Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 70: Female Multi-POV

A/N: If you've enjoyed reading this story and want to hop on board my next story right at the moment of its conception, please check out The Soul Engine for me! It just started and I'm really excited for it~


It was the first ever Team Rocket Expo, aka the Rocket Expo for short. The very first of its kind, exactly one year to the day after Champion Blue had declared Team Rocket to be a legitimate, official branch of the government. As a legitimate organization under the Kanto government, Team Rocket had only flourished. With its mysterious new leader at the helm, it had grown and grown, and there was now a Team Rocket Office in every city and town in Kanto.

That wasn't to say there weren't some minor hiccups along the way, of course. There were plenty of people still mad at Team Rocket for the actions they'd taken while they were classified as a terrorist organization. And plenty of those people had very real, legitimate grievances. Team Rocket had done what they could to make things right… without actually declaring any wrongdoing, of course. Can't have that, now can they?

… Not that Mary had any claim to grievances against Team Rocket herself. As the blonde Cerulean City native looks around the Rocket Expo with wide eyes… she's not here looking for compensation for what happened to her, or anything like that. Truth be told, she knows deep down inside… it was her own fault. She'd not just let it happen; she'd made it happen. That day, with the Rocket Grunt… well, it had been the best, most exciting day of her life.

She'd been chasing that high ever since, only for her pursuit of that young man to lead to her missing every opportunity for anything else to happen to her. She and Dan hadn't stayed together for long after the incident with the Rocket Grunt, of course. They were never really boyfriend and girlfriend to begin with, truth be told.

But after how things had gone down, they hadn't even done anything together. Their next couple of dates, all Mary could think about was the Rocket Grunt. She couldn't even bring herself to kiss Dan. He was… he wasn't repulsive, necessarily. He was never ugly, or bad looking. But he just didn't have the vibe she was looking for.

She couldn't get that young man out of her head. The way he'd dismissed her. The way he'd used her and left her. Mary knew she'd been the one to initiate everything, mind. There was no abuse there… he hadn't forced her to do anything she didn't want to do. Even still, he could have at least reciprocated a little bit. Could have fucked her, maybe.

Instead, he'd cum all over her face and tits… and then went to go see Pokemon Collector Bill. Like she was nothing. Like she was nobody and no one.

And maybe… maybe she was. That realization had shaken Mary to her core, and the blonde had felt like she had no choice but to leave Cerulean City behind once she and Dan officially unofficially 'broke up'. Of course, that turned out to result in another missed opportunity.

No more than a week after she'd left Cerulean City in her rearview mirror so to speak, The Craze had happened. Mary had heard all about it through her friends and family and the grapevine. How everyone had suddenly just… HAD to get it out of their system. People practically fucking in the streets, apparently!

Even Dan had apparently found someone, his oddish managing to carry him to victory against some weak hussy who he'd then knocked up. Mary wasn't overly jealous of that bitch though. Dan wasn't what she would call a catch, and more than that… she KNEW she could do better. In the end, missing out on The Craze by such a short period of time… it was a blessing in disguise, the way she saw it.

Still, even with that said, Mary hadn't exactly made anything of herself in the last year, now had she? She'd ran around the Region all willy nilly, training up her Jigglypuff where she could, but she hadn't even managed a single Gym Challenge! Not that she'd been trying very hard. She wasn't sure that challenging Gyms and collecting Badges was even what she really wanted to do, to be honest.

But then she'd heard about the Expo. And now here she was. Sure, Mary could have entered one of the dozen plus Rocket Offices that had popped up around the Region in the past twelve months and signed up with Team Rocket at one of those. But that hadn't felt like a Sure Thing. Who could say whether Team Rocket's pardon would last, or whether they would ruin everything by going and committing terrorist acts again?

Now though. The Team Rocket Expo. Well. It all felt very official. Very… final.

And maybe, just maybe, Mary was hoping to run into that Rocket Grunt again after all this time. Hell, he probably wasn't even a Grunt anymore! No, a real go-getter like that, he was almost certainly a Rocket Admin by this point! If she could find him here, at the Expo, then she was certain… she would definitely be able to get into his pants. Yes sir, it was all a matter of approach. She hadn't come at the Grunt from the right angle last time, you see.

This time around would be different. She'd join Team Rocket if she had to. Become a Grunt. And maybe get to work under him directly, if you knew what she meant. Yes… she wouldn't even need a promotion. She just needed his cock again. So very, very badly.


In another part of the Expo, there's another woman who has even greater designs for her future in Team Rocket. As Cool Trainer Tyra looks around, her eyes are narrowed. She's constantly on the look out for her prey, either one of those two Rocket hussies who tied her up and put her ex-boyfriend to sleep… or their Boss, that young man with the slicked back pink hair and the tailored suit.

Needless to say, her encounter with the threesome had left a… noticeable impact on Tyra's psyche. She hadn't even gotten a taste of Cam's D, and yet here she was all the same. Watching those damnable hussies have fun with their Boss while she was tied up had gotten Tyra's engine revving so badly that… well, she'd effectively turned her entire life upside down, all for the chance of getting some alone time with the Rocket Boss.

