Blasting Off! (Pokemon)(Team Rocket OC)

Chapter 69: Cynthia Pt. 2

A/N: If you've enjoyed reading this story and want to hop on board my next story right at the moment of its conception, please check out The Soul Engine for me! It just started today and I'm really excited for it~


It's the hardest match of her life. Cynthia can't remember a time when she was ever on the backfoot before now. And yet… that's exactly what's happening. She's losing. No… she's lost.

Their first two Pokemon had gone down to a mutual knock out. Their next two didn't have any distinct type advantages over one another, and thus took a little longer. But ultimately, Cam wins that fight. He doesn't trade out his Pokemon however, and so she's able to take down his second with her third… only for her third to lose to his second. It's a sign of what's to come, as they go back and forth.

His Team is full of Kanto Natives. Nothing too exotic. Until, of course, they reach the Catastrophe. Cynthia is not… unaware of what's been going on in Kanto and Johto. As Pokemon Champion of the Sinnoh Region, she has to stay abreast of such situations. She was read in on some Top Secret Intelligence way back when she first became Pokemon Champion, learning all about certain Pokemon from the other Regions.

The Catastrophe was one they didn't have much information on. As she faces off against its tentacles with her Spiritomb, Cynthia has to admit to feeling a shiver down her spine at how… enthusiastic and violent and altogether insane the thing's very existence is. But in the end, she manages to take it down… even if it costs her everything.

Finally, she's left with just her Garchomp. Her trusty Garchomp, and nothing else. In turn, Cam calls back his second to last Pokemon, his Dragonite, both of them well aware that he has the advantage here. He has two Pokemon left to her one. He's almost guaranteed to win. And yet, knowing that… he seems to silently decide that it's going to come down to their last Pokemon.

Cynthia doesn't know what he's holding in reserve. There were rumors… but she'd dismissed them.

As Cam throws out his Pokeball, and a familiar Rat Pokemon appears on the ground between them, Cynthia blinks, realizing she really SHOULDN'T have dismissed those rumors.

"… Truly?"

She tries not to sound judgmental as well as incredulous, but she knows she fails. Not just because of the intense look on Cam's face… but the intense look on his RATICATE's face as it turns to her and her Garchomp. Given the first half of the rumor was true, Cynthia decides to treat the latter half of the rumor as true as well. She will not underestimate this Raticate. Especially since the rumors she'd heard and initially dismissed said it was the Raticate straight from Hell.

"Garchomp, Brick Break!"

"Raticate, Hyper Fang."

Their two Pokemon burst forward in unison, Garchomp's claw curling into a fist and glowing with energy. The Fighting Move should have been super effective against Cam's Raticate. And as the Rat Pokemon's fangs glow with power and impact Garchomp's clawed fist, Cynthia winces, expecting the worst for her opponent's Pokemon.

… Except no. A massive plume of smoke goes up, but when the dust settles… it's to the most shocking sight of Cynthia's life. Raticate has met Garchomp's Brick Break with its Hyper Fang… and the two attacks have somehow cancelled each other out. No… not cancelled each other out, Cynthia realizes with a mixture of true horror but also fascination.

As the two Pokemon pull apart, Raticate hopping back and looking smug but no less insane, Cynthia's Garchomp shakes its claws out and makes a noise of confusion in the back of its throat… as blood drips from its appendage. The Raticate's Hyper Fang had struck true… THROUGH the Brick Break.

She meets Cam's eyes… and sees the smug confidence his Raticate has reflected in them. In that moment, the Champion knows… this next attack is all or nothing. If she can't rely on Type Advantages… then she just has to trust in her Pokemon.

"Garchomp… Giga Impact!"

"Raticate, Hyper Beam!"

Cynthia flinches back, something in her spasming in pain at the very IDEA of using a Hyper Beam TM on a Raticate of all things They didn't learn it naturally, that was for shit-sure! But there it is. Even as Garchomp charges forward, glowing with the energy of a Giga Impact, Raticate opens its massive maw, the Hyper Beam growing between its fangs.

