telling us this. What did he want? that question kept coming to my brain. He had to be here for a reason right? There was no way the man wold haul his entire fleet across galaxies just to visit us. What did he want!
As if reading my mind, my mother finally asked the question. "What do you want Commodus? We've been sat here for over an hour! get to it already!" she barked.
Even if she was a vicar, wasn't she being a little to disrespectful?
"Verywell..." He sighed as sat up.
"A few months before Thaddeus went missing, he came to me. He had just recently learned that you were pregnant with Achilles. We talked for a while, catching up with each other just as old friends do. He didn't seem to hate nor resent me for my actions. In fact, he actually requested something of me. The Imperion, supported by the majority of the council ordered your father to take his already injured legions deep into republic territory in an attempt to distract and disrupt the republican invasion. Worried something would happen to him, he requested for me to watch over you all. That was all he wanted. I of course agreed. Your father was one of the greatest men I ever knew. He was a man who forgave. He helped me even when I betrayed him and put him in danger. How could I not accept his offer? A few months after our conversation, he went missing while his legions retreated off the planet Zarathis." He paused for a moment, sighing.
"Ever since then, ive been looking out for you all. I manipulating the council, distracted the Imperion, all in order for you all to grow up peacefully.
Now that you are almost grown Achilles, i've decided to finally make an appearance." He said, giving me a smile. "I didn't appear here for no reason. I appeared here because I have a request. I would like for you to become my student."