She'd been on track to perhaps become Pokemon Champion. Or if not that, a member of an Elite Four somewhere. Or if not that, a Gym Leader. It wasn't Champion or bust, after all. You didn't just go and challenge the Elite Four and the Pokemon Champion and then either win or lose and be banished forevermore.

No, there was a lot of status and reputation that came with collecting all eight gym badges and making it to the Elite Four. Some Regions gave more status and reputation than others, but if you could reach the Elite Four, if you could beat a couple of them, or even all of them and make it to the Champion, then you had a solid shot of being scouted out for either an Elite Four spot of your own, or a Gym Leader spot.

Had Tyra wanted that? Of course not, she wanted to become the Pokemon Champion, damn it! But… well, Ray had always talked about shooting for the moon to land among the stars. It wasn't until after she and he got their asses beat by the Boss of Team Rocket that Tyra had realized how ASININE that statement was.

He was settling. Plain and simple. Ray was settling for second best. He was settling for 'good enough'. And he had infected her with that mindset, and almost gotten her to settle too.

They were probably going to get married, and Tyra knew Ray still didn't understand why she'd left him, because he called her once a day even now. She ignored all of his calls, of course, but that wasn't stopping him all the same.

Regardless, Tyra was done. She was done with Ray and his settling. She was done chasing a dream she would never achieve, only to try and be satisfied with second best.

She had a new goal to achieve. She was here to join Team Rocket, and there wasn't a doubt in Tyra's mind that it would be easy enough to climb the ranks. She'd be an Admin in no time, and then… well, then getting some one on one time with the Boss would be easy, right? She'd make him remember her. On her knees, if she had to. On her back, preferably. And she'd finally get a taste of what she deserved, once and for all.


In another part of the Expo stands a young woman who is not… nearly as sure of herself as Cool Trainer Tyra. Looking around, Suzie bites her lower lip as she pushes the stroller she's currently controlling forward.

Silph Co. had paid her a handsome severance package to never talk about her experiences during the Rocket Break-In, but they'd still fired her all the same. It was assumed, when she'd ended up pregnant, that the Rocket who had taken her out of the room had… taken liberties with her. Suzie had NEVER told anyone that he forced himself on her, to be clear. She never would, because it was patently untrue.

Still, Silph Co. had treated her like damaged goods regardless, getting rid of her but also throwing a bunch of hush money her way to keep her quiet, to keep her from blaming THEM for what had happened to her.

It was enough for Suzie to live on for a time, but not enough for her to be comfortable. Not with a newborn son to look after. And so here she was, at the first ever Rocket Expo. Truth be told, Suzie didn't know what she was expecting, in all honesty. She had enough knowledge from the Rocket Break-In to recognize that Team Rocket's new Boss was the freshly promoted Executive that she'd fucked after his old Boss had had him escort her out.

How that had happened, precisely, Suzie did NOT know. But… she had to admit, she was hoping to see him again. Or maybe not see him, but at least leverage a job out of her previous relationship with him. Suzie wasn't expecting to be the man's mistress or anything like that. She wasn't expecting anything for free, in fact.

… But she could hope for some good old fashioned nepotism, couldn't she?

Unfortunately, she didn't see him around. Suzie supposed that did make sense. The Rocket Boss wouldn't just be walking around the Expo all willy nilly, now would he? There were probably tons of people here looking for him specifically in fact, both for better and for worse. Best for him to lie low, to stay safe.

Still, she would have to just go and sign up, wouldn't she? She-

"Suzie, yes?"

Blinking owlishly, Suzie turns to behold a very beautiful red head in a white Rocket Uniform. The Team Rocket Executive cocks her head to the side, waiting a beat until Suzie blushes and hurriedly nods.

"O-Oh! Um, y-yes!"

Smiling, the Executive nods, before looking down at Suzie's infant son in the stroller.

"And this must be Samuel?"

Blinking again, feeling a little out of her depths now, Suzie nods once more.

"J-Just Sam, but yes…"

"Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. Right this way, please."

"M-May I ask what this is about?"

Cocking an eyebrow at her, the Rocket Executive chuckles.

"You're here for a job, I presume?"

"Well… yes."

"You may consider your position in the organization already secured, my dear. The Boss has need of a competent Personal Assistant."

Oh. Oh! Suzie can't help but smile brightly at that. That was what she was good at, truth be told! When she'd lost her job at Silph Co., she had been… a little adrift. On the one hand, having all that money and free time to use on getting ready for the baby had been a relief. She wouldn't have wanted to be pregnant with a high-intensity job like PA to the Silph Co. President.

But after Sam was born, Suzie had been at a loss of what to do next. Being an Assistant was all she knew, really.

"As well… the Boss would like to meet his son."

O-Oh. Of course. Blushing, Suzie nods her head and turns the stroller, following the Rocket Executive out of the main Expo and into the back areas.


In the end, life wasn't fair. Sometimes you got what you wanted… and sometimes you didn't. Not everything worked out the way it should for everyone. There would always be the haves and have nots… but in the end, one thing was for sure. Cam would take care of his own. And for better or for worse, Suzie had managed to find herself in that very rare category.

Mary and Tyra… not so much. But perhaps one day, if they were really, really lucky.


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