The two Pokemon hit at the same time. Another, much larger plume of smoke and dust and detritus goes up. This time, Cynthia has to shield her face with her arm, setting her feet to keep from being blown off them by the shockwave. And then… it's over.

Slowly, the dust settles and Cynthia watches as her Garchomp, still intact but smoking all over his body… slowly slumps to his knees and then falls flat on his face, mere inches from Raticate's feet. In the end… Garchomp never even made it to the Rat Pokemon to discharge his Giga Impact. The Hyper Beam quite literally stopped him dead in his tracks.

Letting out an explosive breath that she didn't even know she was holding in; Cynthia calls back her final Pokemon. It's her loss. She's been defeated. Somehow… somehow, she knew she would be. And yet, she's still shocked. She's completely caught off guard, in fact.

"I get to name my reward now, right?"

Cynthia smiles ruefully as Cam speaks up, inclining her head in agreement.

"Indeed. Its your win, and my loss. Name your reward."

Cam blinks at that, and then tilts his head to the side.

"Name… my reward? You intend to let me choose?"

Cynthia blinks right back.

"Well… yes. That's what I said, of course."

"… You will not make up some story about how as a criminal and a reprobate and a man, I clearly want to fuck you, before stripping naked and demanding that I just 'get it over with' and 'slake my sadistic and vile lusts upon your body'?"

Blinking much more rapidly now, Cynthia's mouth opens and then closes before she shakes her head in mute disbelief. Cam sees this and assumes she's responding to him. For the first time since they've met, Cynthia sees the young magenta-haired man look… floored.

"… Huh."

She's trying to think of a way to broach the subject of his… words, when Cam suddenly smiles brightly.

"Ice Cream."

"E-Excuse me?"

"I have decided. You will buy me Ice Cream."

… Cynthia had known how young Blue was by the way he acted and the fact that he was in fact twelve years old. Cam though… as she looks at Cam, who is much younger than her but still technically an adult… she gets the impression that he's had a… hard sort of life.

This probably isn't the time to bring up how paradoxically GOOD losing to him is making her feel. How warm it's making her. No, probably not. Instead, Cynthia gives Cam a warm, caring smile and bows her head.

"Very well. Ice Cream it is."


"And then she said… 'I'm completely at your mercy. You could do whatever you want with me. So what are you going to do next, huh?'."

"Wow. And what did you say to that?"

"… I said I was going to go talk to Bill and left her there."

Cynthia tries not to laugh. Really, she does. But then she sees the wry grin on Cam's face and realizes his deadpan, long-suffering delivery of that line was MEANT to be funny. Finally letting go, the blonde Pokemon Champion lets herself collapse into a fit of snickering giggles, her ice cream cone almost completely demolished. So is Cam's, for that matter.

Hearing about the young man's journey through the Kanto Region was… eye opening. He had indeed had a hard life. But also… to hear about all those women… Cynthia shakes her head, side-eyeing Cam contemplatively for a long moment as a strangely companionable sort of silence falls over them both. They'd gotten Ice Cream, they'd eaten their Ice Cream, and Cam had told her exactly why he had asked about what he'd asked about.

To say Cynthia was shocked would be an understatement. And yet, sitting beside the young man now… she could sort of understand. No, scratch that. She could really understand. Embarrassing as it was, she HAD come to Kanto for a REASON. And not just to visit the Pokemon Tower as she'd told Blue. She hadn't lied to the boy, necessarily. But…

"So, why did you really challenge me?"

Jolting in her seat, Cynthia looks over at Cam with wide eyes.

"Are you a mind reader?!"

Blinking languidly in response, Cam slowly shakes his head.

"Not unless I'm holding onto Mewtwo's horns, no."

Cynthia's mouth opens and closes like a goldfish at that, but in the end, she decides to just not ask. Better that way, she figures. Shaking her head, Cynthia lets out a sigh followed by a rueful chuckle.

"What? Don't buy that I really wanted to save Blue from your evil wiles?"

Cam gives her a deadpan stare at that.


"And why not, hm? Team Rocket might be legitimate now, but that doesn't mean you're suddenly on the up and up. In fact, from where I'm standing, I'm supposed to see nothing more than a tyrant puppeting poor, innocent blue from the shadows. Or are you going to claim you aren't the power behind the throne?"

Letting out a soft sigh, Cam shakes his head. Cynthia decides to take pit on him, smiling but also half-grimacing.

"After what you've told me… I almost regret my true reason for coming here to face you. I wished… to test my capacity. And I think, deep down inside… I WANTED to be beaten."

His eyes, laser-focused, snap to her in an instant. Cynthia laughs and waves him off, while ignoring the butterflies fluttering in her stomach. She likes when he looks at her like that…

"Not for the purposes of pushing you into fucking me, Cam. I'm not sure what THAT'S all about."

She lied as easily as she breathed.

"Must be something in the water here in Kanto, I suppose."

Or maybe it was Cam himself. Regardless, he buys her composed response and slowly nods.

"… Must be."

"Still, I heard of you. How could I not? We talk, you know. Those of us who stand atop this world. Pokemon Masters. You may not be a Champion. You may not ever challenge the Elite Four. But you stand alongside us."

Cam raises an eyebrow at that, snorting a bit derisively.

"Oh? That simple?"

Cynthia just smiles and nods.

"That simple. You are a Pokemon Master, Cam. The only requirement for becoming one is to defeat another Pokemon Master in battle. And, well… you certainly showed me, didn't you?"

She chuckles at that, even as Cam falls silent at that, tilting his head to the side.

"… Is Lance a Pokemon Master?"

Humming, Cynthia shakes her head.

"Perhaps one day. He and his cousin call themselves Dragon Masters. But no, I would not consider the former Champion to be a Pokemon Master."

Was that snobbish of her? Perhaps, but Cynthia wouldn't deny… she had always found Lance to be… undeserving. Of what? Hmph, of everything, she supposed. She wouldn't deny that he had the potential to grow beyond his current state, but as it was… she wouldn't be holding her breath.

"… I see."

Once again, they fall into remarkably companionable silence. Once again, Cynthia is left unsure what to say. She knows what she wants to say… just as she knows she can't say it.

My oh my. Look at her. Acting like a coquettish, insecure schoolgirl. Hah, how long had it been since her supreme confidence in herself hadn't been enough to carry her through any given situation?

No, rather… a better question would be, how long has it been since she faced defeat like this? How long since she'd lost a match to… anyone?

She should probably go, before she makes TOO much of a fool of herself. And yet, at the same time, Cynthia can't help it. She has to do something. Perhaps… if she keeps it light-hearted, he won't suspect? Perhaps she can leave the door open… for another time?

Standing up, Cynthia waits until Cam's eyes are on her. Then, she hikes up her dress. She notes the way he goes still, but also the way his eyes remain fixated upon her, notably on her long, pale legs, now exposed. Reaching under her dress, the Sinnoh Pokemon Champion hooks her thumbs into the waistband of her lacy, silken black panties… and draws her undergarments down her legs.

"What are you doing?"

By the time Cam has found his voice, its much, much too late. Giving him a teasing, coy grin, Cynthia tilts her head to the side, feigning confusion.

"What does it look like I'm doing? As the victor of our match, you are entitled to the spoils. Alas, as the loser, I am powerless to do anything but accede to your demands. My panties are yours, my good sir. No matter my protests, I know that you shall take them, I know that you shall keep them, and I know that you shall never let me forget this ignoble defeat you have served me."

Reaching out, she takes one of the gobsmacked young man's hands and uncurls it, before placing her balled up underthings into his palm. Curling his fingers back over her lacy black panties, Cynthia straightens up, letting her dress fall back into place as she gives Cam a wink.

"And now, pantyless and a broken woman, I shall begin my walk of shame. How I shall ever recover the pride you took from me today, I know not… but know this… this is not the last you've seen of me."

As she walks away, the wide-eyed look on Cam's face amuses Cynthia to no end. Has he never encountered foreplay before? She might be a little rusty, but she knows how to flirt, she likes to think.

Chancing a glance over her shoulder, she's pleased to see Cam no longer looking after her. Instead he's looking at the panties in his hand… and looks to be struggling to contain a smile.

She'd take it. All the way to the bank, if she could. Oh yes she would.


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